Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Day After

My Dad has been blogging fairly extensively over the past 12 hours about the activities and thoughts going on. If you want the play-by-play, check it out.

The surgery was the most intense stage of the transplant process so far, and it almost entirely depended on the skill and wisdom of the medical staff. Today and the next few hours and days and weeks will be even more difficult, and will rely almost entirely on Tricia. How will her body react to and accepts the new lungs? How will she mentally and emotionally respond. How hard will she push herself to get out of bed and start her new life.

These next few hours and days and weeks will be the most critical. There are too many possible complications to list right now on no sleep, so I'll blog about that later...for now, be praying that Tricia will stay infection and rejection free.

We are incredibly excited and blessed that we've come this far, and your encouragement and thoughts and prayers are more critical right now than ever before. I look forward to telling you of the day's progress tonight!

Thank you!



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Court said...

We're praying!!!!!

Erin said...

we are praying...

Carol Jackson. said...

Glad to get this update and will continue to pray. God is good!!

Schroyer Family said...


Allison said...

Love you guys - praying constantly.

Alicia said...

Continuing to pray......

Tanisha said...

Stay encouraged....God can do all things!!!

Angela said...

I have been waking up and thinking of you guys all night. I'm so glad that the surgery went well. I will be praying for you today.

2 Babes in Boyland said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lesley said...

Praying continually for you all!

Amanda said...

We will pray for everyone involved!

Anonymous said...

So wonderful that it is going well so far! We will be praying!! We love you!

Valerie said...

We are praying for Tricia and this exciting new beginning! May the Lord grant you peace, sleep, and abundant joy!

Blessings From Above said...

I definitely will be praying that Tricia's body accepts her new lungs, that she remians infection free, as well as her continued recovery. Praise God she has made it thus far..... she'll be home soon!!!

makandaddie said...

Thinking about you guys! Thanks for the update...


Amy E. said...

All those needs and even the ones you can't think of right now are all covered in prayer!!

Anne said...

Continued prayers!!!

Unknown said...

I will continue to pray for you guys. Thanks for the upsates.

Tina said...

Get some rest, we'll all cover you in prayer while you slumber!!

Brian, Beth, Garrett, Lucy, Brooks and Deacon White said...

We continue praying for Tricia! I too awoke numerous times throughout the night thinking of what was taking place & praying for Tricia, Gwyneth, your family & the donor's family. Look forward to more updates.

2 Babes in Boyland said...

SO happy for you all!! Praying for your family, for Tricia, and for the donor's family. God bless you all!

Anonymous said...

We will continue to pray! Praise Jesus for bringing her through the surgery!

Lara said...

God is not a limited God and He can do anything! Be encouraged and I am praying the Lord would continue to cover you with His peace!

Blessings from Arizona

Career.Nanny said...

More prayers for you all.

Meredith said...

Still praying and very excited for all of you! I also ditto Tanisha in saying...

"Stay encouraged.....God can do ALL things"!!!

God Bless

1 Samuel 12:24 said...

Continuing in prayer...

Sarah said...

Still praying in KS.

Annette said...

Thank you for updating in this busy time. Im happy that Tricia got the transplant (and what better day for that to happen) We will continue to pray for her recovery and I look forward to walking in honor of Tricia on the 19th.

Christy said...

I'm proud of you both. I look forward to hearing the good reports too.
As always,

In prayer

Angela R. said...

God is on your side. He has brought you and Tricia strength to get this far and praying he continues to. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers constantly!


Lani said...

Continuing to pray! Thanks for the update!

Aida Rita said...

God is VERY good ! Praying for your family.

The Rosetto's said...

Continuing prayers on your behalf!

The Hallenbeck's said...

Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth

We are continuing to pray for you. And Praising God for lungs so quickly! God is good, All the time!

Anonymous said...

Put up a post that referred to the Lawrensons and your site here:

We too, are still praying.

Barbara Kay said...

God bless you and your family. God is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do. I'll be following your lead as to how to pray throughout the recovery process. Thanks to you and your dad for keeping the communication lines open for all of us.

Amy said...

Will be always praying till I see the photo of you all on your way home.
May God give you some very peaceful sleep.

Erin said...

Praise the Lord for His many blessings. We are continuing to pray for Tricia and all of you!

Elizabeth said...

Great update. We are still praying here in Texas. Get some sleep and we look forward to hearing how Tricia is doing later today. Thanks for letting us all know what is going on. Blessings.

Kate said...

Thanking God that the surgery went well & continuing to pray for Tricia & you & Gwyneth ~ that God will strengthen you and continue to uphold you.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Nate, it's good to hear from you -- not because you're "expected" to blog, but because I know you've been through the wringer and that you're still there -- so it's reassuring to hear from you. (Does that make sense?)

I've been keeping an eye on your dad's blog. His blogging has been a blessing.

I hope you'll be able to get some sleep while Tricia's sleeping. We're still praying... but if there's anything else you need let us know.

Praying infection- and rejection-free prayers...


Rhonda said...

We are in awe of how God uses our sorrows for good. Your journey is like no other, your faith so strong. God's glory shines like the dawn.
He has your family in the palm of His hand. He smiles at your love and faith in Him. Although the storm rages, His peace and love shelters
Praying with you..
Rhonda B

Amy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marsmile said...

Thanks for updating us and go get some sleep! It's more important for you all to get sleep to remain healthy and strong to support Tricia during her recovery and rehabilitation. I'm truly praying that Tricia recovers quickly with no complications and without too much pain, and that some day soon, you three will be home together! Tricia is very strong and she's a fighter. Gwyn is just like her mom! They are blessed to have you with them!

Marissa :-)

Tam said...

Ya'll were the last thing on my mind as I went to sleep and I checked your blog first thing this am. So thankful that Trisha is doing well this am. We will continue to pray for all the details. Hopefully you will be able to rest some today.

Melody said...

Praying for peace and rest for you today.

The Posti Family said...

Praying that everything goes as well as it can over the next couple days ... fight for it Tricia!

Corinne said...

Still praying....

hopefulinOhio said...

Praying for Trisha's body to accept her new lungs. Also, praying for you Nate and family.

Aspiemom said...

I've been following your dad's blog and passed along the updates to I'm so happy that the surgical staff performed well and will be praying that Tricia will remain infection and rejection free.

I hope you can get some rest soon!

boltefamily said...

Still praying! Knowing the days ahead will be challenging for everyone but God is in control and will hold each of you in the palm of His mighty hand!

goldrock said...

Still praying. Praying that Tricia's body accepts her new lungs and that the incentive of seeing her precious Gyneth Rose keeps her motivated and encouraged during the difficult days and weeks ahead. God, please continue watching over Tricia, her family and the donor's family.

Kylee said...

Will continue to pray!

Sharon said...

We are praying for all of you!!

Christine said...

Just heard about your journey earlier this week. Thoughts and prayers from Ontario, Canada.

staci said...

praying for all of the strength both you and tricia will need in the coming days - hope you can catch some sleep - god made our bodies and minds so that they function much better when rested - Staci

Mary Knapp Yahoo said...

YAY for the good news!

We will all still be praying for Tricia and know that she will tackle the challenges ahead with grace. Getting to see Gwyneth and be with her more should provide excellent motivation in the upcoming days!!

Thank you donor family (and lots of ongoing prayers for them)for taking a moment during your grief and giving the gift of life.

~From Ohio~

Nora said...

Continuing to pray... Get some sleep, Nate... You all need to keep your strength up!

Lee said...

PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING and wont stop.... Thak you for the update.

Jaime said...

Praying constantly for everyone involved.

somebody,somewhere said...

enjoyed the updates on your dad's blogs - still praying :)

jennifer said...

Still praying! I'm so excited and will pray that Tricia's body responds well. I look forward to more updates.

Amy said...

I'm praying for you to get some restful sleep, Nathan! Praying for Tricia and Baby Gwyneth too!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy she is through the surgery! We're praying for a complete recovery and so excited for Tricia to start her new life. Praying for her strength(and yours) in both body and mind as you go through these next weeks. Our God is able!

Anonymous said...

We are praying for everyone! Especially Tricia!!!

Only Servants Ministries said...

"Get some sleep" is easier said than done I'm sure. we can't wait till tonight. There are too many people praying for you guys to get discouraged. Keep "consider(ing) it all joy" my friend.

Candy said...

We continue to pray...

Mom to 2 Boys said...

Tricia is STRONG! She will get up and see that baby girl!

Nate~ Be sure to take care of you a bit. Sleep and food are important.

I went to sleep praying and woke up praying!

Also thinking of the donor and the family. I hope they find peace and comfort knowing that they saved another.

Amy T said...

Praying. Praise God!

Amy said...

We are praying! And believing!

DeLynn said...

Praying for you all!

Emily said...

Praise the Lord that the surgery was successful.
Still praying for Tricia in this critical stage...

Shannon said...

Prayers from Austin. Lord let those new lungs work for Tricia. And keep her healthy and infection free. And pain free.

c&v said...

The Lord has brought you so far...He is working in Tricia's body right now! We are praying!

Matt Millard said...

Many prayers being said!

Wade, Debby and The 5 kidlets said...

Continuing to pray without ceasing!
Lots of people praying at LU as well!

Wade & Debby
Lynchburg, VA

Tumbleweed said...

Tricia-You have been given a second chance. The road has been bumpy and sometimes discouraging, but remember that God has chosen you, for that set of lungs. He wants you to persevere, more than ever, and if you start to drag or get discouraged, just remember to reach out and take His hand. Nate, read "Footprints in the Sand" to Tricia, and remind her over and over that God is not going to let her face any challenge that He and Tricia cannot handle together.

Tricia- remember to let God be in control, and lean on Him when you feel weak or discouraged.

God has chosen you, for a reason, and He will see you all the way through it. Too many miracles have happened to believe anything different.

Nate- you are an awesome husband!

Scott said...

Praying regularly for all the above things. Strength, will to push, no rejection, no infection. ..

Lucinda Perry said...

Thanks for the update. I pray for healing and protection and that God will be honored above all. Praise to the Great Physician!!!!

Lady Eli said...

gsaWe've been getting up all night to check. We are praying for you all! From Miss Ann, Joe, and the Drake Family

Q's NEWS said...

No infection, no rejection. I think we can make a catchy chant out that pretty easily.

God has abundantly blessed you with everything including perfect timing (your birthday :) ) I have no doubt that God will work miracles throughout Tricia's body and mind.

Please try to get some rest, so that you can be fresh and ready to be with Tricia.

It's the beginning of great things!!!

Tabitha said...

Praying for all of you

bkmanary said...

Continuing to watch and pray, thank you for taking the time to blog considering your intense weariness and stress.
Praying for restoration for Tricia's lungs to work a full capacity, I just know Tricia has the drive and determination to get moving and keep moving! She certainly has a huge cyber family cheering her on. It is a priveledge to read and follow you along on this journey. Thank you, Thank you for sharing your story.
Vancouver BC

Paige Hinrichs said...

Lifting Tricia up in prayer! May God make her infection free and rejection free and give her the strength (emotionally & physically) to heal. God is great and worthy to be praised!

Praying also for you, Nate. May God give you strength and peace as you take care of your girls. You're a good man.

God Bless You all today!

Tricia said...

Rest now Nate - you have had such an overwhelming and at the same time miraculous 24 hours. God has got Tricia this far. With some good care and rest, she will make it through all of this infection free and fighting hard. Now, if possible try and take some time to sleep and rest yourself - so that you can be there as you have been all this time to encourage her in the next phase. We will continue to pray for healing and strength and hope for all of you and your families. With love and hope and prayer, Tricia and Clan :) N.VA

Tina said...

Just 24 hours ago you got the call - and now Tricia has her new lungs and is on the road to getting all the way better. Amazing!!!
Still praying for all of you!

Abbie said...

Always thinking and praying for you guys! Such big times, and God is always smiling on you all! :)

Jen in Al said...

Praying,,,,,jen in al

Unknown said...

Great news! God is good! Still praying!
Stacy :-)

Chris Bogart said...

Glad to hear this are going well. Continuing to pray...

Our beautiful mess... said...

So glad everything is going well! All us in "blogland" are thinking of and praying for your family right now.

Millicent said...

Still praying hard for Tricia!

Bryan & Suzanne said...

Praise God for the blessing you all have received. And for the blessing your story is to so many. I think it's safe to say that there are prayer warriors all over the country storming the gates of heaven with Tricia's name on their lips. Including this one. God bless.

m.e. said...

I am brand new to your blog but am deeply touched by your poignant journaling of your dear wife's journey and of that precious preemie daughter the Lord gave you. Please know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers today and will remain there for as long as needed as I follow your blog.


Destini said...

I am still in awe of God's timing. What a birthday gift you have been given. Praying with you and the multitude that she tolerates her new lungs and that she will have the stamina to do what is required of her physically and emotionally. She's come so far! Praise God for his blessings on your family!

Sheila said...

We are praying for you on this rainy Kansas morning.

I hope that you and your family are able to get some sleep and that Tricia gets all the rest she needs.

The next phase in your journey is just beginning.

I also pray for the donors family. They made the most unselfish decision during their most tragic hour. I pray that they have peace in the dark hours and joy in knowing that their loved one lives on in Tricia.

My Busy Boys said...

Continuing our thoughts and prayers for you guys. May God hold you tight. PRAYING... PRAYING


Kellita said...

we're praying! Be encouraged today as you look forward to new and exciting things.

Anonymous said...

praying hard! I look forward to reading about Tricia experiencing her happily ever after.

Jennifer said...

Praising God that the surgery went well. I will continue to pray for her recovery and for your dear little girl.

Carmen said...

I'm praying for you Tricia...

Laurie in Ca. said...

Praising the Lord and praying for complete recovery and new breath.

Love, Laurie in Ca.

Nadine said...

Be strong and courageous...God can do all things...He knows Tricia better then anyone...His grace IS Him we can do all things...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Nate- Hang in there! I will continue to pray for Tricia and the rest of you. Please now more than ever to try and stay strong. This is when Tricia is going to need you the most. Nate please be patient with Tricia and her recovery and let her work at her own pace. Leave it up to God and keep focus on how far you guys have gotten. Be sure to keep reminding Gwyneth everyday how much her mommy loves her and can't wait to see her again. You have truly been blessed with a wonderful wife and daughter.


terri c said...

Prayers most certainly continuing. All over the world people stayed up late and got up early, or some combination, and are staring at your blog and your dad's blog with sleep-filled eyes and praying.

Anonymous said...

Continuing to pray. Thank you for the updates. God is good!!

ttulizzy said...


I hope Tricia rests well today after a long night and her body accepts the new lungs and that she is motivated to get up and hold that baby!

I hope you and your family rest well after a long night as well.


Just Call Me Grammy said...

I will continue to pray for Tricia and all of you.

Mrs. Dan said...

Praising and supplicating with you all. It is awesome to be a part of this prayer team!

Carol said...

Nate - I get that Tricia needs our constant prayer - it will take healing and strength, and courage on her part and she will need to feel God next to her all the way. Life did not just get instantly easy, but we are so happy that she had her transplant and will continue to pray for her, for you, for all her loved ones.

simplykristi said...

I have been following your story for nearly three months.

I am sooo happy to hear that Tricia got her new lungs! I am also happy to hear that Gwenyth is doing well.

Lots og good thoughts and prayers.

I am a registered organ donor thru my state where I live.

Kate said...

YAY SO FAR!!! I was so excited to read the updates this morning, thanks to you and your dad!

I was praying last night (multiple times, as I was up with my infant) that the same loving and merciful God who gave Tricia her first breath see it in His will to give her the first of many NEW breaths soon! God has obviously poured out His graces upon your family, allowing you to touch so many lives. No doubt He will continue to do so!

I am touched and inspired by your and Tricia's unwavering fortitude and faith throughout all of this process. In the "go forth and preach the Gospel" and being a "light to the nations" yall are doing great. Thank you so much.

I look forward to continuing to read more exciting and amazingly miraculous news on your Lovely Ladies!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Our family will be praying nonstop for Tricia and Gwyneth.Thanks for the updates! Try and get some sleep.

Em said...

Thanks for the update. Will continue to pray. Get some rest!

Erin said...


Marge Sexton said...

Try to get some rest, and we will continue to pray.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts are with you all today. I didn't want to sleep, hoping that the surgery would work.

Kay said...

Praying!!! PTL it has come this far. Looking forward to more updates!

Leah Courtney said...

I got the word last night from someone on my web board that the lungs were a go, and I just wanted to say, I've been praying and will continue to pray today.


Florida_Mom said...

Praying for you all. Do try to get some rest and stay strong for your girls.

In Christ

Daddy & Mommy said...

Thank you, Jesus, for a successful surgery! We will continue to pray for Tricia's recovery.

simplykristi said...

I have been following Tricia and Gwyneth's journeys for nearly three months.

I am soo happy that Tricia received her new lungs! I am glad to hear that Gwyneth is doing well. Lots of good thoughts and prayers for you!

I am a registered organ donor in the state where I live.

karen said...


Anonymous said...

Already praying for no infection for Tricia and no sicknesses for you and for any of your family members who might be around to see her.
Kathy (mom to the princesses in disguise)

Devin said...

Continuing to pray for ALL of those things!

Devin in Illinois

Heidi said...

Awesome news! Just take it a couple hours at a time...I know people say 1 day at a time, but the first few weeks is more like an hour at at time! We're all praying for you and you are in our thoughts constantly!!

Jenny said...

Thank you so much for the update.

Praying constantly for a quick, smooth recovery!

Barb said...

I'm praying!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad her surgery was a success. Praying for her to be infection free and for her body to not reject her new lungs.

Anonymous said...

So thankful everything went well. God is so good, all the time. We will be praying for infection and rejection to stay at bay and that Tricia will be up and at 'em very, very soon!

Jonathan & Christina said...

Soto Family has been praying since we read your blog and continue to do so. My God provide you all with strength, Courage and the ability to continue to cope!

M said...

So pleased to wake up to this announcement that all is well and complete. Will now start up the prayers again for the next stage of this process.

bethany said...

thanks Nate.
Love you all.
bethany m.

Melissa said...

Prayers from Kinston...

Becky in VA said...

Our love and prayers will be even stronger for Tricia. Please remind her that she has THOUSANDS of new friends. You, too, Nate. Wow, what a birthday gift!!!!!!

Love to all.

Becca said...

Your story is inspiring. Praise God for....everything.

Adding my prayers/

Jane said...

I've not been hanging around all these months to leave or stop praying now! God is good and we will praise Him through it all!

thanks for the updates and the specifics of the prayers needed.

Praying for you too got girls to take care of, stay healthy dude!

Jonathan & Christina said...

We have been praying the day my wife read your blog sometime back and continue to do so. My God continue to give you the courage and the continued ability to find strength through out all this. All our best!

megasam said...

I am praying for you. I hope that you are getting some much needed rest so that you have your strength to cheer Tricia on to recovery. Thank you for updating.

Karen said...

I'm delurking... I can't even remember where I first ran across your blog, it may have been on one of the blogs I follow in the adoption world. In any case, I am not too far from you, in fact I live about 2 minutes from the church where Nathan worked in VB!! Prayers coming your way from off Providence Rd. in VB...

Julie said...

Thanks for the update. Praying for Tricia. I'm also praying for you. Try and get a little sleep. As I was drifting off to sleep last night, I was praying for you all. It occurred to me that you really need to get some sleep, Nate! I felt a little guilty sleeping, while you waited and worried. I prayed you would drift off in the waiting room. Best wishes, still praying!

Kerry said...

I'm sure Tricia will have her bad days when she will find it too hard to get out of bed. She will get frustrated with the pain. She may even get angry that she had to go on this journey. But, although I don't know her personally, if she is even half as strong as she seems from reading this blog, she will get through this phase of the journey with a smile on her face and thankfulness in her heart. May you and Gwyneth have decades and decades longer to spend in the company of such a wonderful person.

Kerry in Wichita

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you all that you have reached this point in your journey! I pray that Tricia's body accepts the lungs, that her recovery is swift, and that the two of you will have many, many wonderful years ahead of you with your beautiful little one.

Angie said...

What a blessing to know she made it through the surgery successfully! I continue to pray for no infection, zero rejection, and easy adjustment to breathing on her own. WOW! What a breath that will be! I can't imagine the mixed emotions of the donor's family...what a treasure they have shared!
Blessed - Angie

Joshua & Jacob said...

My prayer for you today is that you can sleep, even if just for an hour.

Continued strength!

Bailey said...

always praying!

Haley said...

I am so glad Tricia made it through surgery. I hope you all get some rest. Prayers to you all.

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

Get some rest if you can. You have an awesome support group of people praying and caring for you.

Kristi said...

I am still praying. Praise the Lord!

amy smith said...

i know we all keep saying it... but we are praying.

Jacoline said...

I'm praying & thinking about you!!

Unknown said...

You don't know me, and I stumbled on your blog from link posted on a board I frequent. What an amazing story you are living. Thoughs and prayers from Western Nebraska!

Josie said...

We haven't stopped praying for Tricia, you and the family. I've shared your story of strength and hope with everyone I know. Together we pray for absolute recovery. Much love & God bless, friends from California

Anonymous said...

I am just in awe of God's creation... isn't it amazing that He created the human body to withstand things such as Tricia has been going through? The thought that a part of our bodies, especially one so important as lungs, can be removed and replaced and yet we can still endure and thrive after that kind of trauma... it's amazing!! Thinking of you today...

Karmen Lindner said...

We are very familiar with the double-lung transplant...our family is praying for yours.

North Carolina Mom said...

Wow! Go Tricia go! You can do it!

Professor TIllman said...

We're still praying for Tricia, but I'd just like to take this opportunity to say HOOORAYYYYYYY!!

But now the question remains, how are YOU doing, Nate?

Anonymous said...

She's a fighter!! Go Tricia!!


JnR said...

I haven't had internet for awhile and this is the best news to see when I get it again! I am so so happy for Tricia (and family) and will continue to keep everyone in my prayers (I'm so happy to see how much bigger and older Gwyneth looks too).

Mary said...

I'm praying Nate! No infection, no rejection, just happy healthy lungs and a happy healthy Tricia. I will also pray for some much needed rest for you and your family. May you feel God's arms around you right now.


P.S. My 6 year old daughter has been praying for Tricia at her school each day and she was so excited this morning to share the praise that Tricia got new lungs!

The Mom Jen said...

Won't stop praying!

So glad the surgery was a success!

Happy first day with new lungs Tricia!

Lesley said...

Oh my gosh! I read that it was your birthday and was just now able to check back in. Wow!!!

Our GOD IS SO FAITHFUL!!! I am so excited about Tricia getting new lungs! Nate, thank you so much for keeping us up to date in the middle of what has to be a roller coaster for you.

My prayers for Tricia will continue today and we will press in for God's miraculous healing to take place in Tricia's body!

Praying for ALL of you!


Stephanie said...

Our prayers remain with you all. May The Lord continue to bless your sweetheart...

Jarboetwingles said...

Praying for an infection free recovery and for all the other complications. What a birthday present!!

Susan Stripling said...

i have been reading this blog for months and months, reading daily but never commenting. i just HAD to now, i am so thrilled and happy for you three. prayers abound here.

Katie Lamont said...

I prayed for you all several times through the night as I woke up to check for updates and to pray. We continue to pray today!

Totally Taylor said...

good news!

Do they have psychologist's that specialize in helping transplant reciepients. I can only imagine the surrealness (is that a word?) of being sick your whole life, to overnight, not being sick? Was there psychotherapy that she had to go through to get on the transplant list? I am just curious, not trying to be too nosy. I am sincerely interested.

I hope everything continues to go well. After watching Alice make such incredible strides I am so confident Tricia will do the same.

I hope you are getting rest, Nate. My heart aches for you and all you have been through. Please give Gwenyth a virtual hug from me. She is so beautiful

Em said...

continued prayers in Massachusetts.

Anonymous said...

Still praying.

kiki_bourque said...

Glad to hear everything so far has gone well. We continue to pray for your family and will cross all crossables Trisha stays healthy

~j~ said...

Nate, thank you for the specifics to know how to pray for Tricia.
The Word of God, so powerful and mighty.

Sarah said...

thinking of you guys... be strong, ALL OF YOU!

Karen said...

No infection!! I am praying for no infection in the germ infested hospital! And all the unknowns I don't even know what to pray for or about! I love to be specific in prayer, so I will just use my imagination and pray for everything I can think of!

The little love of your life is looking better evryday!

Froggymama said...

Wonderful news, we will continue to pray for your beautiful family.

Stacemoe said...

Tricia, I am praying for you from Dallas. You are so strong!!!! You have made it this far and I know your determination will get you through the next few difficult weeks and months. Praying for no infections and your body will accept the lungs with few complications. What an answer to prayer!!! I can't wait to watch the Lord work over the next few months.

Anxious AF said...


MahoneyMusings said...

Continued prayers thoughout the day.

chanceofcrazy said...

What a mighty blessing the Lord has bestowed on Tricia. Prayers of thanks and hope are offered as we speak. God Bless you all!

jamie said...

Nate, I hope you are getting some rest by now. I had my nap and am back to praying for all of you. Thank you for updating and thanks to your Dad for doing so also. I know there is a long hard road ahead, And I pray it will be made as easy as possible for you all. Your darling little Gwyneth will be a big motivator for Tricia to work hard. I do pray she will have as easy of a mental and physical trip down that road to recovery as is possible. Hang in there. Remember how many folks there are out here praying as hard as we can. You have many,many friends you will never meet, but that love you and your family. I hope that can bring you some help in the difficult times. God Bless all of you.

Jamie in Texas

Judy said...

Be've got an army of people praying for you, for Tricia, for Gwyneth, for the doctors and nurses, for the donor family, for Don and Agnes, for Rick and Gail, for your extended families who I'm sure are frustrated that they can't be there to support you, etc. Be encouraged!! God is faithful!

Kelly said...

Praying for no rejection, and no infection!

Hang in there! Thinking of you in California.

Kristen said...

I read Rick's blog. Very emotional and I cant imagation what it is like for you. Prays ongoing!

Stacey said...

Just wanted you to know that everyone on both Our Prayer Lists & Our Facebook Friends are praying for Tricia!!! Much Love Always - Bill, Stacey, Josh, & Ben Reich

Julie D said...

Constantly praying....

Erin said...

Thank God! Looking forward to many wonderful updates!

Mayhem And Miracles said...

I am committing to continue to pray.

blessed said...

Our Bible Study prayed for you during the surgery. Your family has been on my mind since I heard your story 4 days ago. Several times a day I check for updates. Your faith is a testimony to all of God's faithfulness. I am continuing to pray throughout the day that Trisha Amazes the Dr. on her road to recovery.

Jennifer said...

Oh Nate! How wonderful! This is the best news I got this morning! I am praying for Tricia, you and Gwyneth. My prayers to the donor family as well, for the wonderful thing they have done in their time of grief.

sami2009 said...

Hi Nathan and family!
I am glad the surgery was successful. I am praying that Tricia does well after the surgery and makes a wonderful recovery. I am amazed at the way God has blessed all of us with your story! You are truly an inspiration to us all. I hope you are doing well and that Gwyneth also continues to make strides in her recovery.

MamaOnABudget said...

I haven't been posting comments because I know you're being inundated right now. But I've been praying and I posted your links to my blog (the one that needs a password to read) for others to pray... God be with you both!

Rachel said...

Praying for Tricia for her body to heal. So thankful to be able to witness another miracle in your family.

Sandi said...

Praying that her body will accept and for peace to fill all of your hearts.

Amy Lynn said...

Thanks for the update, Nate!
Tricia continues in our prayers.
We will keep praying hard for her and for you as well.

Amy in Oregon

Ana said...

Hi, I've been following your story for the last couple of weeks. It is amazing! Your faith has inspired me, even if it is the faith that you want to have, and are striving for. That is faith. To keep on believing in hard times. Our God is amazing and at the same time ununderstandable. One day we will know! Keep on going! You are all doing great!

I am praying for you all and thinking of you! I am so happy and relieved that the surgery went so well. May God bless you as you start your new life and as Tricia heals and accepts this gift. I will also pray for her strength in recovery.

I had twins two months early and remember the times in the hospital. Only minimal compared to what you are going through. My heart goes out for you, Tricia and Gwyneth! God loves you all so much!

We are praying . . .

Anne Coleman said...

Amen and Amen! God is an awesome God, indeed. After nearly losing my husband in August, I've seen His wonders first-hand and your story is so amazing to me. God never fails to awe.

Grace Acres said...

I am so amazed at the committment you and Tricia seam to convey continually on this difficult stage in your life. God bless, Praying for you.

Anonymous said...

i'm praying. you guys are amazing, and i don't doubt that tricia's spirit will be strong.. sending all of you good vibes and love.

beth said...

Hey Nate,
long night, day.....!!! I pray it all just goes smoothly, and all the what ifs never happen. Thank you Jesus for that ahead of time:)
Still praying and looking forward to my competitive srabulous friend back!!! She was winning by the way!
We will continue to pray......
We love you guys here in hh, nj!!

Anonymous said...

Nate and Tricia,
still praying! This experience is teaching me about "praying constantly!" I pray that Nate and the rest of the family gets some good rest. I pray that Tricia does miraculously well coming off the vent. We know that she is motivated to get moving (just put Gwyneth across the room to get her started!)I look forward to further updates when you are well rested!!

Mom to Tate and Charlie said...

I am in tears (happy ones). I have never been so happy for someone I dont even know. I am praying that the new lungs help Tricia and she recovers quickly. Hugs to you, Tricia and Gwyneth.

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