And, Just So We Can All Have Something Wonderfully Positive To Look At First Thing In The Morning
Tricia braided her hair tonight...I basically think she's hot stuff with braided hair (and she knows it).
And, earlier this evening I taught Gwyneth how to seriously only took a few minutes and just a little bit of super glue (can you say "baby genius"?).
I just signed up for an account so I can still leave comments. I always commented anonymously just because it was easier, but gladly signed up if thats what it takes to comment.
I have been praying for you since I first came across your blog a few weeks ago.
Please, just know, you are loved and prayed for -in Indiana
They are both precious, beautiful, adorable, lovely. You are the best Nate to these girls! I appreciate you and your blog and hold your family and you in prayer every day.
Tricia, how beautiful you look. Your face truly glows with peace that comes from knowing and loving God. I don't think I have seen one picture of you where you are not smiling, even when it is obvious you don't feel good. What a testimony!!
I am thinking of the words to a short song I will share with you:
I love You, Lord. And I lift my voice- to worship You, oh my soul rejoice. Take joy my King- in what You hear. May it be a sweet, sweet sound- in Your ear.
I don't know you, but your family has been in my daily prayers for a while. I am so sorry that you have received negative comments. You need positive thoughts and prayers right now. You have them from me.
Nate, I get so excited to see new pictures! I just wanted to say that you are doing the right thing, and you have my support and prayers no matter what. What an amazing Daddy and husband you are. It breaks my heart to know that people send rude, hurtful comments, to such a family. Your family is beautiful! Praying for peace, health, and strength for you and your girls!
Thank you for keeping things in perspective for me. Over the last few weeks since i started reading this blog instead of getting annoyed at my daughter when she won't go down for a nap or she has a crying fit for no reason, I've been thanking God that she's healthy and home and then praying that the day will come soon where you, tricia and gwyneth can all be healthy and home togther!
PS I don't mean the last comment to sound gloaty, I really do want to thank you for doing this blog - remembering to pray for you guys has made me remember to pray about other stuff as well and thus is improving my relationship with God!
Both of your girls look SO beautiful!! I love Tricia's hair and I'm just so encouraged by seeing both of them look so fresh & full of life. :) I love seeing the new pictures!
Praying still, for the day you get to take both girls home with you!
I have just recently come across your blog while elsewhere and have been praying for your little family. Tricial looks good today she has a beautiful smile and Gwyneth, what a heartbreaker she is. They are both in good hands! You are all in my thoughts and prayers daily.
I have been following your story for awhile now and you and your beautiful family amaze me! If it is ok with you I have added your link onto my blog. If you would like it removed I am more then willing to do that! Thank you for sharing your story with us!
Beautiful pictures! Tricia always looks wonderful, I don't know how she does it from a hospital bed. And little G just gets sweeter every time I see her. She looks a bit bigger to me, and more awake - it's great to see. Have a great week, all of you!
She must be feeling pretty good to be braiding her hair! Tricia, you look very cute! And so does your daughter, when that little child gets all the gizmos and gear off her little darling face it will be like a whole new world for her! I love her little bright eye peeking out! Great pictures!
WOW - Tricia - good job....I can't manage the energy to braid my own hair and I have no reasonable medical reason to get worn out so quickly! GO girl! There's nothing quite like getting your hair done to feel better about things, is there???!!!!
Gwyneth looks as adorable as ever!
Have a lovely week, and pray that this may be the one for your new lungs.
It just saddens me that people come on here and cannot be amazed at your story, and simply rejoice, give thanks and encourage. You don't need to be a Christian to see this is something to be joyful about - and thankful for - and that encouragement is what you need - not criticism or negative things. BUT - we are sinners and not all sinners are in the grip of God's grace :-(
So - you are wise to restrict the possibility of sadness for you both. I pray that God will strengthen you and take away the sadness you must feel.
Psa 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.
OK Nate - seriously - your girls are BEAUTIFUL! You guys (all three of you) make a precious family and we continue to pray. I do not comment often but I check daily! Please take care and I hope you all get a good night's rest (I am up with my little ones tonight :) ) Sunshine
What was so striking to me about your photo of your girls-- Tricia's smiling eyes look so very much the same as Gwyneth's. (well, at least the one that isn't winking!) There is something very beautiful about the unity of how similar their sweet eyes look in the photos. Many blessings from me, and a group of first graders who are praying for the "mom who needs a special operation" and her tiny baby Gwyneth. Oh, how I wish you could hear their prayers...but I know that they are being heard. Much, much love from California. (with all of the time zones, I bet someone is always praying!) Thank you, thank you, for being a "real life" example of true love for us all.
Thank you for sharing such lovely pictures, it has really brightened up my morning. I have posted anon previously, but am more than happy to sign up for an account.
Your girls are absolutely gorgeous Nate, no doubt about that. Trish looks so vibrant and positive despite going through her ordeal right now, which will be a thing of the past very soon. Little Gwyneth..... well what can one say about her? This little miracle certainly has a Mommy and Daddy that just adores her.
My son was also a preemie with cf Nate, 3 lbs 10 oz, (30 years ago). In no time at all you'll all be together at home.
Nate, I check in on Tricia, Gwyneth, and you first thing in the morning, and last thing at night. This is a wonderful way to start the morning. As always, we'll pray specificaly and ferverently for you guys today. Love yall! Bonnie
Wow Nate, for not blogging for a while I sure did have alot to catch up on this morning! Thanks for all the updates and pics. I'm sorry some have fired shots as they drove by! I trust you all will have a great day of improvments. We prayed for all of you last evening and for the donor and family. For your dad and his travels and extended family.
Wow, what an amazing feat! My 3 year old hasn't even mastered the art of winking! ;) I really needed the burst of sunshine (sonshine) this morning that your girls brought. Thanks for the updates and for encouraging me. I continue to pray for your girls and for you!
you know Ty is 3 1/2 and still winks with both eyes. Gwyneth has some incredible skills!
Last Thursday was so cool to be in there as the nurse worked on her and I got to see her whole face without the head gear (she gets that one out of the way early in life, it will help when she is a teen not to have head gear). It was interesting to see her react as any normal infant might react while getting their diaper changed. I know Ty wasn't so hip to the idea of having his changed as a newborn.
Tricia's braids is like her "farm girl" look. Totally excellent!
Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy (and Tricia's uncle, Im super proud of her also)
What a beautiful family you have Nate! And that photo of Gwyneth winking is just GORGEOUS. I've never seen her eyes open to much before, they are so blue! You can see so clearly how much bigger she is getting and she's now starting to look like a proper "baby" (hope that makes sense). Those cheeks have filled out so much! Much love to you all xxxxx
This is the first time I've commented even though I've been following your story for weeks! My daughter also has Cystic Fibrosis, she's 11. I open your blog daily (more than once a day). Thanks for the pictures, great way to start the week :)
Your wife can braid her hair from a hospital bed...I can't do a decent ponytail in mine from the bathroom using 12 mirrors. :-) (it's the little things!) We may be getting induced today with our own baby girl. When I get nervous (which is often) I remember Trisha. She's my 'mommy hero'! I hope you're noticing how many people created accounts just to continue commenting. All the anonymous person accomplished was allowing us to love you more!
My family, friends and I have been following your blogs for weeks. I was thinking yesterday of how much it actually encourages me to read your blog because I can see faith and hope shining through every word.
You are right to protect yourself and your family in any way you see fit. You have 2 beautiful girls, who are not only loved by God and you . . . but by thousands of us who will probably never get to meet you.
Tricia, your hair looks great. I love braiding hair and would do it for you everyday if I could. I have been following your blog for about a month now and I am cheering you and your family on in spririt and lifting you up to God in prayer. Keep smiling. When I see you smile and your baby peek out with determination amid her struggle in the NICU I am encouraged beyond words.
Glad to see everyone looking so bright and healthy!
It's just my opinion, but you shouldn't have to apologize for managing your blog how you see fit. Quite frankly, I'm tired of reading all of the negative stuff, I know you must by sick of it.
Praying for you and your family. I look forward to reading your blog. My faith in God has been strengthened and for that I say "thanks"!
Your wife is a true beauty. I think that it is so funny that your less than two pound baby is beginning to look "chubby". My sisters and I are faithful readers and prayers (is that a word?) and the other day we were commenting on Gwyneth beginning to look more and more healthy. God is good, even when life keeps throwing us curve balls.
Love the braids, love the humor - sounds like you're going to need the latter to get through, keep it close to your heart and God will provide!
You have no idea the thrill I get to see a new post whenever I log on to what my husband refers to as "my other family"! (No matter what the content, I enjoy your posts and am glad your break didn't last too long)
Alright! Finally a post that has open comments. ;)
The red is back. WOOHOO...
And Gwyneth is adorable as always. I love the eyes. I can't decide who she looks like. Sometimes (namely the hair) looks like Daddy, but then her eyes are mommy's?
Great Monday Morning! Your girls are gorgeous! Nate, you remind me of my brother in looks and your wonderful sense of humor! Isn't if funny how premies look like little old people? Once they start putting on weight and filling out they are so cute! When I saw both of my premies for the first time, my first thought was that they looked like little starved chickens...I know, not too nice of their momma! Continuing to pray and giving thanks to our all-knowing, all-merciful Lord.
Tricia - how awesome does it feel to get all freshened up? There's nothing better than when they make that announcement that the hair dresser is on the floor. I've been praying for you sweetness - you're gonna do great! Can't wait to see you back at the Center.
You seem to be in a great mood today...must be the braids and the wink. What gorgeous girls you have. I am, very glad things are moving along and the girls are doing so well.
Thanks for a positive morning! Love the looks - both of them. Having been posting all along but just plain forgot my username and password. Lazy. Its nice to be this little bit more personal anyway. Hugs to and continued prayers for all of you.
Both of the girls look beautiful! Tricia is so stunning! I can't wait to see the girls healthy and out of the hospital...I know it will be before we all know it! I've said it a million times but thank you for allowing us to look through the window of your life...its an amazing honor. You all are inspiring!
As always...LOVE the pictures of your girls. I am wondering what G is thinking... or just wondering why Dad keeps staring at her. So sweet she is trying to mix it up for ya :D
Side Baby who is now 14 months old has/is facinated by Gwenyth's pictures. She just stares and sits very quietly looking. Which to know my now toddler I suppose is really telling. Sitting still is a truely rare event for her.
Greetings from the frozen earth (MN)! I have been following your story for a few weeks now. Just wanted to agree with everyone else and say Tricia and Gwyneth are BEAUTIFUL! Tricia, you have an amazing glow! And Gwyneth has CHEEKS!! Wow such a change in 6 weeks. She is looking like such a big (little) girl. Your family is an absolute encouragement and I praise God that he is using you to further his kingdom. Our prayers go out to you and continued strength and health. We pray for Tricia's new lungs to be available at the right time (his time). Also, just wanted to say that I have a sister who graduated from seminary in Nyack back in the Spring of 2001. I wonder if you guys went to the same place, Nate? Hmmm. Wishing you all a Magnificent Monday!!
What a great way to start the pictures! Tricia looks amazing and Gwyneth couldn't be any cuter! Love the wink ;) May God continue to bless all 3 of you and grant quick and complete healing. God IS able to DO so much more than we can imagine! Praying for you in Houston.
Kudos to you for not allowing any more anonymous comments. (applause, applause) It's about time. You are a patient man, Nate. Look how smart Gwyneth is to have learned how to wink! What a cutie pie!
What a great wink! And braided hair is the way to go in the hospital, I think they should offer free hair services (like blow-drying and styling) to in-patients because it's hard to do your hair!
I love the new picture! I remember when my daughter was in the hospital for 2 months the new pics would encourage us, we would realize that she really was changing and growing! I know your pictures will do the same for you and Tricia they will shock you and make your heart leap as she grows! Neat to see her personality coming out! We are praying for you in Chesapeake, VA!!!!
Oh no! You're starting to experience Daddy Delusions! My husband thinks our oldest is a star athlete (he's never scored a point), our daughter is the next Mia Hamm (I've never seen Mia play with bugs on the field) and our youngest is the next Tiger Woods (we have a broken shutter to prove he has terrible aim).
But, Gwyneth is super special... no doubt... and it's your job to always make her feel that way even if you lie, lie, lie! :o)
I love this picture! Since you can teach a preemie to wink(Amazing!), I'd like to invite you to our home! I have a difficult time just teaching my boys to eat with their mouths closed! You might have just the trick!
Prayers continue for you and your beautiful girls! May God surround you with His grace, strength and peace! Thanks for sharing so many valuable lessons with all of us! God Bless You!
OHMIGOODNESS!! Oh Nate, that baby is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!! She is growing and changing, isn't she!! She is THRIVING! (Can't wait to see her "growth chart" (plot-by-puppy) tomorrow! And Trisha, ditto on the braiding your head in bed ability---That is ridiculous! (I can barely get a pony right when standing!) :) Here is to a happy day!! Keep getting stronger!! Prayin in Nebraska!! Nurse Candice and Co.
Those are two beautiful girls! Continuing to pray daily for your sweet family and rejoice each time you post good news. You guys are a real testament to the faithfulness of God.
Beautiful girls! From this southern belle...while you've got the super glue out, can you please just super glue a bow into Gwyneth's hair?!?! Although, you may not need the might stay just fine with all of that hair...but any southern baby just needs a bow. Tricia, you can even put matching bows in your braids. :)
Both pics put a SMILE on my face!!! What a pretty little brown eyed do know that brown is the dominate gene....right? Love you all....praying without ceasing!
Tricia looks so good! Way to go Gwyneth. . .now you can wink at your dad when he comes to visit you!
I was bummed when you disabled the ANON comments because I'm ignorant to the Google/Blogger world, by my dear husband just signed up a Google account this weekend that I didn't know about. . .so thankfully, here I am!
Tricia, you are truly an inspiration to me especially after this weekend (and I'm still not totally well). I've had this chest congestion and just can't sometimes get the "gunk" coughed up and it hurts so bad to cough that it feels like my chest is just going to burst open. We pray for you every day and now pray that you can get the lungs you so deserve!
I love the new pics of your beautiful girls. Your earlier pics of Meka dressed up really made me laugh too. I recently became a mother (my baby Emily is 2 weeks old today) and I now have a new appreication for your blog-not that I didn't appreciate your words before and enjoy your story thoroughly. Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers!
You have two beautiful girls Nate!
How adorable is that! - Both of them!
I just signed up for an account so I can still leave comments.
I always commented anonymously just because it was easier, but gladly signed up if thats what it takes to comment.
I have been praying for you since I first came across your blog a few weeks ago.
Please, just know, you are loved and prayed for -in Indiana
awww your girls are sooo cute
Lovely!!! The White Rose looks like she's getting a lil baby belly... yay! Here's to healthy and putting on weight!
I don't comment often, but I do love your blog and pray for you and your girls often. Thanks for writing.
They are both precious, beautiful, adorable, lovely. You are the best Nate to these girls! I appreciate you and your blog and hold your family and you in prayer every day.
She's giving you 'the Eye' :)!! Too Cute!! My great niece was born at 25 weeks and she is perfect! I have been praying for you all...r
Your daughter is so precious.
Tricia, how beautiful you look. Your face truly glows with peace that comes from knowing and loving God.
I don't think I have seen one picture of you where you are not smiling, even when it is obvious you don't feel good. What a testimony!!
I am thinking of the words to a short song I will share with you:
I love You, Lord. And I lift my voice- to worship You, oh my soul rejoice. Take joy my King- in what You hear. May it be a sweet, sweet sound- in Your ear.
Going to bed now...what a beautiful sight! Your girls are all are being prayed for right now.
I don't know you, but your family has been in my daily prayers for a while. I am so sorry that you have received negative comments. You need positive thoughts and prayers right now. You have them from me.
P.S. My youngest son is Nate
I get so excited to see new pictures! I just wanted to say that you are doing the right thing, and you have my support and prayers no matter what. What an amazing Daddy and husband you are. It breaks my heart to know that people send rude, hurtful comments, to such a family. Your family is beautiful! Praying for peace, health, and strength for you and your girls!
Lisa R.
Thank you for keeping things in perspective for me.
Over the last few weeks since i started reading this blog instead of getting annoyed at my daughter when she won't go down for a nap or she has a crying fit for no reason, I've been thanking God that she's healthy and home and then praying that the day will come soon where you, tricia and gwyneth can all be healthy and home togther!
PS I don't mean the last comment to sound gloaty, I really do want to thank you for doing this blog - remembering to pray for you guys has made me remember to pray about other stuff as well and thus is improving my relationship with God!
Haha, both pictures adorable.
Praying in Illinois for your girls!
So happy to see both of your beautiful girls. I pray that they both have restful and uneventful nights ahead of them.
Oh and have you picked the "winning soong" yet. The suspense is getting to me!!!
have a good night.
WOW !! She is gaining weight and you can tell from the pictures. Love the pictures ! We keep praying.
Both of your girls look SO beautiful!! I love Tricia's hair and I'm just so encouraged by seeing both of them look so fresh & full of life. :) I love seeing the new pictures!
Praying still, for the day you get to take both girls home with you!
Lots of love & big hugs!
I have just recently come across your blog while elsewhere and have been praying for your little family. Tricial looks good today she has a beautiful smile and Gwyneth, what a heartbreaker she is. They are both in good hands! You are all in my thoughts and prayers daily.
I have been keeping up with the blog daily, although I have not dropped in and commented for a while.
I just wanted to say "Hi" and tell you I am still praying for you all.
Mommy and Baby look amazing!
The Lord's Richest Blessings Upon All of You ~ Ashley
I have been following your story for awhile now and you and your beautiful family amaze me! If it is ok with you I have added your link onto my blog. If you would like it removed I am more then willing to do that! Thank you for sharing your story with us!
The girls both look great! I am praying for you all! I look forward to your blog every day, it's just a heart warmer! Keep up the good work!
Good morning to you, lovely pics and a most positive note to start the week on.
Continuing to pray for Tricia's new lungs to come soon for Gwyneth to keep doing well and for you to be upheld Nate.
Much love
Beautiful pictures! Tricia always looks wonderful, I don't know how she does it from a hospital bed. And little G just gets sweeter every time I see her. She looks a bit bigger to me, and more awake - it's great to see.
Have a great week, all of you!
Looks like they are both smiling at you ... you be doing something right today!
Keep up the good work!
She must be feeling pretty good to be braiding her hair! Tricia, you look very cute! And so does your daughter, when that little child gets all the gizmos and gear off her little darling face it will be like a whole new world for her! I love her little bright eye peeking out! Great pictures!
That is so adorable! Nate, you have two incredibly beautiful girls... :)
Still praying for the three of you! Whatever the outcome may be, it will be Gods wil....
Blessings from the Netherlands
WOW - Tricia - good job....I can't manage the energy to braid my own hair and I have no reasonable medical reason to get worn out so quickly! GO girl! There's nothing quite like getting your hair done to feel better about things, is there???!!!!
Gwyneth looks as adorable as ever!
Have a lovely week, and pray that this may be the one for your new lungs.
I forgot to say also...
It just saddens me that people come on here and cannot be amazed at your story, and simply rejoice, give thanks and encourage. You don't need to be a Christian to see this is something to be joyful about - and thankful for - and that encouragement is what you need - not criticism or negative things. BUT - we are sinners and not all sinners are in the grip of God's grace :-(
So - you are wise to restrict the possibility of sadness for you both. I pray that God will strengthen you and take away the sadness you must feel.
Psa 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.
OK Nate - seriously - your girls are BEAUTIFUL! You guys (all three of you) make a precious family and we continue to pray. I do not comment often but I check daily! Please take care and I hope you all get a good night's rest (I am up with my little ones tonight :) ) Sunshine
What was so striking to me about your photo of your girls--
Tricia's smiling eyes look so very much the same as Gwyneth's. (well, at least the one that isn't winking!)
There is something very beautiful about the unity of how similar their sweet eyes look in the photos.
Many blessings from me, and a group of first graders who are praying for the "mom who needs a special operation" and her tiny baby Gwyneth. Oh, how I wish you could hear their prayers...but I know that they are being heard.
Much, much love from California. (with all of the time zones, I bet someone is always praying!)
Thank you, thank you, for being a "real life" example of true love for us all.
Thank you for sharing such lovely pictures, it has really brightened up my morning. I have posted anon previously, but am more than happy to sign up for an account.
Love and prayers to you all
Your girls look beautiful, as always!
Your girls are absolutely gorgeous Nate, no doubt about that. Trish looks so vibrant and positive despite going through her ordeal right now, which will be a thing of the past very soon. Little Gwyneth..... well what can one say about her? This little miracle certainly has a Mommy and Daddy that just adores her.
My son was also a preemie with cf Nate, 3 lbs 10 oz, (30 years ago). In no time at all you'll all be together at home.
They both look great! God is so good!! Just letting you know we're still praying for all of you.
Nate, I check in on Tricia, Gwyneth, and you first thing in the morning, and last thing at night. This is a wonderful way to start the morning. As always, we'll pray specificaly and ferverently for you guys today.
Love yall!
I love how Gwyneth has big beautiful eyes, just like her mum!
Happy Monday to you all, from across the pond :)
Wow Nate, for not blogging for a while I sure did have alot to catch up on this morning! Thanks for all the updates and pics. I'm sorry some have fired shots as they drove by! I trust you all will have a great day of improvments. We prayed for all of you last evening and for the donor and family. For your dad and his travels and extended family.
Love the wink, Tricia and Gwyneth both look great.
what a lovely wife and talented baby you have!
Wow, what an amazing feat! My 3 year old hasn't even mastered the art of winking! ;) I really needed the burst of sunshine (sonshine) this morning that your girls brought. Thanks for the updates and for encouraging me. I continue to pray for your girls and for you!
you know Ty is 3 1/2 and still winks with both eyes. Gwyneth has some incredible skills!
Last Thursday was so cool to be in there as the nurse worked on her and I got to see her whole face without the head gear (she gets that one out of the way early in life, it will help when she is a teen not to have head gear). It was interesting to see her react as any normal infant might react while getting their diaper changed. I know Ty wasn't so hip to the idea of having his changed as a newborn.
Tricia's braids is like her "farm girl" look. Totally excellent!
Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy (and Tricia's uncle, Im super proud of her also)
Sure beats turning on the news! Your girls look great! Can't wait til you can bring them home!!
As a NICU nurse watching Gwyneth grow, I can't believe how much healthy chunk she has put on this week! I look forward to her weight update tomorrow!
What a beautiful family you have Nate! And that photo of Gwyneth winking is just GORGEOUS. I've never seen her eyes open to much before, they are so blue! You can see so clearly how much bigger she is getting and she's now starting to look like a proper "baby" (hope that makes sense). Those cheeks have filled out so much!
Much love to you all xxxxx
What gorgeous representations of two beautiful women!! You certainly brought a big smile to my face early this morning!
This is the first time I've commented even though I've been following your story for weeks! My daughter also has Cystic Fibrosis, she's 11. I open your blog daily (more than once a day). Thanks for the pictures, great way to start the week :)
Your wife can braid her hair from a hospital bed...I can't do a decent ponytail in mine from the bathroom using 12 mirrors. :-) (it's the little things!)
We may be getting induced today with our own baby girl. When I get nervous (which is often) I remember Trisha. She's my 'mommy hero'!
I hope you're noticing how many people created accounts just to continue commenting. All the anonymous person accomplished was allowing us to love you more!
oh Nate what beauties. I love that you "taught" her how to wink and captured it on film. She looks like you in that picture.
Your 6 week old daughter has mad ups on me. I can't wink, at all, and am a grown adult. One day she'll be thanking you profusely for that!
Sweet!!!!! praying, Jen in al
My family, friends and I have been following your blogs for weeks. I was thinking yesterday of how much it actually encourages me to read your blog because I can see faith and hope shining through every word.
You are right to protect yourself and your family in any way you see fit. You have 2 beautiful girls, who are not only loved by God and you . . . but by thousands of us who will probably never get to meet you.
Tricia, your hair looks great. I love braiding hair and would do it for you everyday if I could. I have been following your blog for about a month now and I am cheering you and your family on in spririt and lifting you up to God in prayer. Keep smiling. When I see you smile and your baby peek out with determination amid her struggle in the NICU I am encouraged beyond words.
What a GREAT way to start the day!
nothing like getting your hair done and feeling "fixed up" to help you feel better and raise your spirits! You look great, Tricia!
That's a cute picture of Gwyneth "winking".
Glad to see everyone looking so bright and healthy!
It's just my opinion, but you shouldn't have to apologize for managing your blog how you see fit. Quite frankly, I'm tired of reading all of the negative stuff, I know you must by sick of it.
Praying for you and your family. I look forward to reading your blog. My faith in God has been strengthened and for that I say "thanks"!
Very cute! Continued prayers for all and for a healthy week!
Both are beautiful!!
Your wife is a true beauty. I think that it is so funny that your less than two pound baby is beginning to look "chubby". My sisters and I are faithful readers and prayers (is that a word?) and the other day we were commenting on Gwyneth beginning to look more and more healthy. God is good, even when life keeps throwing us curve balls.
Love the braids, love the humor - sounds like you're going to need the latter to get through, keep it close to your heart and God will provide!
You have no idea the thrill I get to see a new post whenever I log on to what my husband refers to as "my other family"! (No matter what the content, I enjoy your posts and am glad your break didn't last too long)
Anxious to see Gwyneth and her pug today...
I'm so glad Tricia has you!
Alright! Finally a post that has open comments. ;)
The red is back. WOOHOO...
And Gwyneth is adorable as always. I love the eyes. I can't decide who she looks like. Sometimes (namely the hair) looks like Daddy, but then her eyes are mommy's?
Great Monday Morning!
Your girls are gorgeous! Nate, you remind me of my brother in looks and your wonderful sense of humor!
Isn't if funny how premies look like little old people? Once they start putting on weight and filling out they are so cute! When I saw both of my premies for the first time, my first thought was that they looked like little starved chickens...I know, not too nice of their momma!
Continuing to pray and giving thanks to our all-knowing, all-merciful Lord.
Tricia - how awesome does it feel to get all freshened up? There's nothing better than when they make that announcement that the hair dresser is on the floor. I've been praying for you sweetness - you're gonna do great! Can't wait to see you back at the Center.
Both the girl look wonderful,
they look like they are getting better every day.
Still praying daily for all of you.
Malette in ND
You seem to be in a great mood today...must be the braids and the wink. What gorgeous girls you have. I am, very glad things are moving along and the girls are doing so well.
Thanks for a positive morning! Love the looks - both of them. Having been posting all along but just plain forgot my username and password. Lazy. Its nice to be this little bit more personal anyway. Hugs to and continued prayers for all of you.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the picture of Gwyneth's "pirate" eye look! So adorable! Both of your girls are gorgeous. Still praying here in Colorado!
The girls are gorgeous as always. Praying that this is the week that Tricia gets her new lungs.
Wouldn't it be amazing if they get out of the hospital at the same time.
Praying in Florida
Both of the girls look beautiful! Tricia is so stunning! I can't wait to see the girls healthy and out of the hospital...I know it will be before we all know it! I've said it a million times but thank you for allowing us to look through the window of your life...its an amazing honor. You all are inspiring!
Beautiful girls! What a wonderful thing to start the day with. Awesome. I love that Gwyneth's eyes are so deep blue. How beautiful is that?
As always...LOVE the pictures of your girls. I am wondering what G is thinking... or just wondering why Dad keeps staring at her. So sweet she is trying to mix it up for ya :D
Side Baby who is now 14 months old has/is facinated by Gwenyth's pictures. She just stares and sits very quietly looking. Which to know my now toddler I suppose is really telling. Sitting still is a truely rare event for her.
I also noticed that before this she was winking with BOTH eyes at the SAME time!
Greetings from the frozen earth (MN)! I have been following your story for a few weeks now. Just wanted to agree with everyone else and say Tricia and Gwyneth are BEAUTIFUL! Tricia, you have an amazing glow! And Gwyneth has CHEEKS!! Wow such a change in 6 weeks. She is looking like such a big (little) girl. Your family is an absolute encouragement and I praise God that he is using you to further his kingdom. Our prayers go out to you and continued strength and health. We pray for Tricia's new lungs to be available at the right time (his time). Also, just wanted to say that I have a sister who graduated from seminary in Nyack back in the Spring of 2001. I wonder if you guys went to the same place, Nate? Hmmm. Wishing you all a Magnificent Monday!!
What a great way to start the pictures! Tricia looks amazing and Gwyneth couldn't be any cuter! Love the wink ;) May God continue to bless all 3 of you and grant quick and complete healing. God IS able to DO so much more than we can imagine! Praying for you in Houston.
Tricia and Gwyneth are both BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!
Your girls are beatuliful. You are a lucky man!
What beautiful girls!
They are both adorable, but my goodness - Gwyneth is getting bigger and even more adorable everytime you post a picture!!
God is GOOD!!!
Kudos to you for not allowing any more anonymous comments. (applause, applause) It's about time. You are a patient man, Nate.
Look how smart Gwyneth is to have learned how to wink! What a cutie pie!
PS- Tricia, you look AMAZING!!!
Both Tricia and Gwyneth are beautiful!! :) I love the winking trick you taugh Gwyneth. Very Cute :)
What a great wink! And braided hair is the way to go in the hospital, I think they should offer free hair services (like blow-drying and styling) to in-patients because it's hard to do your hair!
I love the new picture! I remember when my daughter was in the hospital for 2 months the new pics would encourage us, we would realize that she really was changing and growing! I know your pictures will do the same for you and Tricia they will shock you and make your heart leap as she grows! Neat to see her personality coming out! We are praying for you in Chesapeake, VA!!!!
Just saying Hi. Don't know what else to say other than I check on you guys daily.
Oh no! You're starting to experience Daddy Delusions! My husband thinks our oldest is a star athlete (he's never scored a point), our daughter is the next Mia Hamm (I've never seen Mia play with bugs on the field) and our youngest is the next Tiger Woods (we have a broken shutter to prove he has terrible aim).
But, Gwyneth is super special... no doubt... and it's your job to always make her feel that way even if you lie, lie, lie! :o)
I love this picture! Since you can teach a preemie to wink(Amazing!), I'd like to invite you to our home! I have a difficult time just teaching my boys to eat with their mouths closed! You might have just the trick!
Prayers continue for you and your beautiful girls! May God surround you with His grace, strength and peace! Thanks for sharing so many valuable lessons with all of us! God Bless You!
I think I'm tired, but I just laughed out loud at the wink comment.
OHMIGOODNESS!! Oh Nate, that baby is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!! She is growing and changing, isn't she!!
She is THRIVING! (Can't wait to see her "growth chart" (plot-by-puppy) tomorrow!
And Trisha, ditto on the braiding your head in bed ability---That is ridiculous! (I can barely get a pony right when standing!) :)
Here is to a happy day!! Keep getting stronger!! Prayin in Nebraska!! Nurse Candice and Co.
A little bit of super glue? You crack me up. :)
Those are two beautiful girls! Continuing to pray daily for your sweet family and rejoice each time you post good news. You guys are a real testament to the faithfulness of God.
I never thought of glue, I always used staples!! lol JJ
Cute picture of both of your girls!
Beautiful girls! From this southern belle...while you've got the super glue out, can you please just super glue a bow into Gwyneth's hair?!?! Although, you may not need the might stay just fine with all of that hair...but any southern baby just needs a bow. Tricia, you can even put matching bows in your braids. :)
Both pics put a SMILE on my face!!! What a pretty little brown eyed do know that brown is the dominate gene....right?
Love you all....praying without ceasing!
Tricia looks so good! Way to go Gwyneth. . .now you can wink at your dad when he comes to visit you!
I was bummed when you disabled the ANON comments because I'm ignorant to the Google/Blogger world, by my dear husband just signed up a Google account this weekend that I didn't know about. . .so thankfully, here I am!
Tricia, you are truly an inspiration to me especially after this weekend (and I'm still not totally well). I've had this chest congestion and just can't sometimes get the "gunk" coughed up and it hurts so bad to cough that it feels like my chest is just going to burst open. We pray for you every day and now pray that you can get the lungs you so deserve!
Looks like both of your girls are doin' good. And they both are so beautiful.
I love the new pics of your beautiful girls. Your earlier pics of Meka dressed up really made me laugh too. I recently became a mother (my baby Emily is 2 weeks old today) and I now have a new appreication for your blog-not that I didn't appreciate your words before and enjoy your story thoroughly. Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers!
your girls are too sweet...I love the trick you taught Gwyeneth
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