This is nothing to panic's very common among hospital patients, even in the NICU, and as long as Gwyneth's not infected, it shouldn't be an issue...neither Tricia or I are concerned at this point, although we are praying that it will not infect her little body.
There are a thousand ways she could have been given this bug. She has been moved to contact isolation again for at least a few days, which just means that she is in a different room and we have to wear a gown and gloves like we do with Tricia. She's also being given some antibiotics that should deal with it just in case she is/does get infected.
Please, pray with us that she'll be cleared of any infection when they retest her next Monday.
Here's my new favorite picture of all time:

Tricia had another good day. She seems to me to be getting a little stronger every day, and her emotions and attitude has been beyond anything I would have to offer if our roles were reversed. The bug in her blood turns out to be something rather minor (compared to something like MRSA), and should be gone in a few days with some new meds.
I haven't heard anything more about the NICU families that I asked prayer for Here.
A little Q&A:
> Gwyneth has received several blood transfusions, as most micro-preemies do. She gives a lot of blood for labs and tests, and even just a few drops for her can cause Anemia, so the transfusions are very necessary.
> I don't have anywhere near enough time to screen comments on this blog. That's a whole extra step in the process, and I'd rather deal with a few idiot posts every now and then to keep my life simple and this blog fun and interactive.
FYI, and I say this with a smile...if you've received a forward with a pug-licking screen-saver that you know I'll love, heard a George Strait song on the radio that you know was written for us, read a story about some little girl who was held by God that you know I need to read, etc., I can promise you that I've received at least a hundred emails and read twice as many comments that have already notified me of all of these things and more. Thanks! (it'll be fun to see who doesn't read this post and tells me about one of those things yet again...). :)
Thank you.
PS. By my guesstimation, we should reach 1 Million hits (written with my best Dr. Evil impression) right on Valentine's Day, which would be pretty cool, especially if you imagine that 1 million people (or about 20,000 people several times) love Tricia and Gwyneth. If I had half a penny for every hit, I'd have half a million pennies...which would be pretty useless because you can't buy anything with half a penny. Speaking of which...did you know that it now costs us about 5c to mint one new penny...that's kind dumb.
Just letting you know that I continue to think of your family and am wishing the best for all. Thank you for continuing (that word looks weird!) to update. I pray that Gwyneth continues to thrive and that Tricia continues to have good days and restful sleep. No advice or cheerful stories, just prayers and positive thoughts...
have you thought about getting adds on here that pay you to blog?????
Will it really take until thursday to get to a million? My guess was for Wednesday.
My 3 year old was hospitaliszed with MRSA this year, and was pretty darn scary. But that was discovered through an abscess that she had to have surgery to cut out. How did they find out that Gwyneth had it before it was an infection? Praying for the three of you!
I've heard there are more germs actually in the hospital than out of it. *~* I will be praying that God and the meds clear up Gwyneth's infection by Monday - and Tricia's, and that no complications come up. I know that all of those taking care of your ladies are doing anything and everything they can to keep them healthy!
Yea for Tricia getting stronger! I'm sure that YOU have had a bigger impact on that than you think! It has been so nice to read your blog(s) and read the love you have for each other!
~ becky b
you must have watched the same show last night -- yeah, kind of dumb about the penny situation, I don't think they will get rid of them though
praying for your family !!
Nate, Tricia & Gwyneth,
I am glad that you are all doing well & you are having a fairly good week. You are all still in my prayers. I will specifically pray that Gwyneth doesnt become infected with the MRSA & that Tricia keeps resting as well as can be expected. God bless you all & thank you once again for continuing to blog about your journey.
So, there's this song.....(Just kidding!) :)
I have been and am still praying for your girls! I'm sure you've heard this before too, but I am just so impressed by what a wonderful loving husband and daddy you are! The things that you've all gone through recently, and you are hanging in there so well. You have a lot of responsibility. I know God is sustaining you through this all, and will continue til those girls are home with you! I'm looking forward to seeing them both get healthy and pics of them togeher! (All of you as a family, actually!) Anyway, hang in there, God loves you!!
Love, the Kings in Vancouver, WA.
You are amazing. It's been a joy to pray for you and your beautiful daughter. Keep getting stronger, in body, mind, and spirit -- the praise reports make me rejoice right along with you!
-- Sharyn
Praise the Lord about your two girls and how they are doing. You guys are such a blessing and encouragement.
I don't know where you find the time to update everyday, but I am so glad you do. I read them everynight, I am so glad the girls are doing well, and hope you don't mind that I say the girls, I know you guys don't know me, but I feel as if I know the three of you. I pray everyday the update you give is a good one. I will be praying the MRSA is a very small bump in the road from NICU to Home!!
i love you both...... think about you hourly, or more. cant wait to be put on the waiting list to baby sit you BEAUTIFUL baby girl...
Lauren and i are waiting!!
Yeah I'm one of those people who visits 5 times a day. :p Guilty!
Our little girl had staph in her bloodstream while she was in the nicu, but it wasn't MRSA. I will pray that the meds take care of it on Gwyneth's skin.
Still praying for you guys! Congrats on the (almost) million hits! That's amazing!
Kristi and the triplets
As usual, thanks for the update, and glad to hear that Tricia is improving.
Lovely photo!
i swear i didn't give your little miss mrsa! i cared for a wee one who is in iso with mrsa.
my little man had a total of 16 blood transfusions during his nicu stay. it was all part of the dance. praying that gwyneth continues with her relatively uncomplicated course. she is an amazing girl. i can see why the nicu nurses fight over her. i know i would if she was in my unit.
you guys take extra special care.
MRSA? Big deal for such a little tyke. If you don't mind my asking, which antibiotics are they giving little Gwyneth? The M and R in MRSA stand for Methicillin-Resistant (which is why this bug is such a big deal... it's resistant to a whole bunch of stuff!)
Forgive my nosiness... I'm a pharmacy student and my interest area is neonates. Your story has been fascinating, not just from a human standpoint (and a Christian standpoint!) but also from the medical standpoint. I'm learning a lot from you.
I will be praying for you and your girls!
This post made me smile Nate :)
I've gotten the pug thing, didn't mention it to you for the reason you stated (LOL) but did think of you when I saw the cute little bugger.
I wish I had that many half pennys to give you...heck I just wish I had that many period!
I haven't had much time to check blogs so I'm playing catch up with everything but glad to hear you are all doin ok.
Praying as always,
Pretty sure about 501,000 of those hits are just from me. *grin* I'm constantly checking through out the day to see any new exciting updates or any new prayer requests. Know that you guys are truly loved. And what a blessing it is to share your beautiful lives with us!
She just blends right in on your chest! Precious. As you hold her I'm sure you go through the feelings of other new parents, the amazement of this new person who is a unique combo of you and your wife, that is how I feel when I hold my girls and seeing that picture made me think of it and feel like saying something. :) She's a beautiful little baby!
I heard this pug, singing a George Strait song about a girl........
Just kidding!
I am still praying for your girls. I have a special affinity for your wife since we share a name. She's cool just because of her name!! Her faith and strength(and yours, too) are amzing testimonies to the power of our Creator.
I love sharing your story with people I come in contact with.
Still praying! Tonight it will be particularly about the MRSA.
Vancouver, WA
What a beautiful photograph. I am praying for you, Tricia and Gwyneth. From what I have read, Tricia sounds like a great woman of faith and I know that as her daughter Gwyneth will be a strong little fighter too. I pray that you will know God's peace and support on these difficult days and know that he is holding your family in his arms.
We don't consider your effort regarding the number of hits you get is as stupid. You are helping people learn about what goes on in NNU and educating them.
Our motto is "Knowledge of Health is Knowledge of Life".
Some people go to Church, others to Temple or Mosque and pray. You are doing all these by sitting in front of the computer and spreading the message.
We are doctors trying to educate people about the danger of practical procedure like cannula, catheters and et-tube and their association with spreading MRSA in hospitals (specially NNU) but have not achieved what you have.
We hope Tricia gets better soon.
Best Wishes
Morning Nate & Tricia,
I just spent a while catching up with the story of how you met because I don't always have time to read anything more than the latest update, thanks for sharing this with us.
Praying that they clear Tricia's bug and that the MRSA doesn't cause Gwyneth any problems.
Keep blogging and counting Nate, this blog has brought out so much good and positivness in people all around the world, how brilliant is that.
Much love
in my thoughts as always & thanks for the info on how much it costs to make a penny - that does seem rather crazy.
Oh no - MRSA is beyond serious - it's a national epidemic here in Ireland at the moment. I will be parying my heart out that your sweet wee girl stays safe and healthy.
Don't forget all your subscribers who read in a feedreader! I read everyday, but don't comment too often, so wouldn't show up in your hits! You have such support worldwide.
Thinking and praying for ALL of you!
I love that picture! Except for her size it's an exact replica of how our daughter sleeps when my husband holds her.
I think it's beautiful that despite tricia's illness you have been able to have a gorgeous little girl!
Every baby is a miracle from God but gwyneth is about a million miracles all rolled into one.
What a sweet picture!!!
I'm praying for all of you tonight...
That is a beautiful photo of you and Gwyneth. :)
I didn't see the photo earlier... did you add that later, mister?!?? It's SO PRECIOUS!
Yea for Daddy-daughter time! One day (all too soon!!!) you will be holding her close for the Daddy-daughter dance at her wedding! Awwwww Ooh, not meaning to speed up time or anything. ;)
Tricia, I hope you're sleeping well tonight, again, sweet mommy!
Thank You, Lord, for giving Tricia some good nights of sleep. Keep giving them more strength each day and heal their bodies of infection.
~ becky b
Chelley, I think Nathan has already addressed the ads on a previous blog. (it might be the one called "the purpose of this blog")
What a nice picture of you and Gwyneth!!
Beautiful picture.!! Thoughts and prayers still coming your way.
God be with you all!
Praying for you 3 daily. Have a good day today. May God continue to pour out his blessings upon you.
I am amazed everyday by your little White Rose. You can truly see God's hand upon her. I am also amazed by your wife. It is at our moments of weakness that we are at our strongest as God is able to work. My prayers are with the three of you!
Still praying!!!
My daughter has been sick for a few days, so I haven't been able to check your blog as often as I like. :-) Sorry to hear about the MRSA. I will pray that this does not become an infection issue! I am also praying for strength, peace & encouragement for you & Tricia. You all are often in our thoughts & prayers! I pray this week is a tremendous blessing to all of you!
~Sara in MD
PS I can't wait to find out what happens next in your "How We Met" story!
I hope it is ok to give encoragement from our situation and not annoying to you...
They said that Emery had MRSA too, moved her to another nursery etc and we prayed and prayed and when they retested her, it was just staph, but not MRSA! I will pray the same for Gwennie.
We lifted you up at church on Sunday, something I had publically wanted to do for a long time. We prayed for you, Tricia and Gwennie by name. I think it is amazing how so many people have found your little corner of the world, and really feel as though this will be a testimony to lead people to Christ.
Praying for you all today and that all of the bugs etc. in your girls are gone!
The picture is exquisite. It really is. So glad to hear the happy news about Tricia and her good spirits. Continued prayers for all of you.
Darn - I had just gotten ready to send you an email with all of the pug screensavers, George Strait songs, and stories about little girls being held by God that I could get my greedy little hands I'm sure you get a TON of that kind of stuff!!
So glad to hear of Tricia's apparent progress, and continuing to pray for your family. Looking forward to the next installment of "Your Story"!!!!
Wow! How could that NOT be your favorite picture of all time? I would enlarge that and put it in the nursery once you get out to Hollywood! LOL!!!!
I've actually created a moving digital movie on imovie. I have a George Strait song playing in the background as several different pictures of pugs fade in and out on the screen. I then got really technical and faded out the vocals on the Strait song and read excepts from wonder 50 paragraph poem. Ill be downloading this to an external hard drive so you can keep it forever.
Hey the deal with the cost of minting the penny is another brilliant example of our government's most excellent skills in finance. Just ask Ron Paul, he will tell you about it. What we need is a revolution that includes cheaper coins!
Great picture! Praying for another good day for all of you.
What? 5 cents to make a penny.. that is dumb.
So is my comment.
Praise the Lord for the news about Tricia's infection, an answer to prayer. Now praying for Gweneth's MRSA!
Hey, Nathan... It's Joanna (Janet's friend). Don't keep us hanging too long on this love story. It's like a soap opera for Christians. haha
I love the picture of the baby on your chest. She is definitely going to be daddy's girl!!
You're in our thoughts and prayers daily. Much love to you all!!
Prayers continue here in Ca. for both of these precious girls and for you.
I am thankful to read that Tricia's "bug" is not staph. And praying for Gwyneth not to be infected with it.
The new kangaroo picture is so sweet.
It looks like she has been filling in her "wrinkles" a little.:) It is just so good to hear that things are moving along in a good direction. Have a great day today, all 3 of you!
Love, Laurie in Ca.
Praying that Gwyneth and Tricia are both healed and Tricia's spirits continue to rise. And that you get rest too.
-Shannon in Austin
So glad that it is not infected. That picture can't be described by words..........abasolutely amazing.
awesome photo :)
blessings to you all!
I am praying that the MRSA doesn't become infected in little Gwenyth's body! I am glad both of your girls are improving! Thank God that Tricia is getting better too!!
(I wont even tell you that I laugh hysterically when I look at the pug email! heheee)
Praying for fast healing with the infections!
Your new favorite picture is an extremely precious one!
Nate and Tricia, I praise GOD for your faith and trust in Him. My prayer is that He will continue to bless each of you as you journey on to transplant and release from the hospital for both Tricia and Gwyneth. May He grant your every need during this time.
Hi Nathan & family, been away for a little while..absolutely love, love & love your new picture. We continue to pray for all of you. By the way, how long is the line for babysitters?? Put us on your list too. Love you, Steve & Judi Taylor
hey nate,
just thought that i would tell you speaking of the pennies... if you haven't seen it yet, a local radio station does a duke childrens fund raiser every year for the kids hospital... i have read in your past posts that your not good with speaking so i just thought i would give you a heads up that it is this week and lasts for several days... they get stories of kids and families and put them on the air. just a heads up so you dont get caught of gaurd. if you have already been told about this 100 times... sorry!!!!
You are so nice... lol.
What an incredible picture! We are still praying for you, Gwyneth, and Tricia here in Atlanta. Keep on doing what you're doing. Have faith and believe! We do...
"God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
Hi Nate and Tricia,
This is the most incrediable picture of you and Gwyenth. Thanks for sharing. I will pray that the mrsa doesn't infect her precious little body or Tricia. We are only praying positive thoughts from Wisconsin~ u
Praying that our Lord's hedge of protection will continue to surround you and that you will find peace in His presence. All three of you are a testiment to the fact that our Lord is indeed a God of miracles Who is concerned with each one of His dear children. Praying that the MRSA will not infect little Gwyneth, that Tricia will continue to grow stronger, and that the Lord would sustain all three of you and meet every need.
In Him,
Nate and Tricia, I continue to pray for your beautiful family. Thank you for including all of us readers in your amazing, special story. It has blessed me in countless ways.
Still praying...
I love the picture. And the penny thing does seem a bit ridiculous, does it not? :)
Hope you and Tricia have a fabulous Valentine's Day with your new little Valentine. make is so tempting to start this comment out with "did you see, hear...." or "are you sure you want her to recieve/them to do___________ (THAT)!!!"
But I won't becuase I know you have a bunch on your plate. My role in your blog world is to get educated on the latest prayer needs, not to question your decisions or the medical staff.
Still praying and cheering you guys home! Jane
Praying for no infection! jen in al
Still praying for you here in Nashville...
Prayers being lifted up for Gwyneth and the MRSA - and (as always) for her continued, amazing development. And for her mama - that she may have a peace that surpasses all earthly understanding as God prepares her body and her mind for the transplant. And for her daddy, that he continues to lean on God, so that he not only can obtain the strength he needs to navigate the course - but also so that he can continue to be a bright light for God through his faithfulness. :-)
I'm a new commenter but I have been reading your story for a little bit. But I don't know how you two do it. Thank you for sharing your story with strangers.
Continuing to pray for your girls, especially for Trish's infection to clear, and for Gwyneth to stay strong and healthy. It sounds like both are doing remarkably well - thanks to God, and to their excellent caregivers.
May the peace of the Lord be always with you.
Nate, I love your random musings! Keep them coming. The mom in me has to ask...are you taking care of yourself, Nate? Your girls need you strong and healthy. :) Sending love and always prayers for your beautiful girls!
Your family is precious!
I have been following your blog for weeks now and I continue to hold Tricia, Gwyneth & you up in prayer. I understand the NICU roller coaster as my son was born prematurely on the 4th of July, 2000. I had a placental abruption in my pregnancy with him and he was born at 25.6 weeks (1 lb. 15.5 oz to be exact). He was the most beautiful baby I have ever laid my eyes upon (I am sure you can relate!!!). Unfortunately, my precious Caleb Joseph developed an infection that took him from us on July 18, 2000. He will forever have the largest part of my broken heart. I am always so hopeful for all NICU parents that they will be able to bring their precious children home with them to love and nurture for a lifetime. I pray for Tricia's continued health improvement as well as a successful lung transplant, and sweet, beautiful little Gwyneth's continued health so she can come home to her loving mommy & daddy. Much love, hope & strength to you all!
Love you guys! she is looking bigger every time I log on! I think that has to be a favorite picture of mine as well!! Amazing they found MRSA so early!! That team is incredible!
Nate and Tricia - What a beautiful picture. My husband always says that the moments of letting our little girl lie on his chest are the most precious. We are praying for you guys and can't wait until the day you both can hold Gwyneth and we can see a family picture. Everything that needs to happen from now till then is being lifted up in prayer!
Our Mom's group would like to do something for your family and we wanted to email you for permission. The only link I could find for your email address seemed to be your church email. Are you able to access that email?
Praying for all 3 of you!
I have been following your blog for several weeks, and am praying for you often and especially Gwyneth with this discovery. I wasn't sure you were aware, so I thought I'd let you know that google has a program called google reader that sends new posts that are written by blogs that you "subscribe" to, and although I had checked your site and hadn't seen the response blog, it came a few hours later to my google reader. That's happened once before also. Just wanted to make sure you knew that even if you delete a posted blog, those of us who subscribe still get it. Blessings to you and your beautiful girls!
i'll pray that the infections in/on both the girls will be gone soon. we love you guys!
I'm continuing to pray for all of you!! I'm glad they caught the MRSA before anything major happened! Another act of our Great King!!!
I'm glad that Tricia's bug will be gone soon so she can go see her angel more often! :)
And, yes, tons of us have come to love you without even knowing you!! It's amazing, but it's all done by the work of our Awesome God! Your family has touched so many lives :)
Love and Hugs,
Okay, so I commented earlier on something totally different. I am one of those stalkers who checks in a couple of times during the day to see about OCD here! I was just looking at that picture of you holding the baby again...I just can't get it out of my amazing. I cannot imagine the feeling of holding one so tiny and beautiful...simply amazing...have a truly blessed day!
Praying for your sweet girl as always! She will be fine!
What an amazing and beautiful picture of you and Gwyneth. I'm impressed that you have the time and stamina to keep all of us updated. Thank you for doing so. Your family is constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I love to see how God is moving in your lives each and every day. I will pray specifically that the MRSA does not infect Gwyneth's miraculous body.
Praying in Chagrin Falls, Ohio!
Five cents to mint a penny?! Very interesting. This weekend I learned that it costs 4 cents to mint a dollar bill, whether it's a 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 or 100 dollar bill. I guess it's cheaper to make in paper form?! It does seem like a waste, but what would we throw into water fountains if we didn't have pennies?! There is a purpose in everything!
Prayers continue for your family! Keep up the great work Tricia!
May God continue to bless your family! May you continue to feel His grace, love, strength and peace!
Our son spent 54 days in the NICU and also tested positive for MRSA. After one of his surgeries (he had two during the 54 days), one of his incision sites became infected.
BUT - since they doctors knew he had tested MRSA, they put him on the correct antibiotic and it cleared up. It is methicillin-resistant, but there are other drugs they can use to combat IF they need to.
Nate, Have you considered getting a small part of your chest waxed? Those hairs must tickle little Gwyneth's nose ;-)
Love the picture.
Audrey (Cf Uk)
One more comment, most of us, if swabbed, would also test positive with MRSA on our skin. It doesn't mean we are infected, it just means we have the bacteria on our skin.
pic is worth 1000 words how sweet..i can see how this is your fav pic!
Half a penny...hahaha:) Just to let you know, this blog gets me through my horribly boring work day. I am praying for your girls!
-Lindsey Johnson (Lynchburg, VA)
Love the pic! Thanks for the update. Praying that both your girls fight off any infections that come their way!
I stumbled upon your blog and I really love it. I have a great niece that was born at 24 weeks and she is the picture of health so know that I am praying for all of you! She is a blessed child of God and she will thrive by that fact alone. I have a 9 week old and I pray for your little one every time I look at her. My first born passed away at birth and I didn't breathe again until I held my daughter. Your new favorite picture is now one of mine. God Bless you ALL!!
We will be praying still...especially now that the MRSA doesn't infect little Gwyneth. Thanks for the update on all fronts!!
mmmmm, yes, that photograph is delightful!
Sorry to hear about the MRSA. I'm glad she does not actually have it. Hopefully the isolation will help. I will check Tricia's blog as soon as I get done commenting yours. Hope you have a beautiful day!
LOVE the new picture of you and Gwyneth. It should be in a photo contest. :) How precious to have such a great capture of that moment in time. I continue to pray for you all.
That is easily the most beautiful picture I've seen in a while.
Continuing to pray. . .thanks for keeping us all up-to-date!
AWESOME picture of you and Gwyneth!
Oh Nate... your angel has the cutest tiny blonde baby head! My mom & I giggled so much the other day at that cute lil bow in Gywn's hair. It was adorable! We will be praying tonight for you 3- NO bugs, infections, misc just good health and happy days!
Love to you each from us~ Heather & Barry
I remember reading about something that works wonderfully for killing MRSA. John's Hopkins University was part in the study of it. It is called GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT. Google it and see if they can use that for her. It is all natural and to me that is a big thing.
Prayers going up...
Any word yet on Miss Gywneth's MRSA? Prayed for her today that it would disappear and not invade her sweet little body.
I'm pretty sure with my 1,000 hits a day you will hit one million with no prob on V-Day.
Hope you and Tricia enjoy your first Valentine's Day with Gywneth. She is a love bug for sure!
I just wanted to tell you guys how touched I have been by your blog... my husband and I are expecting our 1st child in late April/early May and have been a little anxious about my health issues - seeing your faith and continued victories alleviates my fears more than you can ever know. God bless you (well, I guess He already has...) so may He CONTINUE to bless you each and every day :)
Sending lots of prayers for baby G not to get infected with the nasty evil bug. Glad to hear that Tricia is in good spirits, keep up the good work both of you, because I know that it is a team effort.
Love the pic! I am so glad the ladies in your life are doing well. We pray for you all daily, my 2,3,5 and 10 year old never forget you guys at bedtime! This was my three year olds prayer last night. She keeps it short and to the point.
"Dear Jesus take care of my family,my dog, my baby brother with no leg,Tricia,Baby Rose, Grandma's house...and Jesus I do not like salad".
With much love,
Jen-William's Mom
Nate and Tricia,
Do we win anything if we are the millionth hit? Just Wondering! :)Just wanted you both to know that we think about and pray for you and Gwyneth daily. Praying that this MRSA goes away quickly. Have a wonderful week!!!!
Love, The Hagers in Michigan
Gwyneth's hair matches your chest hair :-P
Here's to a million hits!!
I'm praying for that MRSA to go away, and for Tricia's infection to be gone too.
Angela in central Ohio
LOL re: email forward. I know exactly what email you're referring to!
BTW, Kudos on the fine art of maintaining blog control with authority yet gentleness (and humor).
Had the flu since Wed. and have caught up on the 3 of you while laid up in the bed. Tricia, got a kick out of your "chicken wings" reference. Tonight, I was making a package of Anne's Chicken and Dumplins and the verse on the side of the package was Psalm 63:7. How's that for bringing it full circle? :)
Sorry for the long comment. Continuing to lift you up!
Hannah S.
Charlotte, NC
Nate, for some reason while reading your post today I felt as if I could hear a little waver in you voice. That is the first time that I had noticed it, keep your spirits up, as hard as that is!!! I rely on your guy's strength to keep mine up, thanks again for being so inspirational. Hope the MRSA gets better and causes no further trouble. Misty
Hey Tricia & Nathan
I have been thinking of you three all day (nothing new these days) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)
I hope today has been a easy goin' kind of day for the three of you,(of course both your families also)
May tonight bring the same and tomorrow too...
Still Showering You All Lovingly
With Prayers
Praying that the MRSA doesn't do anything more than just being on Gwyneth's skin and that this unwelcome culprit will be gone asap. Also, glad Tricia's infection isn't anything serious and is treatable.
I am feeling okay... my parathyroidectomy surgery went well this morning (took approximately 2 hours from 7:30am to 9:30am). I became more awake closer to 11am and my throat was and still is sore from the intubation. They had a hard time intubating me because the normal size tube (not sure what size that is) was too big for my throat. Finally, they used a 7mm tube, I think. Perhaps the reason for this difficulty was due to being a preemie in 1983 and I was intubated for so long, so my throat is sensitive to that sort of thing. I do wonder why I had problems this time because I didn't have any problems with intubation 4.5 years ago during my cochlear implant surgery. Anyway, we left for home at approximately noon.
I've been sleeping a lot today (prefer to hold off on the oxycodone because I don't want to be too sleepy again and the pain is not bad at all). It hurts some to swallow. It is also hard to move my neck-- sore, too. My mouth is parched and I keep drinking a lot of water and urinating (IV saline). Sorry if that's too much detail. ;-) Alright, I'm just glad to be back home and being able to comment on your blog!
Continuing to think of you all and praying for the best,
Marissa :-)
I love this picture, as well! Thanks for the update...praying that the 'bug' leaves soon and that Tricia has many more good days ahead!
You always know how to make us Smile...Love your bits of trivia...the cost to mint a new penny...too funny! Love your new picture too...she kinda looks like her Daddy. What a precious blessing she is to so many people.
I continue to pray for all of you, God has truly blessed my life through your testimony, I pray that you will never be discouraged with blogging, this is such an awesome witnessing tool.
Praying in Maryland,
Oh my!!! I just found your blog through From the Heart, and...tears....tears! PRAISE THE LORD you chose life for your little baby! And will definitely pray Gwyneth, Tricia, and yourself!
just wanted to let you know that my family and i continue to pray for you all everyday.
our preemie Jack also contracted MRSA in the NICU. It was only colonized in his nose so he was okay with it. He will be a "carrier" of it forever but nothing major. So prayers for Gwyneth about that
You, Gwyneth, and Tricia have become part of my morning routine! I'm out of bed 5 minutes earlier just to read your blog before getting the kids out for school and heading off to work
:-). Thanks for sharing your lives with us! You are a beautiful and special family! Lots of prayers coming your way!
I can't remember where you wanted blog addresses posted, so I'm going to put ours right here. We actually have 2 (one whole family, one for our new daughter who we are adopting from China).
What a darling picture with Daddy- I am praying, as always, for Tricia and Gwyneth's good health!
That is a beautiful picture. Seriously.
Will Tricia be able to get some sun soon? I so think that fresh air would rejuvenate her. Praying her infection clears quickly!
Also Praying for Gwyneth's mrsa to go away completely.
My 6 year old daughter, Rachel, just prayed this for you, "Lord, thank you for making Gwyneth. Please help her to grow so she can breathe on her own and get healthy. Please touch her mom & heal her with your power so she can hold Gwyneth. Thank you for making the moon, the stars & everything on the earth. Amen"
It was so sweet, I had to share it! Hope you guys have ahd a good day.
~Sara in MD
My hubster has a rather beastly, furry chest, also, and our little girl LOVES to snuggle in her daddy's "fur". Looks like Gwyneth Rose loves getting some of her daddio's fur, too! ;) How sweet <3
*BTW... beastly in a GOOD way... totally not a bad thing ;)
My hubster has a rather beastly, furry chest, also, and our little girl LOVES to snuggle in her daddy's "fur". Looks like Gwyneth Rose loves getting some of her daddio's fur, too! ;) How sweet <3
*BTW... beastly in a GOOD way... totally not a bad thing ;)
I, like so many others, read your story daily. So many times I have sat here praying for your family and wanting to leave a comment, but not knowing what exactly to say. So, I will simply say this...thank you for sharing your journey with us, especially those of us that are complete strangers to you. May God continue to bless your family and offer you strength as you continue in your journey together as a family. Many prayers for all of you.
Tricia in MN
I was so happy to read that everything is still going well for you and your girls. I have no been able to check your blog since Friday. But I have thought about your blog several times. The one about titled "What If" has really been strong on my heart. You see on Saturday my daddy went to be with our Lord very suddenly. He was at my house all day on Wednesday helping watch the triplets. He was so excited that Anneleise wanted nothing to do with me or my mom she just wanted her great grandfather to read her stories and cuddle. For some reason I got out the camera and took a few pics of him reading to her. That would be the last time I saw him. Saturday while taking a shower he felt weak and sat down by the time my mom called 911 and they got there he was barely breathing and then he stopped altogether and died on the way to the hospital. So in answer to your what if I know that I turned to my Lord with my hands stretched up, just as the babies do when sad, to be held and carried through is week and tomorrow when we say our last good byes to him. I will forever miss him and find great comfort knowing that one day we will be reunited in heaven. I am sadden even more by the fact that he will never get to hold the great grandchildren on the way. My nephew and his wife are expecting their first which he knew about but on Friday my daughter found out she is expecting her third child and he died without knowing this. God does give us joy even in the midst of great sadness. Thanks for letting me share this with all of you. I'm not sure this is the place but in my heart I just felt this was a safe place to share. Nate my prayers are still with you and your family. Oh by the way my dad was able to help four people with the donation of his eyes and even more with the donation of his tissues. His organs were not viable since he died so fast.
Still praying for your family and using your circumstances to open the door for witnessing opportunities with a patient of mine.
Our children keep a watch on the family and my 5 year old made a card for Gwyenth. I will try to get it to Janet P (via my son's school mate).
Best wishes for the week.
Warmly (actually, we are covered in ice tonight!) from "S. Jersey"
That picture is one of the best I have seen. I hope, when things slow down a little for you, that you will consider framing it for posterity!
Hugs and prayers are being sent your way.
I can't help myself I have to say to anyone who wants to know,if the person who hits the one million comment wins anything.
If you are serious then let me share what I feel the one million comment person wins. The RIGHT to continue along with this Wonderful Family. Who SO freely shares with ALL of us these MOST Difficult and Personal times any one could EVER face. Everyone should realize to walk along with THIS family is a Blessing and a Privilege. Oh and of course you will have won Bragging Rights, after all you are the one who left the one million comment.
Our prayers and blessing continue to be said for all of you. We pray everyday that continued strength and health will stay with you all.
Hugs, Brenda & Jim, (Secondwind (lung transplant list) Jim single rt lung waiting for tests to rule out bone marrow cancer and get kidney from our daughter.
I'm almost tempted to read every comment and see if anyone said something about a song, or a story, etc. :) It'd be funny to see. I'm sure it's entertaining for you.
Loved part 6 of yours & Tricia's story. Praying for Tricia's bug and Gwyneth's MRSA to disappear. :)
Love y'all.
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