Tuesday, January 29, 2008

And More Answered Prayers!

(This is Rick again. Nathan's on break.)

Tricia's sister Megan has been with her all day and reports that Tricia has had a wonderful day! In fact, she's asked Megan to paint her toenails and they're playing a game of scrabble. Sister stuff along with prayers has made a big difference.

The next step for her is to move her down to a regular room and out of ICU. We hope that happens very soon, and with today's upbeat improvements, it probably will.

Along with the fantastic news about Gwyneth's blow out, this is turning out to be a day of celebration.

Go God!


Anonymous said...

"To God Be The Glory"

Michelle said...

What awesome news!! I have just recently come across your blog and have been praying for your sweet family, and will continue to do so.

God is so good and I know that He will continue to strengthen your girls!!

MamaBear said...

Go God is right! You always have just the right words Nate.

Florida_Mom said...

Wow! What a great update :) Still prayer that things just get better and better for everyone.

Many Prayers.

Michelle said...

Have been reading your blog and am blown away! What wonderful news!! God is GOOD!
Blessings in Tulsa!
The Taylor Family

Rebekah said...

Oh, I'm so happy things are improving! Thanks for the update! Everyone is still in my prayers. :)

candicesalazar said...

YEEEAAAAHHHH!!! I am so happy for you all!!! Still prayin in Nebraska!!
Candice (& Co.)

Jenn said...

Yeaaa!!! Will continue to pray!!

M :-) said...

I'm so happy to hear that both girls are having a better day. Praise God!

Many prayers still being said.

Anonymous said...

Praise God for another answered prayer!!

"Girl time" always makes Mommies feel better! Enjoy those beautiful toes, Tricia!

Love and continued prayers,
Laura E.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update! I know that Nate is taking a well-deserved break but hearing that Tricia may not be feeling well was upsetting. We are glad to hear that she is feeling better. We'll keep praying; you girls keep healing.

HollyMarie said...

Hooray!!!! :D

Anonymous said...


Elizabeth said...

Yea for sisters!! I just recently moved closer to mine, and I am enjoying it immensely. Yea for God...He is the ultimate miracle worker. Continuing to pray for you daily.

Unknown said...

Praise God! ...for seeing them thru this one need at a time.

Anonymous said...

God is so good!!

Angela in central Ohio

Andy Lawrenson said...

Fantastic news!!
I pray they can move Tricia to a regular room soon.

Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

Anonymous said...

Go God is right!

Anonymous said...

Way to go God! (and Tricia too!) I told you those girls were spunky!

KYnurse said...

YEAH GOD---How awesome for all. Continuing to pray in Lexington, KY

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news... thanks for sharing.

You know, even if you guys were total jerks I think we'd be rejoicing in the miracles God is working. However, the fact your family is clearly so wonderful just makes the miracles that much more sweet.

Mandy said...

Great news about two very courageous girls. Love and prayers from GA.


Beverly said...


Anonymous said...

What a great and glorious God!

(Who knew we'd be so excited about poo and nail polish????)

Kathy (in NJ)

karen gilmore said...

I am overwhelmed by this family of believers.... my belief in God, in faith, and friendship and Love ,is restored because of your story.. thank you for sharing.... not just today, but always,, I will continue to get up early every morning to pray for all of you....

Anonymous said...

I agree that some girly/sister time is always good for a difficult situation. After I had my daughter I was an emotional rollar coaster so I can't even imagine the coaster Tricia must be on. Prayers continue for all!!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear the good news! God is so good!!! I woke up several times in the middle of the night last night for no reason, every time, I said a prayer for Tricia and Gwyneth! I actually find myself praying for both through out the day as well as for my own family! God works thru every willing heart at all hours of the day and night! Praise HIM for this great report today! Hang in there Nate and enjoy your 'alone' time with your girls! Thanks Nate's dad for doing such a great job in keeping us 'addicts' updated! :)
God bless you all!

Laura Lee said...

awesome news!

Jesse said...

How exciting! What an awesome God we serve! So happy to hear this great news today. :)

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news!!! Thank you so much for updating us. Still praying that things continue to get better and better and that the setbacks are few and short.

Jim and Jami said...

From one of my dad's favorite songs.....

"I am blessed, I am blessed, Everyday that I live I am blessed,
From the moment that I wake up,
'Til I lay my head to rest,
I am blessed, I am blessed."

Still praying.....

Laurie in Ca. said...

This is a great report. Tricia just needed a little "girl time" with Sis to lift her spirits. New toe nails always feel good. Praying for both girls to continue to amaze everyone and for Tricia go get a normal room soon. I hope Nate is getting some much needed rest and peace while on break. He has done such an amazing job since this all began. God is so amazing!!

Love, Laurie in Ca.

Anonymous said...

Scrabble! :) Heehee! YAY!!!! I LOVE all these answered prayers!!!

K Hutchinson said...

God is Great!

Anonymous said...

Blow-out! ROFL!

Anonymous said...

Praise God for Blowouts and ToeNail Polish.

Ashley said...

I don't always comment, but I always keep up and keep you all in my prayers. I am so happy to hear of the recent news. God is so good!

Meredith said...

Once again GOD IS GOOD........ and ALL THE TIME!!! So happy to have read this great news! PRAISE GOD! Still praying and waiting for more good news to come. Many Blessings, Meredith Orlando/FL

Anonymous said...

Yea! Great news...will share your wonderful news with our connection group tonight as we continue to pray for you all!

Jane said...

Praise God!

Still praying for all!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hallelujah! So glad to hear such wonderful praise reports. We all continue to pray here in Wilmington. Thank you for keeping us updated. Glad Nathan is taking a break and (hopefully) getting some rest.
God's love and peace to all, Cousin Amy

Tumbleweed said...

Yeah for blow outs and sisters! Tell Tricia that Texas is sending here a God hug!

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to your blog. We will keep you in our family prayers - my wife & 7 kids.
My mom was just healed of cancer!

people prayed for all over the world

Anonymous said...

The only thing I can say is God is GREAT!!!!!! What a wonderful Lord we serve. I'm so glad that everything is going so wonderfully, and and more miracles have happened! It's such great news.

And, thanks Rick for updating us while Nate is on a much needed break!


Robin said...

Awesome! Praise the Lord!

Unknown said...

Oh wow that is definitely answers to our prayers! I am glad that Megan is there spending time with Tricia. Praying for continued improvement from both of the girls.

lindsay said...

God is listening!! Praying for you all in TX.

weavermom said...

Amen - go God! (Thanks for updating us. :) )

Thodgson said...

Yeah! Great news, I am praying for the 7800 move!

Anonymous said...

Our God is an Awesome God!
Shari j

Anonymous said...

It's Gywneth's three week birthday and God has answered many prayers today. I think it's time to bump, "White Boy Baptist Preachers Can Dance." Let's Celebrate.
Ye Haw !!!!!!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Yay for answered prayers! :)

Just Me - MJ said...

So glad to read this most welcome update! All good things & many more blessings to your family!

Anonymous said...

I am smiling from ear to ear because I vividly remember the celebration we had when Emily had her first NICU blowout! Thanks to Sister Meg for knowing just what to do to lift Mommy's spirits. A sister is a gift from GOd, indeed. Continued prayers from Wisconsin.

Kristy said...


Shannon said...

Yes, Go God!
-Shannon in Austin

Anonymous said...

Sisters are the next best thing to a husband when you are feeling like crap! Well, that and my dog! Hang in there and just remember to take things day by day!

Pam D said...

Hooray for cheery sisters and dirty diapers! If prayers were grains of sand, right now God would be looking at a beach in His front yard, all for Tricia, Gywneth, and Nate. Bring it on, prayer warriors!

Jenny said...

Thank you Lord!

Praise God for Gwyneth's poop and Tricia's good day. I pray more blessings are on their way!

Jennifer said...

Prayers from a blog reader in Michigan. God works miracles. I have seen them first hand!

Agnes said...

Nathan and Tricia, " Goodnight, sleep tight , dont let the bedbugs bite, I love you , see you in the AM. mom

NCBeachMom said...

wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!

Raleigh, nc

Anonymous said...

Go God! I have been especially praying for encouragement for Tricia. I know how difficult it can be to be a new mom, and with everything else on top of it, I can't imagine.
So good to hear good reports about both Tricia and Gwen.
Leah Courtney

Sheila said...

Fantastic news about both girls! I will keep on praying for more good days to come.

Anonymous said...

Today there was nothing I wanted to hear more than the WONDERFUL new update on Tricia,we watch more Prayers being answered and Miracles are happening...If anyone needs a sign that GOD hears & protects us,they need to follow the "story" of Tricia Gwyneth and Nathan because it is here your
"eyes will be opened".
Tricia & Nathan...Your "story" unfolds many wonderful things...
I see a such true love story between you both,
from the time Tricia walked with her parents into the church Nathan & his Father Rick call home, right up too tonight...the world should say Thank You Tricia & Nathan for sharing your life with us, We are honored.
Peace be with you & yours
Showering you all lovingly with Prayers and Well Wishes
Long Island Nwe York

Kelly said...

NEVER underestimate the power of prayer!!!

Continuing our vigil and wishing the very best for your sweet family.

Aspiemom said...

I am glad that Tricia had a better day today and her sister is able to spend the time with her.

I'll continue to pray for a nice chunk of sleep for Tricia. (Glad Nate got some, too!)

Soltana said...

Great news :)

Hugs.. to you all :)

Anonymous said...

Our God is an awesome God!

Rick Lawrenson said...

Consider it bumped.

Anonymous said...

This is great news! We will continue to approach His Throne boldly and reverently for Tricia, Gwyneth and Nate.

Karen in TN

Tammy said...

I've been following your blog for a little while and praying for you and your family. Today, as I read this post, I couldn't believe your closing. "GO GOD" My husband is a national speaker and uses this phrase all the time. It's on so much of our material and yet we have never heard anyone say it that didn't know him. I thought is was so cool that this is how you closed this post. We join you in glorifying God for all He is doing on your behalf and that of your bride and precious daughter. GO GOD!!!

Betsy McK said...

Our God is an awesome God! Just found your blog and will add your girls and family to my prayers.

Megan and Company said...

Sisters, indeed!

I already miss you, Tricia and am anxious for Friday. Sleep tight.

Rick Lawrenson said...

For Tammy,
Please spread the word about praying for Tricia and Gwyneth.

And Go God!