Friday, April 4, 2008

Friday Evening Update

Tricia has had a very long day. I spent about 45 minutes with her over two visits this morning. Around noon, they wheeled her down to radiology to replace her feeding tube. There was a minor complication, which made her trip a little longer, but it was taken care of without any major issues.

Her nurse (my new favorite nurse, BTW) actually took my plea to have radiology place the pic line seriously, and made sure that they took the time to do it while they were down there. I told her that she is the first person who has taken us seriously (about this issue) AND made sure that other people took us seriously...we are very thankful (and again, we LOVE the Duke staff...can't figure out why a few don't think we do...).

Tricia arrived back in her room around 5, and by the time I made it a little while later, she was awake as if nothing had happened and actually looked a little more chipper and alert. I spent about an hour with her this evening, and should be back again at 8 after a short visit with Gwyneth.

The short-term memory loss is providing some fun times, to say the least. Tricia literally forgets almost everything within about two minutes. She does remember now that we've told her she had her transplant, but I've told her about 20 times that it was on my birthday, and every time she gets the biggest smile on her face (because it's the first time she's hearing it, again) and whispers, "Happy Birthday...I love you!" about melting my heart...

She said I could take her pic and post it on the blog, so look for that tomorrow morning.

One more thing, before I forget. I spoke with our friend, Yonat Shimron of The News & Observer (remember This Post?) today for a while, and she'll be updating our story in tomorrow's (April 4) paper! I seriously doubt it will be on the front page again, but I'll let you know if it's online...she's told me that she is still receiving emails and phone calls asking for updates about us. We continue to be humbled with how God is using our story for so many good things.




Kristen said...

That is very cute how you guys are having fun with the short term memory loss. How romantic is that?

Kristen said...

I was the first one to comment? HOW COOL and DORKY is that? lol

Totally Taylor said...

Just a big smile on my face.

Have a great night.

Mandy said...

It's like the Adam Sandler movie, 20 first dates :)

i'm so happy to hear that your family is doing so well.

Prayers are continuously being lifted!

Kristina said...

So glad to hear that she is perking up a bit, and that you got the PICC line put in during her radiology visit.

Tracey said...

Glad they took you seriously! Don't worry about those who think you don't like Duke... I'm sure you know the type. Any word of advise or criticism means hate or dislike. ;-) You, of course, know there is always room for improvement! I'm praying for rest for you and Tricia tonight. Have a good evening! ~:-)

jamie said...

Nate, I'm SO glad you were listened to about her PICC!!! I am just so excited about her progress!!! The memory thing will staighten itself out, as you know. I imagine you can use it for jokes into your old and grey yrs together!!!!(Just guessing after watching your humor ;) God Bless you all. I am sooo happy for y'all!!!
God Bless and Love
Jamie in Texas

Stacemoe said...

Glad things are going well and Tricia is getting stronger. Can't wait to see a pic! Glad you had a good experience with the Nurse and they did as you requested. Thanks for the updates and continuing to pray for all 3 of you!!!!

Brooks Family said...

Yup. Joining the rest and smiling!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Tricia is doing well, I can't wait to see her first pictures with NEW LUNGS!! Praise the Lord!

God Bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing and updating.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Thanks for the latest... We're still praying...

Love to Tricia...

Emily said...

I'm so happy that she is doing well! Can't wait to see her pic. I'm so glad your nurse took you seriously. That must be a big relief & I'm glad that whatever the issue she had was able to be taken care of quickly. Again, I think you have such a sweet family & I will keep praying!

maggie said...

So glad you have such a great nurse, and that story melts my heart, too. Of all the things to get to relive and repeat throughout this journey, I'd say that's an excellent one.

kidsworld said...

You paint such a neat picture! I love hearing your anecdotes about Tric. I totally thought of "50 First Dates" when you described her reaction to your birthday. Thank you. You make me smile (and many others, it seems!) Enjoy your visit tonight and look forward to another day tomorrow.

refreshing in ohio

Pigsooie said...

What a miracle and blessing to have this on your birthday! My sons birthday as well. Nothing quite that exciting happened here compared to that.

I continue to pray for all involved.

I respect and admire that you are your wife's advocate. Nobody better mess with Papabear!

Susan said...

After Day 3!! Let me make a little wager here.. I'll bet a new beanie baby pug for the White Rose that Tricia will be a new woman after day 3! You are half way there!!

With regards to taking charge of a loved one's care I couldn't agree w/ you more Nate. You have been the one by her side all this time, and should probably receive an honorary degree.

Jen said...

Haha I totally understand the memory loss thing!

My brother had temporary amnesia after getting a concussion from a soccer ball hitting him in the head and like you said, he would forget something right after you said it. He scored a goal that day and whenever we told him he would get really excited.

I'm glad that Tricia is more chipper and hopefully she can retain her memory soon! Praying for your family!

~j~ said...

ooooh, melting my own heart for sure. I can just picture her sweet face looking lovingly at you, over and over and over again... 20 first dates for sure :)
you guys are the best

Mrs. Dan said...

PTL for a good update!!!!!!!!! :)

BTW, good nurses love sweets, even the ones who say they are on diets. ;) :p That was awesome that she stepped up for Tricia on your behalf! :)

Give Tricia a hug for us and tell her we're praying for her!

Thanks also for taking time to update. We know you have much going on, but it sure is wonderful to see new posts with the latest happenings.

Keep up the good work... all three of you. God is doing mighty things through you all!

Courtnie said...

I am glad she is doing so well! Yay, for going to Radiology for her Picc.

Katie said...

I've been following your blog for months now and haven't felt the immediate desire to comment but I just wanted to say your whole family has been in my prayers every day.
Experiencing this through you has given me inspiration and brought me even closer to God.
I hope for every negative comment, you receive 5 times as many positive ones to show that you are truly making a difference in the lives of everyone you touch.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family.

Mamma_of _five said...

so glad shes doing well, looking forward to the picture tomorrow...take care:)

Donna said...

Big relief for you regarding the picc line. Don't worry about people who think you're ungrateful to the folks at Duke. I nearly punched someone out when my granny was dying from pneumonia and they were late giving her antibiotics. I'm usually passive and timid but something happens to you when a loved one is sick. It doesn't matter how nice the nurses are, sometimes it just isn't enough. Just keep praying that the Lord will sustain you and you'll all be home soon.

Carmen said...

I'm so glad Tricia is doing better. I look forward to seeing her picture.

Jane said...

you know she is going to get you when she gets her memory careful how much fun you have with her! :)))

in 1.5 days she has perked up quite a bit....before long, she's going to be chasing you around the halls of the hospital, and around stuff-mart too!

Yeah God!!

Soltana said...

SO glad things have gone well today:)

LOVE the happy birthday story..that is the sweetest thing:)

Have a great night and hugs and lots of love to you all

Princess Talana said...

Great update :) I'm glad the medical staff took you seriously... it's always nice to be trusted by them. The PICC team at my hospital knows me by now and I am provided the best of care by them as they often have a hard time getting PICC's into me.

Mary M said...

I am not religious by nature, but wanted you to know that I spent Wednesday night praying for your beautiful wife and stayed up nearly all night waiting for an update, and suffering the wait with you. I cannot imagine how horrible that was for all who love Tricia. Heck, I love all three of you and I will never meet you IRL.

You are an extraordinary family (you, G, and Tricia), as are your respective families, and it clear that God is blessing you abundantly for your faithfulness.

Your journey and your willingness to share have made me a better person, and I thank you for that.

I cannot wait to see the pictures of Tricia walking out of Duke with Baby G in her carrier. :-)

Pauline said...

It is so awesome to hear that she is doing well, and you can all laugh SUCH WONDERFUL news! and what a great birthday present .. wonder what she will get you next yr?
Our prayers continue to be with you!

Anonymous said...

i love how you share even the "simple"'s so wonderful to read about all the different steps along the way!!

00 said...

Sounds like Trish is doing well....w00t!!

Your story is so inspiring, Nate. It's so amazing to see you and your wife completely trust God, and it's so awesome to see God honouring your decisions. God rocks :-)

Anonymous said...

cute about the "happy birthday." I can just picture it.

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

Thank you for the continued updates during this busy time.

The short term memory loss is funny. Kind of like 20 first dates ;)

UKNat said...

I'm so happy that today has been a good day! I hope that Tricia's memory returns to normal with the exception that you always get to tell her the news that her transplant was on your birthday! So cute!

Elizabeth said...

Yea!!! So glad to hear that all is going well right now. Still praying for a safe and speedy recovery.

islandgirlart said...

Thanks for the updates!
Are you sure the new nurse isn't an "angel" - you know they are God's special messengers sent to minister to His children!!!!!
I read your update to Greg - he just grinned re: the memory loss and birthday message. He had open-heart surgery when he was 18 (1968 back in the Neanderthal days of heart surgery) He's very much acquainted with chest tubes (no fun), morphine (plays with your mind) and extreme thirst - among other things!
Now, here's my little story and idea from today!

After work today I was feeling lousy. I was talking myself out of running to the store which I needed to do. Then I started thinking/praying about Tricia.
Well, I gave myself a good talking to .... along these lines ... if Tricia can get up out of bed within 'hours' of her transplant ....
Needless to say, I ended up at the store.
This is what came to mind:
I can be "Tric Tuff"!

I started thinking about all the comments I've read where women have been inspired, motivated by Tricia's sheer determination and strength of character in her CF/motherhood journey.
I was so focused on this that I missed my turnoff on the beach road 2xs!

So, I challenge and call upon the "Sisterhood" to encourage/motivate dear Tricia this weekend with your own "I can be Tric Tuff" moments.

so, there you go!
cindy w - obx
ps - I know that Tricia is entirely about Glorifying the Lord in all things and that she is only 'Tric Tuff" because she does all things through Christ who gives her strength.

pss - I'll buy the "Tric Tuff" or "whatever" t-shirt!

Unknown said...

so glad Tricia is doing well. I bet in a couple of weeks she will be ready to get out of there!!!!

thanks so much for updating us. I have been glued to your blog all week long! lol. I am a donor on my drivers licesnce but I will make sure to actually register on a list.

Nan said...

Praise the Lord about the pic line! Ever watched 50 First Dates? Praying!

Living And Learning said...

I was directed to your blog from another families blog, and I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your family. I will pray that each day brings new blessings and fewer challenges for you all. God Bless.

debangel said...

Tricia is my hero =) Nate, have you ever seen the old "Frosty the Snowman" Christmas special? (I'm 36, so maybe I'm just dating myself here!) The kids put the magic silk top hat on Frosty, and he comes to life, exclaiming, "Happy...Birthday!!!" It happens like that every time they replace the hat on his head, and it gets pretty funny after awhile. So I guess you can give "Frosty" our love ;)

I Speak Refugee, Let's Chat! said...

Woo Tricia! And kudos to attentive nurses!

Jan said...

Hmmm...will you and Trisha now share the same (re)birthday?

These reports are sounding better and better all the time!

Anna Marie said...

I'm thrilled that Tricia is doing so well. Keep milking that birthday thing for all it's worth!

Anna Marie
Wilmington, NC

The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

I'm so happy to hear the good report. Praise the Lord for His gracious answer to prayer.
When we are weak, then He is strong!
Thank you for letting Him use you...weaknesses, trails, and bring glory to His marvelous name.
Even though we don't know you, we love you and pray for you often.
~The Almost 13 Lockwood :)

Angela R. said...

Glad to hear that listened to YOU about the PICC, know that can be a little rough. But so happy to hear Tricia is doing well.. keeping you all in my prayers! Hope you bring us more good news soon!


Jennifer said...

Wow. What and incredible journey. God works in mysterious ways for sure. I love the internet. I will continue to pray for all of you from here in Michigan.

sillyhappymom said...

Glad they took you seriously
God had that nurse working that shift. it is all in his hands

thanks for the update
when i read that you got the call i ran to the phone to call my mom (she dont have a pc)
we continue to keep you uplifted
in prayer
hope you both get some much needed sleep tonight
and soon you will be both looking forward to the next big chapter going back home and enjoy every moment as new parents
what a day that will be

Jen in Al said...

so sweet!!! looking forward for the updates in the days ahead!! praying,,,jen in al

Laurie in Ca. said...

Short term memory loss or not, I am so happy for the progress Tricia is making. She will get you back Nate when she reads all the posts here:)
Praying that everything continues to heal as it should and there are no infections ever!! Wow, just look at how far the Lord has brought your family in 2008 alone. Praise God for this spectacular miracle that continues to unfold daily. Hope you are getting good rest too Nate. Your poor eyes looked a little bloodshot in the previous pictures. Praying for Gwyneth too that she keeps getting chubby and growing healthier each day.

Love and Continued Blessings, Laurie in Ca.

Becky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Becky said...

I'm thrilled mainly at Tricia's progress but I got a kick out of picturing your fun with the memory loss. I LOVE "hearing" how much you love Tricia. THAT melts MY heart.

A standing ovation now for YOU for standing up for what Tricia needed and to the nurse who listened!

Thanks for the update and prayers are coming for continued giant steps!

bekah said...

From NE Ohio, we are praying for you. As a nurse with ER/ICU/Flight nursing/Pediatric Transport experience, I will be the first one to say that you are RIGHT ON THE MONEY for standing up for your wife's well being. Residents and interns have little experience and you have done what is right! Good job. Again, we are praying for you, your wife, and your baby girl. Keep up the good work of being a servant leader!!!

OceanDesert said...

Nate, you're doing a great job being Tricia's "squeaky wheel!!" When I had a life threatening hemoptysis, was rushed to Cedars-Sinai (we were out of town, just happened to be closest hospital), intubated and in and out of consciousness, so I could not talk for myself, if it weren't for my husband and mom (also a nurse) to be there as my advocates and a couple (best) nurses as you call them, I honestly don't know if I would be here today. Just as Duke, Cedars Sinai is a "prestigious" hospital.. Poor processes happen everywhere.. Good for you and your family for speaking up!!'s the only way to try and change things.
ps... I always like to remind nurses, drs, interns, etc. that aren't listening to me that I have 30 years experience studying, reading, learning, AND living CF and then ask them how many years they have specialized in CF? :)
Sorry comment is so long this time.. it's easy to get fired up about this topic! My best to your girls!

Jenny said...

Oh my gosh, MY heart melted when I read how Tricia keeps telling you Happy Birthday. How sweet! :) I'm very happy the new nurse took your request seriously and had the pic line put in while she was in radiology. [Thank you Lord for looking out for Tricia & Nathan and giving them a good nurse.]

I look forward to seeing a pic of Tricia. It'll help those of us who can't see her personally [or at least me] really "feel" that she's ok. Does that make sense?

Have a wonderful night!

Unknown said...

those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary(Isaiah 40:31 NASB).

God bless you and your family through this transition period. There are many of us out there who are supporting you, and proud of the strength you have through God to handle everything you do...

By the way, I am completely supportive of your patient advocate story. My little sister was saved when my stepfather (who had no medical training) spoke up to a nurse that the medication she was about to administer did not look like the same one she had earlier... she was alergic to the medication and would have likely died because her immune system was so compromised already.

So don't worry about what other people say. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

With Gods blessing,


Kerry said...

Glad to hear things went well.
Happy to here Tricia is a bit perkier thats always good to see.
Prayers from Michigan

Anxious AF said...

Good to hear that the pic line placement went as you wanted!

Still praying.

Jen Wilson said...

Your wife is so sweet!

That's awesome that your story will be in the paper again - awareness - that's what you're after and that's what you're getting!! Praise the LORD!

Cara said...

I am SO glad that you spoke up about having Tricia's pic line placed by radiology. I had a really bad experience with a nurse who unsuccessfully attempted to place my pic line about 6 times and my arm is STILL sensitive in that spot (this was about two years ago). I tend to rub doctors the wrong way with my "know it all" attitude when it comes to my CF, but really, how could they possibly know more about my CF than ME? My husband, Patrick is learning how to stand up for me as well, but he might need some pointers from you. ;) Still praying for ya'll!

Anonymous said...

Bless her heart. It's almost like a movie I once watched...can't think of the name though...anyway...glad she is more alert tonight.

Have a great night!

Maria said...

Good to hear that she is still doing well without any serious complications I pray that she contiues to do so. Ohh and I can just picture you getting a kick out her short term memory...its good to have a sense a humor during these trying times just to lift each other's spirits

Bobbi said...

I must confess....I have re-named Tricia Superwomen!!!!! Still praying!

Lisa Sherrill Roach said...

I think you are all very kind, caring, wonderful individuals. I shudder to think why people would criticize you and your situation. You know you are doing the right thing and that's all that matters. Your wife and daughter are lucky to have you.

Kim said...

That is so cute about Tricia! Praying for the Lawrenson Family 3!

Melony said...

Reminds me of the movie 50 First Dates!! I am glad you can find humor in a very stressful and exhausting time. If you don't laugh about things, you'll go crazy!! I hope that Tricia gets a better night's sleep..

staci said...

happy birthday my friend -staci

Ness said...

I'm behind on my reading but I wanted to say Hallelulah and Praise the Lord for being such a wonderful advocate for Tricia! I make it a rule to never leave a loved one alone in a hospital because of what can happen. As a patient it took me nearly 2 hours to convince the nurses that I thought I was hemorrhaging after cancer thyroid surgery and finally convinced someone to look and I was rushed back to surgery. Why doesn't anyone ever listen to the patient? We know what's going on with our own bodies. Keeping Tricia and your precious baby in my daily prayers.

mom2aboyngirl said...

Praise God from who ALL blessings flow!

By the way, I am a RN, and you were absolutely right in advocating for your wife.

My heart breaks for the pts that don't have advocates, or they don't know how to advocate for them.

I try to intercede for them, but it still doesn't replace the patient's own advocate.

While most nurses and doctors do know best, and strive to do their best...there are always exceptions. Unfortunately in the medical field those "exceptions" can have painful or devestating affects on the patient.

No one notices when a cashier at the grocery store is an "exception" to the rule (of great cashiers/employees), but I can guarantee that it will eventually be noticed if a medical person is that exception.

I am a nurse, and it won't be on my watch for my family either. :)


Annette said...

I will be looking for her photo-again, thank youf or saring your journey with so many

Jarboetwingles said...

The memory loss thing reminds me of that movie 50 First Dates with Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler. Actually a cute movie if you've never seen it! Something to do with all that free time you have! What with running between floors at Duke and keeping the thousands of blog stalkers satisfied I'm sure you have loads of time to watch a "chick flix"
Praying for steady improvement and rest for all of you!

Anonymous said...

Nate, A friend of mine asked me tonight how I knew you guys...cause I'm always emailing and blogging about you. I told her that I don't know you guys personally, but I started reading your blog before you became "famous"...does that make me cool??? :) Anyway, I thought it was interesting looking back at your blog...the first entry I read of yours was on December 2nd when you guys announced that Tricia was pregnant....and I've read every single entry ever since. Then on December 4th you wrote about how excited you were that you got 338 hits on your blog when prior to that, 82 was your highest've come a long way!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I just wanted to say that I feel special to be a part of that "338"...we are the cool people who "knew you" before you became "famous"!!! Praying you all get good rest are such an amazing helpmate and caregiver for Tricia!!!!

-Lisa Collinsworth

Amy said...

Hey, it's like the movie "50 First Dates". How fun is that? So glad to hear things are going well. We'll keep praying.

Melissa Dovel said...

I have prayed before this post so I am posting on the last few. NO ONE- NOT ONE OF US can relate to what your going through even if they had similar story. Even if they had a longer hospital stay. Even if there baby was smaler then yours, or their wife sicker than yours. This is YOUR life and the only thinig I think anyone (as most do) should post anything but support and understanding of your feelings! You are a husband and a father and those are the two most important people in your lives and they are in need of searious prayer and help. I pray that I have never offended (and if so I pray and ask U for forgivness) or acted as thoug I know- I can tell you this you, your wife, and your precious perfect baby are loved because that is what the Lord has placed in us to give to one another. I do challange everyone who wishes to bless and follow and share your story to do so prayerfully!

You have the protection of the Lord all around you Nate, trust that the tens of thousands were sent with a mission to comfort and listen and share,

Your sister in Him
Melissa Dovel

katie said...

yeah for tricia beginning to perk up!!

turtlemama said...

So glad to hear that the procedures for today are over and were successful. Relieved you were listened to regarding your advice about her PICC line. As a pediatric nurse I used to tell all of "my" parents, regardless of how terrific and professional your doctors and nurses are, NO ONE loves your loved ones like you do, so make your voice heard. Keep up the great work.

As always, praying for all of you.

Anonymous said...

I am glad that her PICC line & everything went alright & was done where it needed to be. Hope your visit with Gwenyth was great! Have a restful night & I'll look for updates soon.

FHL said...

Praise God! I'm so glad to hear that Tricia is doing well. Definitely ended my day with a smile..... God Bless :-)

mom nana nelson said...

nathan your comment about tric whisperig happy birthday i love you & ur melting heart is one of the sweetest things i have heard EVER......
hey around 2004 a movie came out with drew barrymore & adam sandler,
"50 First Dates"(a love story)...
drew goes through a accident (i think) and is left with her memory a bit like tric's right now, i dunno your post made me think of that movie.
***it is unreal that during this hardest time in your lives...
there's a few who want to find the bad in any situation and then focuses on that... only this time they arent going to find anything at all...
just hit your delete and don't give them what there looking for.
there are so many of us who whole heartly - honestly care about you,
The Mighty Three and your families,
you all are surrounded by ton's of prayers, thousands of happy healthy wishes,
and last but not least so much love it is almost mind boggling.
I hope you all are able to get a good nights rest..........
Showering you all lovingly with prayers....
patricia n.

Aspiemom said...

Hmmm, Tricia and my grammy have something in common right now. lol

I was glad to see your blog on Tricia's day. I think of her and pray for her so often. I'm thankful that the nurse took you seriously and had the PICC done right.

Love you guys...praying...

Hilary said...

SSSooooo glad to hear that Tricia is doing made me smile that she is excited about your b-day when you tell to love short term memory loss :) Nathan you are so awesome tricia too. Thankyou,thankyou for always being so willing to share your story with the world... God bless ya'll as we say in Texas :) Can't wait to see Tricia smile in new pics :)

Sarah said...

So, so, SO glad that things are continuing to improve, and I'm impressed that you guys are finding humor in the memory issues. I can't even BEGIN to imagine what's going on in Tricia's body & mind right now; I imagine that a bit (ok, a lot) of absentmindedness is to be expected. :^D

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that Tricia is doing well!!!...And I think it's so romantic about "Your birthday"...I cannot wait to see the picture tomorrow...I will keep my eye out for the N&O article...Last night on ABC Newschannel 11 (the 5pm news cast) they gave an update on Tricia and re-showed a short clip from your interview...

I hope you get some good sleep and Tricia has a good night!!!...


Durham NC

EW said...

Today was my birthday. My very dearest wish last night before going to sleep was that my mom and Jamesbug would look after Tricia, Gwyneth, and you, and that today when I checked in on all of you you would have had a good day.

Thanks for the great birthday presents! (I know, I know, it's nothing compared to the one you got...but still, I'm feeling pretty blessed.)

Jennifer said...

Glad to hear that things are going well. Sending your family many prayers. Thanks again for sharing your story.

Randee said...

Nate, Tricia, Gwyneth. I am (along with the rest of the world) so thrilled for you with the fabulous events of the past few days. I also have to share a story with you. I was at work today (I live in MN and I take newborn baby pictures at one of the hospitals)...anyway, I was in the NICU doing photos for a baby going home. I was talking to the nurse about premies and another nurse popped in the room. I said something about a sweet baby I was following online and the nurse that walked in said "Nathan? The mom got her lungs this week!?!?!....I screamed (ok, maybe not screamed, but got all excited) as did she as we both "know" was a fun moment to connect with someone else that follows your story (and found you through a caringbridge website also) and cares for you as I do... (I have friends who think I am nuts for loving people I have never and will probably never meet). Anyway, I wanted to share that there are 2 of us in St Paul, MN who love you and are praying for you.....and now we connected because of you. What a gift your family is.

The Browns said...

Awww that made me smile to read about your little birthday talks :) I bet your heart just melts when you see how happy she is its your birthday :)

The Browns said...

I cant wait to see a picture of this NEW girl :)

Katie said...

I'm so happy to hear that someone actually listens to the patients or patients family when they are in the hospital because I know they don't always listen to me when they should. It is so great to hear the good updates about Tricia keep us posted! Always in my thoughts and prayers

Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us posted. So glad you are able to have some fun moments with Tricia. Praying she and Gwyneth continue to do well. God's love and peace to you all.

Snyder Family Farm said...

Hang in there Nate...don't listen to everyone else's opinion about what you should or should not be doing. I have not been in your shoes and I would never offer advice for the care of your lovely wife or daughter. I am sure that being stressed out with a lack of sleep can play on one's emotions. If people want to critize, the great thing about computers...delete their comments!! Praying for your wonderful family with info from the Plyler's...

Courtney said...

So glad to hear how well Tricia is doing. I'll continue to pray for rest and returning strength - as well as rest for you.

Andrea said...

Ha ha. That reminds me of the movie called 50 first dates. You are living it. We will call yours "50 happy birthdays. 80).
It is late...can you tell?

Christy said...

Awe! It's a little like one of my favorite movies, 50 First Dates. So sweet. What blessings for your birthday. Continued prayers! >:0)

Mandy said...

First, I'm so glad Tricia is doing so well! I'm so amazed that she is up walking after such major surgery! That is awesome! I'm laughing that you are having fun with her short term memory--my husband would do the same to me. I wouldn't be able to remember long enough to be mad at him, though! Second, I don't think you sounded whiny in any of your posts. I think you sound like a caregiver. I also know exactly where you are coming from, because we had to advocate for my husband's grandmother; and, until you are walking in those shoes, it is very easy to give advice or tell people how they should or should not respond or act. I know you are doing the right thing for Tricia, Nate. Keep it up. You know what is best, and you have to fight for her. It goes without saying that I am continuing to pray for all three of you- for strength and health in the coming days and weeks.

Anonymous said...

I love your dad's post on his site wishing you a happy birthday - almost prophetic,don't you think? Does he have a private line to the Lord? Just kidding. It's just so incredible the way things worked out and truly, at least you are getting to tell Tricia something glorious every time instead of something sad. What a blessing, upon a blessing, upon blessing...

Zarna said...

Are you going to have some fun with the memory loss?? I would...
*insert evil laugh here*
Tell her like the elections been and gone and at the last minute Arnold schwazenegor(sp?) entered the race and won or something? what's she gonna do? she'll forget she's mad at you in 2mins lol
But seriously, isn't it amazing that God gave someone the idea of trying lung transplants for cf patients and then the knowledge to be able to pefect it over the years so that there's a 90-95% survival rate!

blessed said...


I think you are an Amazing Husband and Man of God!! I appreciate your transparency!! Your faith is truly an inspiation to all. I am glad to hear Tricia is doing well today. You and your family are in my prayers. "If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it!!!"

Michelle Jamie said...

Yay!! You get to hear I love you from the one you love an extra 20 times. I agree its reminding me of the movie 50 First Dates.

Glad to hear the pic was done correctly.

Look forward to celebrating the next few steps forward!

marcia said...

Hey, on a whim I followed through on the newspaper link, and look what I found after digging around a bit under "local" :

Did a VERY nice job with it again!

Amy said...

The update is the N&O is great. Praying for a great day for everyone.

Tabitha said...

So pleased things are going well, I will continue to pray for you both and your little girl

Only Servants Ministries said...

Oh my friend. I am appalled at how people could respond to something like this. Being a critical care nurse for several years now, I have had family who were such precious patient advocates. I thank the Lord for them. Because I am so far from perfect. The bottom line is at the end of our 12 hours, we go home to our family, YOU are STILL there. I have also had to be the advocate (not for any family members, so I don't pretend to be in your shoes). I think it's great how much you know, Nate. I have outright called someone out (in a very big/nice/ prestigious hospital which i respect) b/c they were about to stick a dirty needle in my friend to get an ABG. (He was sedated and on a vent, how would he know) For gosh sakes, if you don't speak up, then Trisha is the one who suffers! Not anyone else. And over your dead body are you going to do anything to cause her to suffer more than she has to. I am so impressed with how much you have had to LEARN (and endure) to be her advocate! My husband would do the same for me. He used to say "I hope I never marry anyone in the medical field". HA! He doesn't like me to give too many details about my day. But by golly if it were me in that bed, he would suck it up and do WHATEVER it takes to make sure I had the BEST care.

Thank you for reminding me to be more conscious of concerned family members!
Oh how my family loves me to update them! What a blessing! (Sorry to rant)

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

So glad to hear that Tricia is doing well. Short-term memory loss might be a blessing at this point, since hearing the news that she has new lungs is just so awesome to her.

North Carolina Mom said...

If you ever write a book about your journey this is where everyone will be saying, "Can this story get any better!"

I am so happy about the lungs and surgery and I think it could all just not even be more perfect! I'm so thankful and happy, I hope we get to continue reading all your happy updates and see pictures of that mama with her baby and her new lungs very soon!

Anne Coleman said...

I'm thrilled that Tricia is getting along so well so far! The memory loss, we still deal with that daily here, except that it's funny and sad at the same time. My husband still doesn't recall the first time I saw him awake and it breaks my heart because I was so excited to see him. Oh well, at least I have the good memory of that moment.

gloria said...

I am going to say it...I am a nurse. I will also say, that the best and sometimes only person who speaks for patients is a parent, spouse, grandparent, or friend. I work with pediatric patients, and I ALWAYS tell parents, to ask questions, give information, let people know what you know about your child! I will say I have learned a great deal of information from parents over the years. Especially when it comes to kids who have chronic issues that they have dealt with since birth. No matter what we learn in school, each person is different. Some things work for some that don't work for others. Some patients require certain ways of doing matter how different it may seem. And though it may not seem like it, there are other nurses and doctors that know this too. So....I encourage you and your family to continue to do what you do best....advocate for your wife. You know her best! I am praying for strength and healing for you both!

Jo said...

reminds me of the movie "50 First Dates" starring Adam Sandler & Drew Barrymore...except you already have the love & acceptance of her family...God does have a sense of humor "amungst" all His goodness! Praying for a great day for you all.
Jo & guys in NC

Heidi said...

My mom and I were talking about my own lung tx experience...and even 7 years later, remember only tiny snipits of being in ICU. Acutally...more like the whole first week. Mom had to keep reminding me of where I was and what was going on. So, she wanted me to tell you to hang in there, and that it's normal!! Sometimes the docs tell us something is "completley normal" but it's nice to hear it from a non-doc sometimes! We're praying like crazy for you and Tricia and hope that things will get easier soon. Hopefully she can get rid of some of those chest tubes soon! 8!! wow, I had 4 and thought it was a lot. My sister called those chest tubes scars the ALIEN SCARS because they are so strange looking! LOL! Hang in there, and we continue to send prayers for progress, even if you have to remind her how well she's doing every 5 mins!! HANG IN THERE!!

Susie said...

I have been out of commission with my hubby's chemo issues this week so I was so surprised and excited to see that Tricia got her new lungs! What great and exciting news for your family. I continue to pray for you guys every day and hope to see more good news in the coming days.

me said...

Nate, you are doing a great job.

Tricia and Gwyneth are both so lucky to have you as their advocate. You are well-informed and well-intentioned.

Any medical professional worth their salt always has this in mind.
Continued prayers for good health.

me said...

Nate, you are doing a great job.

Tricia and Gwyneth are both so lucky to have you as their advocate. You are well-informed and well-intentioned.

Any medical professional worth their salt always has this in mind.
Continued prayers for good health.

kpalm said...

Nate and Trisha, I am just logging in after a few days away...apparently a few days too many!! I am so incredibly happy for you all. You both deserve this. What wonderful news...brought tears to my eyes. Congrats and I hope I can visit you all in step down soon, if you all are up for it ;-)

~Kelly P

Joshs_Rebekah said...

A humorous story of my husbands memory loss. My husband got a first to the throat by a complete stanger (LONG story). As we were getting home, I reach across Josh to open the door, and he notices that he is wearing a wedding ring. He looks at me shocked and perplexed and says, "We're married!?!?!?!" I was floored - we had been married for just a month. When I saw him a couple minutes later (I went to another room to freak out), Josh looked at me and said, "They say we are married..."(with a cute little grin on his face)"I remember waiting a long time to get married!" Thankfully, his memory came back the next morning!

Anonymous said...

you are awesome... you are a wonderful advocate for your wife.. everyone needs to have one when they are in the hospital.

Hugs.. and prayers.