Thursday, April 3, 2008

Last 24 With CF Lungs

Here are a few pics of Tricia's last 24 hours with CF lungs...



fuzzandfuzzlet said...

Yeah, how fun to hit refresh and find something new. The wait must be agonizing...... I hope you get news soon.

(yep, I feel like a stalker)

G Unit Momma said...

Praying for her! I can't sleep.

Amy Lynn said...

Those are beautiful pictures!
I love the ones of her holding Gweneth!
They are precious!!!

I'm still up and praying hard!
Amy in Oregon

00 said...

Those are great pictures, Nate. Unbelievable...

Colleen, Katie and Maddie's Mom said...

What gorgeous pictures!

Despite the late hour I cannot leave the site - I have hit the F5 key more tonight than ever before!

Praying through the night in Suburban Chicago.....

Debbie said...

Great pics, but she will come from the OR with brand news NON CF lungs!! Praise the Lord!! I can not sleep either, I just keep hitting the refresh button, waiting for grand news!!!

Thad and Ann said...

praying for you all, another person who couldn't sleep. :)

These pictures are priceless!

Charlotte Wedding Planner said...

Can't sleep either! The pics are adorable! Thanks for the updates!

Erin said...

The pictures are beautiful. The one of her laying down is heartbreaking. But the ones with Gwyneth are priceless.

I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one sitting hitting refresh every 20 seconds! I feel a little less 'stalker-ish'!

Won't Tricia laugh when she sees just how many of us pulled an all nighter with you! :)

Waiting and praying...

jamie said...

Tricia is ging to be so happy with her new lungs. We will continue to pray, Nate! (Hah fuzz-you seem to be in the company of many stalkers tonight!)

Stephanie D said...

On duty in Hendersonville, NC and checking for news periodically. Prayers in progress.

Cherlyn said...

Yep, I am playing the refresh game as well... anxiously praying for you all!

Beautiful photos!

Unknown said...

Surprised to see the new pics and just loving them.

Lu said...

awww Mother´s Love, beautiful
can´t sleep , waiting for good news :)

Anonymous said...

oh my word tricia you are so beautiful! I miss you so much! I am praying for you girl...I know God has you in the palm of His are so precious to Him!! I LOVE YOU!
anxiously waiting & praying here in mexico!!!!!! love susanna

Bobbi said...

Nate--you are a great photographer! I love the pic of her with her hand close up & it looks like shes far away!!! Still praying. Would you mind if I posted a pic of Tricia on my blog with the prayer request? I read in another comment that someone else did it but I don't want to overstep your privacy.

Jessica said...

I am up praying too...

Princess Talana said...

No more gurgly infected CF lungs!

Naomi said...

Those pictures need no words... they speak volumes. Continuing to pray through the morning. What a glorious sunrise it will be tomorrow, the sun shining through those windows, Tricia will be breathing with healthy lungs.

wolfbaby said...

You have a beatiful family I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers

Adrienne said...

12:50 mountain time...heading to bed, but will have you all in my heart. I'm sorry you have to wait...The pictures are beautiful of your ladies.

Sarah H said...

Just had to logon this morning from England as last night when I went to bed there was no news. Praying for you all - be strong and be brave. God bless.
SarahH from Kent in England

Caroline Cordle said...

I just got out of bed....first things I do is check your Blog. I have tears of complete joy for you both. What am amazing thing God has done for Tricia, for you and for Gwyneth.

I now will continue to pray as she recovers, and that those new lungs will settle in wonderfully to tricia's body and you will all be able to go home together soon!


To God be the Glory!

Love and continued prayers from the other side of the Atlantic.


J Mac said...

I am so amazed at your faith , I admire it and I crave it. I am a mother of two and I am blessed beyond reason but yet still cant claim the faith that you and Tricia have. God has put you here as a witness, and inspiration.Know that you have caused me many times lately to bend a knee and renew my relationship with the lord.

It is almost 2am here in Texas , As I wait for the next update I pray for you,Tricia, Gweneth and the donor family.
Thanks for inspiring me.
Jennifer McDonald

Unknown said...

Oh my...what will you rename your site?

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

lol glad to hear I am not the only stalker.

I do wonder if Nate has this tune in his head....

I always feel like somebody's watching me!
Tell me, it can't be! (who's watching me?)

Oh heck, Nate is probably too young to remember that tune. LOL Now I feel like an OLD stalker.

Adie said...

Another other-side-of-the-Atlantic person - I've just woken up to see the TX going ahead and that your wife is in surgery right now. I'm thrilled for you all, even though I can't even begin to imagine how you are coping with this wait.

Will be thinking of you all during the day.

Anonymous said...

I ws wondering if there were any photos of Tricia and Gwyneth where Tricia didn't have her mask on.

How are you holding up? I'm still prying for you all.

Meg said...

I also can't sleep. It's just about 3am and I keep checking to see if there's any news. You are all still in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping for a wonderful outcome.

Erik said...

I just found your blog and story. So honored to take part in praying for your family. The Lord has blessed you with each other. May He grant you a special peace as you wait. God Bless you!

Unknown said...

Woke up to the update this morning, and my heart beat a little faster.

Beautiful pics, Nate. I'll be checking your blog throughout the day.

Hang in there!

Rooting for you all the way from Sweden,


suzie said...

This is such great news to get up to this morning, praying for you all.

Wilm said...


YOu also have a "stalker" refreshing often in New Zealand.

It's only 8pm here so not so late for me here :-)

I do hope that all goes well and your family will have a wonderful new start.

Thinking of your family and the donor family.

Cheers, Wilm

Anonymous said...

Been up all night praying!
Hope to hear news soon.

sarah. said...

I'm stalking too!

Checking in often... hope you and your family are holding up okay. If their time estimation was right, you should be hearing some news before too long right?

jdphelan said...

Hey Nate. I just got up to feed out little girl. Her name is Noelle, she was born a few months ahead of Gwyneth. I wanted to check the blog before I went back to bed and see if there was any new news with Tricia. I was blessed to find pictures of mommy and baby. Looking at them made me think that it won't be long before Tricia will be awake with Gwyneth in the middle of the night at your house. What a wonderful day that will be. I find that even though I'm tired, those are some of my best moments with Noelle. Its just me and her. Just the girls! What could be better than that? Awesome! Going back to bed, but don't worry..STILL PRAYING!!

Staci said...

I hate that I have to go to bed. I may have to set an early alarm, just so I can check in. I said extra prayers for you, Gwenyth, the donor's family and most of all, Tricia. Big hugs for all of you. I hope this is the first day of the rest of your new life together.

My thoughts are with you all.

1 Samuel 12:24 said...

Beautiful pictures once again! Thanks for sharing those with us. Still waiting and in prayer here at.. 3:09am...

Jenni Stearns said...

Praying constantly for you guys. The pics are great! Thank you for keeping all of us stalkers updated. I really appreciate all the effort that goes into your blog. Praying for many more blessings for you, Trisha and Gwyneth!

Jessica said...

We have been praying since we got up and have gone about business (off to school, doing dishes, etc) several hours ago. Praise God for the time difference that allows us to pray non stop (I am not much at staying up late so I'd be useless on the other side of the Atlantic right now)!
Keeping the prayers up for Tricia & the docs.
The Rinns

jamie said...

Or "Privateyes are watchin you, watchinyou"(Hall&Oats)lol Nate you're too young for that one too? lol. Could be the night crew is gettin puchy! But still prayin! Hopeyou hear somthing soon, Nate. ((((HUGS)))

marcia said...

Priceless, Nate!

Amy said...

Still up and praying!

jamie said...

Nate,about 6 hours in surgery

now. Praying you'll have good news soon.
Forgive our punchiness in prior posts please;)

God Bless,
Jamie in Texas

Unknown said...

It's official...I'm a stalker too. I've tried to go to bed, but just can't. Thanks for the updates and energy you put into the blog to keep us posted.

Mary Knapp Yahoo said...

3:16AM here in Ohio. Woke up and had to come downstairs to check on Tricia. Beautiful pictures of both Mom & Gwyneth and Dad & Gwyneth! Will spend some time in prayer for Tricia and head back up. Looking forward to finding the "She is out of surgery and doing well" post in the morning!!!!!

KinaMoondancer said...

Amazing!! You are amazing Nate, and Tricia! You are an elite soldier! OMG I am so happy!

Unknown said...

Hi Nate,

Those are beautiful pictures. We've been holding you all heavy in our hearts all night here in England. I kept waking up and checking here and to see the latest news.

I am heading to church here in an hour or so and everyone involved in Tricia's surgery and care as well as yourself, Gwyneth and Tricia will be top of our prayer list.

I hope the surgery is going well.

Bless you all.

Sinead, over here in England.

Anji said...

Like so many other people have been thinking of you and your family, along with the wonderful person who is giving Tricia the most amazing gift this morning.

I hope that surgery has gone well for her, and recovery will be kind to her

the last couple of posts of photos are just breathtaking

hoping you get to see your wife safe soon

Sonja said...

I guess there are alot of us staying up tonight just waiting to hear something. May God comfort you and your family during this waiting period.

The pictures were beautiful. You truly are a family made by God. You are truly blessed Nate. Thank you for allowing us to share in a bit of your family time. I will continue praying.

In Christian Love and support

Bailey said...

what a beautiful bride you have nate! woke up and had to check before i went back to bed....i hope you get some wonderful news real soon!

Kate said...

Heart-touching pictures. They say more than any words can express.

Continuing to pray over here in Oregon.

Dea said...

Waking time here in Ireland. Dreamt about you guys and prayed throughout a restless sleep. Love the pictures. I think it's about 3:30am there now. Praying that the surgeons hands are guided by the Holy Spirit and that God gives Tricia the strength to recover. Your courage and faith in this difficult time has given so many of us hope and inspiration. Thank you. Still praying...

Barbara Turner said...

The pictures are wonderful! Gwyneth is so beautiful and alert. I will be praying for Tricia through the night, as well as for you as you wait.

Jayne said...

Judt logged in and got a huge, huge suprise.

Fingers crossed that all is going well. Lots of best wishes to you all.

Rose Casell said...

Me and my baby girl are up, praying with you! (3:30 a.m.)

Anonymous said...

Was thinking of you guys just before going to bed. Very tender pictures.

Kathy said...

That fuzzy haired Gwyneth is sure a darling. Both your girls are gorgeous. It's been a privilege to continue to pray late into the night from Canada's west coast. Praying God will do more than can be imagined or even thought of. Blessings.

anno said...

Praying for you all from Sydney Australia, Have been following your story for a few weeks now.
God's will be done.
In tears
Anne, Ian, Michael and Georgiana

Anonymous said...

Sorry, put wrong ID on last comment...
Anne (Sydney)

Brown Eyed Girl said...

I am up in the middle of the night and had to check on all of you. Thanks for the glimpse of yesterday through photo's. I know the waiting must be agonizing.
God in heaven continue to be with the doctors as they are finishing the transplant. Give them steady hands after long hours of very sensitive work. Make those new lungs work. Make them come alive in Tricia's body. We trust you and believe that you can perform miracles. Thank you for loving us.

Anonymous said...

This is the third time in the last nine months that I've gotten to read a "we got the call and the lungs are a go" blog for a CF patient. A year ago, I barely knew what it was and now, I've gotten to pray for 3 incredible ladies who have inspired me to live a better life. The other two are already home and getting back to a NEW normal (unlike any they'd ever known - with healthy lungs!) and I can't wait to read about Tricia going home and raising that baby. Praise the Lord - He is SO GOOD! I'm praying for smooth surgery, skillful hands and quick healing. The pictures will be an awesome middle of your album of life. Out of the fire will come such an incredible testimony! Rest when you can.

Unknown said...

I couldn't sleep and got on the internet. Hadn't had time to check your blog earlier today. So I know that God wanted me up and praying for you in the middle of the night. May you feel his comfort and strength and the peace that passes all understanding.

Catherine said...

Woke up to check on how she is doing. I will pray until I fall asleep again :)

65redroses said...

Hi Nate,

I'm up with you all night as well! Seems appropriate.
Just an odd little fact for you, one that no one told me about before the TX.
After I woke up from the coma (1 week post), like, fully woke up, I couldn't sleep. I didn't sleep for 9-10 days. I thought I was going to die from lack of sleep. I know Tricia experienced that pre-transplant but just thought you should know it's normal post as well. Now I sleep most of the time, only every 2 weeks or so I have a sleepless night. I'm glad tonight is one of them.
To make you feel less alone I will post pics on my site throughout the night. I am so glad to be let in on this journey with you and so many others here. I feel like I missed out on the excitement on my own transplant (what can I say, I was asleep) Very happy to stay up and keep watch with you.
In my heart, and soul and prayers,
Your friend,

p.s. one of my best friends made this for you tonight. She is 1.5 years post transplant.¤t=Video3.flv

1 Samuel 12:24 said...

still praying for you all.. though I'll be taking a few hours of shuteye while remembering to.. "Be still, and know that He is God; He will be exalted among the nations, He will be exalted in the earth!"

Marjolein said...

This is the best news to wake up to!
I'm keeping Tricia in my thoughts

Carol said...

I love the new pictures. I hope Tricia is almost out of surgery or already out!

mom2aboyngirl said...

Praying as well. I couldn't sleep either. Isn't the Holy Spirit amazing!

Kathy in Delaware

jamie said...

Sheesh-I had no idea the bottom of this laptop got so hot! And slower than molasses when it gets that way!! Hang in little puter. We have to see about Tricia! 7 hours now Nate. Hang in there. We're stayin with y'all and praying. God Bless.
(((HUGS)))) Jamie in Texas

The Browns said...

These are amazing pics. You 3 will look back at these one day and say that was the day mommy's life changed forever. Im another person who cant sleep here worried and praying for her. Even with my sleeping meds my bosy wont let me sleep I have woken up every single hour to make sure she is doing ok. Im sending her kick CF butt prayers all night long!! She is a total insperation to me and gives me the strength and courgage to have my lung transplant when the time comes.

Marc and Charity said...

Precious, precious pictures! thanks for sharing those with us.

We are just now finding about her transplant this morning here in Wales and we are praying!!!

BRYAN'S YAYA said...

Godspeed Tricia, Nathan and Gwyneth. I love the last pic in "Waiting for Mommy"

Bryan's YaYa

pinkirish said...

Good morning, we are waiting and praying xxx
God bless

Anonymous said...

The pictures of your wife and daughter are precious. I'm praying for you all out here in CA!!

RtsSearchr said...

I'm here, too! Prayers being said...

renee said...

Hi Nate, I am, I have & i will! continue 2 be praying for your 2 miracle girls. This story is an amazing testimony of God`s hand at work!God Bless all 3 in Jesus name i pray! AMEN!
Renee (New Zealand)

Sam said...

What wonderful news Tricia got her call, I have my fingers crossed for all three of you. What beautiful photographs you take Nate, you really are talented. Thank you for writing on your blog at such a tough time. I read the news that there was a potential pair of lungs before I went to bed and I couldnt sleep so I woke up in the middle of the night to read your blog only to find they had given it the go ahead - was so pleased to read. xx

bkmanary said...

Sleepless in Vancouver, BC, just watching and praying. Glad that in Christ there is no East, West, North, South or times zones!
Love the new posted photos, esp the one that Tricia is able to let her mask down and kiss her little miracle girl.
Sending support and thoughts from the Pacific Coast.
Karen et al

Jo said...

Hi Nathan

I've been visiting the site almost daily since before Gwyneth was born. Had to write when I got on tonight...I'm in Australia, not sure what time it is over there, it's 7.41pm 03/04 here. Hope all is well, my prayers are with your family.

Sonia said...

Those are beautiful pictures! I really loved the ones of her with Gwyneth. They were absolutely beautiful! I'm praying for her everytime I think about you guys. God bless all of you.

Suzi said...

Hi Nate
I have followed your story in absolute awe for a while now. I must confess- I do not pray. However I have never,ever,in my long legged life ever seen such a heart-warming story as yours & Tricia's & bubba Gwyneth's.
I am using my bestest kind thoughts for you all at this time. The photo of Tricia with White Rose & the fuzzy hairdo is just the bomb !!! You have a beautiful wife & baby Nathan.
Oh - one more thing- I was just watching the video of your wedding this morning when your NEWS of TX came on the site - I have never seen such a beautiful wedding - ever - Arms,legs,fingers& toes crossed for youdr gorgeous wife's OP.
Love from Me in New Zealand xxxx

jamie said...

Uh, Nate, I may have worn out the refresh button here....still praying. Hoping she may be in recovery by now? It will be 8 hrs shortly. ((((HUGS)))

God Bless you all
Jamie in Texas

Shandelle said...

Yeah it's 3 AM and I'm checking in!

What beautiful pictures!!

Carol Jackson. said...

Beautiful pictures!

Still praying.

Our Family! said...

What beautiful pictures of your girls, Nate!!! We love them. You can always "spot" a true photographer when you get all the fun and unique angles that the rest of us don't think about! What a gift/treasure you are for how well you have documented this journey, with both of your girls! Thank you for continuing to share your family with the world! As always, we are praying without ceasing for you all!

Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

Coralyn said...

Wonderful pictures! Praying all is going well! :)

Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how much I love seeing pictures of Tricia with Gwyneth. I have two children, a 5-year-old that no longer wants to snuggle and a 10-month-old who would let me snuggle her all day if I could. I know the bond that moms and kids have and it just melts my heart to see pictures of her with Gwyneth.

Don't get me wrong, I love seeing pictures of you and Gwyneth, Nate, (especially the last one of you and her waiting for Tricia!) but there is just something about a mom and baby bond.

I pray that you hear the good news of Tricia's surgery completion soon!

Marge Sexton said...

Love these pictures! What precious girls you have!
Continuing to Pray! I can picture the Almighty Physician in charge of it All! Big Hugs!

Becky said...

Great photos!

Marsmile said...

Beautiful photos!! So peaceful and glowing! I think my favorite one would have to be of Tricia kissing Gwyn's cute fuzzy head! :-)


Tina said...

Can't wait to see the 'after' pictures!! I can't's going to be amazing!

Patience Leino said...

Tricia, you are absolutely beautiful.

kidsworld said...

I love the 6th picture down...I only wish I knew what she is thinking...

refreshing in ohio

Em said...

These are awesome pictures. I love looking at Tricia with Gwyneth.

Katy said...


Charles said...

I haven't commented before but wanted to thank you for sharing such precious photos. I came upon your blog a few weeks ago through a link from another blog. It is a blessing to see your sweet Gwyneth, my best friend had a micro preemie born at 22.5 wks gestation. Anyhow, we have been praying for you and your sweet family. What a blessing it is to see the surgery was successful! Praise to the LORD!!!

Sonja said...

The pictures with Gwyneth made me cry... so precious. Great pictures Nate, you really captured some beautiful moments.

Unknown said...

I love the ones of her and Gwyneth!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family.

Kim said...

These are priceless!

Em said...

You have a great talent for photography, Nate. Praying for Tricia!!

Cara said...

She is so beautiful.

Charissa said...

I love that Tricia got to feel Gweneth against her lips and without a mask before her surgery!

Amanda said...

Love the pictures of Tricia with Gwyneth, so special, so sweet.

Anonymous said...

Amazing, just absolutely amazing. God bless all of you.

NCBeachMom said...

my favorite pic is the 5th one sweet of Tricia and Gwen...