Tuesday, April 8, 2008

White Rose Blooming (3 Months)

(While we do NOT believe that, speaking of the big picture, that anything that has ever happened in our lives is truly an "accident", from our human perspective, we never would have guessed we'd be where we are right now...)

Last Month, I went for the tear-jerker. This month, I just wanted to make people smile. I know I smiled when I watched this as a finished product, and I think you will to.

Here are three months worth of pictures of my two girls and the love we share.

("Accidentally In Love" by Counting Crows)

Watch all of the CFHusband Videos Here!


The promised birthday update and pics are coming soon (and you will be amazed!)!


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careysue said...

That was just beautiful, I loved the smile pictures!!!

bdodge said...

thank you

Shannon said...

Amazingly beautiful.Still praying for you guys. I can't wait for more pictures. Your girls amaze me daily.

Anonymous said...

How awesome is that! Our God is truly amazing!! Thanks for taking the time to post this for us. (I truly am a junkie!! I have been sitting here refreshing to see if you posted the birthday pictures yet!)

Just Me - MJ said...

Adorable! You have been blessed with a beautiful family.

Amanda @ www.kiddio.org said...

Wow, that was so beautiful. The music you chose was so lovely and so upbeat! Says things must be going pretty well :)
Good for you, Nate for taking a break. Seems like things were really piling up!
Your beautiful family is in our thoughts and prayers.

Professor TIllman said...

Ahhhhhh! I love it. Seeing that was the best part of my day, Nate.

Praying continually,

Sarah T

Michelle said...

Loved it!! Thanks for sharing your sweet family with us!!

Blessings From Above said...

Although not a "traditional" tear-jerker, I must be a baby because I still had tears of joy watching this video!

God Bless you all...

C said...

So cool how you guys love each other so much and how you don't take a minute for granted! We should all follow that example!

Kerry said...

Great video once again! I hope you have enjoyed your time away from the blog. You deserve the break!

cmziall said...

Awesome job, once again, Nate! I loved the picture at 2:46, it looks like she could be riding a roller coaster. . ."what an awesome ride" she seems to be saying/thinking!

Still praying. . .

God Bless,
Michelle in MO

Estelle said...

Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jesse and whit... said...

i smiled through the whole thing. so awesome. praise the Lord for His love and power. thanks so much for posting that. you guys rock!

JennyWho said...

WONDERFUL! What a great family you are! I love ALL the photos - they did make me smile. I'm so grateful to you and Tricia for sharing all of this with us out here in cyberspace - it is truly a blessing. Praying many many many more months full of blessings for your beautiful family -

J. in OH

Anonymous said...

Awwwww! The last two pics in that sequence are just priceless. Still praying for your beautiful girls!

nicole said...

i love that almost all of the pictures of gwyneth now are of her being HELD!!! yay! what a month! still praying for you and hoping all 3 of you are finding the rest you need.

Beth said...

Adorable!!! It's definitely been an eventful and exciting 3 months for your family. Can't wait to see what the next month holds for all of you. :o)

Candi said...

Another great video, Nate!! I love the pics right after her bath where her hair is all frizzy!! I always loved that about my boys when they were babies!

Laura Lee said...

Wow, three months! congratulations on this huge milestone. Happy Birthday, Gwyneth.

Tricia, keep getting stronger each day. You'll all be home together before you know it.

Sherri Thacker said...

WOW! Just beautiful!! Thanks so much for sharing with all of us.

L said...

I have a big grin on my face. Your family is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT!! That was all spunky and fun. Great photos!!


Heidi Reed

Maddy said...

Well, it made me tear up, does that count? Thanks for sharing them...all beautiful!

Chelle' said...

Seriously???? How sweet are your girls? I am indeed all smiles.

Laurie in Ca. said...

Oh, life is so good all of the time. My heart just danced as I watched how far you and your girls have come over the past three months. A true miracle of Gods grace that keeps going and going and going:):):) I just love this and love the Lord for blessing me through your amazing story that has just begun. You guys rock.

Love, Laurie in Ca.

Jenny said...

That was awesome! :)
You're very good with putting the pictures with songs that work so well together.
I can't wait for the birthday post! :)

Nicole said...

So wonderful. I loved watching it! Your girls are so beautiful Nate. Praying for all 3 of you everyday.

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

Loved the video! So sweet! The picture of gwyneth with her arms thrown open wide is so precious. I used to play a game with my daughter where I would hold her hands and ask "How Big Is Kaitlyn? She's Soooooo Big!" and I would open her arms wide. That picture reminds me of that because "Gwyneth is Soooo Big now!" Blessings!

Karen said...

oh heck I smiled my stupid head off, again. sigh.
Love rocks.

Unknown said...

so sweet!

Beebe said...

I always look foward to the Tuesday pictures...loved the video...very beautiful pictures

Kim... said...

AAANNNNDDD....it still made me cry :) Happy tears though!
I've always loved that song...perfect to go with the beautiful pictures!!
You all are so amazing!

Patty Honeycutt said...

Thank you for sharing! God bless you over and over and over and over.

The Rosetto's said...

I have to say that sweet baby of yours does kinda look like her mamma. I also couldn't help but giggle at the size of that pacifier compared to her head.

Mountainmom said...

That was precious---you never disappoint with your creative presentations! :-) Thrilled by the progress in both girls.
Lori in VA

PedsRN said...


Please let us know how *you* are doing. Many of us are concerned & praying for all 3 of you.

Susan from Barrie said...

Bravo! Smiles all around. Thank you Nathan. Tricia ... your wee babe has your eyes, they have that same sparkle. She is such a cutie patootie!

Tricia, may God bless you with a good night sleep and strengthen and heal you during that rest. Nathan, may God Bless you with rest, endurance and peace. For Gwyneth I pray for healing of her eyes, continued growth and health.

Continuing to pray up here in Canada!

Amy said...

Thank you for posting such a great video...still brought tears to my eyes. Thinking of you all!



Denise said...

precious! you were able to capture so many amazining pictures!

Anonymous said...

I'm still smiling and I've taken the time to read through all the comments. What a creative mind you have Nate...can't wait to see how God's going to use your creativity in the future. You all look great and so happy together. Congratulations! Still praying for you all. Leaving you with lots of hugs (((( ))))! Can you feel it....Love, The Shepards

Em said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!

NCBeachMom said...

oh that is great! I love the pic where Gwen and Tricia are looking at each other face to face...Gwens eyes are so big, and Tricias are laughing! Awesome!

Tracy P. said...

Wowee! Amazing changes in Gwyneth this month. The earlier videos were bittersweet, but this one is SWEET! Hallelujah!

sarah. said...

You have captured some of the best facial expressions from Gwyneth! Beautiful video :)

Jenn said...

Awesome!!! Still praying for all of you!

Anonymous said...

Awesome job Nate! I was beaming through the whole thing and I especially loved the picture of her arms reaching up towards the camera. It was like she was saying "check me out" :) I pray for you all each night with my 19 month old before she goes to sleep.

Florida_Mom said...

Wonderful as always. Praying that the girls are soon going home together.

Praying that you some good rest and that Tricia is soon out of icu.

Praying in Florida


NC Buckeye Fans said...

what a beautiful family!!! God has surely blessed you guys. He never ceases to amaze us for sure.

sara h. said...

what a great video! Still praying along!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

You did a great job again!
Every picture shows the true meaning of love.
Praying that the 3 of you have a peaceful night.

Robyn said...

Thank you for sharing. Made me smile and I don't even know you. What an amazing family you have Nathan!

Kathryn said...

Oh, thank you! What a wonderful way to end my day. God's Peace!

Barbara Metcalf Bella Vista, Arkansas said...

She's really starting to develop a personality, and boy is she gaining weight! What an answer to prayer. She's a miracle… an adorable one.

Matt Millard said...

That really did make me smile!
Great video! Have a great night!


Becky said...

LOVE IT! Especially the one of Gwyneth yawning!

Kacy Jean said...

I couldn't help but smile. I love the song!! Great Job!

Sarah said...

Smile indeed! What beautiful photos! I love her red hair - so cute! (I'm quite partial to redheads ;))

I'm glad things are going so well for you - I read your blog daily (who am I kidding, SEVERAL tmes a day) and really appreciate you sharing your beautiful family with us all.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the smile but I must confess I had a few tears too.

Jen said...

Beautiful! Praying that her 4 month birthday is spent with her mother and you AT HOME!!!


Kat said...

Yup - big smiles!!

Ok, so there is this one picture towards teh end, where she is "holding" her passy, and has the cutest expression - that has GOT to be the cutest picture ever!!!!

Amanda said...

Even though I cried, I still had a smile on my face. What a beautiful LOVE! Still praying for you and your girls!

MahoneyMusings said...

Smiling from ear to ear!

Love the picture of you feeding Gwyneth. That brought on the tears for me. :)

Continued prayers.

Amanda Martin said...

Your intention may not have been to "jerk my tears" with that video, but it did anyway! Ha! I loved it! I can't believe I feel like I know you guys so well even though we've never met. Know that here in Chicago I am rejoicing with you all!

~Mommy 2 Four~ said...

Wonderful to "hear" from you again Nate. Although I appreciate your Dad's messages too. =) I LOVED this video. It was perfect in showing how much love your family shares. Thanks for sharing that with us. God Bless and again always keeping your family in my prayers

La Familia Garcia said...

What a great video! Yes the first one was a tear jerker, this one was definately for the smiles. Thanks for that. Hope you and your girls are doing well Nathan.

ttulizzy said...

Super! Love it!

GREAT song! Guaranteed to make everyone smile!

Hope all is going awesome...still praying!

Danielle in MO said...

So good to hear from you Nate - that was sucha great clip and the best part -- so many more to come in the new life you guys will walk without CF lungs!! Thank you GOD!

BelleLaDonna said...

That was flippin' awesome!! You did a wonderful job and I love that song! Your family is BEAUTIFUL and the love you have for them shines in your smile! Hope you continue to have a wonderful week and that Tricia keeps getting stronger! Still praying for your family!

Kerry said...

Thanks for sharing the video. Made me smile and cry all at the same time. I gotta admit I am a real junkie!!
Praying in Michigan

JENNIKIR said...

LOVE IT!!!! So excited about this miracle which continues to unfold, so awesome. Love and miss you guys,
Matt and jenn

Angela R. said...

Aww.. that was so sweet! Still brought tears to my eyes but happy ones. You have been blessed with a strong and beautiful family. Praying for you all always! Looking forward to more pictures.


Erin said...

Thank you for the post, Nate. Your family is absolutely precious. I love the pictures of Gwyneth smiling. And the ones of Tricia are breathtaking.

Praying for you all every day.

Can't wait to get more updates!! Take care!

Carol said...

I love you all! Thank you for sharing. I'm so glad you have so many wonderful pictures of Baby Gwyneth and Tricia and you--you will treasure these forever!

the VanKoevering's said...

You're right...I haven't wiped the smile off my face yet!!

Thanks for sharing.

Still praying in Michigan

My2Girls said...

Loved it, Nate!

All "smiles" here. Just GREAT! :)

Allison said...

What big beautiful eyes Gwyneth has! BTW... when is the next installment of the "How We Fell in Love" story? We haven't gotten one in a while... I know things are crazy but I'm looking forward to it!

kidsworld said...

What a great 'good mood' video! Thank you, you've brightened my exhausted evening!

refreshing in ohio

tillisfam5 said...

Absolutely loved it!! And although it brought a BIG smile to my face, I also had tears ... tears of joy but nonetheless tears! Isn't it just amazing ALL the different kinds of love God allows us to experience? He is so GOOD! Thank you for the video for all of us out here! Always in our prayers, The Tillis Family

Paige Hinrichs said...

Just Awesome. She looks like such a big girl drinking from a bottle. That picture of Tricia looking at Gwyneth face to face is just my favorite.

Praying for you guys.

By the way...I smiled the entire time. Thanks.

Amy said...

Nate, that was awesome!!! Glad to hear from you - although I give props to your Dad for doing a great job! Praying for your girls every day! Thanks for the great video - I still have a smile on my face...

Ellen said...

I guess I am in the "junkie" category... thanks for posting the Tuesday update! What a great video! Still praying...

Boeckman mommy said...

Not a tear jerker, yeah right. I still balled like a baby watching it. It is so inspirational, your whole story. Still praying for you all.
Amy (KS)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE,LOVE, LOVE all the pictures!! I can't wait to see more pictures of you & your girls in the coming months!

JHD said...

Beautiful and Simply Amazing! Your girls amaze me everyday. The first pic is my favorite! She's precious!

Marge Sexton said...

Once again you did an awesome job! Such great pictures that you will treasure always. Thanks for making me smile. I continue to lift you and Tricia, and Gwyneth in prayer. May God continue to bless you, and keep you in His tender loving care.

Catherine said...

I am glad you are back on...even if it is for 1 post :) Thanks for sharing that beautiful video!!!! Hope you are doing well....

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! It is so wonderful to see Gwyneth changing so much and what a thrill that Tricia got her new lungs by her baby's 3 month birthday!

Anonymous said...

Just loved it. You had some photos in there I had not seen yet. And, yes, it made me smile bunches.
Thanks for sharing.
Kathy (mom of princesses in disguise)

Steph said...

Wow, you should have seen my smile!! Just awesome pictures!
Thanks for sharing!
Steph/Stl Mo

TupeloLove said...

I started reading your blog yesterday from Day One - I'm addicted! I'm only in mid-March right now, and I refuse to look ahead to "cheat"! My friends told me about this site, and we have linked you to our blog site. You are all an inspiration and a refreshing light in every day life. Thank you and we will continually pray for you! -Molly and Marshal, Charlotte, NC

Kristen said...

Nicely done!

Q's NEWS said...

Loved the video!! I love the picture where Gwyneth looks like she is holding her head - precious!

You guys have come so far and been such a blessing to all of us in blogland. Cant wait to see it all unfold!!!

Still praying in WV,

jamie said...

Oh WOW. You are all so beautiful! (Yep, even you Nate ;) ) God Bless you all.

Jamie in Texas

Kim said...

SO cute! :) That was fun. I hope you are getting some rest!

Also - is she actually smiling at you all, or is it just gas? ;)

Amy said...

Love the new compilation!!!!! You are so blessed to have 2 beautiful girls. I continue to pray for you all. My little 4 year old even remembers to mention you in her prayers now. Can't wait to see more pictures.

Just Me said...

More gorgeous every week...I can't believe she's 3 months old.

Praying for continued blessings.

jamie said...

PS Yep, I smiled, all right! Thanks
Jamie in Texas

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Yay! :) That was so awesome... :)

Your wife is so beautiful.

Your daughter is so beautiful!

I'm still praying. Always.

Jen in Al said...

lots of smiles!!!! thank you! Beautiful girls!! praying...jen in al

Misha said...

Can't wait for you guys to come home!! Look forward to doing some serious spoiling of my great niece. Wonderful video.

Gwyneth's Greatest Aunt,

Patty said...

I'm not sure how we can physically laugh and cry at the same time but tonight I did it with this video.

Nathan, thank you. You are an awesome young man!

May the Lord bless your family - you have definitely blessed mine!

Sagga02 said...

That was beautiful!
Miss your updates, but totally understand your need for rest and time with your girls. So glad for the updates from your dad.


Marla Taviano said...


Shan said...

so great. i smiled. and cried.

Cassie12 said...

Absolutely beautiful..that's what your two girls are. Praying for all of you. I love your updates.
Susan in California

Sonja said...

All I can say is Awwwwwwwww that is so BEAUTIFUL. Love truly is BEAUTIFUL when it is shared by two sweet people like the two of you.

Prayers are continueing to come your way. Looking forward to seeing the Birthday post. God Bless

Sonja in Florida

Amy E. said...

Mission Accomplished!! Grinnin' from ear to ear!!!
Your family is beautiful! Thanks again for sharing.
Still prayin' in Texas!

Elizabeth said...

What an awesome testimony to the power of prayer and love. You have such wonderfully strong girls, whose strength comes from God through you!

Leesa said...

Thank you- my prayers are with you all. . .

Bailey said...

i did smile, but there were still tears :)

Cassie said...

and yes, i am smiling! :)

Edwards gang said...

Fantastic Video!! It is so good to see the 3 of you together!! Awesome answer to our prayers!

Much love and continued prayers are coming your way! :)

Donna said...

This NICU nurse can't wait for G to hit 3 pounds! Oh, I wish it could be tomorrow's weigh in. And I can't wait to see post transplant pics of T. You must be beaming with pride:)

megasam said...

That was so AWESOME!!!!! I had a smile from ear to ear the entire video. It is amazing how much she has changed and grown over the past month. I think she is starting to look more like her mommy, especially in her eyes. Nate you are definately one very lucky man!!! Tricia you are a ROCK STAR!!! I am praying for all 3 of you. Thank you so much for sharing!!!!!!!!

amy smith said...

your girls are gorgeous...

Rachel said...

awesome...i love seeing how "big" Gwyneth is getting. ;0)

Catherine said...

Beautiful! I can't believe how Gwyneth Rose is growing and changing. So precious!

What an amazing month it has been for all of you! God is GOOD!!!

Lynn said...

Amazing love.......only the kind that is God given for sure. May all the prayers storming God's throne on your behalf be answered.

Just Call Me Grammy said...

That video is awesome--we're still praying for both your girls.

Michelle said...

BEAUTIFUL, took my breath away!

Christy said...

Beautiful.. thanks for sharing Nate!

Deb said...

SO cute!
Tricia looks beautiful in all the pics with her. And I love how alert Gwyneth is looking these days. She's adorable too.
Praying for sleep for all of you guys, and for Tricia to get to the 24 hour mark!

Kim said...

If you see this, you have to smile. It was great-good work and glad to have you back, Nate!
Praying for you and your girls-

Unknown said...

So beautiful! I hope that all three of you are getting the rest and strength that you need to be reunited soon. Praying as always for all of you.

Larissa said...

wonderful shots of an amazing story... such full moments!

Joshua & Jacob said...

Love the pictures !!!!!!!!
You can FEEL the love !!!!!!!!!

SO GLAD to "read your words" as opposed to "hear your voice - lol !

No one can fill your shoes, Nate - not even your Dad!

You have a way with words, my boy! I totally understand that you need a break from blogging as you have two ladies that need you.

Please know that we are still storming the heavens with prayes for the three of you.

We do indeed serve a wonderful God! The proof is in the pictures!

Take care
Hope you are getting some sleep

your friends in Norco, LA
-Anne & family

~j~ said...

Well nice try for trying to avoid a tear jerker but for me...it didnt' work. images that speak so loudly of the love that you both share for one another and for your daughter continue to touch my heart deeply.
Thank you for posting this Nate..

The Mom Jen said...

That is awesome!!

If you used One True Media...you can buy it on CD, i've done that with my baby's first and second year photos!!

Thanks for making us smile! :)

Angie said...

Incredibly beautiful girls you have, Nate! Thanks for the video...I smiled all the way through. Gwyneth grows more beautiful every day - those sweet, alert eyes and precious smiles and smirks! You've got your work cut out for you man!

praying for you all!

beth said...

Talk about the "amazing race"...!!!!!That was incredible. I actually think there are not words in the dictionary to fully describe what your life has been to now, & what it will be in the future. THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!
Still praying!!

Carol said...

Wonderful - I smiled all the way through and wow, even Gwyneth really really smiles! How far you all have come. Tomorrow is sure to bring even more good things!

Alexi Iler said...

wow, that was amazing. I and my twin brother were born 20 years ago 3 mo. premature and weighing 2.5lbs. (we were chunks compared to your daughter), so I could totally relate to those pictures. Your daughter is amazing. can't imagine what you all are going through with your wife and daughter. You all are definitly in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

What terrific smiles you & your girls have! So good to see you all smiling. I was smiling right along with you!

Lisa said...

that was spectacular! I'm glad you were able to share that, but also glad you were able to take a break from your blog. You are missed though!

marcia said...

Yup...made me smile all right! :) Wonderful job with this Nate...and wonderful things God is doing in your family life!!

Sarah said...

Made me smile! She's beautiful.

Still praying for you guys.

Will and Julia's Mommy said...

Absolutely perfect!

Jen Wilson said...

Wow. Your family is totally beautiful Nate and Tricia! Your little Gwyneth is getting cuter by the day. Seriously.

Michelle said...

I love it. Happy 3 month birthday, Gwyneth Rose. Praying for you guys everyday.

mjdav said...

Smiling with you!

Courtnie said...

So beautiful!

Adam and Hayley said...


Aren't baby yawns the best?!

Norwood Mama said...

How can your tiny baby have more hair than my seven month old!!! She is so beautiful!

Emily said...

Precious, precious, precious! Your family is so special & I love looking at your pictures. I am praying for all of you. I hope that everyone is getting some much needed rest. Nate, I miss your blogs but I am so glad that your dad has been keeping us updated!! I check many times daily for new info about you & your girls! I can't wait to see more pics!

GinnyBerry said...

It just keeps getting better................
Your dad is right, I think I am a junkie.......

I also feel a little bit like an Aunt. I know that I'm not, don't worry!

My own sweet grandbaby girl was born on April 2 at 10:25 p.m. I hope to be able to see her this Saturday. Her name is Sarah Michelle. She weighed 6 lbs, 5 oz. at birth.

DeLynn said...

Wonderful! Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

This was a beautiful video about your fabulous love story. And thanks for the end of a long day smile!

Lisa_in_AR said...

The very first picture is my favorite! Gwyneth looks like she's already full of personality. TOO CUTE!!!
God bless both your girls.

Tarasview said...

that was beautiful. thank-you for sharing your world with us!

The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

Okay...that made me laugh, smile and cry all at once! Only God could create something as beautiful as a family.
Praying for you!
The Lockwoods

Debbie said...

Just beautiful, thank you for sharing your precious family with us!!

Amy said...

Yup, totally a junkie! And that was gorgeous!! You are truly, truly blessed!! We are continuing to pray for both of your precious girls, and for you.

Anonymous said...

Happy Three Months... wooohooo

Gila said...

I cannot believe that I am actually writing this (because I have gotten the same line so often and it drives me nuts) but watching this video 1)made me smile 2) really puts things into perspective and 3) is a good reminder to me that other people are dealing with far greater challenges than am I and are doing so with far more grace (this part is the part that I normally get, and which drives me up the proverbial wall).

I am having a bit of a tough week and have just been feeling down. Thank you so much for posting this--I really needed it.

(Clearly, that was not your intention, but just chalk it up to G-d working in all sorts of fascinating and wierd ways).

Praying that you have more good news to report today!

Gila said...

I cannot believe that I am actually writing this (because I have gotten the same line so often and it drives me nuts) but watching this video 1)made me smile 2) really puts things into perspective and 3) is a good reminder to me that other people are dealing with far greater challenges than am I and are doing so with far more grace (this part is the part that I normally get, and which drives me up the proverbial wall).

I am having a bit of a tough week and have just been feeling down. Thank you so much for posting this--I really needed it.

(Clearly, that was not your intention, but just chalk it up to G-d working in all sorts of fascinating and wierd ways).

Praying that you have more good news to report today!

Football and Fried Rice said...

Oh, the Shrek Soundtrack, right? Perfect!!! You have captured some GREAT pictures the last 3 months....you will always be thankful that you took the time for them!! Happy 3 months!

Our Family! said...

Awwww -- we loved the new video!!! You have done a remarkable job of documenting everything, Nate!!! Thank you for continuing to share your beautiful family with all of us! As always, you all continue to be in our thoughts and prayers!

Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

maggie said...

The tears still got me, but I absolutely smiled, too, at your beautiful girls and such a perfect song in the background. All of you amaze me, and all of you are in my thoughts every day.

Sheri said...

love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!!!

sfessler17 said...

TOTALLY CUTE! Thanks, Nate!

The Browns said...

Amazing pics, I love the one of nate holding gwen where she is sititng on his lap sort of looking at the camera.

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

That was so precious! I'm smiling away.

Hugs to you and your precious girls,
Karla in El Paso

Jaime said...

You have such a beautiful family! And yep, smiling here. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, just beautiful. 3 months already. Can you believe it? Wow. May you have many more months and years with each other. And knowing the love you share I am sure you will. Tricia and Gwyneth are such very strong womens. God Bless You and your beautiful family.

twin power mommy ♥ said...

Awww...there were some really awesome pics in there. Your baby is so precious. Love the ones of you guys holding her, looking at her and her looking back at you. Too sweet!

amanda said...


Bobbi said...

Wow--she has grown so much!!! I love her little smile. She is beautiful.

Tam said...

Beautiful family, beautiful story, amazing God! Still captivated by your ability to share ya'lls story. Praying for you guys and praying that your story will continue to touch many lives for the kingdom!

Christy said...

AWESOME! This is the best video, yet! Thank you, so much, for sharing your Christ-filled world with us. Seeing your two girls progress under the supervision and love of God has made me so happy and blessed.

Christy said...

Ok seriously...could your wife and your daughter get any more beautiful???

And I guess your not too bad yourself...;)

Loved the video! Still praying!

Maria said...

Definitely a smile maker.. great job Nate and good to have you back.Just want to thank your dad for keeping us updated while you spent much need time with your girls.

Blessings your way!

M in NYC

TheOilHippie said...


Kate said...

Awwwww.... that was awesome!

Thanks for sharing that video. It's precious.

WTGrow, Gwyneth! Praise God for such wonderful weight gain!

You sound more upbeat, Nate, which is reassuring. I hope you're actually feeling better in all ways.

Karis said...

I totally didn't want the video to end -- I was smiling the whole time! Thanks for sharing! The Fraggle-baby hat makes me laugh every time! You all continue to be in my prayers :)!

Sheila said...

I love that song, and I love this photo show. Thanks so much for sharing.
I'm praying for Tricia's continued recovery and good health, and for Gwyneth's continued feeding and growing and good health. I can't believe all that has happened in just the past week, for both girls. So many blessings from our amazing God!

Caroline Cordle said...

Excellent Nate! They were an excelent bunch of pictures!!! Thanks for sharing!

Still praying for Tricia and Gwyneth.

Love and prayers.

Sarah said...

That was SO beautiful :) It totally made me happy, i hope you feel as good as the movie makes people feel! All of you are beautiful.

Millicent said...

It is so good to see you post. I know you needed some time away. But it just so nice to 'see' you again! Thank you very much for posting that video. While it did make me smile, it was a tear jerker too. Always warms my heart to see the 3 of you together. I continue to keep you all in my prayers!

Dea said...

Fabulous Nate. Still a tear jerker though! I can't believe how far you've all come and am still praying for your safe and HEALTHY return home. I was just thinking it's been a while since you continued the story of how you and Tricia got together... ;-)

Mary said...

Great job Nate. A very happy video indeed.


Carmen said...

Nate I loved the video, it is just beautiful. I love all Gwyneth's different expressions and big yawns, so sweet.

Alicia said...

Thank you for sharing!!! Definitely smiling here.....

Amy T said...

That still brought tears to my eyes . . . what a beautiful love your family shares.

Garza said...

Your girls amaze me everyday it's truly a blessing. Our god is amazing!! I'm praying daily.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the smile. The three of you have come so far together!

Laura said...

What fantastic pics, than you for sharing such intimate moments with us. Grow Gwyneth grow!

Tanisha said...

You're right....this made me :)

Patricia said...

What joy! And what a privilege it is for us to have this window into your lives and to be keeping y'all in prayer.

Anonymous said...

That was just amazing, absolutely beautiful

The Curtis Crew said...

You are so good with these videos. This was one was great! Awesome pics! Just imagine watching these videos again when Gwyneth is a teenager!

So, who takes the pictures of you when you're in with Gwyneth?

Can't wait to see the birthday pics.

Meredith K Beaupre said...

It's your best one yet! :)
It's amazing how powerful music is. That song evokes a certain reaction - definitely made me smile - whereas the same pictures with a different song could have had us crying this month too!!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!!

Unknown said...

Now THERE's a way to start my day!

Thanks for the updates and new photos. Your band of 'praying junkies' isn't going anywhere!!!

(Love the song, btw!!)

Anna Marie said...

Thank you Nate!! I still cried, but I smiled through my tears. I canNOT believe how big Gwyneth is getting!

Wilmington, NC

staci said...

What an inspirational video to watch to start my day! Thanks Nate - praying for you and your beautiful girls daily - Staci

Julie said...

Yep, you made me smile (with tears rolling down my cheeks!)

Praising God this morning for all He does.

Raising Baby Bee said...

THank you so much for sharing. What a beautiful daughter and what a beautiful love the three of you share. God bless.

Shelley said...

What an absolutely gorgeous family! I can't wait to see more family pictures of you with Tricia's new lungs. Thanks so much to your dad for the updates and I hope you continue to enjoy your time with your family.

Sweet Jaynes said...

Well that one was a tear jerker too! Tears of joy. Awesome Nate you should go into video production

Kerry said...

WOW! Thanks for the smile! I can't believe how great Gwyneth looks and the rate of weight gain is awesome! Way to go! I can't wait to hear that Tricia is out of the ICU and able to have Gwyneth back in her arms. Thanks again for the video and hope you are all doing as well as possible! As always, I am praying for ya'll.

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