Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Story of Us (Part 11)

Nate's Version:
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)
(Part 4)
(Part 5)
(Part 6)
(Part 7)
(Part 8)
(Part 9)
(Part 10)

Tricia's Version:
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)
(Part 4)

Finally, I got my answer.

We went to the beach together that day after church. I was basically to the point that I was about to burst. Here we were, spending lots of time together, getting to know each other really well, having great fun with each other, but I had no idea where our relationship was heading.

As Tricia and I walked up the dune toward the ocean, I brought up our conversation from a few weeks before, and asked (it probably sounded more like begging) if she had made a decision.

She said she had. She reached for my hand, looked into my eyes (yeah, this is my romantic version) and told me that, as long as I never called her "Pattysue" she thought she would give me chance.

Of course, my heart was racing and I doubt my face could have hidden my happiness if my life depended on it. Of course, I immediately promised to never call her Pattysue again. And, of course, it only took me a few hours to break that promise.

Although I never kept my part of the deal, Tricia did.

And, just as I had told her she would, a few days later she was growing to love me just as I had loved her for so long.

That was seven years ago today (May 27), perhaps even this very minute. The best seven years of Tricia's life!

Mine too!

I love you, Pattysue!!!


Below is our first picture together later that same week.


asplashofsunshine said...

...And lived happily ever after...

amy smith said...

yikes. nate, you are a VERY lucky man. :)

Christy said...

What an awesome way to find a best friend.

bdodge said...

how fabulous...

Rick Lawrenson said...

What was she thinking?

La Familia Garcia said...

How amazing how both of your lives have changed! I love the new header pic of you three!

chanceofcrazy said...

Ain't love grand? You guys are so very loverly.....Congrats. By the way I'm really loving the new blog header!

Nichole said...

so sweet!! :)

Rachel said...

I'm so happy to see another addition to the story! This is part of what drew me in to your blog in the first place!! Thanks for sharing your story with all of us crazy strangers.

Lee said...

What a BEAUTIFUL story, I love hearing about it! you guys are awesome!!

Chelle' said...

You know we're all suckers for the continuations of this story...

Thanks for sharing.

Sarah said...

When do we get to hear Tricia's version?!? ;-) You guys were made for each other!!

Sarah in Gastonia, NC

Jordan said...

and your picture facial expressions haven't changed in all those years

Angela R. said...

Soo sweet.... Very lucky to have eachother!

Jen Wilson said...

I truly believe that the funnest thing ever is to drive your spouse crazy (in a good way!)

I do it to my husband all the time, he's lucky like that.

I'm so glad you've had such an amazing 7 years together!!

Heather said...

LOL, I love it! You both look like a lot of fun.

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

I just love "The Story of US" post.
I love how Tricia puts a whole nother spin on it too.
Thanks for sharing this.

Ellen said...

Oh I love it! Thank you for sharing your story!

Momof2bz said...

Aww. You guys are too cute! Your story is one of the best love stories. Thank you for sharing!

abi said...

I love reading your story! Thanks so much for sharing with us! : )

MamaBear said...

How sweet Nate! This day hold special meaning for me too as it is my 7th wedding anniversary. May 27th, 2001 was a big day for both of us. :)

Blessings from Minnesota!

Kim said...

Hooray! I got so excited when I checked and read "Story of Us"-so, you caught me, I'm a procrastinator (or however you spell it)I've loved all of the posts-necklace, family pics, etc.
I always feel so happy when I check in on you guys.
Glad things are going great!

Anonymous said...

How romantical!!!! Today is Chris and my (is that the proper grammar?!!)8th wedding anniversary; it's a special day for you two and for us!! May 27th is a great day, indeed!

Blessings From Above said...

I have been waiting for this!!! So glad you have continued your story, and what an appropriate day to do so.

P.S. Many guys can't remember their wedding anniversary, but you remember the exact day your relationship changed. Very cool!

The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

Thank you for posting this! :) I don't think the children care much, but I've been waiting :)
I love how you posted it today on the very day it all happened! The Lord made you for each other.
love and prayers,
The Lockwoods

megasam said...

Ohhh I am so happy. I love reading The Story of Us!! Thank you so much for another installment.

I have a quick question. How is Gwyneth sleeping at night? Is she keeping you up much?

Patty Honeycutt said...


Malena said...

Awwww, sooooo sweeeeet! :)

Unknown said...

Yay for May 27th!
This is also our wedding anniversary, 13 years!

North Carolina Mom said...

Tricia, you are a lucky girl. I can see from the blogging what a great character your husband has. Nate, you already know you're lucky! :) It really is a treat to see such a romance in these modern times, thanks for sharing.

turtlemama said...

My favorite episode yet. Wonderful.

Rhonda said...

OK I can see I am going to be here the rest of the night reading this entire story in one sitting. I am entranced, in awe, in love with your story from the first time I started reading your blog. If you showed up at my door tomorrow I could invite you all in like your old friends I have known forever, and I think that is cool. I cant go a day without checking in to make sure everyone is okay and see whatever new photos you have added

Deb said...

I know I keep saying this... but you guys definitely need to turn your story into a movie.
And I just noticed you changed the pic on your header- super cute!

Renee said...

awww..that is sooooo gorgeous! love the pic also, & the look on your face Nate!..its priceless! :P

Paige Hinrichs said...

Awww...Wonderful. Congratulations.

Unknown said...


~ becky b

JUST A MOM said...

very sweet love the new top of yoru blog,,, you all look great!!!!!!

LisserB said...

Happy "Anniversary"!

Queen Mommy said...

Awww! I've been waiting for this too!! I love hearing stories about how people met. It's one of my favorite questions to ask. Now, I can't wait to read Tricia's version.....

Jenny said...

Yayyyy more of your story! I am so excited to continue reading.

Thank you for sharing...

Alexi Iler said...

you guys both have to continue with the stories soon...they are great!!

Unknown said...

What a sweet love story. I think it's so wonderful that you (and Tricia) have written it down. It will be a precious thing for Miss Gwyneth to read years from now.

Jill in WA

Anonymous said...

How beautiful!! What a great love to find.

BTW - that day was a great blessing for us both. My first was born that same day. ;)

Tamara M. said...

Very sweet picture!!!

~j~ said...

favorite part... rummaging through the new attenders cards for Tricias phone number, a definite pk perk! Now THAT is a good Love story...

Pam O'Brien said...

So, you've always been making funny faces! :-) I'll bet you're a riot to hang out with!

Misty said...

I learned about your blog through Lisa Leonard designs... You have a beautiful family, heart, soul... Your love story has been so touching-i have a lump in my throat--(glad that i could read it all at once LOL). YOUR WHOLE STORY has been so inspirational. I have added you to my blog roll-i hope that you don't mind. I want to encourage my friends and family to check out your site. my thoughts and prayers are with you and your lovely ladies on a daily basis!! thanks for sharing your story with the world!

MJMILLS said...