Barbara Gibbs and cameraman came yesterday afternoon to interview us for a follow-up story (see
This Post). It was awesome to see and hear Tricia speak on camera...her voice is still so soft and weak that I hope the mic was able to pick it up. And, the nursery let them come in for a few minutes and get some footage of Tricia and Gwyneth together.

Barbara holding a celebrity...haha!

The segment should air sometime in the next few weeks. I'll let you know for sure when I find out.
Can't wait to see the story - and HEAR Tricia !
- Anne
Yesterday, I was 3 million . ..
today, I was the first to comment !!!!!!!!!!
woo hoo !!!!!!!!!
Many Many Many prayers . . . still coming your way!
- Anne
Glory! It is SOOO nice to see Tricia out & about without all of the 'aparatus'!! Can't wait to see the story...and what a little peanut Gwyneth is!! Keep on truckin' you guys!!!
Much Love,
The Vande Castles
Barbara must have been in awe--can't wait to see her reaction to holding Gwyneth. Tricia and Gwyneth, you look great!! Yea God!
WOW! Tricia looks AMAZING! And to see a picture from a distance away of someone holding Gwyenth really gives a great perspective on her size. She is getting so big! And her little foot sticking out of her outfit just gets me. She has GREAT feet.
Praise God for all He is has done, is doing and continues to do through your little family.
Tricia looks really good in these pictures. The first thing I noticed in the top photos was how shiny and healthy her hair looked. Then I saw her face and I was blown away. She really looks great :-)
Wow! That's so wonderful. I can't wait to see it.
God is so good!
Can't wait to see the story...and hear Tricia! Both your girls look great.
looking forward to hearing your wifey's voice and seeing the follow up story. praying, jen in al
Tricia you took GREAT!!!
Is this "Lorenzo" the camera guy? ha, ha :-)
Tricia and Gwyneth look maaa-velous!
That is sooooo awesome! I can't imagine that Barbara didn't tear up while holding Gwyneth...I know I would...shoot I tear up just looking at pictures of her holding Gwyneth! ;-) Can't wait to see the segment.
Prayers and blessings to you all,
Oh my! Gwyneth is just too darn tiny!!! And Cute!!!
Love the pictures!
I can't wait to see the story and hear Tricia.
Tricia, you look great! I am so happy that you are feeling better each and every day. Gwyneth looks beautiful.
Giving God so much praise.
Nate, Thanks for the update!
Have a great day.
God Bless your family.
That's awesome! I'm so glad they let Barbara and the camera go in to see Tricia and Gwyneth and that she even got to hold Gwyneth, too! I can't wait to see the story! It is proof that just because doctors tell you to do something (i.e., terminate a pregnancy) doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. God knows what he's doing and HE is in control! Barbara got to hold a little miracle and see that first-hand. I pray people will realized this when they see your story.
Thank you to everyone helping to share your beautiful journey of faith and life. Praise to our blessed Father! Continuing to pray for healing, praise Him for all the blessings, and thank Him for it all.
Yay! :)
Cant wait to hear Tricias voice, Gweneth is beautiful as ever! and growing!
Love from BC , Canada ,Tawny
Such an amazing tribute to your faithfulness and God's grace to you and Tricia!
Awesome! I can't wait to see it!
I love to comment! Being that theres not like a gazillion on this post I feel even more encouraged to share:) Have been following your story from when Tricia went into the hopspital b 4 she gave birth. So this morning in prayer I asked God I wonder what it feels like Lord to hold such a lil miracle..I wonder what it feels like to feel like you won the worlds largest lottery to finally see the light at the end on a long tunnel comming for this family to be able to go home ALL! It was really not a question just an awe moment of His power and grace. I was not looking for the Lord to fill me with something I was just praising that this is where your family is at. PTL that YOU are standing in the middle of 2 miralcles!!! I felt the Holy Spirt on me and I cried (I cray a lot in prayer alone but not a church- stupid huh) any way.... He filled me with an answer that I am too standing in the midst of my miracles and that nothing is for sure and that it is by HIS grace that we get to come home all together and have that blessing in our lives for toaday. Maybe for me it was more amazing than it will be for you or for any comment readers but WOWIE! What an awesome God we serve to remind us that even when we are in good or better places than others we are all being blessed with grace.
Blessings and Love to your family,
The Dovel House
Yay! Thank you for raising awareness! Tricia, you look fantastic! Just wait until summer comes and you guys can go for walks on the beach with baby :)
How wonderful to see Tricia dressed - and yes, Barbara WAS holding a celebrity!!
Still praying in WV,
Tricia looks great! Still continuing to keep your family in our daily prayers here in Maryland.
Tricia, you look so beautiful! I just cannot believe that you had such a massive surgery so recently. Press on sister, you and your baby girl are such miracles!
That is great! Both Gwyneth and Tricia look great in these pictures. So happy to see them together. Cant wait to see the story!
Barbara must have been thrilled to hold Gwyneth! Such memories you're creating.
Tricia, you look FANTASTIC!! It is so touching so see you holding and caring for your beautiful baby girl! We're rejoicing with you, giving God the glory, and continuing to pray for strength and healing for both you and Gwyneth. We can't wait to see the news story!
Since your story was here in the local paper, you'd be amazed how many more of our friends and neighbors now know about how God is working in your lives. You continue to touch millions here in Hampton Roads!
Tricia looks so pretty in all the photos. Can't wait to hear Tricia & watch the segment!
:) Erin
Tricia looks fabulous! She has so much more color than in previous pics (especially the b&w ones - LOL)...
And a confession... I am having some serious envy issues about that broadcast quality camera!!
Tricia looks so beautiful craddling her precious baby, and then letting Barbara hold her too, these are wonderful pictures once again. You have captured the real feel of the moment. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Gorgeous!! Both girls look magnificent!! Tricia, you really look so healthy and full of life! I'm so glad you get to spend it with your lil Gwyn and Nathan as well as your families and friends! Gwyn still looks small with a person from the distance but she is definitely filling out and growing so much! She is so adorable!
I'm joyful for all of you and prayin' that you all get to go home very soon! Healthy and all that! :-)
Oh, wanted to add that Tricia, not just Gwyn, are both famous!! ;-)
That camera man looks stunning in his "dress".
I love how healthy Tricia and Gwyneth look. It is such a beautiful sight.
WOW look at those pink rosey cheeks on Tricia ....
You are truly a beautiful young woman, and your sweet Gwyneth your perfect gift from God.
Tricia & Nathan through out your journey you guys are on my mind, many times each & everyday,
I share your journey with everyone I know..even a few people I dont really know but stood still long enough for me to start to tell them about you guys & once I get the balling rolling, there has never been one person to cut me off or say they didnt have the time to listen, everyone falls in love with you guys,each time i run into someone at the school or supermarket they always ask for updates even if they just ckd. your web site that morning...
Tricia & Nathan I do not know anyone who know's of you guys..
that forgets about you...
you leave folks with such an impression,
you are imbedded in heart's all over this world.
I can't wait to see part 2 follow up story with Barbara Gibbs, oh ok
I will admit it, wishing I was her for the few minutes she was graced
with the joy & privledge of holding your Gwyneth Rose =) =)
Showering You & Yours Lovingly With Prayers,
Patricia N.
What a wonderful sight to see Tricia holding her precious daughter.
Thanks be to God!
Your story continues to inspire! I tell ya what - Tricia looks absolutely wonderful, happy, healthier and well rested in those pictures. I hope and pray the very best for you daily! Much love - Bamagirl!!!
Looking forward to the story!
Tricia, you are amazing!
Tricia - You look beautiful. I hope you are feeling as good as you look!
Your girls look fantastic! That is just so cool that your story is getting so much exposure. You so need to go on Oprah!
Have a blessed day! Still praying.
My heart just leaps with joy at these photos and that everyone is doing so well! I'm so happy for you all!
My heart just leaps with joy at these photos and that everyone is doing so well! I'm so happy for you all!
I love the pictures! I can't wait for the news story -- the last one was done so well!
Praying for continued healing for your girls. They've come SO far.
Lots of love...
Oh wow! That is so cool! It's so refreshing to see pictures of Tricia and Gwyneth together!! God is good!!
Wow that is so cool! I can hardly wait for the story :) Blessings on your day!
Whoa! Internet celebs, newspaper celebs, TV celebs...Can't think of another preemie with so much press!! Tricia looks awesome, Nate. Hope things are progressing the way you expect them to, and that each day is better than the one before. Continuing to pray for you all.
God Bless
Jamie in Texas
Looking forward to the story. Nice pics!!!!
I hope they WebCast it again... The first report was so touching...
Q&A: Why does Tricia have to wear gloves when she sees Gwyneth, but not others?
Ha ha "Barbara holding a celeb..." very cute.
I just love that last picture. Tricia has such great color in her cheeks. To me, that is such an exciting thing to see! Still sending prayers to you from Charlotte!
Y'all are an inspiration to many! I recognize Barbara Gibbs as she used to be at our local station in Roanoke, VA. Wishing your family all the best! Our 5 1/2 year old daughter, Caroline, has Cystic Fibrosis.
Tric is looking so good!
Barbara holding a celebrity-How cute but in your eyes Gwyneth is a special celebrity.Of course so is Tricia.
OH, I love these new pictures, too! Can see her face in these and see how much bigger she has gotten. And Tricia, you look wonderful! I'm so happy for you all.
How awesome is this. I can't wait to hear Tricia & little Gwyneth is adorable. Always praying for your precious family.
Bonnie Meyer
Washington, Missouri
awww. i love the pic of barbara holding Gwen...can't wait to see the story!
I can't wait to see the story! Tricia looks wonderful! And Gwyneth is getting big!
Still praying.
This is the most beautiful love story I have have heard. Tricia, you are one lucky girl to have a man like Nate! There are not many like him out there. My prayers for your family's continued healing!
I know Gwyneth is still tiny, but looking at these new pictures I can't believe how much she is growing... seeing her beside her pug really shows what a big girl she is becoming!
Hope you guys are getting some rest and making consistent progress towards coming home together...
look...even the camera man got the blue dress memo! lol!
Just watched part 1. I was on vacation when you posted it. They did an amazing job! I'm looking forward to part 2.
Gwyneth and Tricia both look so good!
Can't wait to see this update...she did such a great job with the first segment! Will be watching for your info! Thanks.
I can't believe the national media hasn't picked up the story yet. Maybe they have and I haven't heard about it. Awesome, you guys are more famous than the person interviewing you!!
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