Thursday, February 14, 2008

For My Valentime (Part 3)

The first two weeks of our marriage were everything I'd ever imagined they could be. Fun, Romantic, Crazy, Intimate, New, Surreal, Beautiful.

One day, I will take you back...I don't know when or how, but I promise it will happen.

And, it will be better than the first time.

Thank you for loving me.

("Somewhere Over The Rainbow/What A Wonderful World" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole)



♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

AMAZING! what a wonderful place to spend your Honeymoon! I hope one day you both can return for a Anniversary celebration...

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

That last picture of you both needs to be framed and hung if it isn't aready!

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...
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Marsmile said...

Lovely honeymoon pixs! Never been to Hawaii and it certainly looks ravishing! Would be neat for you guys to return someday, especially with Gwyneth! :-)

Marissa :-)

Anonymous said...

I couldnt agree more with the post of *marsmile* and I think now we are 1000000000 wishing the same for you :o)

Allison said...

My 4 year old was watching with me. When the 1st underwater picture came on she said "Look mommy it's a beautiful mermaid!!! And it's a, it's a DADDY mermaid!!!!! haha
We are praying for your precious family every day.
~Allison and Brenna

BS said...

Those are beautiful pictures. You are both so lucky that you found each other. The love shows.

Mamma_of _five said...


Jessica and Joe said...

Hey, I've been following your blog. Love the slide show, my husband and I were in Maui for our honeymoon the same time you were, we got married the day before you did. Anyway, thinking of you and sending prayers from Seattle, WA.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Nate! I pray many more years of happiness! Sigh, very romantic! Again thanks for sharing ...

Anonymous said...

We were in Maui at the same time! We married on June 19th of that same year! Beautiful place. Our pics look like postcards too!
Praying for you three!
C in LA

Anonymous said...

guys you know im sitting here at silly o clock and i realise that the love and wonderment that i have been desiring has been here in my heart and in my arms and for that i am truely thankful

you are blessed and so am i and the lord god is simply stunning

as i walk my life you 3 people and grampa rick will be part of me as you have opened my eyes

kisses and hugsxxx

Anonymous said...

so sweet!

Anonymous said...

That's such a sweet valentine. :) I agree with <3pugposse<3 that the last picture definately needs framing! SO precious!
I love the pics

Anonymous said...

You are a beautiful couple, and family.
Still praying for you...

I wanted to ask if you could please pray for a little girl named Ashley, she really needs prayer. I do not know the family personally, but from reading the blog, little Ashley has forever touched my heart, as you all have.

It is wonderful to see the internet be able to be used for people to pray for others so far away.


Anonymous said...

I love the slideshow! Tricia, you're beautiful!

Nate - I loved how you coordinated the pictures with the song. Didn't think we'd notice, did you?? :) Trees of green, red roses too...I saw it! Nice touch...

Mary said...

*sigh* How sweet that was. Tricia is the most blessed lady I know to have such a wonderful, caring, attentive, and GODLY husband. May God continue to just pour out blessings upon you all each and every moment.


katie lynn said...

I've been following your blog for weeks now but have not commented until now. I am away with some extended family this week and didn't comprehend the huge impact you're making with this blog until I was talking about your blog and another one of my relatives reads daily too! We're checking, together, everyday while we're away. Thanks for sharing your heart and story. Our love and prayers are with you and your sweet family! Here's to another million hits!

PS- what font do you use for your videos (esp the latest three and for your homepage image? I'm a graphic designer and enjoy your taste in the look of this blog too! :) Blessings.

Anonymous said...

okay, makes me want to go to Maui again. Andy and I talk about it all the time.

Happy Valentines Day you two!
Aunt Misha

Donna said...

Once again, BEAUTIFUL!!

higgie08 said...

Something about that song always makes me cry, and then to put it with those gorgeous pictures--it's just too much! Nate, could you give my husband some pointers?!! (ha ha)

Anyway, I have loved following your story. I feel like you're old friends and we've never even met. Still praying for all three of you.

3 Peanuts said...

Very beautiful. I am praying for your family. Blessings,

Anonymous said...

Oh unknowingly got a lot of hubbies in the dog house tonight! I said to my husband when he came in with nothing...."well NATE did a THREE part ValentiMe for Trish! Go upstairs RIGHT now and write me a love letter." :)
Happy Valentime's Day, You Love Birds!

Anonymous said...

OK, I suspect this blog is the only romance I'm getting tonight. My husband is at work and while my kids are great, it's just not the same. :)

By the way, my husband cried at our wedding too. Because his feet hurt.


Anonymous said...

One more thing....have you heard of the song "Sweet, Sweet Baby" by Michelle Featherstone? Check it out. It would be perfect for a slideshow sometime.

Jenn said...

Again, how BEAUTIFUL...but the beauty of the scenery pales in comparison to YOUR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER!! Thank you for sharing that with us and inspiring us all to savor those moments with our own.

Anonymous said...

...and I thought the OBX was paradise...! Imagine what kind of pics you'll get with your new Canon upon your return to Maui!!! I want a 'feet at sunset' picture with Gwyneth's sweet toes in the middle!

Thank you for sharing all parts of your Valentime with me...(can you coach my own loving husband a bit?)

Lisa said...

So pretty!!! I've been reading for a few weeks now and yes, I've been addicted to your story! Thank you for sharing it with the world (all one million of us strangers!)
Tricia is so lucky to have you for a husband and Gwyneth is so lucky to have you for a daddy. You bring tears to my eyes every day....I continue to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Tina said...

How beautiful!!

You are so great at capturing memories in photos and words...not to mention your music selections and phat movie making skills!! :)

I hope this day has been as beautiful as could be for you and Tricia!

Andy Lawrenson said...

You make me home sick. So I give you this message

"Mei 'ekahi la ho'l mai 'elua ka Hawaii u'i kahakai me 'anakala analu."

Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

Andy Lawrenson said...

and the translation is (because I know someone out there in the planet will want to know):

May one day (Patricia and Nathan - no hawaiin words for their names) return to Hawaii's beautiful beaches with Uncle Andy.

Aloha and Mahalo.

Maui No Ka Oi!

Gwyneth's Great Uncle Analu

debangel said...

That was beautiful! Nate, I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds here, but would you (and anyone else reading this) consider letting all of us "Gwyneth groupies" pitch in for a 2nd honeymoon when Tricia is healed from her transplant and ready to travel? I mean, with a million hits? There's got to be quite a few of us, and I'll bet there's a travel agent in here somewhere! Anyway, I'd be more than honored to post that to my own blog when the time comes, so if you'd like to get in touch with me, just follow the link ;)

Still praying for you every night in Escondido!

Andy Lawrenson said...

Don't forget your personal tour guide ;)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful and moving -- I'm not a big Valentine's Day person, but seing the love between you totally made this day special for me ;)... which sounds so selfish, but it's true :). I got joy out of seeing the joy you bring to each other in your pictures, your words, and the music. Blessings to you both!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your slide show makes us homesick for Hawaii! Thanks for sharing!
Love to you all,

Lisa said...

So pretty!!! I've been reading for a few weeks now and yes, I've been addicted to your story! Thank you for sharing it with the world (all one million of us strangers!)
Tricia is so lucky to have you for a husband and Gwyneth is so lucky to have you for a daddy. You bring tears to my eyes every day....I continue to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Jen in Al said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! Happy Valentine's Day! praying, jen in al

Katy said...

Wow...what an amazing gift..I hope you find yourselves back there one day soon!

John and Michelle said...

Tricia even looks beautiful underwater!!!!! And with a mask and snorkel too. Not fair!

What a beautiful gift you've made. Not only for valentines but just this blog as a whole. I know I already said this a while back but I really hope you have it downloaded and saved somewhere for your girls.

Blessings to you on this day!

I posted your site on my blog. I know you said that would be okay in previous posts. (

Anonymous said... are the best husband.....regardless of the health situation w/ Tricia & Gwen these past weeks.......your romanticism & love......openess... and.......the maturity you have already..not to mention the that a word? .It humbles us........After 19 years & 4 boys I see these qualities in my own husband but we weren't there in our 20' & tricia are so far ahead...& thankfully we've been spared life emergencies..........just teenage angst...... but...... giving us the gift of a window into your & tricia's & now gwen's lives...and your incredibly connected w/God feels like you are doing us a request keeping w/your "story" it's honestly made us more aware of our relationship to God & our prayers. I used to say a thankful prayer every night & it's longer.........more peaceful & specific........not just for your family........mine........but for all of us to spread God's joy & love to those around us......those we touch throughout the day........ and..........oh......this won't suprise you..........IT'S WORKING!!! by the way....Tricia is soooooo beautiful.... I met her on a CF walk.....she was shining then......but even every pic in the hospital at duke now........she may have a ventilator.......or some other issue.....but that beautiful face & smile....... I can't imagine what she has to deal w/day to day.....again she humbles me...if she can be such a ray of sunshine.......I need to get my everyday, healthy, aging overweight attitude in check! I have a choice!

North Carolina Mom said...

You guys really know ow to live!

North Carolina Mom said...

oops, how to live!

The Frugal Countess said...
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The Frugal Countess said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenny said...

I agree with pugposse..that picture of you two in the sunset is gorgeous!! :)

Nathan you've outdone yourself. This trilogy of love was amazingly beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing it.

Praying for restful sleep for you, Tricia, & Gwyneth tonight.

Staci said...

Simply beautiful. I think everything else has already been said...

Continued thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful!! I love the second honeymoon idea...Hope Tricia is recovering well from the day's surgery and that you all have a very restful night.


Emily said...

Thank you, Nate and Tricia for sharing your lives with us...Its a gift to see and celebrate your love that is so beautiful :).
Happy Valentines Day to you guys!

with love and prayers,
Emily Haager

Andrew said...

Your story is amazing, and your attitude and love for each other is nothing short of inspirational. Thank you so much for sharing this, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful Valentines gift. We played that song at our wedding 2 years ago when we were pronnounced husband and wife and I just love it. You two are such a beautiful couple and a true inspiration to not only fellow CF'ers like me but to people all over the world!

Scott said...

Wow, I was away in Orlando one day and came back to a whole bunch of posts. Thanks for sharing so much of your lives and love in one day. Amazing videos, amazing 1 million hits (look out McDonalds) Lord bless you guys and we will do our part and keep on praying for the return trip to Hawaii!!

Sarah & Bradley said...

Beautiful! All 3 video clips were beautiful!

Julie said...

Great pictures!! Love the idea of slideshows commemorating those special moments. I need to start taking more pictures...
Hope you and Tricia have many more Valentine's Days to celebrate!
Still praying for you all, especially for Gwyneth's contact isolation to not last any longer than it absolutely has to.

Anonymous said...

Great videos! Love the above comment about the mermaids, lol.

If you have time, check out this blog. There's a video on today's entry. Little Angela was born in Australia 3 months ago and had open heart surgery soon after. She's had so many complications and is still fighting.

I thought you and Tricia might want to pray for her. Thanks!

humble servant said...


These slideshows are incredible. Your wedding day looks to have been perfect - the photos really capture the fun and romance. They all appear to be from an ad, really - the perfect shots.

I pray you had a blessed day together yesterday and that the surgery went well.

Still praying.

Anonymous said...

Great videos! :o) Hawaii looks beautiful!

I think in the past you did a blog about what type of camera you got for Christmas, but the only thing I could find is where you mentioned you got a new camera (no specifics) and the picture of you with it shows it's a canon. So I wondered if you could tell me more about it! Your pictures are amazing! Do you do editing with photoshop or anything like that at all?

Anonymous said...

When I heard the Song "Somewhere over the Rainbow" I kept thinking about the movie 50 First Dates...everytime I watch the ending and hear that song, it always brings tears to my eyes.

What a wonderful video... Hawaii looks so beautiful. I hope the two of you will be able to go back there again one day.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful video!! How did you take the photo of your two silhouettes during sunset? I LOVE it!!


Grandmother Goddess of the Garden said...

I just love the photo of both of your feet! Thanks for sharing!

Kelli said...

What an amazing Valentine's gift not just for Trish, but for Gywneth too. How awesome that she will always know how much her Mommy & Daddy love each other. Thanks for sharing. Your beautiful family continues to be in my prayers.

Scott Lawrenson said...

You haven't experienced real hawaii until you've locked your keys in your rental car trunk at around mile 18 on the road to Hana, on the fourth of july, in the rain. Now that's a memory.