Wednesday, January 9, 2008

7:49pm Update

Tricia is now completely off the paralytic and one of the sedatives. She is breathing on her own with the vent. Her CO2 has dropped from 95 to 80 (below 60 is where we'll feel safe) and her O2 has risen to the 90's (which is safe). She's going to be left as is for the night and evaluated by the docs in the morning and hopefully brought off the rest of the sedatives and awakened.

Gwyneth is doing as well as she can. One of the OB docs told me today that it's the best report she's ever received for a 24 weeker.

It's been a busy day today with lots of guests and family. I'll spend another night in the hospital, and hope for just as good a day tomorrow.

Thank you so much for making this a good one!



Anonymous said...

PRAISE THE LORD nathan!!!! Continuing to pray without ceasing here in mexico!!!

Anonymous said...

Just thinking of you...From one 24 weeker to another...Lincoln says "Hang in there Gwentyth"

Anonymous said...

Just thinking of you...From one 24 weeker to another...Lincoln says "Hang in there Gwentyth"

Shandelle said...

Still praying here too!

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord for another good update...
We are thinking of you all and praying for strength, rest, and healing...
We love you.
~ Dana and Wil Haupfear

Anonymous said...

awesome. we continue to pray with you through the hours. so God to know that God never tires and is always present at your sides.

Marianna said...

I found your blog through a post on another blog, and I want you to know that I am praying for Tricia and Gwyneth. I also have passed the prayer request on to my friends and family. The Lord is definitely using your blog to His glory! You and Tricia are an encouragement to me as a believer! I will keep praying! Nathan, rest in the knowledge that God has both of your girls in the palm of His hand!

South Carolina

Anonymous said...

Continuing to pray in SC!

Emily said...

Praying that the next few days bring few surprises. I remember how scary those first 72hrs were with my 1lber and I can't imagine having another dear loved one in critical condition as well.

Anonymous said...

My first vist to your site, but surely not the last. What lovely ladies are in your life! May God's Peace surround your family.

Scott said...

Praise the Lord for every good thing! Hopefully, all of you can get some rest and tomorrow is a new day. Praying for you all!

Anonymous said...

Still praying here too!

Anonymous said...

That's a great report....Praying for a good nights sleep for all the Lawrenson family..
God continues to do marvelous and wonderful things.
Les and Carol

Anonymous said...

Still praying. Thank you for continuing to update!

Aspiemom said...

I hope you have a peaceful night and good reports on both your gals in the morning! Praying in GA - Aspiemom

Anonymous said...

SO great!! Still praying. I had my whole women's Bible study today praying for you guys too.

Nevis said...

Thoughts/prayers are with you!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you in Michigan. God is so good!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Praise God! I am so excited to read such a wonderful report on your girls!

Praying that you all get some much needed rest tonight... and for another great day tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

God is so good and perfect!!!
May those on the medical team/ hospital staff who have not yet believed in the healing power and prescence of the ALMIGHTY...BELIEVE!
Tricia...You keep hanging in there and may those O2 numbers be right where they need to be!!! On our knees for you for thorough healing and the perfect pair lungs for you! God already has them picked out...
I have been there with a precious little one in the NICU...the doctors and nurses have the tools...GOD had the POWER to heal!
Praying for little Gwyneth and her body to grow strong! My little girl was in the NICU for 5 weeks (summer of '06); she is now one sassy and strong-willed little thing...truly a miracle and blessing. Not an easy road...emotional roller-coaster...but such a blessing and amazing way to become closer to God.
Praying for rest, peace and healing for your family...keep the faith!!!
Claire Adams <><
Raleigh, NC

Anonymous said...

PRAISE THE LORD!!!! Still praying here too!

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear the good news!

I'll keep sending prayers your way!

Erin said...

Praise the Lord! I found your blog through an online adoption bulletin board I am a part of. They had listed your blog and asked for prayer for your wife and daughter. After reading your blog and seeing where your wife and baby are hospitalized, I realized that my sister is a nurse in the same NICU your baby is in. Praying God will sustain all of you with health, peace, and strength in the days to come.

Anonymous said...

From one preemie parent (of a 26-weeker) to another, we are praying for you in Texas. Nate, I know how crazy you must be running right now, but if you are willing to share Gwyneth's vent settings and progress, I will wait eagerly!
Still praying for both of your girls!

lisa said...

Thank you, God!!! We will still continue to pray for all three of you guys! We love you guys!!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Sounds like everything is going pretty well... and the BEST report ever on a 24 weeker? That's AWESOME!

Still praying...

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news! Again, praise the Lord! I too hope and pray tomorrow will be as full of good news as today was. I hope you can get some rest tonight.

Anonymous said...

you three are constantly on my mind (and on my computer :) )! Praise God! still praying!

much love
Carly L

Anonymous said...

Yea! Sounds like a good day!

Emily said...

Every update I read makes me pray that much harder! I am so happy for all three of you!!!

Anonymous said...

I just got linked to your blog today. I am praying for your wife & baby girl. You are in my families thoughts & prayers :)

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord. I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Sarah Furlough said...

Such encouraging news. We continue to pray for your girls!

Jennifer said...

praise the Lord for this encouraging news!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Our God is an Awesome God!!! I firmly believe that. I was asked to pray for your family from a bulletin posted on my space. I am keeping up with the blog and am so excited that God has showed his grace to so many people. The surgeons were not alone in that operating room making decisions on the spot, no that was not the surgeon. I continue to pray for your family. I believe that your devoted faith has and will reach thousands of people and make them think about their faith! This is what our country needs. FAITH!!!

Anonymous said...

I am not an overly religious person, I have been trying to find my way the past couple of years and have made it my priority this year. Following your story has given me amazing feelings, and a glimpse into the lives of those full to the brim with the love of their Lord. I am overjoyed to hear the good report on both. Today, at work something swept over me and I bowed my head and prayed, I was praying for you and a few others whom I knew needed it but I thank YOU for the inspiration. I thought you would want to know that you have had this sort of affect on someone's life and their faith.

thank you

mom2lillian (Nicole)

marcia said...

As a recently retired critical care nurse, who worked mostly night shifts, I will be praying very specifically for your ventilated "girls" tonight, Nate. It sounds like Tricia made some wonderful progress today, and Gwyneth is one tough little trooper! Thank You, Lord!

Anonymous said...

This was passed to me from my sister in law. I wanted you to know that my family will be praying for your girls. My son is a 24wkr 1lb 9 0z. He is now 6 years old,in perfect health, and doing excellent in school. No one would know what a rocky start he had. God is with you. May God bless you and your family during this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! Praise God!!!
What a miracle in the works.

Larissa said...

Praise God for his mercies! Our girl's group at school was praying tonight, as I will continue to do. And everyone I talk to loves your daughter's name!

Eryn said...

GOD IS GOOD...The song by Chris Tomlin comes to mind...

How great is our God,
sing with me
How great is our God,
and all who sing
How great, How great
Is our God

Name above all names
You are Worthy of all praise
and My heart will sing how great
Is our God!

Praise the Lord for your blessings today. I'm continuing to pray for the lives of your precious and delicate girls!

Julie D. said...

Awesome! Praise the Lord.

Amy said...

Hi Nate, glad to hear some good news. Praise God. You don't know us but we've been praying for you as are people at our church. I linked to your blog from mine-hope that's okay.
Amy (fellow worship leader)

nicole said...

what a beautiful day! we'll be praying continually for each of you guys.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to share that I passed your story along to my family/friend email list requesting prayer for Tricia and Gwyneth and totally forgot something an aunt reminded me to pass on to you. Our 6'5" cousin Charles was born at 24 weeks. He just graduated high school and is a freshman in college, running track and dating his girlfriend.

Many prayers abound as our prayer chain grows!

Tanya said...

What a great God we serve!! Praising with you tonight! Continuing to pray for your girls.