> I've been looking for Joe and Kendra ever since I saw them two days ago. About an hour ago, I stepped on the elevator in the parking garage, and there was Joe. We walked and talked all the way to the NICU. I told him that a few hundred people had posted about praying for him. He said that they'll get to hold one of the boys today. Next time I see him, I'll have the web address written down so they can read the posts and be encouraged, If you haven't yet, post a prayer or encouragement for them HERE.
> The following comment was posted here by Robyn just a few minutes ago:
Dear Nathan, I will continue praying for you, Tricia and Gwyneth. My daughter Michalea is a miracle baby like Gwyneth!!! She was a preemie, born with so many physical problems and dr's told my hubby that she only had a 4% chance of survival...the Lord gave me this verse that I would like to share with you to pray over both of your girls, Psalm 118:17, they shall both live and die and proclaim the works of the Lord...I prayed that each day while in NICU with Michalea, and I would pray over the other little ones while I was there as she was in the worst NICU unit. But God is faithful, she just had her 11th birthday this week :0) I would ask though that you would also pray for us, we found out last year when my oldest daughter that was only 22 at the time- found out she is HIV postive and she was pregnant with our first grandchild and she has been very sick. I am praying for you.
Visit Her Blog and let her know you're praying for her and her family!
> The cards and packages are starting to come in. I even had somebody personally deliver some sweet t-shirts last night to the front desk. I think you're also making an impact on the staff at our hotel as they're beginning to ask me more questions about Tricia and Gwyneth Rose.
> While I was out, I did buy several things for Tricia and Gwyneth that will help continue to impact our families and friends for years.
> A 160GB external hard drive to store all of the pics and videos of Gwyneth as well as a storage space for all of the emails and such. For years, she will be able to look back on this time of her life as if she were one of us.
> A picture album of Gwyneth. I prefer to look at pics on my computer, but her mother (and her grandmothers) will want to hold a picture album. I stopped by a photo shop and printed off several of my favorite pics of her so far. I'm sure it will fill up quickly. (This album may even make it's way to NHC by next Sunday...) I was able to share a bit of Tricia's story and a few of Gwyneth's pictures with a girl at the photo shop.
> A binder for all of the ECards that are still coming in for Tricia and Gwyneth. I'm amazed, and Tricia will go blind reading them all. I'll let her crafty sisters figure out a way to make the binder look fun and pretty.
> Another huge bone for Meka the pug...OK, this one really isn't that big, but Meka kills me with kisses when I come home at the end of every day and has been sleeping with me every night, helping me to not be so lonely without my wife. She deserves an oversized treat.

So, if you can help me search for something that might work online, or if you find something in a store, please let me know so that I can order it for myself.
I have almost caught up on reading every single comment. Thank you again. It has become the consuming pastime of my life as God is using your words of prayer and encouragement to fuel my soul and spirit (not to mention our families').
Off with Agnes (Tricia's mom) to get some dinner at the caf.
thank you for the continued updates--we are still praying here!
Thank you for the updates :) We are praying here too!
Thanks for such a great update. It sounds like you are doing very well, all things considered.
We are praying for all of you!
thank you for keeping us posted on what is going on. Praise the Lord for His goodness and love. We continue to pray for your girls and for you and the rest of the family. Please make sure that you are getting some sleep and taking care of yourself as your girls need you to have your strength.
Please tell Agnes that we are praying for you all!!!
from HHBC and Fellowship BC
I continue to be amazed at the Lord for His faithfulness and care of you and your family! Thank you for the updates, as they fuel my faith, and I'm sure the faith of countless others that are reading your blog. I'm praying for "your girls" as they continue to get well!
Talk about Impact. To see baby Gwyneth, to touch her beautiful, perfect (even the ears are perfect!!)
tiny, but fragile body, what an impact on me. I have touched, not only seen or heard of, but have touched a miracle. I will say I touched her for all those that are unable to. Awesome. And to see Tricia open her beautiful eyes, if only for a moment and smile, what a miracle. God has blessed me beyond measure, today was the TOPS! To be so in tune to our God, Nathan, at your age, God bless you. I walked away for quite a while, thankfully, He did quit on me. I cannot imagine how anyone can do what you do without Him. God bless you. Thank you so much for sharing your miracles with me.
Love you. Aunt Donna
Still praying and think I'm getting slightly addicted to checking here for updates! God is good, faithful. He will bring to completion the awesome work He has started! Your story is a continual testimony to true faith and joy...thank you!
The pics of Gwyneth are amazing...it really brings psalm 139 v 13 & 14 into reality!
Blessings to you all, x
Praying for both of your girls! I woke up in the middle of the night thinking of them both! I'm so thankful how far OUR GOD has brought them and you and yours on this journey. I pray many many more happy days are to come! Bless you all!
Tricia? Do you remember me? Claudia Aiello, Amy's sister. I am praying for you, and so is my church in Rock Hill, SC. What a darling little baby girl you have!
I've never met you, Nate, but God certainly knew what He was doing when he brought you and Tricia together! You've both been such a blessing to those around you! I'll keep on praying for your family. Gwyneth is absolutely precious!
Here are a couple of photo albums I was able to find doing a quick search - I'll keep looking.
You don't know us, but we went to Liberty. A friend of a friend sent us the link to your site. Please know that we are praying for you many times daily! We just had a baby girl last July -- and your story has really touched our hearts! Your little white rose is precious! :-)
Tracy & Jason
Your story and the pictures of your miracle baby have amazed me. God is sovereign and in control of your situation and he will continue to sustain you and give you the peace that passes understanding. I'm amazed at how God has already used your family and your tiny baby's life to impact the lives of thousands of others, friends and strangers (of which I am one). I have been checking your blog multiple times a day for the last few days after hearing about you from a friend's blog. The pictures of your baby melt my heart! How special for you to be able to see and touch one so tiny and doing so well (considering the circumstances!).
God be with you.
May the LORD bless you and keep you and make his face shine on you and give you peace.
In his name,
I am thinking of you and your beautiful family often and praying for His continued blessings for you. I am amazed at your strength in Him and am taking a hard look at my own relationship with God. Thank you. Your blog is so inspirational. I will continue to thank God for all He has blessed you with so far and much, much, much more to come. Take care of yourself...your girls need you to be healthy and strong.
My son is named Nathan and we call him Nate so when I came across your blog I immediately felt my heart tug.
We named him after Nate Saint the missionary that was killed in south America with Jim Elliot. Your story reminds me of that Nate. Your precious wife and baby girl are bringing the gospel to places that have not seen the light. Know that this moma in Tennessee is praying for your sweet family. Stay strong Brother!
Thank you Nate for allowing us to be a part of your story! Your family is an inspiration and a gift! Still praying (not sure I could stop if I tried)!
Love, Leslie
My computer is ALWAYS calling my name to...ck your site first thing each morning,last thing each night,over & over again through out the day... all day... every day...there has been more than a few times I wake during the night and it is all of you, who are on my mind...right to the computer I go to ck for your updates...which have become a VERY big deal around here,I Thank You for keeping us updated...
Still Showering you all with Prayers & Warm Wishes
Long Island New York
I found your site www.krististrio.blogspot.com
I have enjoyed ready all your past postings. You are doing a great job keeping everyone updated and knowing how to pray for you and your family. Praise God that you know Him and are able to allow Him to carry all three of you through this!
We are praying for you in Florida.
I am doing something I haven't done in year!!!I started a prayer journal. I have listed your girls, family, Joe, and Kendra also some of the people commenting on this blog. Like Andrea from the U.K. and her 4 year old son who just had a liver transplant. i can't wait to add to my list.
I will continue to pray daily with my family!!!
I hesitate to ask this because probably you have already looked into it, but when our son was born prematurely we were able to stay at the Ronald McDonald House near the hospital during his NICU stay. At only $10 a night, with dinner and other food items provided, it met a tremendous need for us. I just wanted to mention that as I know that costs begin to pile up and perhaps it might be a help to you as well. GOD bless!
Your wife was kind enough to share information with me about Duke via e-mail a few months back. I was going through all of the preperations to be listed for a tx d/t CF and we were looking into all of our options and making arrangements for our 8-yr. old daughter. The Lord intervened in a mighty way for us right before Christmas. I play the flute on our worship team and I will be giving my testimony some time this week. My prayer for you is that you, Tricia, and Gwyneth will some day soon be sharing your testimony with your congregation and praising the Lord for His MIGHTY works and miraculous timing. Both of your girls are beutifully and wonderfully made! Psalm 139:13
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
All our love and prayers,
Karen A. Barach
Maranatha Fellowship Church
Charleston, WV
I really don't know how I 'happened' upon your blog, maybe it just wasn't a coincidence at all, but I wanted to let you know that I am praying for your wife and sweet baby girl...Take care of yourself too!!!
still praying for all of you...thank you for continuing to update so regularly!! i continue to be inspired by your strength!!
Hey there! My hubby pointed me to you guys a few days ago, and I've been praying for Tricia, Gwyneth, yourself, and your family since. We are the parents of two nicu grads. One of them in for 11 weeks. I was also seriously ill before and after his birth. I have vague memories of opening my eyes long enough to see my amazing hubby sitting on my bed, crying into the phone with his best-friend helplessly. He's been my rock ever since. While my health has been up and down in the last 10 years since our first preemie's birth, I can always depend on him. So, I'm here to say thank you. Thank you Lord for pairing your Tricia and myself with beautiful, Godly men who love us, stand by us, serve us, and treat us like God's princess'. Tricia and I are blessed women for sure.
I am praying that God will grant the desire of your heart.
Your updates make me smile :-)
I'm in the process now of starting a blog (You have inspired me!). Anyway I would like to add your blog to my site if that's ok with you. Not sure how to do it yet but I'm working out the details tonight after I get the kids to bed.
I have shared your story with so many friends and family and passed on the link to your blog to my entire email address book. Your story has reached so many people. I was out all day yesterday and as soon as I got home I ran to my computer to check on all of you. I think about you, Tricia and the sweet miracle baby all the time.
Still Praying in Florida!,
Thank you for the updates. We check on you all several times a day. We are continuing to pray for you in Alabama. God bless!
Lori and family
First of all I want you to konw that I am praying everyday for your family.
I have an idea for you, I have never done this, but it looks pretty simple. I have seen a completed one and thought it was just the neatest thing. It is called a photo book. You download pictures straight to their web site and design the layout and everything and they print you a hard or soft bound book. I researched it a little for you and I found a site where you can make the background of each page whatever you want or they have hundreds of pictures to choose from. This way you could make the background the white roses, and then put the pictures on top. The web site is picaboo.com. THis woudl be a great way to "scrapbook" with the click of the button.
I hope this helps.
Hi. I know we do not leave a ton of comments, we would rather spend those first moments of hearing more news to PRAISE HIM and THANK HIM and PRAY MORE.
You are all thought of...not just you three, but all of your families.
We love you,
Luke and Tara Jackson
I have left a couple of comments already, thank you for keeping us all updated so that we can continue to pray and lift up your girls to the Lord.
It has been such a blessing getting to know you through your blog and reading your story. What a powerful testimony of God's grace and mercy for His children!
Praying always!
Many Blessings for you and your girls.
this family of 26week triplets (now almost four years old) and mum who has epilepsy praying for you and your precious family in hong kong! our Lord is Good and is love endures faith.
your decision to CHOOSE JOY reminds me of the beth and matt redman hymn blessed be the name. as you know, they wrote the song during a time when they were trying to start a family and miscarrying. and they found how painful circumstances and our choices can either propel us toward God or away from Him, build up our faith or break it. Learn how to ride out the storms of life, saying “Blessed be your name, Lord” - and mean it.
i believe your stance - to say BLESS YOU LORD, and I SERVE A WONDERFUL GOD and the blessings of renewed faith in God you are seeing around you as a result of gwyneth's early birth are largely because of the CHOICE you and your family have made to praise rather than to curse our Lord. and you are seeing the blessings as a result of your actions coming back to you.
Every blessing you pour out,
I turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say...
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your glorious name
xo from hong kong -
tess and charles
and our daily blog:
Thank you for sharing your story with the world! Your strength, love and faith inspires me! I thought my faith in God was already strong but it is even stronger now! I will continue to pray for you, Trish, Gwyneth and Joe and Kendra's little boys. " With God all things are possible"
We are praying fo both of your girls and will check in often!
I found several white rose photo albums on eBay, but thought the one at the link above was beautiful.
We are "taking a knee" for your precious family, and will continue to do so.
-Jules and Jim in Utah
Danielle's idea for the website photo books is great. My bestfriend has several of these books and they're wonderful. You can also have notes printed under the pics. Your pictures can't be damaged by age because the pics are printed and are very vivid, just like the original.
Great idea! Love, Leslie
Hi Nathan,
You know I will be SO on that white rose album thing!! Don't you worry! I may give it to Janet to take to you at some point if that is OK, or I can send it to you. Any color you would like behind the white rose? If it is a white stamp, I need to stamp it on colored cardstock. Let me know your favorite colors.
Your having an impact on my life. Just seeing what God is doing through your family. Your are able to share Jesus with so many people and it is just amazing. My family is continuing to pray for you. I shared your story with a girl I work with on Friday and let her read your blog and she doesn't know Jesus. I used you as a witnessing tool.
We are praying!
Rocky Mount, NC
You continue to be an encouragement to us each time we read your blog Nate!!! We are continuing to pray and share your story with friends and family!! God really does rock doesn't He? My husband said that today must have been a good day because even your dog got to have a picture on the blog ;-) He he he!!! All of you get some rest...most importantly rest in Him!
Bridgette Anne
Misha just came in from tucking in Ty for the night. He prayed tonight and she said he prayed for baby Rose.
Great Uncle Andy
I was doing my Bible study tonight (Beth Moore - "Jesus, 90 Days with the One and Only". Todays lesson was titled "Perfect Timing" and the scripture that Beth shared was Eph. 1:10-12, "Father God, You have brought all things together in Christ, things both in heaven and on earth. In Him, You have made us Your inheritence, predestined according to Your eternal purpose - You who work out everything in agreement with Your will. Therefore, we who have put our hope in Jesus our Messiah praise His glorius name. Obedient to Your call, He has met us in our deepest need... just when we needed Him most.
Praying with my deepest faith that He continues to work so faithfully for Tricia and Gwen. I continue to be blessed by your words, faith and love for the great "I AM" and the great trust you have placed in Him.
We are praying for you every day. Your faith is so strong... what an inspiration. How blessed Tricia and little Gwyneth to have a wonderful husband and father such as yourself.
Here is an album that I located. I love Jenni Beck's journals... http://www.jennibick.com/gildedrose-brag.html
God Bless,
Paula in Brandon, MS
Glad you are taking care of the "other girl" in your life (Meka).
Looks like you have lots of help with the album project-- leave it to you to get the entire world involved! HA! Extraordinary!
Can't wait to see the photos!
I just wanted to say that I just came up on your blog. As a missionary in Taiwan your story has so impacted me. To see the pictures of the beautiful miracle the Lord has created, your precious Gwyneth, I'm so moved. She is amazing. My family and I will be praying for your family. I believe and see that the Lord has plans to use even this for good, and not for harm. May He build you up on His rock with His strength, grace and love. May the Lord surround your wife and baby with His Spirit and His Angels to keep guard over them. Blessings, The Ma'u's
I was given your link anonymously on my own blog, where I share openly about the way God has and continues to work in my life and the grief and pain I have had to bear. You speak of Joy and Peace...I know it full well. God is good- even when we don't understand how or why or what is happening. I will pray for all of you...and trust that God will be faithful and merciful to you in the coming days, weeks and through the rest of your trials. Wishing you more peace and Grace for this journey. What a beautiful miracle you get to be a part of! Thoughts and prayers from Michigan~
How exciting this time is as the Lord fills each moment with miracles, awe, and wonder. I have a VERY creative friend, Tiffany (tiffanyallemand.com) who has made some priceless Miller Grace keepsakes for us since our heavenly girl spent five days with us last June. She makes everything from jewelry to graphic design images to photo collages to photo cards to FANTASTIC photo albums and she can make them anyway you want. I'll recruit her...
Still praying for y'all.
sending love and light to you and your family. your deep rooted hope and faith is inspiring.
I have been addicted to this blog all day every day for about a week, praying for you and your beautiful girls and all those most close to you and all those who have found their way to this blog - and rejoicing with each answered prayer. Thank you for so faithfully updating all of us - I think we all feel so connected and your family is very dear to us, so we rejoice with every new bit of good news. Thank you and Trish for your gift of deep faith in our loving God. Thank you for sharing your story with so many. I thank God for sustaining all of your - and even for giving you the comforting companionship of your warm, wiggly little pug.
PSALM 34:1-4 (The Message)
"I bless God every chance I get;
my lungs expand with His praise.
I live and breathe God;
if things aren't going well
hear this and be happy.
Join me in spreading the news;
together let's get the word out.
God met me more than halfway,
He freed me from my anxious fears."
My prayers are with you, your wife, and your daughter. Today as I posted on my own blog, my 4 month old daughter was laying on the floor next to me. She was smiling, cooing, and leaving me humbled. God is so good. We will be praying.
I'm not sure if you will remember us but we met you and Tricia at a small group meeting at C3 church in Clayton, NC. You guys sat at our table. The moment Patience introduced us to Tricia, we knew that there was something special about her. When Jordan and Patience told us a little portion of your story it started to make sense. That night when we all laid hands on Tricia, there was such a overwelming feeling of strength and courage that poured from you both. I want you to know that since that night you both have been in our prayers. You have taught so many of us how to LOVE,BELIEVE and to never loose FAITH in our very HUGE GOD! Without him to guide us and lift us up only the way he can, none of us would be here today to witness this incredible miracle in your family. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of this journey but most of all, thank you for showing us what Christ looks like through times of joy and times of uncertainty.
With much love and prayers to each of you,
Matt & Michelle Thomas
Clayton, NC
Thank you for the continued updates. I was completely amazed to read about your story a few days ago. What an impact you,trisha and gweneth are making to the world!!! God is so good! I pray for your family and will continue to pray each and every day. My friend,Doni's son was born at 24 weeks. It's been an incredible 3 years of watching him grow and continually be covered by the Lord. Feel free to check her website out. She has documented her son's journey from day one also. Jimanddoni.com :)
We too are the parents of a micro-preemie baby girl. At fourteen months old she got her call for transplant. She received three organs that day. It has been a long road, but EACH step has been BLESSED. There are many hard days, but the gift has been that we take not one moment of this life for granted. He was and is so faithful, and tonight she sits on the floor in front of me playing. In many, many ways I understand exactly where you stand tonight. I am praying for your sweet wife and precious Gwyneth. God is good even on the days when the circumstances feel as though they will swallow you up. Your story has pierced our hearts, and we are so thankful you have allowed the world to follow along. God bless you, your wife, and your daughter. Sincerely, Dave and Trish Adams
Hi my name is Tara and I have cf and am 16 years post double lung transplant. I got your link from a friend of a friend that had asked for prayer for you. You and your wife and new baby are in my prayers.
Please email if you have not already gotten an offer.
some of my craftiness displayed here:
It would be an HONOR!
I have been praying for your awesome family and will continue to do so! Your wife is my HERO!!!
Still praying in Georgia!
You don't know me but I went to Liberty and was introduced to your story by Patience Leino. I just wanted to let you know that I've been reading your blog on a regular basis and have really been encouraged by your faith. You, Tricia and Gwen are often in my thoughts and prayers. I'm also a Pediatric Nurse and have a special place in my heart for people with Cystic Fibrosis...just FYI :o). God bless you in the coming hours, days and weeks!!!
Hi Nathan, Tricia, and Gwyneth,
This is my first time commenting, but I have been keeping up with y'all for about a week. I just wanted you ALL to know that you are in my prayers! I have been so blessed to be able to read about your lives and what you are experiencing. It is so amazing to see God at work!
Nathan, you are in my thoughts and prayers as you take such great care of your girls. :) You are doing an amazing job, and God is using you in such a powerful way. Thank you for continuing to share it with all of us out here!
Tricia, I am so inspired by your faith, strength, and determination as you have traveled down this road. I am praying for you and all that you are enduring and will endure. Hang tough, girl! I feel so honored that God brings you and your family to mind so often so that I can continue to pray for y'all.
Gwyneth, you are one tough little cookie! I am praying for you as you grow stronger and stronger. You have been beating the odds since before you were even born, and I know you will continue to do so. You are beyond precious!
With Love to you all, Jenna
Just checking in...sounds as if all these prayers are working. everything is going so smoothly. We think and pray for you often through out our days...My 3 pugs also send Meka Pug loves and kisses...
I can not relate to you the oneness in Christ that I feel with you, Tricia, and precious Gwyneth. Thank you for sharing with us how God is using your family to demonstrate His faithfulness. Remembering you always in prayer and love,
Kathy Jones
Chesapeake, VA
came across this yesterday and thought it might be helpful in recording your story album... this website turns your blog into a professional book/photo album.
praying for you, your girls, and family.
No....it is you and your family that has had an impact.....an amazing impact on me.
Prayers for you all!
I am a friend of Megan's in NJ and I wanted to thank you for keeping this blog so up to date. I imagine you have a million things to think about but we really appreciate you filling us in. Know that we are thinking about you all every minute and are hooked on the your blog for updates. Although I've heard about Tric I've never met her. From all accounts she's one stellar human being.
Last year my father fell two stories from a ladder and nearly died. He was in a coma for more than a month and went through the same sort of process getting off the vent. (Although not with the long term effects of CF.) Reading your words I remember the experience all too well reading your words. The turning the vent down, the turning the vent up, the suctioning, the opening of the eyes. I will light a candle for you all tomorrow. When he was first awake he wanted me to light a candle for him. I'm a UU, so some of the people praying might be Jewish, or Muslim, but he wasn't willing to turn down the prayers of anyone! Lol. I will do the same for Tricia, I hope you don't mind.
Love to you all,
Amanda in NJ
Hi Nathan. What an amazing testimony your and Tricia's faith is to the world. I have just recently heard about your story and spent the past hour or so trying to catch up on what is happening in your family. Your wife sounds like an amazing woman. I can't tell you what an encouragement it has been reading your outlook on your situation. I am very grateful for the reminder that everything we have in this life belongs to God and we must let go and let God have control. I will be following your blog everyday now and will link from my blog as well. I will be praying for your little miracle, your wife, and your family daily.
I've been checking your blog multiple times a day ever since your sil posted about your family on breastfeeding.com.
I don't have adequate words.
Thank you for opening your lives, for giving so many of us a chance to think of something bigger than ourselves.
My sincerest hopes are for you to take your two loves home the soonest you can.
Here is a song that I was just playing for my daughters that made me think of wanting to share it with you.
John Mayer's Daughters.
I'd say keep staying strong, but your strength and sources of strength are evident.
*hugs* to you and yours.
Apryl in NC.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! We are praying for your sweet family! How exciting it is going to be to watch this baby literally "grow into her skin"! And how proud your wife will be to see how you are taking to your role as Daddy! Your words are an inspiration to all who read them! Keep on bloggin!
I'm glad everyone's notes are fueling you because your posts are fueling us! Lord bless you Nate. We prayed again out loud and together as husband and wife for you, Tricia, Gwyneth, Joe and Kendra and their boys tonight. Hope you get some rest and we'll look forward to the posts tomorrow.
Thank you for all the updates. I'm sitting here in my bed, reading this, crying at times, smiling, and praising God. I am telling my husband about you and your girls, and just how awesome God is and also about your relationship with God. It makes me desire for a stronger walk with Him. I'm praying that God will continue to be with the three of you, and your extended family. By the way, I have an art studio and will be painting a white rose on the front of a scrapbook and sending it your way. Where should I send it?
Praying and believing,
Thank you so much for the wonderful updates. Many prayers being said. We are the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl, who was a preemie. Our Hannah Rose weighed 2 lbs 2ozs at her birth and was in the NICU for awhile. She is now a very spunky, happy, healthy 2 1/2 year old.
Tricia, Gwenyth, you and your extended family are true beacons of inspiration. Many prayers still being lifted up for you all. Blessings!
You will never know what an impact your story has on the world. Thank you for sharing....your daughter is simply beautiful. Our God is so amazing...I continue to pray for you and your girls....
Here is a photo album I found...
A friend sent me your blog and I just can't stop thinking about you and your family. I believe God is watching over your wife and precious daughter. Thank you for the updates.
My family is praying for you all.
Katie from GA
your in my thoughts and prayers.
i have only the highest hopes for you and your family.
i was a preemie being born 2 months early weighing 2 pounds, and now im 17 years old.
hang in there
and god bless you :)
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