Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Alice's New Lungs!!!

Alice continues to do well, but the first few hours, days and weeks are the most critical, so please, continue to show her your support!

Nate & Tricia


Anonymous said...

Go Alice !!!!!!

ttulizzy said...

Yay for Alice!

Anonymous said...

YAY JESUS!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My husband is a jewelry designer and has been in the business for 32 years. He would be thrilled to help you out.
Email us if you are interested.
And what a testimony your family has been!
In Christ,'
Wife to one
Mom to eight

Coach Prentice said...

Wow....what a day for Alice. Can't wait to read more.

Anonymous said...

That's fantastic!

Florida_Mom said...

Praying for a easy recovery for Alice. Did you notice how high her blog counter went up today. God is so good.


Anonymous said...

All this answered prayer lately is almost overwhelming. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! I am overwhelmed. We simply cannot take in all of God's goodness, mercy and grace.

Chelle' said...

Nate- it's so good to see you signing, "Nate and Tricia". Praise God for each and every blessing. (Including Alice's Lung Transplant.)

The Worgess Family said...

It's sooooooooo wonderful of you to push Alice's info. . .I clicked on her info this morning when I saw it here, and above her picture the "1,054" (or about that) number of hits caught my eye. I just went again to look for updates and it is already up to over 6,000 hits!!! How awesome is God that he would use people from thousands and thousands of miles away to pray for this girl!

God Bless your family, and praise the Lord for everything HE'S done already!!

Anonymous said...

ya u go alice!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Our God is an AWESOME God, isn't He? =-D

Crystal Lee Smith said...

Thank you Lord, for providing for Alice. Our God knows just what we need and blesses us accordingly. We SERVE an Almighty God!

Anonymous said...

I love seeing all the pictures of Gwyneth.She is beautiful. Praying hard for Tricia and the baby and especially for you as you keep on keeping on!!

Anonymous said...

I missed the poop entry! Hurray for that child. Continuing to hold you close in our prayers. And, hurray for Alice!

Anonymous said...

you rock ALICE and keep up the good work girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Praying that you will have a good nights rest, knowing that God is taking care of you

Teacher in the middle said...

Thanks for continuing to pass this along!

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog and keeping up with how your wife and baby are doing. I'll have to say that you and your family are exhibiting the most wonderful expressions of complete faith in God and what His plans are for all of us. I recently lost my husband about 11 months ago, and as difficult as it has been over the last year, I know without a doubt that he is in a much better place and now bless all of the memories within my heart and I know that he is no longer suffering, and is sitting at the feet of our Lord and Savior, and when that wonderful day comes that we meet again in Heaven we will greet one another with a smile and he will say to me "Welcome Home". Please know that I have you, your wife and your beautiful daughter in my thoughts and prayers, along with the others that are linked to your blog and where you have provided a link to theirs. With God comes complete trust and know that all matters are in His hands and we do not know the final outcome but know that He has His purpose in every single situation.

Keeping you all in my prayers!

Jennifer said...

Yea for Alice!! Praise God!

I've been reading your blog and praying for you since just before Gwyneth was born, but am just now commenting. I have shared your story with my friends and family. We are all praying for Tricia, Gwyneth and you. Your story has inspired me and so many others. My faith has always been strong, but even stronger now. I know that God has great plans for you all...I'm just honored that you are giving us all a glimpse into your lives.
God is so good!

Kenzie said...

Nate, Tricia and baby Gwyneth-

Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers, and of course your posting for prayers! We are so overwhelmed and feel a tremendous peace thanks to the hundreds that have offered up requests and thanksgiving to the Lord on our behalf. May the Lord continue to bless your journey... I am SO thankful for the possibility to be back on the lung transplant list so soon. How amazing our Lord is!

Continuing to pray for you all!
The Stanfield Family