So, in the past 24 hours, Gwyneth has been moved completely off of any IV/Pic lines (delayed for a few days) and has been moved from CPAP to the Nasal Cannula and is on 1.5 liters of O2 (which is stinkin' amazing).
And, I've seen her lift her own head completely off her bed a few times, which I find incredible considering she should still be swimming around almost weightless inside her mother's womb.
She is so sweet! How great to be able to see her beautiful face!! I am praying she continues to do so well!! She truly is Tricia's miracle baby!! Our God is so faithful!
My son is two and adores Gwyneth. He recognizes her photos and says, "There's Gwyneff! She's really really small. I love her. I give her kiss." So beware, Tricia & Nate, if she's already got a fan club (I'm sure Andy isn't the only toddler in love with her), you're in for loads of fun later on ;)
What sweet moments. :) BTW, I didn't know how best to spread the word about you guys and ask my friends to pray, sooooo...I created a "group" on Facebook called "Praying for the Lawrenson Family", listed your blog site and then invited almost everyone I know. :) I can't wait to see what happens. :)
Oh she's so breathtakingly beautiful. I know she always has been - but it hit me with those pictures. How fitting that God gave Gwyneth the same fighting spirit He gave her mother.
YEAH!!! I am so thankful to hear all the good news about your sweet Gwyneth! I am impressed with her neck strength as well. That red hair is so cute, I can't believe how much she has.
Oh my gosh! I've been following your blog since a couple of weeks before Gwyneth Rose was born and I am just amazed at how she is changing. She is just beautiful and I love her hair. So amazingly precious.
I've been praying for your family and am so glad to see that things are moving in the right direction for you all. :-)
Wow, her progress is just amazing! I can't believe she's off Iv & PICC's!! And on the nasal cannula! Her cannula must be soooo tiny compared to mine! :-)
And her neck is getting so strong already! God is really answering prayers! Aspiemom
That is so AWESOME!!!! Gwyneth is are the luckiest parents to have an amazing, incredible daughter. I am so happy for both of you. And you Tricia are a fighter as well...we are still praying for those new lung. Have a great weekend and Nate...please give Tricia and Gwyneth and extra hugs from me.
Oh, my goodness, LOOK AT THAT BABY!!!! This is marvelous, simply marvelous. Do I detect the hint of some actual baby fat on her arms? Prayers continuing.
Your Baby is so Pretty. I am glad I was able to see a update. I remember a lady who ordered a premie shirt/blanket from my website for the little one. I never forgot her. I have been praying for you and your wife and baby. Making her things was truly a blessing. I prayed as I made them that God would touch her little body and help her heal. I was never moved so much by anything I have made. I could not get her off my mind. I had to say I am inspired by your blog and the love and commetment for your wife and daughter. I will continue to pray for them both. I was a former mom of a premmie. What we endured was nothing comapred to your story. But that said she is very pretty. Congrats on your baby and I hope to see more updates too. Many Blessings God Bless Joy M.
Oh Nate that is absolutely wonderful news! God is so good and he is definately watching over your little girl.
All the pictures you have shared of her so far have been wonderful but the first picture in this post is the most beautiful precious picture I have ever seen.
What an amazing gift of life she's continuing to fight for! She's beautiful, Nate! Can't wait to watch her grow up (you will maintain the blog won't you?)
She's simply gorgeous! I'm so glad that she's making such wonderful progress!! It's also nice to see her beautiful little face with just a small oxygen hose hooked up to her nose. What a sweet little girl!! She's lovely! What an awesome answer to a ton, ton, TON of prayers! Amen.
Nathan, that IS truly amazing! Only 1.5L of O2! WOW! And she loves her tummy, doesn't she! Look at that little head resting on her arms. Beyond words precious! The words of an old Gaither song just started going through my head(This is old Southern Gospel, Nate...Not country :):)) "If it keeps getting better and better, if He keeps on pourin' it on....if it keeps gettin' better and better, Oh Lord...I don't know what I'm gonna do!" I just dated myself! It's just what came bubbling to the surface when I read this post and saw those pics! :)
Nate and Tricia-She is getting BIG! You can see the difference in her cheeks. What a beautiful little girl. I was able to share your story with my best friend tonight. She and I just sat and cried at how awesome God is. She loved the pictures of Gwyneth and Tricia. Thanks again for being willing to share this part of your journey with complete strangers.
I haven't commented yet, but I couldn't resist this time. She is so beautiful! I love the hands under the face. My husband knows your wife from growing up in New Jersey. We have been praying for you and will continue to!
she is absolutely gorgeous. her face seems plumper and she looks so healthy and her hair is beautiful. thank God for watching over her and keeping her safe.
Absolutely beautiful!! She is also truely amazing at how well she is progressing!! I continue to check in for updates and pray for all of you daily. Thank you for sharing your story with us so faithfully.
She looks so comfy sleeping on her arm like that! And close up she just looks like a normal newborn. How amazing for her to make such big strides in one day! We'll be praying that she keeps up the good work and that she starts gaining lots of weight!! (Tricia too!) She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!
Hello Nathan, Tricia and Gwyneth, I have been reading and praying for you over the past month and I am embarrassed to say this is my first comment. I am AMAZED at the progress you ladies have made!! Praise be to God!! Gwyneth looks absolutely amazing on a nasal cannula!! Tricia, you are an AMAZING woman of God!! Nathan, you are an AMAZING man of God! Bless you all! Thanks for sharing your message of HOPE with everyone! I have shared your story with several people and know that the Lord is using you to touch soooo many!! My prayers continue... hugs, Jen (a NICU nurse) p.s. Please encourage the NICU nurses to cut down the 'tegaderm' (stuff holding up her nasal cannula) out of Gwyneth's left eye if it's really on it like it looks in the pictures...ouchy!! :( She's sooo beautiful!!
She is so sweet! The nurses need to get the Tegaderm out of her eye so it doesn't scratch her cornea. I'm so glad all the preemie problems have thusfar illuded her. Continued prayers!
Well, I was going to leave a comment on here saying how amazing it was at how far Gwyneth has come, but really when you think of God's power - it's not so amazing, is it? Just humbling.
God bless you and your precious family, and thanks for taking the time to sign my blog. :)
Oops, that was me up there under "herman". I meant to put down that it was me, Herman's wife, Lisa. My husband is not making comment's on your wife's looks, Nathan. :)
Yay God! She is so beautiful and looks like a little princess with her little head laying on her crossed arms! And such a lovely head of hair! Still praying!
ATTA GIRL, GWYNETH!!! That is amazing, and she is getting cuter by the day. I've been lurking for ages but am not religious at all and felt like it would be rude to not say what everyone else tends to say in their comments here, then decided to get the heck over myself. I stalk Bloglines all day long for updates, though, and yesterday on my blog urged my readers that if any of them were Bill Gates they drop a chunk in the trust fund, LOL! How's that? Seriously, I have three special-needs children, two of whom were early although not as early as Gwyneth, and she is putting the little rugrats to SHAME! They're all doing the best healthwise in ages, and there is nothing like the awe you feel watching your child beat odds, is there? Also, Spiderpug made me pee my pants (kidding) and then I showed my three Spiderpig-obsessed children and one of them REALLY peed their pants. THANKS A LOT!
I have been following your blog for some time now after a friend gave me the link. Let me just say your story has touched me deeply. I want to cry (in a good way) when I see the beautiful pictures you posted of your little rose. She is truly a miracle...a beautiful miracle, and I am grateful to God for the gift of her life. You and your girls are often in my prayers!
What a great way to end my night with a wonderful picture of Gwyneth on a nasal cannula!! Wow!!
I have a feeling she's in competition with her Momma to see who can put on weight the fastest. She's getting some chub to her cheeks!! (And yes, I know it could just be how she's laying, but I betcha she's gonna be putting on the ounces real soon!!)
God Bless this beautiful miracle! I have been following your story. I am the mom of a Trisomy 18 little girl who will soon be 3 years. God is so awesome that we have been able to have her in our lives for this long. I tell so many about Tricia and Gwyneth and ask them for prayers. Cathy & Annabel
I am fascinated, more and more, by this little baby, each time you show new pictures and include an update. I am just amazed at how awesome God is. Wow. She is growing so well. Her beautiful hair is starting to change colors. She's absolutely stunning.
Oh my gosh, that is so amazing. She is going to have those darling cute baby cheeks. I love, love, love baby cheeks. Both my grandsons have them in spades, and my granddaughter had them too. I just found out that my good friend is on the same Mommy message board as Tricia's sister. I guess that's how my daughter, also friends with my friend, found your blog. Small world.
This may be a silly question but why do they generally have preemies on their stomachs when the "back to sleep" motto wants you to put them to sleep on their backs.
I'm so happy for you two that she is doing so well.
BeeeeeeeeUteeful! Wow, what a strong baby and what a fighter, I have such a good feeling about her, she seems like the kind of kid who will be a little dynamo! You are very lucky parents, very very!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO adorable!! She seems to be growing really well outside the womb! What a blessing! Do her doctors say what her prognosis is now? Still praying for her!!
It is nothing short of a miracle! She's beautiful. You, your wife, and your daughter are in our prayers daily. Thanks for sharing so openly with us. I've followed your story since Gwyneth was born, and hadn't commented before, but her pictures today inspired me! God is good!
her hair and fingers are sooo long. she looks fantastic. she looks big in these pictures. and the way she has her hands crossed and lying on them.... absolutely beautiful. enjoy your day off!
Beautiful! And she looks so comforatble too. I told a neighbor about the story of Tricia, Gwyneth, and you. She was moved to tears right there. She will be here playing some serious catch up!
Gorgeous, gorgeous photos. I've been following your story for a while now and I hope that Tricia gets her call very soon. I too have CF and am waiting a transplant. Wonderful news Gwyneth Rose has now been moved to nasel specs. sending my love from the UK, Sam xx
It really puts it into perspective when you say she should still be curled up in Tricia. She's beautiful and I was happy to read of the good news this morning.
Awww! She is absolutely beautiful! It brought tears of happiness to my eyes to hear she is off of the IV and the CPAP. It is so fantastic to see her tiny little face and to get the full impact of what a miracle she is. You go baby Gwyn!!
What a wonderful first of the morning blessing. I come to check out your site to see what's up and I see her whole little head----it just made me smile.
Gwyneth is so very beautiful, and she is an amazing little fighter. I have been following your blog for some time now, and I just love to read the updates throughout the day. I know you have an amazing group of people offering you encouragement and support, and I want to offer a little more. I also have a little preemie who weighed 1 pound 8 ounces and was 16+ weeks early. He is doing great. There is hope. God is still doing miracles. You are doing a great job with your family. Thank you for sharing your lives with the rest of the world. I will continue praying for you, Tricia, and Gwyneth.
Gwyneth - you are truly an amazing little girl! And oh, how beautiful. Keep up the good work - can't wait to see more pics and hear more good posts regarding your progress!
A quote I saw recently and thought of you: Where there is great love, there are great miracles.
Oh My!! She is just so beautiful!! It brings tears to my eyes! What an incredible journey and an even more amazing testimony she will have to share with others one day! God has special plans for her future!! Many Prayers.....Meredith/Orlando FL
She's beautiful, and I love the color of her hair! Is it in the auburn family? When you, Tricia, and the baby are out in public people will make so many comments on her hair you will be amazed.
My baby duaghter is in the auburn family and she gets so many comments about it, and women are always trying to dye their hair that color. Check out my blog if you want to see her hair color, which I had at that age also, but it has darkened with age:)
I'm happy that your beautiful daughter is doing so well and I pray that she continues to amaze-it truly is amazing to see what God can do and what prayer can do!
Congrats on all the progress! Obviously, she takes after her momma with all that strength and perserverance. Praying for an amazing weekend for you all!! Enjoy your day off.
Wonderful news! I continue to be amazed by Gwyneth's excellent progress. No, that's the wrong word - it's a feeling of awe and wonder - a sign of God's presence and healing powers. God is great, and can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine! Continuing to pray for Tricia and Gwyneth...
wow...she is changing so much! all that hair and how she is resting on her arms! too precious! she gets more and more beautiful somehow. much love to each of you...enjoy your break from blogging.
Everyone keeps saying she is beautiful (which she is :) so I had my girls look up beautiful in the thesaurus. We homeschool so even a comment on your blog becomes a language lesson! LOL! So they chose the word (drum roll please...) PULCHRITUDINOUS!! Gwyneth is PLUCHRITUDINOUS!! It is a word you can use next time to beat Tricia at scrabble!
So happy to hear how wonderful your little one is doing. After working in the NICU for 3 years I "understand" medically what you are going thru but not emotionally. I love seeing how her hair is growing. Looked back at older pics and it has really grown! She is precious!
Long time reader; first time poster. Just had to say that I am so happy for your family.
My 25 week preemie son was about a month old when he made it to the cannula and off the IVs/TPN all on the same day (Dec 28, 2006, I will never forget it). He really turned the corner then, started to grow and was generally much more content.
It is actually the one year anniversary of his homecoming tomorrow. I can't wait until you get to experience the thrill of that milestone, with both your girls home.
She is amazing! Thanks for continuing to share pictures of her with us. We own the PUG Webkinz so whenever I see it "flying" around the house, I keep thinking "WOW, that's how small Gwyneth is"!
Some day when you are older and your looking back on all this amazing stuff that your parents kept and put together for you...I want you to know that you are the sweetest little gift from the Lord. You are made perfectly in every way. Your wee beginnings will soon be a memory long past for your mom and dad- just know that you had millions praying for you and your brillant future! Blessings to you!
Just one of the many prayer warriors working over time on your behalf:)
I have been following you for weeks but have never posted. I just wanted to tell you that these are my favorite pics so far. I will continue to pray for all of you!
She's more beautiful than ever!! Such great news about her progress (even though I don't claim to understand all those breathing machine terms!)
And I'm super happy because I'm the FIRST COMMENT!!! :)
Hugs and love!!
She is so beautiful. The progress she has made is amazing. Praise God for His incredible work with your daughter. Enjoy this time!
man, nathan, she is so stinkin' cute i can't stand it!!
much love to the 3 of you & continued prayers from the crescent city!!
paul and jenny
that is amazing! congratulation gwyneth!
She is so sweet! How great to be able to see her beautiful face!!
I am praying she continues to do so well!! She truly is Tricia's miracle baby!! Our God is so faithful!
She's absolutely, totally gorgeous. Yea, for her making such big accomplishments.
Amazing...everytime I see her pictures I can hear one of the first songs I remember you played after she was born...Hands On a Miracle.
Oh goodness, she is so incredibly precious, and so very cute! I love the pose in those pictures.
Praying that she'll do well on the cannula and not ever have to go back to cpap or vent again!
She is so awesomely beautiful! Look at that red hair! Is is really that red?
If they removed the iv is she feed only milk now?
My son is two and adores Gwyneth. He recognizes her photos and says, "There's Gwyneff! She's really really small. I love her. I give her kiss." So beware, Tricia & Nate, if she's already got a fan club (I'm sure Andy isn't the only toddler in love with her), you're in for loads of fun later on ;)
She looks amazing. I am so happy to read this. Wow.. a nasal cannula.. awesome, awesome news!
She is so amazing it makes me cry. I'm still praying in Nashville. Natalie
What sweet moments. :) BTW, I didn't know how best to spread the word about you guys and ask my friends to pray, sooooo...I created a "group" on Facebook called "Praying for the Lawrenson Family", listed your blog site and then invited almost everyone I know. :) I can't wait to see what happens. :)
She's absolutely amazing and beautiful. Congrats on the progress.
Gwyneth is a rocking, amazing fighter, just like her mom!
Her beauty is overwhelming! I'm praying for each of you tonight.
sweet baby girl!!!! i know you both can't wait to take her home! growing so good!!! praying, jen in al
Oh she's so breathtakingly beautiful. I know she always has been - but it hit me with those pictures. How fitting that God gave Gwyneth the same fighting spirit He gave her mother.
She's beautiful!
WOW, her hair is getting so dark... and yay lil baby!! Rock star status... keep on movin' up!
YEAH!!! I am so thankful to hear all the good news about your sweet Gwyneth! I am impressed with her neck strength as well. That red hair is so cute, I can't believe how much she has.
Aww, she is a beautiful miracle! :) *hugs* to you all!
she is an amazingly tough little fighter, just like her mom!
She is such a sweet little fighter, and I am so excited for her and you guys :)
Absolutely precious! We continue to pray for both Gwyneth and Tricia!
Oh my gosh! I've been following your blog since a couple of weeks before Gwyneth Rose was born and I am just amazed at how she is changing. She is just beautiful and I love her hair. So amazingly precious.
I've been praying for your family and am so glad to see that things are moving in the right direction for you all. :-)
Wow, she does not even look like the same baby. Her hair is so dark and long. Our God is so amazing.
She is amazing. I love the close up pictures of her, they take my breath away. Love to all 3 of you!
AMAZING!!! By God's grace she is doing so well. Praise HIM!!!
What a beautiful, precious baby girl! We are lifting you all up and trusting that He will give you the strength and comfort you need each day!
It is so wonderful to be able to see her face without all the extra "stuff." She is a beautiful little miracle! Thank You, God!
Super-baby! She needs a onesie with an 'S' on the front! She is so beautiful. ~:-)
She is GORGEOUS!!!
Talk about being 'Beautifully and wonderfully made'. God you are so GREAT. Thank you for all things.
Wow, her progress is just amazing! I can't believe she's off Iv & PICC's!! And on the nasal cannula! Her cannula must be soooo tiny compared to mine! :-)
And her neck is getting so strong already! God is really answering prayers!
That is so AWESOME!!!! Gwyneth is are the luckiest parents to have an amazing, incredible daughter. I am so happy for both of you. And you Tricia are a fighter as well...we are still praying for those new lung. Have a great weekend and Nate...please give Tricia and Gwyneth and extra hugs from me.
Wow, she is just moving right along. PRAISE THE LORD!!!
He is so Great.
wow. that is amazing! congrats!
praying for you all.
What an angel!! And what a PRAISE that she seems to be thriving so well without too much help!!
And how sweet her little hand is...
AMAZING! She's adorable. Love that hair!
Oh, my goodness, LOOK AT THAT BABY!!!! This is marvelous, simply marvelous. Do I detect the hint of some actual baby fat on her arms? Prayers continuing.
Simply amazing and wonderful!
Oh my goodness this post just made me start to cry! She is so stinking cute! You are in big trouble in about 14 years or so.
She looks just like you!
She is beautiful!!!
She is such a cutie! I cannot believe how strong she is...congrats...still praying for Gwyneth and Trish. :)
Love from, Michigan
Your Baby is so Pretty. I am glad I was able to see a update. I remember a lady who ordered a premie shirt/blanket from my website for the little one. I never forgot her. I have been praying for you and your wife and baby. Making her things was truly a blessing. I prayed as I made them that God would touch her little body and help her heal. I was never moved so much by anything I have made. I could not get her off my mind. I had to say I am inspired by your blog and the love and commetment for your wife and daughter. I will continue to pray for them both. I was a former mom of a premmie. What we endured was nothing comapred to your story. But that said she is very pretty. Congrats on your baby and I hope to see more updates too. Many Blessings God Bless Joy M.
Oh Nate that is absolutely wonderful news! God is so good and he is definately watching over your little girl.
All the pictures you have shared of her so far have been wonderful but the first picture in this post is the most beautiful precious picture I have ever seen.
Thank you so much for sharing :)
Great news! In the first picture she looks to be sleeping so peacefully. She is really very pretty.
Still praying for all.
What wonderful news! She is so cute and I love her little fingers in the second picture. I'll be praying for her continued progress.
What an amazing gift of life she's continuing to fight for! She's beautiful, Nate! Can't wait to watch her grow up (you will maintain the blog won't you?)
She's simply gorgeous! I'm so glad that she's making such wonderful progress!! It's also nice to see her beautiful little face with just a small oxygen hose hooked up to her nose. What a sweet little girl!! She's lovely! What an awesome answer to a ton, ton, TON of prayers! Amen.
YEAH GOD! WOOOO HOOOO! God has been good to her little body in these few short weeks of her life.
continuing to pray for both girls!
Way to go Gwyneth!!! She's amazing! Praising God for the wonderful progress she has made!!
Nathan, that IS truly amazing! Only 1.5L of O2! WOW! And she loves her tummy, doesn't she! Look at that little head resting on her arms. Beyond words precious!
The words of an old Gaither song just started going through my head(This is old Southern Gospel, Nate...Not country :):))
"If it keeps getting better and better, if He keeps on pourin' it on....if it keeps gettin' better and better, Oh Lord...I don't know what I'm gonna do!" I just dated myself! It's just what came bubbling to the surface when I read this post and saw those pics! :)
Nate and Tricia-She is getting BIG! You can see the difference in her cheeks. What a beautiful little girl. I was able to share your story with my best friend tonight. She and I just sat and cried at how awesome God is. She loved the pictures of Gwyneth and Tricia. Thanks again for being willing to share this part of your journey with complete strangers.
With Love, The Hagers in Michigan
Wow! She truly is amazing, like so many others have said. I love the first picture, she is so sweet. I'm so glad she is doing so well!
I haven't commented yet, but I couldn't resist this time. She is so beautiful! I love the hands under the face. My husband knows your wife from growing up in New Jersey. We have been praying for you and will continue to!
How can a 1lb. 10 oz baby actually have chub in her cheeks!!! AMAZING. Me thinks she gets it from her daddy.
Go, Gwyneth, go!
She's so beautiful, Nate and Tricia!
I cant believe how much hair she has!!
she has the most amazing hair!
i cant believe how long it is:)
so thankful that she is doing well!
Gwyneth is astonishingly calm and gorgeous through all of this. Is that not amazing?????? Thank you, God.
she is absolutely gorgeous. her face seems plumper and she looks so healthy and her hair is beautiful. thank God for watching over her and keeping her safe.
Absolutely beautiful!! She is also truely amazing at how well she is progressing!! I continue to check in for updates and pray for all of you daily. Thank you for sharing your story with us so faithfully.
She is so precious. Great news all around for two more negatives!!
It's amazing, but to me it seems that even though she is sooo tiny, she has some chubby little cheeks!! Just precious!!
Way to go Gwyneth! You're a fighter just like your Mommy. Awesome News - Yeah God!
I am soooo excited to hear this news. That little girl is soooo sweet.
She looks so comfy sleeping on her arm like that! And close up she just looks like a normal newborn. How amazing for her to make such big strides in one day!
We'll be praying that she keeps up the good work and that she starts gaining lots of weight!! (Tricia too!)
She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!
Isn't God AWESOME!?!?!? Great news!!
oh she is SO precious! SO precious! Sunshine
So amazing! She is so beautiful. Has her hair darkened up or is that just the lighting? God is so good...all the time.
Lesley England
She is so stinkin cute. And she has come soooo far. That is amazing and she really is a MIRACLE baby!!
She is beautiful!!! I can't believe how chubby those cheeks are getting! :)
She looks amazing and her progress is nothing less than God working a fabulous miracle!!!!!!!!!!!
Sending love and best wishes all the way from British Columbia , Canada! shes beautiful Nate
Love Tawny
She is SUPER amazing!
Absolutely precious.
Hello Nathan, Tricia and Gwyneth,
I have been reading and praying for you over the past month and I am embarrassed to say this is my first comment. I am AMAZED at the progress you ladies have made!! Praise be to God!! Gwyneth looks absolutely amazing on a nasal cannula!! Tricia, you are an AMAZING woman of God!! Nathan, you are an AMAZING man of God! Bless you all! Thanks for sharing your message of HOPE with everyone! I have shared your story with several people and know that the Lord is using you to touch soooo many!! My prayers continue...
Jen (a NICU nurse)
p.s. Please encourage the NICU nurses to cut down the 'tegaderm' (stuff holding up her nasal cannula) out of Gwyneth's left eye if it's really on it like it looks in the pictures...ouchy!! :( She's sooo beautiful!!
Look at that translucent skin! How amazing. What a little trooper. It's easy to see why she'd be a favourite around those parts :)
She is so sweet! The nurses need to get the Tegaderm out of her eye so it doesn't scratch her cornea. I'm so glad all the preemie problems have thusfar illuded her. Continued prayers!
Praise the Lord!! What a precious miracle she is....She is so gorgeous!!
Well, I was going to leave a comment on here saying how amazing it was at how far Gwyneth has come, but really when you think of God's power - it's not so amazing, is it? Just humbling.
God bless you and your precious family, and thanks for taking the time to sign my blog. :)
What a sweet little pose! She is such a darling little sweet pea! She's gonna be a looker like her momma!
Oops, that was me up there under "herman". I meant to put down that it was me, Herman's wife, Lisa. My husband is not making comment's on your wife's looks, Nathan. :)
Yay God! She is so beautiful and looks like a little princess with her little head laying on her crossed arms! And such a lovely head of hair! Still praying!
She's beautiful Nate and Tricia. Congratulations :-)
Wow!!!!! What great progress! I LOVE the picture with her asleep on her hands - she is so precious!
Thank you Jesus!!! She is getting more pretty by the day. It is amazing to watch her grow into herself. God is so good.
Christy in Ky
She is just incredible.
Seriously...hand on a miracle is her theme song. Every pic I look at that song plays in my head.
Way to go Gwyneth! Amazing, so wonderful! I love her hair it's getting darker.
oh my, look at her! so gorgeous-but you know that already!
ATTA GIRL, GWYNETH!!! That is amazing, and she is getting cuter by the day. I've been lurking for ages but am not religious at all and felt like it would be rude to not say what everyone else tends to say in their comments here, then decided to get the heck over myself. I stalk Bloglines all day long for updates, though, and yesterday on my blog urged my readers that if any of them were Bill Gates they drop a chunk in the trust fund, LOL! How's that? Seriously, I have three special-needs children, two of whom were early although not as early as Gwyneth, and she is putting the little rugrats to SHAME! They're all doing the best healthwise in ages, and there is nothing like the awe you feel watching your child beat odds, is there? Also, Spiderpug made me pee my pants (kidding) and then I showed my three Spiderpig-obsessed children and one of them REALLY peed their pants. THANKS A LOT!
She is a beauty. Her recovery is a miracle. Thank God. I pray for your family daily!!
I have been following your blog for some time now after a friend gave me the link. Let me just say your story has touched me deeply. I want to cry (in a good way) when I see the beautiful pictures you posted of your little rose. She is truly a miracle...a beautiful miracle, and I am grateful to God for the gift of her life. You and your girls are often in my prayers!
What a great way to end my night with a wonderful picture of Gwyneth on a nasal cannula!! Wow!!
I have a feeling she's in competition with her Momma to see who can put on weight the fastest. She's getting some chub to her cheeks!! (And yes, I know it could just be how she's laying, but I betcha she's gonna be putting on the ounces real soon!!)
I'm thrilled that's she's on minimal oxygen!
What a little beauty!!! You have to be so proud!!!! Those are the best pictures yet! (My prayers are with you all daily...)
your baby is beautiful.
i am praying for her as her little body continues to grow. isn't our Creator fabulous?!!!
~audrey w.
*again, i am under my hubby's name!
God Bless this beautiful miracle! I have been following your story. I am the mom of a Trisomy 18 little girl who will soon be 3 years. God is so awesome that we have been able to have her in our lives for this long. I tell so many about Tricia and Gwyneth and ask them for prayers.
Cathy & Annabel
I am fascinated, more and more, by this little baby, each time you show new pictures and include an update. I am just amazed at how awesome God is. Wow. She is growing so well. Her beautiful hair is starting to change colors. She's absolutely stunning.
AMAZING!! She's absolutely beautiful. I am SO happy she's doing so well!
Oh my gosh, that is so amazing. She is going to have those darling cute baby cheeks. I love, love, love baby cheeks. Both my grandsons have them in spades, and my granddaughter had them too. I just found out that my good friend is on the same Mommy message board as Tricia's sister. I guess that's how my daughter, also friends with my friend, found your blog. Small world.
Sweet little peanut! She is so amazing and beautiful :o). God is Good!!!
Congratulations! That is an awesome milestone. You've definitely got a beautiful, strong daughter.
Wow. That IS stinkin' amazing!! There are some full term newborns who cannot do that!
She is absolutely beautiful.
Oh, she looks so good!! I can really see that she is growing. I'm so happy to see these pictures!
Grow baby girl!
she's perfect.
She is SO beautiful!! I am SO glad she is progressing quickly!!
You guys have the strongest baby ever. She's a real fighter. Thanks for sharing:)
Way to go, Gwyneth!!! Nasal Canula!!! Now you get to see her little face much better. She's such a little fighter!! God Bless her!!
Beautiful! Praise God you get to see her little face with all those precious features! Still praying!
This may be a silly question but why do they generally have preemies on their stomachs when the "back to sleep" motto wants you to put them to sleep on their backs.
I'm so happy for you two that she is doing so well.
Awesome news. I am thinking from the most recent pic's that she is going to resemble daddy. Minus the stubble and red eye's, of course. (wink)
BeeeeeeeeUteeful! Wow, what a strong baby and what a fighter, I have such a good feeling about her, she seems like the kind of kid who will be a little dynamo! You are very lucky parents, very very!
beautiful news for a beautiful miracle. i am new here, waiting for lungs in canada 18 months now. my daughter is 8 and your story inspires me daily.
She is so completely amazing! Simply gorgeous, Nate! By the way, glad Tricia kicked your booty in scrabble! :)
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO adorable!! She seems to be growing really well outside the womb! What a blessing! Do her doctors say what her prognosis is now? Still praying for her!!
Thats brilliant progress and what a little beauty she is. Thank you Jesus!
Sending big (((HUGS))) to you all.
Awwwww, she's getting bigger. :)
I love how if you look back & forth between the two photos it looks like she's waving to you :)
Are you really surprised she's making such progress, I mean look at how strong her mother & you are, of course she's a fighter!!
Your daughter is amazing. Just like her mom and dad. She is SSSOOOO gorgeous
Oh my- she's so beautiful. I love how she has her arm tucked under her little face while she's sleeping. GOD is SO utterly amazing!!!!!
Great news about Gwyneth! GOD is truly amazing. Praying for you and your family.
Great news about Gwyneth! God is truly amazing. Praying for you and your family.
It is nothing short of a miracle! She's beautiful. You, your wife, and your daughter are in our prayers daily. Thanks for sharing so openly with us. I've followed your story since Gwyneth was born, and hadn't commented before, but her pictures today inspired me! God is good!
her hair and fingers are sooo long. she looks fantastic. she looks big in these pictures. and the way she has her hands crossed and lying on them.... absolutely beautiful. enjoy your day off!
Beautiful! And she looks so comforatble too.
I told a neighbor about the story of Tricia, Gwyneth, and you. She was moved to tears right there. She will be here playing some serious catch up!
I'm loving the new pics! They are truly beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. Still thinking of you.
She's beautiful, I'm amazed at how much she is changing and I think she looks more like you Nate, I'm sorry Tricia, lol. Have a great day.
Gorgeous, gorgeous photos. I've been following your story for a while now and I hope that Tricia gets her call very soon. I too have CF and am waiting a transplant. Wonderful news Gwyneth Rose has now been moved to nasel specs. sending my love from the UK, Sam xx
It really puts it into perspective when you say she should still be curled up in Tricia. She's beautiful and I was happy to read of the good news this morning.
Awww! She is absolutely beautiful! It brought tears of happiness to my eyes to hear she is off of the IV and the CPAP. It is so fantastic to see her tiny little face and to get the full impact of what a miracle she is. You go baby Gwyn!!
What an amazing little girl! Enjoy your day with you family.
What a wonderful first of the morning blessing. I come to check out your site to see what's up and I see her whole little head----it just made me smile.
Gwyneth is so very beautiful, and she is an amazing little fighter. I have been following your blog for some time now, and I just love to read the updates throughout the day. I know you have an amazing group of people offering you encouragement and support, and I want to offer a little more. I also have a little preemie who weighed 1 pound 8 ounces and was 16+ weeks early. He is doing great. There is hope. God is still doing miracles. You are doing a great job with your family. Thank you for sharing your lives with the rest of the world. I will continue praying for you, Tricia, and Gwyneth.
So amazing :) she's beautiful!
Amazing! Praise God for every tube and machine that gets to come off her. She looks wonderful. She truly is a miracle!
All our love,
Jessica in VB
What fantastic news! I can't imagine how happy you must be to see her progressing so well.
Wonderful! She is a beauty! Prayers for continued strength and wellness!
Wow! That's amazing Nate! What a beauty she is!
Gwyneth - you are truly an amazing little girl! And oh, how beautiful. Keep up the good work - can't wait to see more pics and hear more good posts regarding your progress!
A quote I saw recently and thought of you: Where there is great love, there are great miracles.
Gwyneth, You are a miracle :)
She's beautiful and I am beginning to be able to see that she's gaining weight! You have so much to be proud of! Thank God for Gwyneth!
Amazing. She is doing great. You must be so proud of your little sweetheart.
She is so beautiful and what a fighter! How can it be that my hero is only 7 weeks old?!
That's awesome! What a miracle she is! And, What a beauty! Congrats on the great news and enjoy your day with your girls!
She is truly beautiful and amazing, as are her parents, her care-givers, and most definitely God. I keep looking and looking at her pictures.
That is amazing-She's a fighter like her mother!
Amazingly beautiful! She is truly amazing. That's all I can say :-)
She is beautiful and I especially love her hair.
I was curious what your wife's original due date was?
God bless you all.
Oh My!! She is just so beautiful!! It brings tears to my eyes! What an incredible journey and an even more amazing testimony she will have to share with others one day! God has special plans for her future!! Many Prayers.....Meredith/Orlando FL
She's beautiful, and I love the color of her hair! Is it in the auburn family? When you, Tricia, and the baby are out in public people will make so many comments on her hair you will be amazed.
My baby duaghter is in the auburn family and she gets so many comments about it, and women are always trying to dye their hair that color. Check out my blog if you want to see her hair color, which I had at that age also, but it has darkened with age:)
I'm happy that your beautiful daughter is doing so well and I pray that she continues to amaze-it truly is amazing to see what God can do and what prayer can do!
Thanks for sharing her with us.
Congrats on all the progress! Obviously, she takes after her momma with all that strength and perserverance. Praying for an amazing weekend for you all!! Enjoy your day off.
Wonderful news! I continue to be amazed by Gwyneth's excellent progress. No, that's the wrong word - it's a feeling of awe and wonder - a sign of God's presence and healing powers.
God is great, and can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine!
Continuing to pray for Tricia and Gwyneth...
oh my! those are amazing!!!!!
wow...she is changing so much! all that hair and how she is resting on her arms! too precious! she gets more and more beautiful somehow.
much love to each of you...enjoy your break from blogging.
Everyone keeps saying she is beautiful (which she is :) so I had my girls look up beautiful in the thesaurus. We homeschool so even a comment on your blog becomes a language lesson! LOL! So they chose the word (drum roll please...) PULCHRITUDINOUS!! Gwyneth is PLUCHRITUDINOUS!! It is a word you can use next time to beat Tricia at scrabble!
So happy to hear how wonderful your little one is doing. After working in the NICU for 3 years I "understand" medically what you are going thru but not emotionally. I love seeing how her hair is growing. Looked back at older pics and it has really grown! She is precious!
Incredible xxxx
Long time reader; first time poster. Just had to say that I am so happy for your family.
My 25 week preemie son was about a month old when he made it to the cannula and off the IVs/TPN all on the same day (Dec 28, 2006, I will never forget it). He really turned the corner then, started to grow and was generally much more content.
It is actually the one year anniversary of his homecoming tomorrow. I can't wait until you get to experience the thrill of that milestone, with both your girls home.
Best regards,
Keep on growing little one! I'm praying for you in Dallas!
She is amazing! Thanks for continuing to share pictures of her with us. We own the PUG Webkinz so whenever I see it "flying" around the house, I keep thinking "WOW, that's how small Gwyneth is"!
Gwyneth Rose,
Some day when you are older and your looking back on all this amazing stuff that your parents kept and put together for you...I want you to know that you are the sweetest little gift from the Lord. You are made perfectly in every way. Your wee beginnings will soon be a memory long past for your mom and dad- just know that you had millions praying for you and your brillant future! Blessings to you!
Just one of the many
prayer warriors working
over time on your behalf:)
I hope my question isn't upsetting to you, but is that tape on Gwyneths face?
She is beautiful. She's beginning to look healthy. She'll always be a miracle.
Thank you Lord.
I have been following you for weeks but have never posted. I just wanted to tell you that these are my favorite pics so far. I will continue to pray for all of you!
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