You are still about 12" and 1lb 4oz.
Your third week was a little scary. You had some tummy troubles for several days, but the doctors and nurses finally figured out the problem, and now you're feeling much better. You still haven't eaten much, and you're still on the ventilator, but we're hoping that both of those things will change soon!
And, this week, you and your mommy finally got to meet each other for the first time! She was able to visit you twice, and the second time she even got to touch you with her gloves on!
In the next week, we're still hoping that you will be moved to the CPAP machine and that you can begin taking some breast milk. We're also hoping that you'll be doing so well that your daddy can begin the "Kangaroo Care" with you, holding you on his chest skin to skin for about 30 minutes at a time, every other day. And, we're praying that your mommy will be doing so well, that she will be able to hold you soon as well.
We love you!
Compare our Blessed White Rose at:
2 Weeks
Absolutely precious pictures of Gwyneth. I'm so glad to hear she is doing better! You all are in my thoughts and prayers every day!
Beautiful. I'm so happy for you. Gwyneth is a beautiful baby.
Prayers for you coming from Owasso, Oklahoma (just outside of Tulsa) I was linked to your blog from another one I read that is about a 13 year old girl in our community with CF. I have followed your blog for about a week now and have gone back and read thru past entries. I am inspired and encouraged by your great faith and strength that God has given you. I just want to say thank you for allowing us to see Christ's reflection in your daily life.
Every day that passes is an answer to prayer! So glad to hear Gwyneth is feeling better and that Trisha had a good day with her sister. Will continue to pray for them. Also praying for you, Nate, to get some rest...and that the peace that passes all understanding will cover you. God is our healer and He is faithful.
Lesley England
She may be the same size, but she just looks older to me this week. I love her little nest! It looks sooo cozy!
It's so great to see her blossom weekly.
Thanks for the update.
So sweet. I love these updates.
>:0) Blessings to you and yours.
Our love and prayers for you....
Tell Agnes, I'm shedding tears of joy for her as she witnesses God's work in Tricia, Nate, and Gwyneth's lives.
Jan D.
happy 3 weeks little rosebud! thank you for the pictures and update!
She is so precious... it's amazing to watch her develop outside the womb.
Good grief the child is only 3 weeks old, born 4 months premature and already has more hair than both my kids combined. ;)
It was a wonderful day with you guys. Lots of prayers sent up tonight for rest for Tricia and a great start to a new journey tomorrow!
Beautiful...the update,
the pictures, just beautiful...
Showering You & Yours Lovingly
With Prayers & Well Wishes...
Long Island New York
Gwyneth is beautiful.
What wonderful answers to prayer! Glad to hear bot Tricia & Gwyneth are having a good day. Will continue praying for all of you. My girls & I LOVE the pictures of your beautiful miracle baby!
Sara in MD
That little Rose looks like she's blooming to me. I think of y'all everyday and even if I don't get the chance to come over and read about your day I still say a prayer for you. You have affected me in ways that I can never begin to describe. Thank you for allowing me to find what is important again and thank you for allowing me to travel this journey with you and your incredible family.
Jessica thinks you put Meka in the isolette :) Gwyneth, you are growing so beautifully in your safe little home. We can't wait to watch you grow into a bundle of energy and spunk! Love, Aunt Janet
I had a hint from Megans comment that something ws happening this morning...I keep trying to figure out what it could be but of course I have no idea = )....
I'll be cking back looking for "the news".....
I hope everyone slept the night away..
Prayers..Prayers..Prayers..lotsa Prayers for you all
She is so precious! Our children have been praying for your little Rose.
Kangaroon care is the most awesome experience with your preemie. Clay was 4 weeks when we got to do it. He was still on the vent the first time, but went to CPAP two days later. His vitals would stabilize for hours afterwards. I hope you get the chance to do it soon!
So cute of her with her pug!!!
LOVE the song too :)
Hope you have a good day
I'm so glad you are doing these weekly pictures. We did this with our first baby. Took her pic with her special bear e very week until she was 2. It didn't happen with our second baby - our NICU/CF baby, and I regret that. So stick with this, Nate. You'll be glad you did and one day Gwyneth will be fascinated with the pictures, too.
What a beautiful little girl. What a blessing she will be in Tricia and your lives! I can't wait to hear that you guys held her. I know it's coming soon. I didn't know roses were so tough! :) I am moved to tears reading Daddy's blog entries to his little girl. God is awesome!
Hi Nate!! Just wanted to stop in to let you know that we are thinking about you and praying for you 3 all the time. The pictures of Gwyneth with her pug are so cute!! We are going out of town this weekend but want to stop by again very soon. Please tell Tricia we say hello.
She's so beautiful! I'm so glad to hear that her distention is gone and she's doing well. I pray that she'll be on the CPAP soon and able to eat. :)
I just love looking at her pictures!
This little lady is soooo precious!!!!It is so good to see her grow!
We are praying for you all!!
So are you going to shave that hairy chest of yours so she can actually make contact with your skin?
We continue to pray for Tricia and Gwyneth! Gwyneth is a lovely little flower!
So precious. I am so glad that she is doing better. I am praying that this upward turn continues.
Good new all around. So sweet of you to sing to your lovely wife. Whata guy I tell ya. Gwyneth is gaining on the Pug.....for y aknow it she'll be way bigger than that Pug.
Praying, watching, cheering you on!
-Shannon in Austin
You will be forever thankful for all of these moments and blog entries. When the time comes and Gwyneth is old enough to *read* through them with you, she will delight in seeing her progress and then as she grows she will appreciate having her and her beautiful mother's fighting spirit documented so often.
I am a NICU RN and the mother of two preemies (30wkr and 25 wkr). Blogging has helped me get through the past 4.5 years and my boys both already love hearing their stories. Keep taking pictures of your white rose next to her little pug. Soon it won't be so small. We took weekly pics of our 25wkr next to a beanie baby and it is amazing to look back at his progress and have an actual size comparison to show him.
God bless all three of you and prayers are coming from our family to yours. Thanks for sharing your story.
She's Beautiful! The most perfect little head I've ever seen!!!!! I'm so happy that things are looking up!!!! Prayers for you all!!!
My oldest son (now 10 years old) is a former 25 week 1 pound 9 ounce baby. Now you would never know it. I took pictures of him with a "Pooh" animal along the journey and it's always neat to look back on. The NICU journey is a difficult one (he's actually a surviving triplet - my two daughters died at 2 days and 15 days of age). It is a rollercoaster ride from day to day. But it sounds like Gwyneth is doing awesome (if already on CPAP)so hopefully your stay will be relatively short and you'll have her home soon. I imagine technology has changed in 10 years. And yes, it's scary taking them home and caring for them after they've been in the NICU all the time. We spent one night in a "family room" with our son and then brought him home. He was still on oxygen and an apnea monitor and I was a first time Mom. But you'll do fine.
What an incredible and inspirational story! I will have you and your beautiful family in my prayers and thoughts.
Gwyneth is so beautiful as well as her parents.
I've known one young lady with CF. She was married a few years ago and she too outlived her Dr.'s expectations. So far so good!
I can't wait till they day you're all at home.
All the best!
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