Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Here are some pics from the past few weeks...



Laurie in Ca. said...

Oh, Gwyneth is so beautiful and growing so good. Great pictures and I am so thankful for how both of your girls are doing. Prayers continue here for all of you.

Love, Laurie in Ca.

jamie said...

Wow, what beautiful pics, Nate!! Thanks! That little heart breaker is sure growing!! Tricia, you look gorgeous! You'r a lucky man with those 2 girls, Nate!
God Bless you all
Jamie in Texas

cmziall said...

Once again, great pictures! Gwyneth has so many beautiful and great expressions!

God is good!

Michelle in MO

Christina said...

Gwyneth is just beautiful and Tricia looks very peaceful in that last one. :)

Anonymous said...

Is that a double chin I see on Gwenyth?? My how she is growing! Way to go everyone!

I Speak Refugee, Let's Chat! said...

Your girls look great!

Lee said...

That little munchkin actually has ROLLS! Unreal! Nate, you said she is kinda on the small side even for micropreemie babies, but mercy mable she has really chunked up! Looking back at the pictures of her first few dayus of life to now..WOW! GOD IS SO GOOD! And isn't His timing so awesome! To think they might be ready pretty close to the same time for release from the hospital!
Congratulations and blessings on such wonderful strides over this past week!

Megan said...

Gwyneth's face is really filling out... you've got a little chubster on your hands! Just beautiful :-)

The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

Oh what precious photos! You have two very beautiful girls! Our
11th little one was born Friday and spent some time in the NICU and as I spent hours praying, I thought of you and praised the Lord for the testimony you've been for Him. I prayed for you all and now that we are home, I'm sooo happy to be able to see these sweet pictures of your girls and know that the work on the outside as great as the changes have been is nothing in comparison to the work God has done on the hearts of your family I'm sure as well as then thousands of lives He's used you to touch.
love and prayers,
The Lockwoods 13 :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pictures once again. It is amazing to see how much Gwyneth changes with each set of pictures. She is a beautiful little peanut. Tricia is so stunningly beautiful, as always!! God bless you.

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Beautiful pictures of both Tricia and Gwyneth.
Thanks for sharing.

Stephanie said...

Both your beautiful girls are looking so good! I'm certain that you must be so excited!

Marge Sexton said...

What beautiful girls you have. How very blessed you are, and we continue to praise God for what he has done, and promise to continue to pray!
Thanks you ever so much for sharing your journey, these pictures are priceless!

00 said...

Great pics!! Thanks for sharing your life with all of us. Your story is a great encouragement to so many.

Christa said...

Oh my gosh you have gorgeous girls..my goodness that baby is getting so big. what a lucky man you are!!

Nadine said...

she is so beautiful...I can't believe how much she seems to be growing these last few weeks...
Even has a little chin...so cute!
God Bless you all

weavermom said...

Gwyneth is getting downright chubby! :) Thanks for sharing.

Ellen said...

Gwyneth is certainly filling out and Tricia looks just wonderful! I'm so excited for your great day!

Anonymous said...

6th picture: "Dear God, please protect my mommy and daddy."

Another thought .. man look at them nails. :)

Thirdly, I just want to "coochie choochie cooo" under that chin.

Silver Martin said...

you have two of the most beautiful girls on this planet,
your in our prayers

Em said...

How beautiful are they.

Jenn said...

Beautiful picture, Tricia! And I can't believe how much older and bigger Gwyneth is looking! So cute!!

Totally Taylor said...

I just love that baby. She is so precious. Thank you for sharing her. Don't think we haven't forgotten today is Tuesday and PUG DAY! :-) Only 1(or is 2) more weeks until her due date. Amazing, isn't it?

Jennifer said...

Love the pics...Tricia looks great!

Briana said...

WOW! You can really tell how big she's getting in these. She looks so healthy.

Annette said...

Beautiful picture of Tricia :)

Steph said...

Wow, she has grown so much, and what a pretty little girl! Thanks for sharing!
Stephanie/Stl Mo

Bren said...

Gwyneth is sooooo beautiful! And so is her mommy. Great pictures.
Hugs to all from IN.

Blessings From Above said...

Oh, she is so beautiful! No wonder we've all fallin' in love with her.

Nicole said...

too cutie!

Aspiemom said...

More beautiful pictures! I thought the 4th was my favorite, but then I saw the one with Gwyn wrapped in pink and I really like that one.

I love seeing Tricia with her smile. She looks very happy and peaceful!

Love you guys - Aspiemom

Lee said...

Wow , you have some beautiful girls Nat.

JW said...

Two beautiful ladies! You're looking so vibrant and healthy, Tricia! Continuing to pray for a speedy recovery.

Amy said...

Wow!!!Both your girls look beautiful. I am still praying

Princess Talana said...

This is the first set of photos where I really think we can see her little personality coming through... those big expresive eyes, holding her body just so...

Unknown said...

So precious.

sandra said...

OK, you seriously have one of the most cutest family in the world... Gwyneth looks like she's filling out now,,, she's gorgeous.

Andy Lawrenson said...

Gwyneth is beautiful! Amazing how much she looks like her favorite great uncle.
Tricia looks fantastic and that is great news about the plug and her talking.

Tricia - Your move.

Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

Stefanie said...

Beautiful pictures:)

North Carolina Mom said...

I'm a Wisconsin native, but living in North Carolina the last year, this was my first reaction to the lovely pictures of your beautiful baby, You all must be so proud! (Wisconsinites don't say you all :) )

Thank you for sharing the pictures!

Tricia, I am so glad to hear you are improving. It is such a hard road your traveling, I'm sure you notice all the beauty that so many of us take for granted. I am happy to hear your are able to talk more, I hope you just talk your hubby's ear right off! I hope you get more chances to talk to and sing to your little daughter.

I'm so happy for your family. The three of you and all your relatives who are no doubt just thrilled with the way things are going.

Apryl in NC

Tracie said...

Unbelievably Gorgeous Girls you have there, Nate!

Unknown said...

Gwyneth is lovely. Hang in there Tricia, you'll feel better when the track is gone. Continued prayers.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Cute, cute, cute. Both of them!

Sherri Thacker said...

Gwyneth is really growing. You can really see it in these latest photos!! Tricia is beautiful!! Thanks for the update.

Anonymous said...

Her cheeks are getting downright pudgy! And look at that double chin that's starting! Wow, isn't God amazing!

Your story has so touched me and I love reading all the updates. Thanks for sharing your amazing life with us.

Heather said...

She's so beautiful! I can't believe how much she's filling out :) Tricia looks great too.

Amy said...

Gwyneth has the sweetest chubby cheeks! So glad everything continues to move forward for both Mama and baby. What a blessing it must be to know all is getting better and everyone is doing well! Continue to pray for all 3 of you!



The Curtis Crew said...

Gwyneth is beautiful and it's amazing how much she's changed.
What a miracle!

Marsmile said...

Gorgeous photos! Gwyn is beautiful, cute, and so adorable! She really is filling out and doesn't that make you all want to tickle her chubby/rolly little cheeks and chin?! ;-) I just love her many expressions and these beautiful eyes (like her mom's) of hers sparkle and are filled with such personality!

Tricia looks WONDERFUL! So glad she is doing well!

Thanks for sharing, Nate.

Marissa :-)

mom nana nelson said...

Oh My Gosh those pictures are the best, (love them )
Ann Geddes has nothing on you Nathan, seriously
as a matter of fact I bet she would love your "eye for pictures"
Gwyneth is so totally adorable
oh those hands & those lil' nails
& her cute lil' outfits,
she is very beautiful just like her Mommy
& a strong fighing spirt just like her Mommy
& she defitnly has the determination of her Daddy
Nathan that you are excellent photographer,and a excellent writer,
I am thinking, one day we might see your work published...
YOU are a excellent person thinking always of others
even towards those of us whom you don't know...
It is amazing the love going towards you & yours
from people around the world ....
God Bless his "Mighty Three"
Praying as always for You & Your Families
Patricia N.

Beebe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carol said...

I love seeing every picture that you share. Gwyneth is getting plumper and plumper! And being moved to stepdown is awesome. Both this girls may get out of that joint pretty soon!

~*~Bre~*~ said...

They're both stunning. Enough said :) You have two absolutely gorgeous miracles. <3

jamarson1 said...

Prayers are surely being answered, that is for sure. They both look amazing!

Football and Fried Rice said...

I love seeing Gwyneth in those cutie pie clothes!!!

kekkey said...

looks like gwyneth is getting an extra china--what a blessing! why isn't that attractive on adults too? newman!

Kay said...

Aw, so cute. Gwyneth has a double chin and fat cheeks! :)
Thanks for the picture update... those are the best!

NCBeachMom said...

love pics, especially the one with her little hands folded...

Katie said...

Hi Nate. I've been a reader of your blog for many months now and wept when Tricia got her new lungs. Your daughter's birth date also marks a very special day for me as it was my 3rd anniversary to my amazing husband.

My sister had a kidney transplant from our mom in August 2004. She was told she may never carry a child. By God's good graces, she is 28weeks pregnant with my Nephew, "Spiff", his inutero name.

She was admitted to Labor and Delivery for numbness in her face and hands. Being the high risk pregnancy that she is already has the doctors worried. I worry too.

Then I think of you and your family. Your faith (also my daughter's name!) in God is inspiring and has shed a bit of perspective on the situation our family is facing.

I know you have a long list of prayers each day, but I would be eternally grateful to know there is another set of voices being heard by God's ears for my sister's well-being and my nephews health.

I pray for you, Tricia, Gwyneth, and the hospital team at Duke every day for you guys.

God Bless,

Cathi said...

Gwyneth is looking absolutely chubby : )
I'm so glad both she and Tricia are doing so well.

bkmanary said...

Little baby is real clothes, how cute is she?
Happy to hear that she is being moved to the step down nursery - things are progressing!
Also, was sorry to hear of Tricia set back but glad the bronch scoop helped. Such a hero, Tricia! And of course, it always help to get some deep sleep.
Thank you Nathan for keeping your cyber supporters up-to-date!
Still remembering you in prayer.
Karen et al
Vancouver, BC

Renee said...

WOW..... God's Work in Progress.... My Prayers are with your family....... Always Remember God is in control..... Love In Christ....

Stacemoe said...

I can't get over how much Gwyneth is filling out...it is so wonderful to see how well she is doing. I am so happy they were able to help Tricia and she is breathing and resting better...I am sure that was scary for her...Want you to know I am thinking of you and praying for all 3 of you from Dallas!!!

Donna said...

Gwyneth is lovely. Hang in there Tricia, you'll feel better when the track is gone. Continued prayers.

Karen said...

What beautiful pictures! And, what a big girl Gwyneth is! I'm so glad to hear that both girls are doing awesome, and I'll continue praying... =o)
Karen in FL

gwsas4 said...

Oh my goodness, Gwyneth is so pretty & Tricia looks amazing! I'm so glad that I found your blog & have been able to see what God is doing in your lives! Glory be to God!!

Shan said...

Wow, little Gwyneth is getting so big. Tricia looks so pretty and happy.

Unknown said...

You have the most beautiful girls!

Christina Miller said...

You have the 2 most beautiful girls!!! What a blessing:)

Fire Hunt said...

Gwyneth is get so big. God is good.

Farrah said...

That is the most beautiful baby I ever saw in my whole life...She is growing so well...

WOW and Tricia does look very peaceful!

I'm addicted to your blog.

Steph said...

How beautiful your girls are! Thank you for sharing the pics! I continue to pray for all of you! Thank so much for keeping us posted!

LifeAtTheCircus.com said...

BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL pictures! I am so very happy to hear the good reports!!! Thanks so much for sharing your story with all of us!!

Unknown said...

Awww, Gwyneth is so cute!! And Tricia, you are gorgeous! :) Still sending you prayers!

Jennie said...

you're picture are beautiful, and
so are tricia and gwyneth.

I also wanted to tell you about
an email I recieved about emily.
Thursday everyone has been asked
to wear yellow, since that is her
favorite color, in rememberance of her. I thought you might like to know.


Bobbi said...

Goodness, Gwyneth is too adorable!!! I love that pic with her wrapped in the blanket. Tricia is beautiful also. Thank you for taking time away from your girls to post these!

Debbie said...

Wow, they both look good. Gwyneth is really growing. She is such a cutie pie!! I am glad things are looking brighter these days. Thank you so much for sharing the pics and being such a great wittness to our wonderful saviour.

God Bless~
Debbie :o)

Tanya said...


Crystal said...

Love the pics!! Your little girl is growing so fast! PTL!! Tricia looks wonderful too! May God continue to give you strength!

Unknown said...

Beautiful - both of them!!! Just be sure to tell us when you want us all to STOP praying for weight gain ;>)

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow, is that a double chin I see on Gwyneth?? How cute!! She might be a chunky little monkey afterall. She is so darling!

Tricia, you look beautiful!

Heidi R.

lislynn said...

Oh it's soooo good to see her getting downright chubby!!

Beth said...

Aw! I love the one in the red heart outfit!!! What a cutie.

Zarna said...

she looks so grown up in her clothes! (gwyneth, not tricia lol)

Anxious AF said...


Violet said...

Tricia is looking great. I love the first pic of Gwen with the sun coming in, beautiful. i love her little clothes!

Unknown said...

Oh, what wonderful news and what a beautiful girl! I can't believe how big she's getting and I'm so glad she's in step down! That's wonderful. To God be the glory forever and ever, amen!


Jen said...

Look at Gwyneth's double chin. Priceless....now I will never mention it again because I'm very sensitive to a girls feelings. Way to grow Gwyen

Twila said...

Both your girls look great. You're getting pretty good at taking pictures. Trisha is going to have a lot of scrapbooking to do when she gets home!

Meredith said...

Gwyneth is so beautiful! Of course you know that, but I am so amazed at her progress. Thanks to our Lord and Savior and all the prayers! Tricia looks great too! God Bless

Katelyn said...

Both of your girls are looking so good! It is obvious Gwyneth has put on some weight, and that is spectacular. :)

sarahthinks said...

Both so struggling, both so beautiful, both so yours! :)S

Janet said...

Gwyneth FINALLY has TWO chins!!!
toooo cute

Deb said...

She's getting chubby! That's awesome! I LOVE the second one and the little heart outfit is adorable!
I dont know how your new nursery is there- but I know when we moved to ours- it was so much easier than the real NICU. It definitely was something to get used to, but it was much quieter and more open and more comfortable than the NICU. It's very exciting that you are there- but I hope you dont have to stay too long :)
We are praying for more good days and good news and we are thrilled to see how beautiful your girls are looking these days!

capitoldiver said...

I can't get enough of that precious little miracle! I know you hate country music, but as George Strait would sing, "I saw God Today" (talking about the birth of his new baby girl....

Tina said...

Oh my, what sweet beauties you have!!

Kim McGee said...

I love to see how both of your girls are doing in pictures. We are praying for a picture soon of Gwyneth wire-free and in her carseat ready to go home!

Kim said...

What wonderful pictures! I just visited Tricia's blog and read her story. What a small world - greetings from a town over from where she grew up - Haddon Township, NJ! I hope Tricia and Gwyneth continue to do well and can go home soon! You are all in my thoughts and prayers!

Anonymous said...

she is gorgeous.. i love those cheeks...

Angela R. said...

Both your girls look great!! So beautiful to see!

God Bless!

Paige Hinrichs said...

Love your pictures and your models are lovely!

Katy said...

Wow is Gwyneth growing! She looks huge! and Tricia looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing, Nate...

Movin-on said...

I am in awe of the Lord's NEVER ENDING miracles........... Grace and Peace !!!!

Movin-on said...

I am in awe of the Lord's NEVER ENDING miracles........... Grace and Peace !!!!

twin power mommy ♥ said...

PRAISE GOD! Gwyneth is looking so plump now! i love how beautiful those pics are.
Tricia looks great. Our God is an awesome God.

Kait said...

I hope this doesn't come out wrong, but Gwyneth is starting to look less like a preemie and more like a baby. She doesn't look so much like a "fetus", if that makes sense.

Regardless, she's a gorgeous, miraculous little girl.

SamuelnKari said...

wow!!! who is that in those pictures??? it can't be Gwyneth:) she is growing growing growing. praise the Lord. she is so adorable. our Megan was born 5 weeks early and this Sunday will be turning ONE:) keep taking the pictures. every moment is worth capturing and treasuring forever. in fact today... we took pictures of Meg eating spagetti. those pictures are priceless. have a blessed Wednesday:) --kari

Anonymous said...

Little Gwyneth just gets more beautiful every day! She has changed sooo much! She has stunning eyes, so dark with her light head, what a looker you have been blessed with.

Hoping that Tricia continues on a steady forward healthy path!

Goodzik said...

As you approach 3,000,000 hits in the next few hours, we wish you just as many precious moments with your little one, your courageous wife and loving family. Thank you for the moments that you've shared with us, simple strangers, reaching out to see God's goodwill unfold. May you be richly blessed in the days, months and years ahead for all that you have done.

Still praying for you and with you,

Saskatoon, SK Canada

boltefamily said...

What gorgeous pictures. Gwyneth is amazing. She has the most captivating eyes! I will continue to pray for all of you!

Kristy in PA

Anonymous said...

Wow, Gwyneth looks great. And I am so glad that she is doing extremely well. Yay! Tricia is so beautiful. Can't wait until you get to take them both home.

Sheila said...

I think I love these pictures the most yet - and it's a tough contest! I can see how much Gwyneth has grown, and how her face shape, arms and hands are becoming more rounded and soft looking. She is so beautiful!
Congratulations on going to the Step-down nursery, that's wonderful! Thank you God.

Maria said...

Precious Precious...may they continue to thrive.

M in NY

Scott said...

Very nice! Looks like two keepers.

Shannon said...

I love the pic of Gwyneth sleeping on her hand! I can really tell she is putting on weight now:)

Carmen said...

Beautiful pictures of both girls...

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

She is really filling out! She is BeAuTiFuL! She looks so sweet~ What a beautiful family you created~

Anonymous said...

Wow -- Gwyneth looks just like our daughter when she was born -- and she was born full term :-) What a blessing it is that she's on her way to getting out of the hospital, and getting on with her healthy little life!! She's beautiful too!! You must be the proudest daddy ever. Tricia looks great too! We are praying daily for her recovery! Also...good to have you back! ...Not that your dad wasn't a great fill-in... :-)

Auntie Ronnie said...

Wonderful pictures, I think you'll make 3,000,000 hits by the end of the day. WOW!!!
Hope you have a wonderful day with your girls.

Professor TIllman said...

Looks like Gwyneth has some chub going on with that double chin!!!!! Tricia's face seems fuller and less tired to me as well.

Shannon (Philadelphia) said...

Hello Nate,

I have been following your blog since finding a link on my friends blog to yours. I feel connected to your journey with Gwyneth because my friend also had her first child, a little girl named Kaitlyn, at 24 weeks. She was born Dec. 31, 2007 weighing 1lb, 15oz. 13" long. The stories of Gwyneth and Kaitlyn are so similar. I hope for similar outcomes as Kaityn is also in the step down unit of the NICU and we are planning her homecoming sometime this month. I also feel for both you and Tricia as I am the mother of two boys; 6 months old and 3 years old. I can't wait to read on your blog that BOTH your girls are coming home.

Always in my prayers!
Shannon (Philadelphia)

fr3ak said...

WOW hasn't she filled out heaps!

Amazing how she now looks so health and full where before her skin was so transparent!

Fantastic news on both doing so well!!

Here's hoping they will be home with you before you know it!

Elizabeth said...

Gwyneth is absolutely adorable and makes me want to snuggle BIG time with her, but that would be weird because you don't know me...so thanks for sharing such great pictures, we are continuing to pray, going to go snuggle with my two 'babies'....

Angela said...

Gwyneth is SO beautiful. I love her chubby little cheeks. Still praying for you all.

Angela in Ohio

Jenny, John, Jennah, Abby said...

Look at those cheeks!! I just want to pinch 'em!! Both of your girls are gorgeous and growing healthier by the minute!! Looking so forward to the days ahead as you move toward thoughts of having them both home! Let us know if there are specific things we can be praying for - otherwise we are praying for healing, health and the trip home!!

Much Love,
The Vande Castles

Anne said...


Catherine said...


Catherine said...


Blessings From Above said...

Beautiful pictures! I especially love the one of Gwyneth wearing the pink hat - she looks darling. And Tricia....YOU LOOK GREAT!!!

Kat said...

What amazing pictures! Also, what a fantastic update below!!!

I am so thankful that you chose to let us here in Internet Land have a glimpse of teh journey that you and your family are on.

God Bless


em said...

YAAY! such good photos, such pretty girls. :o)

-em & josh in NC

Kimberly said...

Gwyneth looks so sweet like a little angel. Hope she and her mommy are up and around soon. You are in my prayers.

Tanisha said...

Look at that...Gwyneth's cheeks are filling in! :) Tricia looks so peaceful...so beautiful.

Still praying....
~ Tanisha in VA

Jayne said...

Wow, I can't get over the change in Gwyneth, she is really starting to fill out and look even more beautiful.

Tricia looks amazing as always!

Best wishes to you all.


Marla Taviano said...

Oh my word! She looks SO healthy and thriving! And at least 8 pounds! (is she really only 3?!?)

the momma said...

Uhhhh, where's the pug???

Karen said...

Look at those cheeks!

Shannon said...

My favorite are the hair pictures. I just want to nuzzle in that sweet fuzz! I know you are enjoying her so much! The picture of Tricia is beautiful.

Janice said...


Mamma_of _five said...

Gweneth is absalutly beautiful)

Ree said...

One word...BEAUTIFUL!!

Tam said...

Wow! Such progress. Glad to see that your girls are doing so well! Thanks be to God!

Terri Fisher said...

I have been reading your blog for months now, but haven't commented until now. I work at Lancaster Bible College, and have a student with CF who apparently knew Tricia's brother when he attended there (which I just found out about!) It's definitely a small world! My faith and my resolve to praise the Lord in all circumstances have been strengthened through your story, and I thank you for being willing to share so openly and vulnerably for the furthering of His Kingdom. You will never know how many lives you have touched, but it will be awesome to find out in Glory! Praying and praising here in PA...and supporting my student's Great Strides endeavors...she and several of her friends are walking!

Greg, Alissa, Luke and Jack said...

Love those sweet little chubby cheeks, and that pic of Gwyneth folding her little hands.

Tamara M. said...

Beautiful pictures!

She looks like me when I was born, how is that possible?;)-->Second photo. I was born 6 weeks to early en had also no hear en those big aliën eyes, as I call them.;)

But she has grown! Wow!!

xxx Tamara

Jenny said...


Annelie said...

Hope you will be re-united as a family soon.

Annelie, England

Sonia said...

They are both so beautiful! Praise God for all he has done for them!

Krista said...

Your girls are simply beautiful! God bless you all!

La Familia Garcia said...

These pictures are priceless and are a precious reminder of the big God we serve!

bdodge said...

Looks like 3 million today! wow!

Norma Kennedy Plourde said...

3,000,00 hits! Congratulations! And thank you Nate for all the awareness you are spreading because of your blog. Tricia and Gwyneth are doing the hard work of getting well enough to go home, and you are the one helping them through that, and helping a lot of people worldwide by disseminating your story!

Love and Hugs from New Brunswick, Canada!

Nan said...

Hey, there is no tube in Gwyntth's nose in the first picture! Could it be?

Katie said...

Gwyneth is getting so big! I just love her beautiful eyes! :-) Both of your ladies look lovely!! I am so thrilled to hear how well everything is going. God Bless!

-Katie M.

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Beautiful! I can really see Gwyneth's weight gain!

Aspiemom said...

Hey, Nate, when are you going to finish your love story?

Anonymous said...

You are so blessed to have these two beautiful girls in your life. Thank you for sharing your journey and I continue to pray for you and your family!

Dana in VA

Staci said...

Gwyneth looks amazing!! I see baby fat! And Tricia looks fabulous. It's so good to see her smiling.

So glad your girls are doing well. I hope that talk of "going home" is right around the corner for them both.

Christina said...

precious :) both of them!

Cindy said...

What a cutie pie! It looks like she has "lipid cheeks". :) IMO: it makes her all the cuter!


johnandvic said...

My best friend had CF and lost her fight at the age of 21.. I wish there were more info out there as well as more fundraisers to fight this and find a cure!!!!

Julie Nickerson said...

WOW!! She looks more and more like you everyday! Look at that baby chunk coming. SO PRECIOUS!!!


Irene said...

The pictures are beautiful! So glad that both Gwyneth and Tricia are progressing in the right direction!
Irene in EC

Ben said...

HAPPY 3,000,000 HITS, NATE! I can't wait to find out what happens after 9,999,999 hits!

Judy said...

Gwyneth's life is certainly going to be well documented!! She's beautiful.

Mommagem said...

Yea! You can see Gwyneth's baby chubs starting! She is a cutie.

Tricia, Your eyes speak volumes. Good job momma!

SamanthaLee said...

i love to see Gwyneth reaching toward the camera in some of the pictures.. my favorite is in the red and white outfit..her expression is cute!
Tricia you look amazing! glad to see the smile!!

Matt Millard said...

Little Miss Gwyneth is beautiful! She is looking more and more like her momma every single day. She is so cute! I love the photo of her with her pacifier.


CulyQFun said...

She is so beautiful!!! Our continued prayers for her & her mommy. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

katrenia1 said...

I love these pictures. How sweet are your girls. I continue to pray for all of you. I pray for a fast recovery and that you will all be able to go home soon.

Anonymous said...

Your baby is so beautiful! Look at all that HAIR!

Em said...

Gwyneth is turing into such a big girl! She looks as cute as ever. It's awesome that she is growing so well now! Tricia looks beautiful!! Continuing to pray for continued healing...

Emily in Colorado Springs

Allie said...

Do I see little fat rolls on the sweet Gyneth? How wonderful!

Barbara said...

I can't believe how big she's getting -- she has little tiny jowls! Still praying for both girls!

Barbara in OH

Erica S said...

I read your site often. I found you on my friend Cara's page.

Gweyneth is just beautiful! You and your family are in my prayers!