Thursday, April 3, 2008

Surgery successful

A brief update (this is Nathan's dad Rick)...
We were notified at 6:30 that the surgery was complete and just had a conversation with the surgeon. It was a difficult surgery due to the extent of Tricia's disease, but she is now in ICU and we should be able to see her soon.

Nate will update later.


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Katy said...

Thank you Lord!! Still praying here in Ohio....Hopefully you all can get some sleep soon.

Stephanie, Phil, Kayla, Logan & Alex said...

I am so happy that Tricia was able to have the surgery. Your family will continue to be in our prayers.

Laura Lee said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Praying in Indiana

amy smith said...

prayed all night, praying still.

KYnurse said...

Praise God

Kim said...

Such exciting news!! I am so glad to hear that all went well and Tricia no longer has CF lungs. What an exciting thing for you all!! I will be praying that her recovery goes very smooothly!

Chris said...

I'm so thankful Nate...I'll continue to keep praying - I hadn't seen the blog for a couple of very busy days...but last night after worship team practice driving home, I felt compelled to pray for you guys..Looks like it was right around the time Tricia was being wheeled into OR - around 9:45 PM.....God is good!

Amanda said...

Yeah! I got up all night and checked the blog. I don't know about the rest of the people here, but it has almost become like we are all part of an extended "family".
We will continue to pray for Tricia and her recovery.

mom nana nelson said...

happy to hear operation was a success,
God Bless and continue to hold you Mighty Three near,
showering you & yours lovingly with prayers
patricia n.

Meredith said...


Still praying without ceasing!
Many Blessings,

laurie said...

I was up in the night and was reading blogs when I came across this one. I began to pray for Tricia and started checking back for updates. Praise the Lord for a successful surgery. It looks like she has a huge support team. May God give you all the strength you need to be by her side as well as strength for the baby.

Jessica said...

OMG I was so happy to read this when I logged this morning. What great news. I hope you get to read this particular comment because of your family and your blog...I logged online yesterday to the DMV and became an organ donor!! My thoughts and prayers are with your family! Stay Strong. Jess

Bobbi said...

Praise God!!! Thank you Jesus...this is the best news EVER!!!! I will pray that recovery is quick & as pain free as possible.

Sarah & Bradley said...

PRAISE JESUS!!! I woke up several times last night and each time prayed for Tricia until I fell back asleep. I can just visualize the millions of prayers that were offered for her last night floating up to Jesus.

HollyMarie said...

Praying for a successful recovery!

The Frugal Countess said...

Thanksgiving and praise to God this morning for a successful surgery!!! Many more prayers being lifted up for Tricia's recovery. :)

Tonia said...

Praise the lord!!!

Claire Drake said...

Praise the Lord! We'll all keep praying for a quick and a complete recovery. I can't wait for the day the three of you get to come home. We love and miss you. Your friends in Christ, Tommy,Claire,and Cathy

Annelie said...

Now it is just the recovery time and all 3 of you can start your new life together as a propper family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cymom0926 said...

I have a little 'statistic' for you! Since you announced the 2nd tx call yesterday, you have had 2,715 comments! With that kind of prayer backup, Tricia will be back up in no time!

By the way, I am a first time 'commenter' but have followed the blog and help you guys in my prayers for quite a while. I am really looking forward to the next update!

c&v said...

Praise the Lord! We are still praying for Tricia as she recovers....for Nathan and other family members...for the donors family...and for continued wisdom for doctors!

Tonia said...

Praise the Lord!! A prayer come true!!! Still praying in Central Illinois

Unknown said...


That's wonderful news to start my day. Praying you get some good rest now and for the donor family. I'm sure Tricia will have a great recovery, how could she not with God on her side and so many praying. Praise Him for His good and perfect will!!


DC said...

I too was up last night praying. Continued prayers for a speedy recovery!!!

Dawn (Columbus, Ohio)

erika said...

praise God! can't wait for more updates!

The Crazy Lady said...

Praise God! Praying for you!

L.Bo Marie said...

thank you for keeping us updated :)
still praying

Jenn @ Casa de Castro said...

Praise God! After a fitfull night's sleep filled with many, many prayers for Tricia, her surgical team, and the family, this news fills my heart with joy. Thank you, Lord! We continue to pray...

ERIN lee said...

thanks be to God! still praying.

Sonja said...

What wonderful, wonderful news... I will continue to pray for you all as you continue on your journey. Praying for a quick and problam free recovery for Tricia, strength for Nate and all, and kisses for Gwyneth.

Aspiemom said...

Praise the Lord! Thank you, Rick, for the update. Our prayers are with you all. I'm sure I'll be checking here every hour today!

Unknown said...

Wonderful news! Constantly praying for a speedy recovery! Also keeping the family of the donor in my prayers.

Melissa Green said...

Nate....I have just join in on your blog from Ashley Adams blog site. I am praying for your family and with great joy I know that will come from a successful transplant. This is truly a mircle from sister is a liver transplant (11/2/07) survivor and I have my sister back. So I feel that it is God's will that we have been so blessed as will your family and Tricia. Bless you all, you are in my thoughts and prayers!! Melissa

Boeckman mommy said...

Such great news. Please know that we are praying for a great recovery.
Amy (KS)

Tracy said...

The first thought as I woke up this am was of Tricia-so I checked and I am so thankful to find out the surgery was a success! God is Awesome! Praying for all to continue to go well and the family to be able to rest-Hugs from Kansas

Candy said...

Thank you Lord. I continue to pray for you all..

Unknown said...

Let the breathing begin!

Thank you God for the Gift of Life!

Kathi Clapham
CF, Double Lung May 29, 2006
Mommy to twins Paul and Sarah

Carmen said...

That is the best news ever..... I'm so happy for Tricia

Anonymous said...

I prayed hard last night before I went to bed and literally jumped out of bed this morning to see the update. Thank God it was successful. Looking forward to the next update.

Take care,

humble servant said...


Still praying.

Anonymous said...

Thank God! That is great news... praying she will recover soon and enjoy being a mum!!

jenn said...

Thank goodness! I've been thinking of you all throughout the night. Please give Tricia love from all of us in cyberspace.

Unknown said...

Praying with you all!!!

Lee said...

I cannot even fathom what last night was like for all of you. I was up every hour hitting "refresh". Thank you for posting!

Praying for a good recovery and no complications! God is SO good!

Q's NEWS said...

Praise God!! Now we will pray for speedy recovery and some much needed rest for Nate.

I am so glad you have family surrounding you.

New lungs!! God is good!

Love from WV,

Marge Sexton said...

Praise the Lord....Thank You Jesus! Thanks so much for the update...we will continue to pray.

Magoon Family said...

I was thinking about her all night. I am so glad that everything went well. I pray for a speedy and smooth recovery. Praise the Lord that he allowed this to happen. It brings tears to my eyes. This is just one more way that the Lord shows his mercy and love.

It's a Mom Thing said...

Praise the LORD! Can't wait for another update!

Beebe said...

Thanks for the update. Hope you all have a great day.

sarah. said...

Praise God! I know there is a long road of recovery ahead but I'm so excited that you have your wife back in your arms again. Praying for quick healing, pain relief, and a discharge date with Gwyneth very soon :)

BPC LLC said...

Praise God! We'll keep praying for recovery, but thanks for the great news!

Mrs. Dan said...

Praise the Lord!!!!!!

Leanne B. said...

What a blessing! Thank you for the updates.

3boymom said...

God is GREAT!

a visual tinkle said...

we're praying here for a succesful recovery!

Court said...

Praying now for complete and fast healing; for Tricia's body to accept her new lungs and no further complications. Rejoicing with you all. Hope you can get some rest soon! Praise the Lord!

cheryl said...

Praise God! Still lifting y'all up.

Lisa and family said...

Thank God for a successful surgery. I, too, have been checking for updates. I was praying for you all during the long night.

Karlene said...

So thankful for the lungs and praying for the recovery process. I appreciate your honest open attitude and sharing about your faith on your blog. My God bless your family.

Holly said...

Congrats!!! I am so happy for all of you.

LovinTimInMi said...

Praying for a quick & easy recovery!!

The Rosetto's said...


Ava said...

praising and praying!

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord! Thanks for sharing your story with the world. It's been very uplifting.

Tanisha said...


Elizabeth said...

Praise the Lord, still praying for a speedy recovery!!

Millicent said...

Praise God!!!!

Cheryl said...

I didn't seep much either but I prayed. I hope this works for Tricia. I hope her recovery is fast. I hope that Nate and tricia can have a long and healthy marriage. And I hope and pray that Gwyneth will continue to grow and thrive and smile her "Nate" smile since her face looks just like him.
Hugs to all of Tricia's loved ones.

Cheryl from Fairfax

kimm said...

What an amazing birthday present! Praise God for he is so good! Continued prayers!

Jaci said...

I have been following your blog for a month or so now and just posting for the first time. What an incredible story. Your writting is amazing! I have and will be keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers. What a great birthday present!

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

Awesome! Congratulations!

Molly's Mom said...

Congratulations on making it through what I'm sure was a very long night. We will continue to pray for all of you for a long happy life together as a family!!!

mom nana nelson said...

oh what a releif to hear surgery was successful
my prayers are still flowing in your direction
may God continue to hold his Mighty Three very near & dear....
with love and many prayers
patricia n.

jenray said...

Praise Jesus! Praying for a fast recovery!

Jen Ray

Vicki said...

Praise the Lord. Praying for a quick recovery.

Unknown said...


Lots of love and prayers for you all as Tricia starts her journey of recovery!!!

Sarah T said...

Such an amazing birthday gift to Nate and an even better gift to Tricia. I am so happy to hear that the transplant went well. Thinking of you and your family through the next several weeks. I am sure there will be plenty of ups and downs.

Mandy said...

Continuing to pray and praise the Lord with you and for you!

Kay said...

Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!

Sunshine said...

WOW - PRAISE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!! I could NOT WAIT to wake up and check in to see how it went! Those pictures of Gwyneth "waiting for mommy" - OOOH I can tell you from a mommy's perspective - Tricia is going to absolutely LOVE that - that was such an incredibly thoughtful thing to do - and THANKS for sharing the pics! Tricia - when you feel better and read this - you are SO beautiful. I am SO, SO happy for you and for Nate and for your precious baby girl! May yours and Nate's families have a sweet day of rejoicing today! Sunshine

Mommagem said...

Thank you God!

The strength, hope, belief, and love that you all show is amazing. Thank you for showing your miracles to the world. You are in our prayers.

Football and Fried Rice said...

PRAISE GOD! There is nothing He can't do for those who have faith!!

Jen Moore said...

Praise God! We are so happy to hear that the surgery was successful! We will be praying for recovery and the rehab process!
What a great day!

shoutingforha said...

How wonderful to wake to good news.

Praying for you today...

Meredith K Beaupre said...

I have absolute chills reading these last few posts! I am so glad the surgery was successful!! Prayers will be continued and I will check the blog often to see how everyone is doing.

Thank you, Lawrenson's, for sharing this journey with us and allowing us to be a part of your lives! I know it must be taxing to continually update all of us when there is so much family stuff to tend to. Thank you!

Jen in Al said...

praising God!!! thank you so much for the update! continuing to pray without ceasing, jen in al

sarasusen said...

Praise the Lord! I cannot imagine what last night was like for you guys. Hopefully it was peaceful and a time that drew you closer to the Father. I'm so relieved surgery was successfull! (They really know what they're doing at Duke, don't they!) I can't help but think of the donor family today and the loss they're dealing with, but I can't wait when they realize that they gave Tricia LIFE through organ donation. I will never think passively about organ donation again because of you guys! It's just simply amazing that *we* as feeble humans could give LIFE through our death. Amazing that God would enable us to do such a thing. My prayer today is for a speedy recovery for Tricia- above anything that's expected from the doctors! I know I always say this but THANK YOU for sharing your story Nate, it just blesses me so much! Ephesians 3:20! Can't wait for another update! Praying in Maine! Sara <><

Mama Bear said...

God is GOOD, all the TIME. I'll be praying for a quick recovery.

Chana said...

Father in Heaven we have been praying for these new set of lungs and we give you great praise for seeing fit to answer that prayer by providing Tricia with these new lungs when she needed them most.

God we ask for your continued hand of protection on Tricia as she begins the healing process. Give Nate and his family strength right now as they have been up so late and give them rest.

Thank you for your blessings, they are new every morning, GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS!

He loves you most said...

Praise the Lord!!

God is so good.

Still praying.

Tammy C said...

Thanks for the update.I was up at 2:30 praying for you all.

I can't wait to see a picture of Tricia with her new lungs.

Blankenship Babbles said...

Awesome news...she was the first thing on my mind this morning...can't wait to hear the next post...I'm praying for you all!!!

goldrock said...

Thank you, God!! Prayers continuing for Tricia's recovery and for the donor's family.

Seth Soria said...

What a wonderful day it is!! Praying for a speedy recovery so Tricia can get homw and breath in some of that warm OBX air!

andria said...

How wonderful!

My neice waited six months for her lungs and they never came. I know you are rejoicing now and you have made such a difference in bringing organ donation information to the internets.

My aunt had a liver transplant in 2001 and what a difference it made in her quality of life. I am praying that Tricia makes the same wonderful progress and can enjoy that baby girl without pain.

Unknown said...

I am so thankful! Everytime I was up last night I was checking your blog and praying.

Kerry said...

Nate- I felt like I was with you at Duke last night- I could think of nothing else and I would wake up hourly and check the blog from my blackberry-- while hiding the phone under the covers as to not wake my husband from the bright light:-). The prayers worked, God is good and Tricia has made it through! I hope the day goes well for everyone.

Prayers from CT,

Jessica said...

Thinking about and praying for your family.

Karen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah said...

Praise the Lord!!! I hope Tricia and Nate get some rest and Tricia's recovery is quick!

Unknown said...

Continuing to pray for a speedy recovery.

Cherlyn said...

Praise God! :)

Love my boys! said...

Tricia is amazing! She is wonder-woman, wonder-mom and wonder-wife!

Praying that she is doing well and that her recovery is fast so that you all can get home and start your wonderful life again!

Rich and Lauren said...

we'll keep praying! we love you guys!

Angie said...

This is the best news I have heard in a long long time!!!! Thank you Lord!!

Jen said...

I was praying last night while I was at work and Tricia was in surgery. Praise God!

My prayers and thoughts are with all of you!

Chantal said...

Praise the Lord.

We will continue to pray for Tricia's recovery, the donor family's peace and comfort, and for the lungs themselves to remain healthy.

higgie08 said...

Praise God!! I prayed for all of you last night and couldn't wait to get up this morning and check the blog for news. God is so good. I'm now praying for her healing and recovery to be fast and free of complications. Bless all of you!

Pioneer Mom said...

Praise God!

Sarah in Missouri

Patty said...

Thanking the Lord on your behalf and praying for comfort and peace for all.

Thank you, Jesus!

Anonymous said...

What a blessing!!! I am so happy for ya'll.

Erin said...

Wonderful news! Continuing to pray for all 3 of y'all and for a speedy recovery for Tricia!

Brad said...

Wishing her a quick recovery from Kansas City.

NCBeachMom said...

Wonderful! Praise the Lord! Will continue to pray today as Tricia's body begins to accept these new lungs and that the surgery would "take".

Anonymous said...

That is awesome to hear. God is good! I hope and pray she continues to get better from the surgery.

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

I was praying for you all throughout the night. I am so glad to hear that Tricia has her new lungs! Even though it wasn't on Easter Day, it was during the Easter Season. Praise you, Jesus, for new BREATH for Tricia!

Hugs from El Paso,

Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

praise God!!!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

Jordan said...

I just got into work and had to check up on you guys. I'm a bit teary-eyed. God is good.

Jen said...

I'm glad to wake up and see surgery went well. Still praying.

Patty said...

Praise God ! We have been praying for your family, for the transplant team and for all involved. May God continue to bless and heal

Jen said...

So glad to see the good news this morning... many prayers and best wishes for the next hours, days, weeks... from a friend in KS.

SamuelnKari said...

We are all rejoicing. I get phone calls asking me if I can check the blog for friends that are not able to at the time. Thank you Father for this amazing gift that you have given my friends.

one happy family said...

Great news! We serve an amazing God, don't we?

Karen said...

Praise God! That's the best news I've heard in a very long time. I'll continue to pray for the donor family.

Kenzie said...

Praise the Lord! Thank you for the update!

Kristine McKowen said...

Awesome news!!!! Keeping her in my prayers for a quick recovery.

Knick Knack Paddy Whack, Throw This Mom a Bone said...

Still praying! It's great to see how many people out here are praying for you! So much love!

Hilary said...

Great news to wake up to!!! Praise God!!!h

Carol said...

Thanks for the update. Please know that Tricia, and all of you, have our continued prayers through the process of recovery.

Kim ( said...

What a glorious morning with this wonderful news. Praise God!! Praying for a miraculous recovery.
BTW - I can't get over Gwyneth - what a miracle she is and gorgeous!! I love seeing Tricia snuggled up to her! Praise Him again!

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord. Thanks you Jesus! What a mighty God we serve!

Unknown said...

Praise God for a successful surgery! I pray for continued healing and quick recovery for Tricia. I pray that they will ALL be able to go home very soon!

God bless!
Amy in PA

Laurie said...

In Northern Alabama, our hearts and prayers are with you!

Joanna said...

Praise the Lord!!! I saw yesterday and posted about the TX call #2. So, this is my first update. This is SO awesome. Praise the Lord!!

I will continue to pray for her recovery.

Allison said...

Miracles! I am so thankful to the Lord that you were given this opportunity. Praying that things continue to do well, and that Tricia's recovery goes smoothly!

The Nanny said...

Thank goodness!!!

Laurie said...

In Northern Alabama, our hearts and prayers are with you!

Laura said...

Still praying

Pam O'Brien said...

Thrilled and relieved! Continuing to pray.
Big Hug!! Pam

Blessings From Above said...

God is so GOOD!!! Will be praying for a speedy recovery.

Kim ( said...

I don't think my last comment took. Praising Jesus this morning for such great news. Continuing to pray for the miracles to keep coming your way. I can't get over Baby Gwyneth - she is beautiful and I love seeing Tricia snuggled up to her - priceless! Praising Jesus more!

amanda said...

GREAT NEWS! My prayers are now switching into another mode for you all...

Anonymous said...

Wow! I guess I picked the wrong 24 hours not to check in here! Praise the Lord! We'll be praying for a speedy recovery!

Hannah Banana said...

so thankful! i'm so glad that Tricia finally got new lungs! :) congratulations! Praying that the recovery goes well!

Erin said...

good news to wake up to! still praying!!

Kat said...


em said...

we praise you, god!

nate, i just checked your blog for the first time since i left work last night. and now i'm bawling. :'o)

you are loved & prayed for!

rejoicing in his MIGHTY love,
em (& josh) in NC

Leslie said...

PRAISE GOD!! I'll keep praying for a quick recovery and that things will continue to go well. Way to go Tricia!!

Nicole said...

So glad to hear!

My Busy Boys said...

WOW... I just got on the net and found out Tricia got her new lungs, THANK GOD! I am praying for a safe recovery and may God be with you all. I am so happy for you guys. I pray for the donor family as well. May they have comfort and peace from our Heavenly Father.
God Bless you all
Praying in Northwoods WI

Jennifer said...

I'm new to your blog and just wanted to say that I'm so happy that Tricia got her lungs. What an awesome God we have. You have a beautiful wife and daughter! Blessings to you all and continued prayers for a quick recovery for Tricia. Thanks for sharing your story.

lislynn said...

Praise the Lord! Can't wait to see pics of Tricia without the vent!!

Queen Bee said...

Praise God - He is soooo good! I tossed and turned all night wondering and praying for all of you. Thank you for the updates...

Cheryl said...

I can't believe I missed the exciting news. Work has me so busy I can't spend the time I usually do reading your blog. PRAISE GOD. I've put out a prayer request on my blog for your all and the family of the donor:


Rachael and Travis said...

We prayed for Tricia last night at church.

Garza said...

"Thank you Jesus"!!
Matthew and I have been praying to hear good news. We will keep you and your family in our thoughts,and pray for fast recovery. God is GREAT!
Wanchese, NC

Anne said...

Thinking of you all this morning, hoping today is all wait and boredom, and no unwelcome excitement.

(I know what it's like to wait for hours and hours when your dear one is the OR, knowing nothing, wishing and praying for the best.)

Hang in there,

Our beautiful mess... said...

Wow! Praise God! Take care lawrenson family!

Hollee said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful. I've been anxiously awaiting news and called my husband at work to tell him. You are all in our prayers.

Candace said...

Praise Jesus!!! I have been thinking of y'all all last night and this morning.

Lorri said...

Praise God! Thank you for allowing her to receive new lungs. Allow her body to accept this gift so she enjoy many more years with her beautiful family. Please comfort the family who lost their loved one. Give them peace.

In Jesus Name. Amen.

mini and brother said...

Praise the Lord. Just woke up in AZ and you guys were the 1st ones on my mind. I will continue to pray all day!!!!!!!

Jodi said...

Still praying!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

continued prayers for tricia's recovery...

Unknown said...

We are praying that her body will adjust well and accept the new lungs!

You all are never, ever far from our thoughts, and always in our prayers!

Jobo said...

Be sure to read Nate's Dad's blog:

it has some updated info...

~j~ said...

Thank you Lord...
continuing to pray without ceasing...

Kat said...

Hey - did you guys (folks in Internet Land) read Nathan's Dad's Blog yet?? He posted an update!!

Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

HOORAY!!! Congratulations. I'll look for the update! Answered prayers to God

Miss said...

I am so, so happy for Tricia and everyone in your family. I literally can't stop crying! I continue to pray for all of you and wish you all the best :)

Amy E. said...

Woo Hoo!!! Jumpin' for Joy in Texas!!..and now back to prayin'!!
Will be praying for healing, strength and REST for everyone.
Still prayin'prayin'prayin'!

Kalla said...

Thank you God!

Adrienne said...

Thanks for the update, Rick. We'll continue to pray for her recovery.

Shan said...

Praise God! We'll continue keeping you all in our prayers in the days to come!

Karen said...

So thrilled to hear Tricia made it through surgery successfully. Praying for an easy recovery.

Also praying for your familoes and the donor's family :)

Jenny said...

I bawled my way to work. I am so so thankful that someone saw fit to give life and through that Tricia finally got her lungs! Nate, I'm so happy for y'all. :)

Praying things continue to go well...

cmziall said...

Thanks be to GOD! We will continue to pray that her body does not reject these lungs and for a speedy recovery.

God Bless,
Michelle in MO

Devin said...

Man Nate,

For being complete strangers, you all sure mean alot to me. I was up all night...I just could not sleep, so I was praying most of the night. Thank you Jesus that the surgery went well...I will continue praying, as I know there is a long road ahead.

By the way, those most recent pics of Gwyneth are GREAT. I love the one where she is looking up at you, it is just so sweet! I can't believe how much she is changing and how big she is getting!

Devin in Illinois

Sherri Thacker said...

Thank you so much for keeping us updated. Alot of us want to know how Tricia is doing!!

Lisa Sherrill Roach said...

Up most of the night praying for you all. Thank you God for your abiding grace.

Dutch Momma of 4 said...

You've had birth, getting listed, and surgery to anticipate and live through..
The next thing: leaving the hospital THE 3 OF YOU and settling down as a family...

~j~ said...

thank you kat for the update info... j

Coffespaz said...

Praise God!! I know it was a rough night for everyone, especially Nate. Make sure you give him hugs for everyone. We'll continue the prayers.

val said...

Praise the Lord!!! Now praying for a smooth recovery!

Big hugs from New Jersey

Anonymous said...

Oh this is wonderful news! Cannot wait to hear another update!

SheilaDy said...

Such good news to wake up to!
We will keep praying!


Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news!! PRAISE GOD!!

Anonymous said...

thank you LORD.

tricia i love you so much and i'm on my knees....i love you i love you i love you!!!!!!!!!!

love susanna

Kristen said...

Praise the Lord!!
Glad things went well but I know the next little while (weeks...) are also important.

Martha said...

This is wonderful news. You are all in my thoughts today. I hope Tricia has a fast and uncomplicated recovery. Nate, I cannot imagine the stress you have gone through in the last day. May you find some peace today and some sleep. The best to all of you.

Becky Sorensen said...

Blessings to you all.
You are in our hearts and prayers

ITooWasAbused said...

It's so surreal to read this entry! Best of luck to you both. Continue to remember how many people across the world are thinking of you during this time.

Haley & Dustin said...

wooooo weeeeeee!!!! yipee!!! praying that tricia has a great recovery!!! also praying for the donor family, that their family member lives on in a wonderful person :)

Nadine said...

We prayed for your family last night...our church group also prayed for your children are praying for Trish and hold a vigil until we here some news from you...
You are in our thoughts every moment of the day...
God Bless them richly!

The Arnold Family said...

Praise God, Praise God!! His specialty is working miricles, thanks for sharing !!

Rich and Lauren said...

rick, nate's dad has a new update on his blog you should check out

Lesley said...

Continuing to pray....

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