Tonight was especially hard. Tricia felt comfortable enough to tell me (and Agnes) to go home (as opposed to Last Night), but it's still hard...and knowing that Gwyneth is not doing as well... I just called the NICU (at 12:22am) to find out about the latest x-ray...still the same (which is better than "worse"). I prayed with Tricia before I left, again asking God that His will be done, and reminding Him (not that He's forgotten...but, it's nice to hear it from my own voice) of the desires of our heart.
I'm hoping for another miracle for Gwyneth when I arrive at the hospital tomorrow morning.
Thank you for the cards and gifts, etc. that are coming in. I would love to respond to each, but there's just too many and I don't have enough time. Tricia's mother is cataloging them so that we might one day say "thank you" to each. I'll be taking all of the cards to the hospital soon, and I'll take pics of the gifts (that don't need to be in the hospital rooms at this time) to show Tricia.
My email is back, and I've responded to every email that was waiting...if you sent me an email and haven't gotten a response, please try again if you'd like to (I have a feeling some emails were sent to me but never made it).
Thanks! I'm going to catch up on my sleep tonight!
PS. Here's a pic of my Patty Sue (from our dating days) that I ran across tonight that I never really liked much until now...

Hang in there brother! You and your family are never far from our thoughts and your always in our daily prayers.
Thank you for being real & honest. The Holy Spirit is at work through all of this. Thank you for taking other prayer needs seriously too.
God is with us,
Natalie & Andy Daugherty
It's clear why you fell for her. She was then... and remains to this moment- stunning.
Praying for a miracle in your daughter's body while you rest tonight.
I hope both your girls recover quickly from all they have been through and continue to grow stronger each day.
Praying for that dear little girl. Praying to the One whose Mighty Hands can do intricate repair and work great wonders. Again. She is already a testimony to His genius and His power; we pray that He will show His Hand again mightily for the healing of her bowel. He formed her - inside her mommy - where no one else could see; now I pray that He will again do His stunning, unseen works, and that the visible results will bring Him great glory.
Praying fervently that you all sleep well and wake up to good news.
I will keep you all 3 in my prayers tonight. I don't know how you are getting through this so calmly. I don't know if I could have your strength. You are truley an inspiration to me. God bless you & your girls & may you all have a better day tomorrow.
We're still praying, Nate. For you, and Tricia, and particularly little Gwyneth at the moment. Hoping that the doctors can resolve the issues she's having at the moment without too much trouble. Keep hanging in ther.
With love, Alison, Pete and Charlie xxx
Thinking of you and yours at this difficult time, you are in our prayers. The Farrell Family, Dublin, Ireland xxx
I kept waking up last night to pray for Gwyneth. Still praying.
Angela in central Ohio
Going to lift both of your girls up in prayer right now...
Glad for Tricia's progress. Praying that Gwyneth will be totally healed by God today.
Remember that God knows your needs, he knows Tricia's needs, and Gwyneth's needs. He has done so many miraculous things in their lives in such a short amount of time. He can do it again. My family is keeping precious Gwyneth in our prayers at all times. I even found myself waking up in the middle of the night thinking about her, and then saying a prayer for her. I can't imagine how hard this is on you. I am praying that the Lord will send blessings and comfort down to you. You have been such a rock for these two girls, and it has to be so difficult to keep strong for them when you see your two angels going through such a difficult time!! It shows what a soldier for God you really are! It also shows your love and devotion for the two of them. They are blessed to have such a wonderful man taking care of them. I know it's hard, but keep your head up. Tons and tons of prayers are being said around the world. It's in God's hands, and He is the Master Healer. He's better than any doctor or nurse around!! You've got the best there is.
Love and Hugs,
I just read your story and wanted to let you know that I prayed for you and your two girls. I will keep upholding your family in prayer. May Jehovah-Rapha heal your girls.
I'll be praying as hard as I know how as I go through the day today. I can only imagine how tough this roller coaster of a ride has been on you and your family. I'll pray for God to give you peace as you go through all of the ups and downs. Please remember the massive amount of prayers being lifted up for you and your family. Praying for more ups than downs. Your brother in Christ, Tommy
Hang in there, Nate... look at the counter on your blog and take comfort in the MANY prayers that are being said. You need to take care of yourself, too. Your girls need you strong. Praying hard in Nashville!
I pray for you and your girls very often during the day! It simply astounds me - the number of people praying for you. God is doing something special in my heart as I increase my faith on your behalf. Thanks for that!
The Dodges
My daughter and I took time this morning before school to pray for your girls.
Your life (and the way that you live it) has touched ours in so many ways. I look at my children with new eyes. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
I will continue to pray for God's will to be done!
Always in my thoughts,
Sara in CT
We are still praying here in Chicago. We will continue to pray for healing and strength. Hang in there.
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