Monday, April 14, 2008

Feed Me!!!

The pics of Tricia are from yesterday...first time she has been able to feed Gwyneth.



00 said...

These pics are awesome!! Thanks for sharing :-)

~*~Bre~*~ said...

Awesome. Very, very sweet!!

clara said...

Beautiful! Thanks for posting these. :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures and how exciting that Tricia got to feed the baby! Still praying!!
Stacy :-)

TsMom ~ Karen ~ Durbette said...

What a blessing to see...Thank you for sharing!

Continuing to pray for all of you,

Rick Lawrenson said...

Groovy hat on that girl!

CulyQFun said...

Cute pictures!!! Thanks for posting.

Carol said...

Amazing. They both look so great--and you, too, Nate! I love Gwyneth's new hat, too.

jamie said...

Nate, That's just about the sweetest most beautiful site I ever saw! Tricia, you look beautiful and so does your daughter! Just wonderful pics.
God Bless you all
Jamie in Texas

BS said...

Such a wonderful experience (finally) for Tricia. A great mother she will be.

Queen Mommy said...

Sweet! I'm so in love with that hat!! That's exactly what I needed when my twins were preemies! LOL
Keeping your family in my prayers,

Jennifer said...

Wow, what a great moment for both Tricia and Gwyneth. Got to be therapeutic for both of them!

Anonymous said...

I heart the camo hat! Great pictures. It's always touching to see a mother feeding a child, but this has to be the most profound and miraculous image I've seen yet.

Kerry said...

Thanks for sharing Nate. What a blessing shared with all of us.
Many Prayers coming your way from Michigan

Shannon said...

So glad to see them together. I know that your heart must have been bursting with love watching those two. I am so glad that you are a gifted photographer and capture all those wonderful moments. You are a beautiful family. I cannot believe how much Gwyneth has grown. She's adorable.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

Blessings From Above said...

Love the pictures! Thanks for sharing such a special moment with us.

Tricia, you look GREAT!

Momof2bz said...

Those pictures are just beautiful! I hope that this is the real start of your beginning as a healthy happy family. Tricia looks beautiful. I hope that you are feeling some relief soon. Gwyneth is just too cute. I love her outfit and colorful sheet. Thank you for sharing!

Emily said...

What sweet pictures! Thanks for letting us have a peek into your lives!

ShEiLa said...

How precious are those photos Nate. You need a photography award. Are you a professional photographer? Wow! I am so glad that 'your Tricia' got to feed Gwenyth. [Life is Anything but Ordinary] toodles, Sheila, NV

the VanKoevering's said...

That hat is so cute!! Thanks for sharing!

Praying in Michigan

Leah Courtney said...

How sweet! I love the pink cammo.


Anonymous said...

I see God's miraculous work in progress, what a wonderful sight. Congratulations on your story making the front page of the Virginian Pilot newspaper here in Hampton Roads today. Continuing to pray for you all. ((( ))) Hugs for you all.
God Bless,
The Shepards

Andy Lawrenson said...

flippin sweet!

mom nana nelson said...

now those are beautiful, touching,
wonderful sweet pictures.......
so good to see beautiful tricia with her adorable perfect daughter...
so good to see you three togeather
i can only imagine the feelings it stirs with......
i also would like to say,
what a good looking family you are.........=) =)
as always
praying for you all
p.s. i just love Gwyneth's hands and oh theres something about her feet i love em' too& her smile is just breath taking
and look at Gwyneth holding onto her bottle..there is no holding her back..she is a real go getter just like her Parents.

Vicki said...


Catherine said...

It is so nice to have you back blogging:) Thanks for posting the pictures...together again-what a picture!!!

Jane said...


Bobbi said...

These are wonderful!!! Gwyn is getting so big & Tricia looks a lot better. I am glad that she was able to feed her sweet baby girl.

ronchristymyers said...

Nate and Tricia,

It is so exciting to see Tricia up and able to go in to feed Gwyenth. I remember the first time I got to feed my son his bottle in NICU. It was wonderful feeling. Our family prays for you guys. Now we can't wait til your all home together in Nags Head having fun and walking on the beach. Thanks for the updates and pictures

amanda said...

Sweet and special! Love the hat!

Praying, praying, praying....

Love my boys! said...

So glad to see pictures of Tricia again. She looks very good...her color is great! All of you are getting closer to being home together :-)

I love Gwyneth's outfit! Beautiful...thank you again for sharing!!


Anonymous said...

Your circumstances have been so different from the traditional first time young mom caring for her precious newborn...but it just struck me in these pictures how there are so many things that are the same. Your intense looks as you watch her, try to feed her the best way, etc. just all reminded me of how I felt when I had my daughter. Your love for her is written all over your face and it's such a sweet thing to see. I continue to pray for you and your daughter as I put my own daughter (now 19 months) to bed each night. You are a great mom NOW and I know that God will continue to bless you in the days ahead! :)

Melody said...

Now I think Gwyneth looks a lot like Tricia in these pictures. And look at Gwyneth holding onto her own bottle! Tricia, you are the woman for being so strong!

Classy Fab Sarah said...

Such a beautiful, amazing family! Thank you for posting - it is beautiful to see all of you together.

Jill in Raleigh said...

Beautiful moments!! I cannot fathom the emotional spectrum you all have been on for the past few months...Tricia is such a beautiful person, wife and mother...through all her own situations...she continues to look upward and outward to others and make positive gains each day. She is truly inspirational to those of us who are praying and watching from a distance.

Your whole family has touched my life. Thank you for sharing your journey.

Dawn said...

How WONDERFULLY exciting for Trish...well, you TOO Nate, but Trish gets an extra I love it! I can't wait until you all get to go home together as a family. Thank you so much for your wonderful life story. I thought I'd share you can also become an organ donor thru your Military ID now?? Mine has been in place for a few years, but I don't think many are aware! There is a little "heart & ribbon" symbol they put next to your signature:) Semper Fi

Julie Nickerson said...


kidsworld said...

Thank you for "feeding" us this wonderful post! So glad that your girls are together again.

refreshing in ohio

Tracy said...

Beautiful Pictures ...


Lara said...

What sweet pictures! I am praying daily for you guys! May the Lord continue to comfort your family!

Carol said...

These are very beautiful pics! Thanks.

Kim said...

What an adorable outfit! Too cute!

Heather said...

Oh, yay! Congrats!!!!

Anonymous said...

awesome! I thank ya'll so much for posting these. what a doll! God Bless :)

megasam said...


Anonymous said...

Look at Gwenyth eating her bottle right up!! She is getting so big! !Thanks for sharing your photos & for a great update!

my3 kids said...

Wow, what beautiful pictures of your 2 girls. We are praying very hard for your family. All the Best!

Aspiemom said...

Again, Nate, you have so much talent with your camera!! Your pictures are amazing!

I'm so happy that Tricia got to finally feed her daughter! What a special time, feeding her miracle baby that she'd prayed so long for!

Aspiemom said...

Her outfit matches the hat, doesn't it?

Kristal Sawyer said...

Wow! She is getting so big. What a cutie!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NC Buckeye Fans said...

looking at your pictures brought me back to feeding my little guy in the hospital. we used to have a party in the nursery when he went up another 10 ml!!! i know you are celebrating every little moment too. she is growing so fast! you won't believe how much faster it will go once you are home! enjoy every minute.

Unknown said...

That is the best pictures yet!! :)

NCBeachMom said...

sweet pics! thanks for sharing!


Unknown said...

I'll be glad when Tricia can have Gwyneth all to herself! Soon!

Anonymous said...

That is so precious. Tricia... you must be so excited to be able to feed your angel for the first time. Wonderful. :D

Unknown said...

These pictures are priceless....thank you for sharing them with us. Continuing to pray.....

Alisa from Eugene, OR

Emily said...

You are so great at capturing the sweetest moments. Good for you guys for not letting any of your memories go undocumented. I am sure that Tricia is treasuring every second she gets to hold that sweet baby girl.
Love the hat that Gwyneth is wearing!!!

Anonymous said...

What amazing pictures! I LOVE the pink camo outfit Gwyneth is wearing and of course Tricia looks beautiful as always!!

Lesley said...

So sweet! Love the hat...she's a stylish babe! ;-)
I think that's the first picture I've seen of Trisha and Gwyneth w/o her mask.
Continuing to pray for strength and healing for both of your girls.

Marsmile said...

Such a cutie patootie!! Luv Gwyn's cute lil hat. Tric looks great, so do you, Nate.

Glad Gwyn's eatin' and eatin'--> growin' and growin'. :-)

Thanks for sharing these kewl pixs!
Marissa :-)

Anonymous said...

My nine year old son just came into the computer and asked, "What about that man and his wife? And their baby?" I pulled up your site and he pretty much giggled. He has been so tender towards you and your story. It is not typical so I am thrilled. Know that a sweet little boy in Texas is still praying for you.

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Thanks for sharing such a great moment with us.
God Bless.

Kay said...

Wow! Neat pictures!!! I keep scrolling up and down, looking at them.

Sweet To Our Seoul said...

The sweetest sight I have seen today!! What a blessing!!


Nana2Six said...

I love that some of our " I can't wait until you ...'s are coming to pass! Amazing! Nate and Tricia every day you continue to remind me of what being a Christian is all about. Blessings..and sleep well tonight.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the pink camo hat! GREAT photos! Tricia looks fantastic!

Rebekah said...

Such precious photos! Thanks for sharing!

JUST A MOM said...

how very sweet I come and I read but I am just a spot on the earth of yrou big life so I do not comment every time I think that is just beautiful!!!!

Kristen said...

Tricia doesnt need the mask on now to see baby?
Thank you for sharing everything that you have shared!

Angela R. said...

Thank you for sharing. It was so uplifting to see your 2 beautiful girls in these pictures!! Simply amazing!

God Bless!

LindsayS said...

Your girls look great!

Leslie said...

I love Gwyneth's hat. I am praying that you all get to go home together!

Lisa said...

That is adorable! And I love the sheets on Gwyneth's big girl bed!!

Anxious AF said...

so precious!

Hannah Banana said...

Love the pictures! Thanks for posting them! :)

Blessings From Above said...

Congratulations! Tricia looks GREAT and I love Gwyneth's hat. Too cute!

Susan from Barrie said...

God Bless you Tricia! Amazing... I'm so pleased for you moma!

elj377 said...

I'm a teacher and my class will be very excited when they get to see these pictures tomorrow...we have been following your story and the kids love to find out how Tricia, and baby Gwyn are doing...Way to go Mama! Way to go Daddy! Way to go Gwyneth! Way to go GOD! Love and prayers from KC

katrenia1 said...

The pictures are beautiful as always. I just want to give Gwyneth a big kiss. I love to see everyone looking so well. God bless you all.

Erin said...

Precious. Thanks for sharing!

Beth Anne said...

Aww, how sweet - and special!

Praying for all three of you tonight.

Violet said...

they are looking awesome! How great she must feel being able to finally feed her baby.

momoflots said...

Thank you for sharing your story. I just found this two days ago. My husband's dearest friend had CF. He also was a beautiful, Godly man who was the instrument God used to bring my sweetheart to the Lord. He entered heaven 20 years ago, just 6 months after being our best man in out wedding. Back then the technology wasn't available to do double lung transplants, although some CF patients did recieve heart-lung transplants. Scott and his wife did discuss this option briefly but he was much to ill. I was praising God while I read your story for the advances made so that your family can thrive and bring God the glory through your journey. Scott's passing has left an unfillable hole in our life but we know we will have eternity to spend hanging with him!! It was an honor to be a part of his life and it is an honor to share a part of your life. Your are in our prayers.

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

These pictures are worth more then anything... this is so gorgeous... take care

Corinne said...

These pictures made me smile.

Kailah said...

So sweet!! And I LOVE the outfit, BTW. So precious!

Courtnie said...

Thank you for sharing this. I got tears in my eyes when I saw it.

sandra said...


Kate said...

Great pictures! Praying for you all!

Denise said...

She has such perfect little hands. Thanks for sharing.

Deb said...

Fun! I'm glad Tricia got to do that... better get used to that real quick!
That is a super cute outfit and hat on Gwyneth. It's always important to look cute on lunch dates :)
We're praying!

Katy said...

What a special moment! Thanks for sharing these pictures. The girls are looking wonderful!

bkmanary said...

It is true, a Picture says a Thousand Words! Thank you for sharing such an intimate moment. Miracles abound!
Karen et al
Vancouver, BC

Sheila said...

What a great joy for all of you! (Thankyou God for the new blessings we are reading about every day on this blog.) I imagine it must be so good for you, Tricia, to get to nurture Gwyneth after so many months of being a patient and receiving care. As a fellow mother of preemies, I know how hard it is to have a baby in the NICU, and how much it meant to me when I got to spend time with them and care for them. I'm praying for you to keep on recovering smoothly, to get more mommy-time every day.

Tammy said...

Absolutely beautiful and amazing!! So great to see mom and daughter together again. I continue to pray for healing and strength for Tricia each day. Tricia is an amazing woman!! Thanks for taking time to share the pictures!!

debangel said...

Where's Gwyneth?? In half the pictures I can't find her at all!!

::grins:: guess the camo hat really works!

Tricia, you look beautiful! Hang onto that surgical mask when you go home, it's good to protect against apit-up and diaper odors ;)

Kirst said...

THat is so awesome. And what a cute hat Gwyneth is wearing. Love it.

Candace said...

Gosh, I know what it is like to have a preemie in the NICU, but I can't imagine what Tricia has been through not being able to see little Gwyneth very much. It is exciting to see her feeding her in these pics, though. Praise the LORD that she has come this far!

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

What sweet photos! Gwyneth is getting cuter by the minute.

Hugs from El Paso,

Our beautiful mess... said...

Thanks for sharing! They are beautiful! I asked everyone that reads my blog to put you guys on your prayer list and told them what a blessing reading your story has been to me! Thanks for that!
Your sister in Christ,
Columbus, OH soon to be Kingwood, TX

suzie said...

Tricia I want to send you the biggest (((HUG))) in the whole world this morning, keep going hun you're doing brilliantly. I know this bit is really hard, especially learning to breathe with new lungs but it WILL get easier.

Priceless pics Nate.

Still praying, God Bless you all.

Caroline Cordle said...

Just catching up on some posts, and seeing this was WONDERFUL!!! What a special thing for Tricia to finally get to do.

Praying for her recovery - that she would feel those lungs working strongly, and that her pain would reduce. God is able!

Love and prayers.

Fermina Daza said...

Loving the hat!!

Thank you so much for allowing us to share in this miracle. Our prayers remain with you all.

Scott said...

What a special moment, thanks for sharing!

Shari said...

What a sweet moment for Tricia and for Daddy to see, too. Tricia looks great! Still praying for them both and you, too! Blessings!

Doripink said...

Love the hat...She is SOOOO cute and the love in you and Tricia's eyes when you look at her is amazing...makes my heart swell.

Terri said...

What a blessing to see Tricia feeding Gwyenth. I love Gwyenths new hat, very cool! Praying for quick healing Tricia.

Love and prayers!

Anne said...

So precious!

Kim said...

Wow - you can really see that Gwyneth is filling out now. She's getting cheeks on her (not yet chubby, but give 'em time!) You all look great!!

Jen in Al said...

incredibly wonderful to see Mommy feeding her baby! and daddy too!:) so thankful you all are experiencing these special moments! continuing to pray, jen in al

John & Michelle said...

We are so happy for the three of you! May the healing and blessings keep on coming!

Christy said...

Those are great pictures. The one of Tricia feeding her makes her look big. I can't believe how much she is growing. It is so good to see Tricia up and at it. Hope all is well there.
Christy in KY


What wonder!!!

Destini said...

When I see the pictures of Tricia and the baby, I just can't help but be overcome with tears...just thinking of the sacrifices she has made in order to be a mom to that beautiful baby and give her the best start in life possible. A sacrifice isn't a sacrifice unless it costs you something. Tricia has certainly paid the price. I am so excited to see the way the Lord has blessed her so richly and has given her the desires of her heart. I continue to pray for her health and healing and continued strength.
Praying also for the baby's continued growth and great health and for you, Nate as well as the rest of your support network.

E :) said...

Tricia and Gwyneth look fantastic! I'm so pleased for you all. Hoorah!

Sara said...

This has made my day!

jerilynn said...


My Busy Boys said...

Beautiful! Tears of Happiness and Joy running! Praise God! Still praying in North Woods, WI


Laura said...

What glorious pictures, thank you for sharing them. Hoping both the girls are feeling well today.

Unknown said...

So, Nate, if you didn't already notice (ha!), your wife is overwhelmingly gorgeous. I don't look that good even when I TRY, but Tricia is radiant without effort, even with 100 staples, chest tubes, etc.

Thanks for keeping us updated. We continue to pray for all of you.

Sarah (and Nathan) Tillman

Kim said...

This is a very beautiful and special moment. Thank you so much for sharing. Your photography is really wonderful. Nice work.

Rachel said...

Yeah Tric,
Congrats on getting to feed your little (but growing) Gwyneth. Praying that each day you get healthier and soon you and Gwyneth will be going home. Praying for rest for you and Nate as you recover.
Rachel in PA

Jenny said...


Thanks for posting them. :)

cmziall said...

Thanks for sharing Tricia's first feeding with Gwyneth!

BTW, do you have a boppy? That would work great for Tricia holding Gwyneth!

God Bless,
Michelle in MO

Sonia said...

First of all, I'd to say how great it is to Tricia feeding her daughter. Beautiful picture! And second, I LOVE Gwyneth's hat! That is adorable! Great pictures. We're still praying for you and your families.

Andrea said...

What beautiful photos & what a great moment for mommy & baby!!!

Jenny, John, Jennah, Abby said...

Precious!!! I really love the pic of Tricia and Gwyneth where Gwyneth's two pointer fingers are touching... it looks like she is talking to Tricia!! And especially in the picture where you are feeding her, Nate, she is really looking GREAT!! Tricia is looking fabulous as well! You and your fam keep on truckin'!!

Much Love,
The Vande Castles

christina said...

What beautiful pictures. Tricia and Gwyneth both look great.

Fire Hunt said...

I was So glad to feed my twins for the fist time when they were preemies. Continuing to pray for all of you.

HIS daughter said...

Wow! Those pictures are so beautiful :) Thanks for sharing them!

The Mom said...

Love, love, love the pink camo! All we get here at Ft. Knox is green or brown!! Your family is in my prayers daily!

Tracy Anne said...

Both your girls are so beautiful! I am praying for your entire family Nate. Is our God Awesome or what!? I dig Gwyneth's duds too.

Football and Fried Rice said...

I love seeing Tricia & Gwyneth together!! Beautiful! said...

What a wonderful day! Thanks for sharing the pictures. How special to be able to feed your baby girl. I rejoice with you!!

Crystal at My Three Ring Circus

Scott said...

How sweet it is!

andiewade said...

wow! i can't believe how much she's changed and how big she's getting! what a strong tiny little girl.

andiewade said...

wow! i can't believe how much she's changed and how big she's getting! what a strong tiny little girl.