Saturday, April 12, 2008


Finally, we're beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Tricia was moved to the step-down unit this afternoon, and we immediately both felt a sense of relief and relaxation. It's not quite the familiar feeling of 7800, but it is beyond explanation how much more comfortable it is than the ICU.

It could just be a matter of a few weeks before Tricia is discharged from the hospital, and Gwyneth is getting closer and closer everyday. The anticipation of the transplant is gone, the possible setbacks of the NICU seem to be fading away with every new day, and our minds can now begin to finally turn toward thinking about getting out of the hospital and going home.

We're certainly not there yet, and, especially with Tricia, there are still some major obstacles to avoid and/or work through before we make it back to the beach, but it really feels like we've been through the most stressful parts now.

I'll tell you more soon about the past several days as well as more about what we're expecting over the next several weeks, but for tonight, I'm just going to enjoy spending time with my girls.

A big thanks to Agnes for helping to disperse info to the fam, and to my dad for updating the blog.




mumof4 said...

I am so so thrilled for you guys. You take care of your girls so well Nate...Sending best British wishes from Colorado

Michelle said...

Praise God!! It is amazing to see all that He has done for your girls.

Thanks for the update, and we can't wait for all that is to come.

ttulizzy said...

What great news! I can't wait to see that you all are home living a wonderful life on the beach.

Katie said...

I am so happy for you and your whole family! I never thought I could become attached to a family I have never met. You have a truly amazing story that I know will have an awesome ending! You and your 2 girls home safe and sound. You and your whole family are always in my thoughts and prayers!
-Katie L

Millicent said...

that is so great to hear!! I can't wait to start seeing family pictures out of the hospital!

Kim said...

That sounds so great. What a blessing-can't wait to see a picture of the 3 of you on the beach!

mary40 said...

I am sooooo happy that you see a light at the end of tunnel. It must be such a great filling.
Still praying ND

Christy said...

Yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! You go girls. I am so proud of all of you. I hope that light gets brighter every day.
Christy in KY

I Speak Refugee, Let's Chat! said...

Thank YOU Nate for taking the time to update all of us strangers! The prayers will continue, and be stronger than ever!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time with your girls. Bet that step down unit is much more private than the ICU.

Karen said...

Praise God! That is great news! So glad you've been able to rest, Nate. I'm continuing to pray for you all. Thanks for the update.
Karen in FL

Jen said...

So happy that everything is falling into place. Praying everyday for your family!

Tracy said...

This is such great news! I can imagine Tricia will rest so much better out of ICU. Back in June when my daughter had her right upper lobe removed she spent a night and day in ICU, that was our first experience with it and I was amazed at how noisey it was!


houseofeling said...

absolutely wonderful news! My father-in-law just had a lung removal and I clearly remeber how hard it was for him to get any rest in the ICU. Praise God for yet another step in the right direction!

MahoneyMusings said...

So glad to hear the peace in your 'voice'. Will continue to pray for all three of you. Enjoy your girls...amen to that!


Unknown said...


LindsayS said...

Wonderful news. I couldn't be happier for you all!

For three people I have never met before, you hold a special place in my heart. My family and I pray for you.

So happy to hear the fantasic progress of both Tricia and Gwyneth.


DGTDDMD said...

Praise the Lord!!!

Danielle Davis

Anonymous said...

Good luck, man, but I suppose luck has nothing to do with it. Wish you well! You have two tough ladies on your hands!

Em said...

What wonderful news. It won't be long and you'll all be able to head home.

Bless you

Thodgson said...

I am so happy to hear about all of these things! May His blessings continue to flow!! Love to all - The Hodgson's

Rich and Lauren said...

That is so great! It is going to be so good to see all three of you in church. That's going to be a great day!

Becky in VA said...

Hope you all get some restful sleep tonight. Sweet dreams.

Love to all.

Vicki said...

Nate, it's great to hear from you again. Praise the Lord for the great news about Tricia. I'm so very happy for all of you.

Katie said...

I am so happy for you all. I hope this allows tricia to get some great rest! God bless.

Katie M.

The Burgess Gang In Hot ol' AZ! said...

We are so happy to hear things are going well for both of your girls!! Praise be to God. Thank you for the continued updates. My family and I continue to send our well wishes and prayers.

Baba said...

Hi Nate, Go and enjoy your girls...I love all of you and can't wait to see pictures of your home coming..Hugs, Baba

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for your whole family!
I will continue to pray everything keeps going well.

gena said...

ahhhh, the post transplant relief - what a wonderful thing ! My son's transplant was 12/15 and although the ride so far has been scary , knowing we have a road is amazing.

Enjoy the stepdown unit, it is a greatl place to be. We felt like after all those weeks in the CCU ( cardiac transplant for us ) we'd entered a fine hotel - lol !

Funny thing is my son and his twin were also preemies and residents of a NICU -We spread out our scary stuff by 17 years though - you seem to be taking the two/for one sale .

You have all been in my Rosary intentions and there you shall remain until hideous diseases like CF and MS are conquered and abolished.

gena rodsan - nj

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Most excellent news!

Still praying...

Ann said...

Congrats to all three of you. I have been following your story for several months. I guess one thing that always hits home, especially in the past week post-transplant, is what a wonderful husband and father you are.

So much of this blog is about your girls - but you deserve a huge hug (or perhaps a mighty pat on the back). From a far, atleast, you come across as a truly exceptional individual. Trish and Gwyn are so lucky to have you in their lives.

Oh - thought of putting this on when your dad was blogging (and I also read Trish's sister's comments a few weeks ago about how ideal her life was growing up with their parents) - kudos to your parents, all four of them - you did one awesome job raising some wonderful kiddos.

I hope I raise my four little ones to be such great people.

Congrats again.

Queen Bee said...

Wow!! That is such wonderful news! Enjoy your "private" time with your girls. :)

Kerry said...

Praise God!!
I am so glad things are looking up!!!
Take the time you need with your girls!!
I look forward to seeing a picture on the beach of the three of you in the future.
Prayers for all of you.

Sheryl said...

Enjoy your girls. Thanks for sharing and I'll continue to pray!


Em said...

Glad to hear that you all are starting to be able to relax a little. God is bringing you swiftly through that tunnel!!

~j~ said...

Praying without ceasing.

So looking forward Nate to the day you can take your girls back to the beach. I am preparing to celebrate with everyone when that day arrives.
You are loved!

p.s. i also have developed quite the fondness for fraggle pug, after all he is a member of the family :)

ITooWasAbused said...

You guys are amazing. Best of luck to all of you in the coming days.

The Rosetto's said...

so glad to have u back nate. and so glad that both the girls are doing so well. and thanks to agnes and rick for your unwavering support of your children.

Jennifer said...

So happy for you. I will keep the prayers coming from here in Michigan. You can never have too many prayers.

Anna Marie said...

Thanks for the update Nate. I am thrilled to hear the good news and it's good to hear you breathe easy pun intended. Give your girls lots of hugs and kisses and remember that the prayers from Wilmington never stop!


Kristi said...

Remember - WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! Always praying in Alabama! Much love - Bamagirl!!!

Malena said...

As much as I've enjoyed reading this blog, as much will I enjoy it's end (I kinda hope you will say good bye at some point). I just can't wait for you all to be together in your home, the three of you, just enjoying every little moment and catching up on some moments gone by. And that adorable pug of yours will just be so thrilled to have you all back! Although I'm not really sure if I've found God yet...I pray and pray for you...

Elizabeth said...

When reading this post, I had a mental image of the blog update coming soon that will be topped by a pic of the three of you on the beach. Looking forward to that day for all of you.

"So will I bless you while I live: I will life up my hands in Your name. When I remember You upon my bed and meditate on You in the night watches. For you have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings will I rejoice." - Psalms 63:4-7

Stacemoe said...

Wonderful news!!!! I know you and Tricia are both exicted to almost be done with this "Chapter" of your lives and move on as a family of THREE!!!!! What a difference a year makes....seriously, if someone had told you this time last year that today you would have new lungs and a new baby, you probably would have thought they were nuts...well, maybe not because we know how awesome our God is!!!!! As always, thanks for the updates and I hope ya'll have a nice rest of the weekend!!!

Ree said...

Great news...I will continue to pray for all of you!
BTW a friend passed along some CF fundraising info. You can check it out here:
Hope you are having a nice weekend! Please give beautiful Gwyneth a BIG kiss for me!

Unknown said...

Wonderful news!!! I hope that this move to the step down unit garners lots of rest and relaxation for you both. Praying as always.

Bobbi said...

Nate---you are one strong man. are one amazing women & Gwyneth...with parents like this you are going to be a very lucky little girl!!!! I am still praying for you all.

NCBeachMom said...

enjoy your time with your girls!

still praying here in Raleigh.


NCBeachMom said...

enjoy your time with your girls!

still praying here in Raleigh.


Amy said...

Hey Nate! Thanks for the update - it is truly wonderful news for both your girls! I think by now they will both be perminantly on my prayer list - for years to come! It's a natural part of my day to check your blog and say a prayer for your family! I"m praising the Lord for His goodness, grace and healing in both your girls! Looking forward to the post that says they both are on their way HOME to start your new lives together as a family of three!

Unknown said...

Nate, I´m so happy for you all!! I continue to pray for a speedy and full recovery, and for you to be able to get back to a ¨normal¨ family life (whatever that is! :)).

jamie said...

Nate, I am so very happy for all 3 of you. What a tremendous releif it must be to se the light at the end of the tunnel!!! Y'all have had a rough time of it, and I'm thankful and ecstatic for all the progress the last week has brought y'all! Enjoy each other and God Bless you all!!!!!

Jamie in Texas *doin a happy dance!!*

Jen in Al said...

So happy for you all! continuing to pray, jen in al

Amy said...

Thanks for the update. Continuing to pray.

Sarah said...

So super glad for you!!! This is só much better than ICU. Truely hope that Tricia will keep on recovering the way she does now. Soon you'll be able to go home! :)

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

I am so happy that you are out of ICU! I have total faith that the beach days are right around the corner for you. Gwyneth has won my heart over. She is such a cutie!
Nate has been wonderful keeping us up to date with everything.
I am praising God for having his hand in all of this!
You and your family are in my prayers.

thanks for the great update!!!
Have a great night.

Rosheeda said...

Blessings,you guys.


Cassie12 said...

I am so happy for your whole family and praying that things continue to go well and Tricia and Gwyneth is home in a few weeks.

Rebekah said...

I am so thankful that both Tricia and Gwyneth are doing well! Reading through your journey - since the week that Gwyneth was born - has been such an amazing experience! The Lord has certainly blessed you three through all these challenges. :)

Rebekah said...

I am so thankful that both Tricia and Gwyneth are doing well! Reading through your journey - since the week that Gwyneth was born - has been such an amazing experience! The Lord has certainly blessed you three through all these challenges. :)

HIS daughter said...

Wow! Praise the Lord :) I started reading cfhusband right after Gwyneth was born and have been praying since. I am just so in Awe at how wonderful our God is :) Blessings to you all!

Marsmile said...

Wonderful to hear that you all are doing well and getting lots of rest!

All the best,

Karen said...

We'll be praying for the day that you all can be home as a family - hopefully that will be soon!

Debbie said...

Thanks Nate, for the update. I am so delighted that Tricia is out of ICU. I know, 1st hand that ICU is no fun.
God is good, and I will continue to pray for you and your girl's. I know the stress was bad and continues to be but the worst is behind you now, we pray.
God Bless ~

Debbie :o)

smikatj said...

I just finished reading your blog. Found your link on a friends blog. But I'm a mom who has a 4-year old daughter with CF. I read your story with great interest. This is the prayer I want to lift up for you . . . Lord, strengthen Tricia, Gwyneth, and Nate. Strengthen them physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Lord thank you that you are the Great Physician. Thank you that you are in control of things. Thank you for working in the life of this family. Surely you have ordained every day of our life, even before we were born.
Katie S in MN

Anonymous said...

Nate, thank you for updating us on Tricia and Gwyneth! Great to hear from you. Praise God for continuing to bless your family!!

Andie said...

So glad things are looking so good. What wonderful answers to prayers. You have been in our prayers, and will continue to be in them! Enjoy your girls!

PS...I NEED to get that sling done so you can snuggle with your little one...and so Tricia can carry her around when you all go home.

Magnolia Sun said...

Praise God!

Jenifer said...

Yeah. So glad she is out of ICU. I have been reading your story all week and am now addicted to checking your blog.

How do you get the picture in the title bar? My blog looks boring to me now after seeing yours.

So glad your girls are doing so great. You have been through so much yet you have such incredible faith. You have inspired me beyond anything you could imagine. Thank you for sharing your story.

Tammy said...

I am so happy for you and the family!! I can hardly wait to hear that you are ALL heading home. Enjoy spending time with your girls and we all look forward to hearing more updates from you. God Bless and continue to rest and heal!!

Pamela said...

Praise God!
And that's all.
Well, one more...

kidsworld said...

Such great news! I can hear the contentment in your 'voice'. It's so exciting to think of your family's future...

still praying!

refreshing in ohio

Unknown said...

Praying for restoring sleep, more strength, and more wonderful family time!
It has been such a blessing to pray for you all - along with so many others - and to see Him answering our prayers!
~ becky b

Aspiemom said...

I can just feel your relief! What a great feeling it must be for you and Tricia!

Have a great time with your girls, Nate!

marcia said...

It's good to hear from you again, Nate...even though you were never really totally "silent" for very long! Your Dad did a great job of filling in for you, though. I can almost hear a huge sigh of relief in your words today...and I am so very thankful for all of the good things that are happening now! Spend all the time in the world with your girls, Nate! It has been wonderfully generous of you to share so much with all of us who read here, and I am so thankful for the privilege of being able to pray for you...but your life is your family, and that is where you need to spend your time! I'm sure many will agree with me, that all we want is for you to be able to settle back in at home in a few months, and try to get into a nice little family and church routine, and leave all of this "fame" behind! But what a joy it is to be able to share this part if your life with you!

Anonymous said...

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16. You have done many good deeds Nate and HIS light is the light you see.....May HE continue to bless you greatly in the days ahead.
Love, The Shepards

Paige Hinrichs said...

Just absolutely wonderful. I'm thrilled! Enjoy your girls. God is great!

katie said...

take care of your girls and get some rest as well, still praying that you will be able to bring them home soon.

Anne Coleman said...

Everybody home. Wow, I just can't fathom that, and I'm not even the one going through it! God is good and it will be sooner than you think.

Carol said...

Enjoy being able to be with all of your family. What a breath of fresh air to be contemplating not being in the hospital! I'm so very happy for all of you.

amy smith said...

so thankful for the cool waters...

Violet said...

I couldn't be happier that things are going well for your girls.

Anxious AF said...

That is wonderful news, I cant wait to see a picture of you all home together:)

Love my boys! said...

I'm so glad that all is going well. You have two very strong girls, there...but you already knew that! You are a very strong man, too! It's not as easy as you are making it all sound, so thank you for still sharing all of your life's miracles with us.

Still praying in NY for all of you. Your homecoming is waiting for you and it will be one of the best days of all your lives :oD


Blessings From Above said...

Wonderful news!!! I am so happy for you all. Praying for the day you all walk out of the hospital together. It won't be long now!

Tammy C said...

Glad to hear the exciting news!I am sure you are waiting to take a family picture at the beach.You proably can build a cool sandcastle.

Millicent said...

I am so happy you can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. I know you still have a long way to go with your girls. But to know there is an end in sight must be good for the soul. I continue to pray for them both.

kekkey said...

awesome news--i cannot even imagine your joy. please know that we are celebrating with you. what great things you have to look forward to!!!

Anonymous said...

Praising God for all we have to be thankful for. So happy to hear how well things are going. Continuing to pray for you guys. God's love and peace to you.

Anonymous said...

Continuing to pray! Congratulations on your sweet girls doing so well!!! :-)

Gila said...

Great news, and thanks for taking the time to update!

Jayne said...

I'm so excited for you all.

It is as simple as that really.

mjdav said...

The bad times make the good times even sweeter! Thanking the Lord for His grace in your lives. Continued prayers are offered in your behalf.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome News!! Can't wait until I read your post where you will be saying bye bye Durham, Home Sweet Home with my precious girls. I give it until near the end of May when you will finally get home. Both girls are doing so very well. :)

Praise the Lord.

Scott said...

I'm sighing a sigh of relief with you! whooooooooooooooowh. Enjoy the girls and keep smelling for the salt water, OBX is coming soon!

Angela R. said...

That is such GREAT news. One more step toward taking your girls home.. so happy for you guys. Praying for you all ALWAYS!

Enjoy your girls!


Jesse said...

I'm so excited to hear the optimism and excitement in your voice. I'm thankful that God has kept all three of you hopeful and is now showing you the "light" at the end of this tunnel.

Can't wait to see pictures of your family at home on the couch! :)

Still praying in Houston, TX.

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful news! You must be so amazingly grateful to the hospital doctors and wonderful nursing staff for getting both your girls thru sooo much! Bless them for Gwyneth and Tricia's excellent care! I have no doubt Tricia was lucky to be at a terrific hospital!xo

mom nana nelson said...

i am praying...the light at the end of that tunnel, with each day becomes closer and brighter for you "the mighty three"
showering you & yours lovingly with prayer,
patricia n.
i am so happy for you guys ..........

Unknown said...

A friend of mine who received a double transplant at Duke about two years ago told me about your site. I've read your story and listened to the video you posted. Your faith in the Lord is remarkable and has been an encouragement to me. You see, I am currently on a waiting list for a double lung transplant at Vanderbilt. I was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis about a year and a half ago. Even though I don't know you I'm praying for Tricia and Gwyneth's FULL recovery! God is faithful! Thank you for the encouragement you're giving to SO many and also for the awareness you're raising concerning organ donation.

Judy said...

God is so good!!

Sheila said...

This is wonderful news - I'm delighted that you and Tricia are moving out of crisis mode (a little) and have the time and peace of mind to begin to look ahead to better days. Thanks to God for all the blessings and grace shown to your family! I continue to pray for Tricia, Gwyneth and all of you.