This was a surprise to us. We hadn't even asked if it was possible because we assumed it wouldn't be from the ICU, but Tricia's nurse (our new favorite) suggested it. You might notice that Tricia is on oxygen and not a vent...the first time we've visited Gwyneth without a Respiratory Therapist in tow.
Agnes had her ready for us when we arrived, and after a few minutes of crying, she settled into Tricia's arms like nothing had changed. Although Tricia's voice is very weak and raspy (normal for transplant patients), this is the first time Gwyneth has ever heard her voice as more than a whisper. It was awesome for me to hear Tricia talking to her baby for the first time as well.
1 – 200 of 372 Newer› Newest»AMAZING! What a great surprise. Thank you so much for sharing.
Praise the Lord!! Wow, what a blessing! I'm sure Tricia was thrilled to hold her little one in her arms for the first time with her new lungs! Our prayers are still with your family.
Oh my goodness..this is most definitely a woohoo!! That is so awesome!
Thank you for sharing this very special, and private moment with us.
Sending love and continued prayers your way!
Oh wow!
Sarah in Missouri
Praise God!! Ever since I read your blog the first time, I have prayed for you all!!
Love, hugs & prayers are still coming to you from NC!!
Mommy to Emy Durba(5) & Luke Swarnadip (3) both from India
That's absolutely a great surprise for you all! Thanks for the pictures and congratulations Tricia on being on oxygen instead of the vent!
That is so awesome!!! What a wonderful gift for you to all be together. Thank you so much for sharing such a precious moment!
More and more paryers to you all.
(Gwyneth looks so big)
PRAISE GOD!!!!! He is truly a generous God!
Still praying for milestones!
What an amazing picture, and moment to capture!!!
BTW, you all look great!!!
Congrats from me as well to Tricia for being off the vent and on oxygen.
so exciting. what a way to end my long day at work. time to get home and do my nebs and vest!!! prayers with you always :)
this is the very best update yet.
Tears of joy!
Beautiful. I am so glad you got to hold Gwyneth today. What a special day. April 9, 2008 One week since your transplant and you are HOLDING YOUR PRECIOUS ROSE.
I notice Tricia's pink ears. :)
Wow! That certainly was a lot more than we were expecting! Congratulations on this major event! Yours is the most beautiful family ever!
A fan from Canada...
Congratulations!! What a wonderful surprise. :) Thank you for sharing this moment with all of us.
w00tie!!! That's awesome! Tricia's nurse definitely needs a gold star for suggesting this :-D
Praise God!
brought tears of joy.
Still praying and giving thanks.
Absolutely amazing. Praise be to God. Our continued prayers for Tricia and your family. Much love, the Gregorys
Yay! That is so wonderful! Thank you for sharing with us!
That's so wonderful! I'm glad you have such a caring nurse!
WOW -- how awesome! Tricia looks amazing for all she's been through. Praying for you all, rejoicing right along with you!
Congrats you guys! I am so excited for you! I am crying and have the chills....
WOW! How fabulous for Gwyneth to hear the voice she must recognize from months ago :)
I see she's big enough for the next pacifier size up, too!
How awesome!!! Still praying for you guys!
Amazing - definately worthy of a woohoo! Thanks so much for sharing such a special moment with us.
Sending love and prayers from Ohio.
Praise God!!!!! How great to see you all together as family again.
I have been praying that Trisha could talk to her baby....I remember when I was trached and my twins were in the NICU it was so hard for me to be with them but not talk to them!
God's continued blessings!
Kathi Clapham
oh wow! that is such a wonderful surprise!
Unbelievable! Tricia looks great and so does Gwyneth. So much more color in Tricia's face. I can't believe she looks so good to only be a few days postop double lung transplant. Again, God is good.
AMAZING! Thank you for sharing.
That is so cool! I'm so happy for all of you.
Thanks for sharing such special moments with you.
Prayers from Michigan.
Tricia it's so good to see you again! The pictures are awesome. Gave me goosebumps!! I love seeing all of you together. What great family photos!!
Oh my. I am wordless. God Bless you all.
*wiping tears of joy*
Jamie in Texas
Tricia is such a trooper! My goodness, she looks like nothing happened. Double lung transplant? A breeze! Great photos.
Precious beyond words! Praising God with both of you!
Tricia looks Beautiful!!
Still praying in SC!
What a beautiful picture!! Praise to our great God! Thank you Lord for putting that nurse in Tricia's life! Lots of Love and Prayers from Bowling Green Ky! Just in time to update our church tonight!
talk about tears of joy! i am so excited for you guys!
Tricia, you look BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I am in awe of your strength and fortitude.
What a fantastic surprise for you to get to hold your darling girl! I pray you are blessed with many more happy moments such as this one.
Praying for you in Chesapeake,VA
That is wonderful! Look at that beautiful, strong family.. what a great picture. I am so happy for all of you. :)
Nate, you look so much better than one week ago! So rested and happy. Tricia, you look AWESOME! Little Rose is so very precious! A big hug to you all and to Tricia's wonderful nurse.
(((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))God Bless you all
So happy for you guys. (got some
words back since the 1st post;)
Jamie in Texas
Awesome!! Congrats!!!!
How Sweet it is!! Praise be to God. May he continue to bless you all as you move forward with each new day!
Wonderful! I can't wait for the day when the three of you all get to go home together! I hope it is soon!
That is awesome.. I am so happy Tricia got to see Gwyneth and Gwyneth got to hear her mom's voice. :D Thank you so much for sharing. God Bless.
Brilliant !!!
Things can only get better x
Congratulations! What a miracle this has all been. I don't think that any of us who have been following along will ever doubt how much He loves us! You are truly blessed. So good to see everyone looking so darn healthy! I love it! Don't know if it's the mom or the nurse in me...probably a combo!
:) Kelly
Tricia, YOU LOOK AWESOME!!!! Oh, and what a joy to be a mom! You are going to have so many wonderful years now! I am so happy for you!!!
Wow! God has just been blessing your lives so much lately!! What a joyous day this was for your precious family! Just think, so many more great moments like this are ahead!
Thanks for sharing.How neat to have that memory for you all.
It is so wonderful to see Tricia! WooHoo! What a wonderful nurse you have....tell her your blog family thinks she is our favorite too!
Hugs and prayers from Raleigh!
Love this!
Praise the Lord! Gosh I love it when He's so obvious.
Tricia, I hope you read this someday, because I've gotta tell you, you look more put-together (is everyone checking out the neatly-pinned hair?) after a double-lung transplant than I do during a head cold. I'm sure one day you will happily have Cheerios stuck to you (unless Meka gets to them first!), but for now, just work it ;)
beautiful just beautiful
sending lots of love and prayers
Oh my goodness, I seriously have tears in my eyes. That is such a HUGE answer to millions of prayers. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
You don't know how your family has touched my heart. Thank you for sharing this beautiful moment.
Thank You.....is all that I can say to you for that wonderful pic..It has brightened my day, and is such a blessing. You guys are amazing, and I admire your strength. Praise God for being so Wonderful. His mercies are new everyday.
Yea! What a GREAT surprise!!
Congratulations Tricia!
beautiful family. God is truly good.
I love that first picture! Miss G is really giving her mama the stink eye! Look how she is all snuggled in, and loving every minute of having her mama back with her.
Thank you so very much for sharing your journey. I can promise you, my faith has deepened, and my belief has strengthened in ways I could never imagine.
God's Peace!
Praise God!
How awesome! I'm sure that lifted Tricia's spirits right up!!
What an awesome, AWESOME surprise! Tricia looks incredible, by the way. Her color looks amazing. I bet Miss Gwyneth was sure happy to see her Mommy. It's probably been a very long week for both of your girls in that aspect!
Congrats to you guys, and prayers for continued health for both Lawrenson girls.
so special. truly special and given from God. be still in these moments and know He is there.
TEARS are flowing!!!!! Keep up the good work girls!!!
Absolutely beautiful.
That is the sweetest thing! Just what I needed to see today! Thank you again for sharing your journey with all of us in blog land! Many Blessings...
How beautiful!
This is melting me. I can only partially imagine the thrill I am sure, but these pictures are beautiful to see. (this was a bit better than I ever expected!). Thank you so much for sharing. Continued prayers for your family. Its really, just wonderful.
What an amazing surprise, I love the look she is giving her mama.
Long time lurker, first time commenter.
I wish you all the very best life will bring you.
What a wonderful surprise!! Praise God! So happy for all of you. Still keeping you and your families in my prayers.
Awesome - absolutely awesome !!
I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it. As a mother myself, the emotion of being able to speak to your baby for the first time, is just so real. I hope and pray that this is the forst of many, many amazing firsts.
ahh....so beautiful..
What a great surprise and beautiful picture for all to enjoy
Tricia looks so great!
Many more blessings to come..
Wow! What a mighty GOD we serve! He is always amazing his children. Tricia, you look great and truly are example of what faith is all about. Keep up the good work. You truly have a wonderful life ahead. We pray for you guys daily.
Congratulations!!! I was holding back tears when I read this!!! Just amazing!!!!
WOW! That is awesome! That first picture is great, it looks like Gwyneth is peaking out of her one eye like "just checking to see if Mom's still there"!
It's great to see the smile in Tricia's eyes. Can't wait to see a picture of her without a mask.
God Bless,
Michelle in MO
Tricia you look AWESOME! And that Gwenyth is growing like a weed! So happy for all of you. Prayers for continued healing for you both!
Lately I've felt a little "wrong" reading this blog as I felt Nate had been feeling judged or insulted by certain readers. But today I took a peek and this post is what i saw. I immediately teared and praised God. Thank you so much for sharing your story Nathan, it is so uplifting and is a great showcase of Gods miracles.
AWESOME!!! I am crying tears of joy for you all. What a wonderful day!
Our God certainly is great!!
Tricia, you look wonderful...I am glad you guys got to spend some time together as a family of three!!
Gwyenth is getting so big...It's a wonderful day for sure.
Thanks for sharing!
These pictures are simply beautiful. Tricia looks amazing. Thanks for sharing.
Your picture brought tears to my eyes! Praise the Lord for His goodness. Still praying in IN.
So amazing!! What a couple of great pictures! Sending more prayers and thoughts your way. Thank you for sharing this with all of your junkies. Hope you are all getting the rest and strength that you need.
Congratulations! What a beautiful picture. I am so happy for your family and this second chance at more time. May the years be many! We have missed you Nate! Enjoy your beautiful family! You deserve it and so do they. Take care!
What a blessing! Tricia looks great!
Nothing like a family portrait to warm your heart!
Our God is an awesome God! I'm so happy to see the whole family together. Thanks for sharing
Thank you for letting us in on this wonderful event! Tricia, you look SOOOO good!!!! And I love your expression of absolute joy, Nate! What a great family moment!
Oh, wow! What a huge joy this day must be for all three of you. Thanks and praise to God for all his wonderful gifts of healing and mercy. Way to go Tricia! I'm amazed and delighted for you!
another happy tear inducing event!
God is so good!
What a precious family! I love the glow of that second picture...what came to my mind was the angels that are watching over all 3 of you. Blessings!!
heartwarming.. and wonderful beyond words. you have me teary here.
YIPPY!!! :) This brings tears to my eyes!
Awww... just awww...
Beautiful, simply beautiful!
WHOOHOO is right. They are wonderful pictures and its so good to see Tricia looking so rosey. Thank you for sharing your family with the world.
WooHoo! is right
God Bless you three and thanks for including all of us!
Love and prayers from Illinois,
Thanks for sharing!
Everyone looks really good. Nate, you look more rested. God is answering prayer!
Wonderful pictures and Tricia looks great. I'm so happy for you all.
This is so great, I am happy that Tricia got to hold her . You are so blessed and God is good. I am praying for a smooth recover.
Ok this is no fair. When you guys were teasing I had not yet put mascara on......
Go figure, I go and put mascara on, come and hit refresh and now I have huge black streaks down my face.
That is amazing... thanks for sharing. What a hallmark moment. (hmmm do they sell a card for that?)
Tricia, you look awesome to have just gone through such a major surgery!! The picture is priceless!! I hope things go well for you and that you get out of ICU quickly!
How awesome is that! Such a wonderful surprise! So happy for you.
WOW! Tricia looks great, lots of color and her eyes are brighter. What a testimony you all have. Thanks for the updates!
WOW, this is such great news .... what a wonderful day! I love the picture !
How wonderful! WOOHOO!!!
That's totally awesome! What a boost for you guys! Tricia looks fabulous!! How special for little Gwyneth to hear Tricia's voice too. Thanks for sharing...what a praise!!
How awesome is this!? Prayers are being answered!
this is beautiful. i have no words, just amazing. love to you all.
That's the best surprise!
YEAH!!! You all go -- little Lawrenson family -- on your way to a whole new life!
Glad to 'see' Tricia - You look wonderful Tricia & my daughter is amazed at how well you are doing just a week from your TX.
Amazing! How good is our God?
One word-AWESOME!
tricia B.
Praise God. Thanks for sharing such a amazing experience. Praying the girls can go home at the same time.
YEAH!!! I love how Gwyneth is peeking at her mama with one eye in the 1st picture :-)
Wow! Congratulations!
Oh my gosh...I am so excited and happy for all of you. What a great surprise!! Thanks for sharing.
God is amazing................
Oh wow! How cool is that?! I am just so happy for you all. How amazing it must have been for Tricia to get to talk to her daughter for the first time. What a precious moment you shared with us!
My heart is just melting....God is so good!!!!! Tricia, you look fabulous and Nate you look very well rested. We are so happy for you and your family.
The Shepards
How beautiful! Praise the Lord!
Welcome to the rest of your life, little sister.
nice to see the family together again..that is a great surprise
Wow, you guys looks so happy!! The glow on Nate is priceless. You have so much to be thankful for....keep recovering Tricia.
So Beautiful. First family picture with new lungs. What a gift!
I agree with your dad WooHooHoo!!
Praise be to God! What beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing with us. Continuing to keep your family in our prayers.
I have been reduced to tears often by reading this blog & this was no exception today. Thank you for sharing your wonderful news!!
AWSOME!!!! How cool is that?! Glad that mom and daugther got to be together again.
Amazing. Tricia looks beautiful and rosy-cheeked! What a blessing for Gwyneth to hear her mommy's voice!
I am smiling from ear to ear right now! That is such a blessing!
What a beautiful surprise & how awesome &such a praise to the Almighty Physician.
Wow! God is so good.
Nate, I have really appreciated your blog for the last 3 months or so, however, I must say, I can't wait until you are home, back to your regular life and don't have time to blog as much. I'll miss the updates because your family is so special, but I will smile knowing that the time you used to spend in the hospital with your ladies is now spent at the park, on a walk, out to dinner, reading stories and enjoying "normal" life to the fullest with your two beautiful and HEALTHY! ladies. May the Lord continue to bless you, and bring this day soon!
Praying for you and your girls here in Washington state!
Jenni (Mark & Tate, too)!
How precious is your story and your little family. 'The wind blows strong and hard on the tender young trees, not to harm them, but to teach their roots to hold firmly to the ground.' That is the lesson your story teaches, and I hope others learn from watching your strength. toodles-Sheila, NV
Oh wow. That is AMAZING!!
You look great Tricia!
what a precious time for you I am sure. Praise the Lord for giving you the oppurtunity to share this time with your daughter and for her to hear you voice. You are in our prayers daily!
Danielle Davis
Bless the Lord :) What an incredible family time. I'm delighted for your very happy surprise.
(BC Canada)
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. It is an honor to get to see God work in your lives and to get to be a part of your story as we pray for you.
that's so great!!!!!!!
WOW WOW WOW. Those are wonderful photos.
Beautiful, thanks be to God!
Oh my gosh! What a BEAUTIFUL sight! Your entire family will all be going home in no time now! Thank you for the surprise. It made my day!
I can't believe how GREAT Tricia is doing! Prayer is a powerful thing!
So happy for you two!
this story never ceases to amaze me...every chapter gets better and better!!! you are all a true inspiration!!
prayers continuing......
Yay! Daily miracles in the Lawrenson family! Everyone looks great!
Yeah God! I have never left a message before, but I am just in awe at all the wonderful blessings that have been happening in your life!
Yes, Surprise! Your ICU nurse is awesome! Tricia--you look gorgeous and your cheeks so rosey. Praise the Lord! Thank you for taking the time on your "time off" to share this with us, Nate! :) I hope you are getting some much-needed rest and time with your girls!
What a sweet surprise! You have a beautiful family, I've been reading all about your incredible journey. God is so good! Praying for you guys...thanks for sharing your story with us.
What precious pictures and a precious post. I sit here with tears of joy on my face.
A physical GASP came out of me when I scrolled down the page!! Praise the Lord God Almighty!!!
What an awesome picture one week after getting the news.
I have goosebumps!!!
Still prayin' in Texas!!
And Tricia..you look fabulous!!!
Awesome! My kids loved seeing the pictures and the video! We're still praying along with you!
It brings tears to my eyes to think about what that moment must have been like for you. Tricia looks amazing! Nate it is nice to hear from you, I have been thinking about you. You are such a beautiful family!
What a praise!!!! Tricia you look great and Gwyneth is so sweet in your arms. You and Gwyneth are such miracles. It is such a blessing to be able to follow your story and see how much God has blessed you. Thanks for letting us be part of your journey.
So wonderful! What a special surprise!!!
God is so good!!! What an awesome picture and how wonderful you three are together. You are all still in our prayers. Thank you for sharing God's blessings.
Just beautiful!
Thank you for sharing!Continuing to pray! We send love and best wishes!
I think about you all everyday and just love hearing and seeing the updates!
Thank you Jesus for bringing Tricia through her transplant surgery. Thank you for being with Gwyneth as she continues to grow. Thank you for giving Nate some much needed rest. Thank you for using this precious family for your glory. And PRAISE YOU for allowing Tricia to hold Gwyneth today for the first time with her new lungs. Nate, this will be a day that you'll cherish in your heart for always.
Hugs from El Paso,
Wow, i'm crying. This is mind blowing wonderful.... Pure bliss is running through my mind right now upon seeing those pictures.
Tricia looks beautiful! What a great family. Thanks for sharing the pictures. I have really been missing you guys. (I know that's weird!)
This is beautiful!!!! I've been reading for a while, came across your story through a Xanga friend "CummingsinMexico"...God has blessed you beyond belief...what an amazing story and legacy!!! May He continue to show Himself through your beautiful family!!!
Another beautiful moment to add to your list! :)
Wow!! Tricia looks wonderful!! She even has rose colored cheeks! I had tears in my eyes when I heard about her being able to really talk to Gwyneth for the first time.
Congrats. What a beautiful picture. It truly brought tears to my eyes. You 3 are amazing!
Mother to J&P
This is totally awesome and wonderful! Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow!
Nate, thank you for sharing and our continued prayer is with you!
What a precious sight!
What a beautiful sight! Thanks for sharing. Continuing to pray for your precious girls.
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT LOVE!!!!
What an awesome site!
A beautiful sight that brought tears to my eyes.
What a wonderful post!!! So glad to see the three of you together again. Praise God!
i gotta say you're all looking good, but nate that is the best pic of you in a long time :)
Yahoo! What an awesome sight!!
What a blessing!!! Prayers heard and answered!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to post these....they mean the world to all of us in blog land :)
WOW!!!! Praise God!
How sweet!!! Oh Tricia, you look absolutely wonderful with your rosy complexion! Nate, you look great, relieved, and full of happiness! Gwyneth looks fabulous and she is really really growing! :-)
I'm so glad you three are finally together again, especially with Tricia's new lungs! Soon enough, you all will be going home and enjoying your lives!
This was definitely a surprise, more than I expected! Terrific, keep it up!
Marissa :-)
We are SO excited to see that Tricia and Gwyneth are doing so well! Both of the girls (and of course you, too, Nathan!) look wonderful in the photos! The 3 month video brought lots of smiles at our house, too. :)
Thanks for sharing the great news! We'll keep praying for continued healing and especially for Gwyneth's eyes.
Love to the 3 of you,
The Edwards family
I have goosebumps! Thanks for sharing! I am so excited! You all look wonderful!!!!! Stay strong!!!!!
So, so beautiful to see a baby returned to her mama's arms. Wow!
WOW! Truly a miracle!!
Praise the Lord!!!
Thanks for keeping us updated.
a very precious moment...thank you for sharing!
Tricia you look great!!! Beautiful picture. Prayers are still coming your way. God Bless you always.
That is so great! The photos had my crying at work!!
Amazing!! God is good!! How awesome to see you all together as a family!!!
What a blessing for all three of you. Tricia, you look so good & pink! It warms our hearts beyond measure to see your smiling face again (good to see you too, Nate :) ) & to see you three together once more. The Leinos are rejoicing for you tonight!!!
Wonderful! Awesome! Amazing!
God is good! Prayers are being answered! Keep getting stronger Tricia & Gwyneth! You're in my prayers.
What a blessing. Thanks for sharing.
Wow! Simply amazing!
Tears in my eyes. May God continue to bless you! Still praying...
Amazing! Tricia, you look great (way better than Nate! just kidding!)
:) :) :)
Hope you get to spend lots of time with Gwyneth!! :)
How fun! I'm glad you got some surprise family time! And I like how she's 'peeking' in the first picture. How very sneaky of her :)
Still praying!
Yeah! I am so happy for all of you! What a thrill it must have been. Thanks for sharing.
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