Thursday, March 27, 2008

Contest 02 Winner!



Katie Lamont said...

LOL! That's awesome!

Career.Nanny said...

Tricia is so cute. Seriously, tell her I said so, Tricia you are SO cute! Love the pictures.

Anonymous said...

wooooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

But I know that Jen isn't me. :) Darn it all. But I still saw part of MY name on the screen. too bad there was an "ifer" on there.

Way to go the "other" Jen. :D

Jane said...

I was 6 days early...mark that on your calenders folks (I'm always late!)

congrats Jen!

Brown Eyed Girl said...

Man, I was way off.

daralala said...




Ellen said...

Nate and Tricia - How fun are you!?! YOU TWO ROCK! Congrats to Jen!

Unknown said...


Larissa said...

I love Tricia.

Jenn said...

I knew I didn't win, but it was still kinda fun seeing my name on the sign too! :)
Congrats, Jen!

Unknown said...

Tricia, you are precious! :) Too funny!

Jen said...

Wow, I can't believe I actually guessed right! I never win anything! I only guessed 10:14 am because that was the time I was born, haha.

What an honor of a prize that Tricia "gave" me. Thanks so much Tricia and Nate! Still praying for you all. :)

Jen in Illinois

KYnurse said...

I was sooo off, but that's okay. Tricia looks great. Glad to read she's feeling better and getting outside a little more. Keeping you in my prayers!!

La Familia Garcia said...

What a great way to announce the winner! AND a great contest. Gotta have SOME fun in your lives!

asplashofsunshine said...

What a creative way to congratulate the winner! Also, what a treat to see a smile across Tricia's face. Such a welcome sight to visit this blog to see "the girls" doing so well today.

Anonymous said...

You are hilarious Tricia. Good to see your beautiful smile! Love and prayers!!!

mary40 said...

I like seeing picture of you
(Tricia) and especially when you are smiling.
Daily prayers being said for the three of you.
Malette from ND

twin power mommy ♥ said...

tricia, that's cute that you did that.
you and your hubby share the same silly sense of humor.
it's nice to be able to have similar qualities and be able to be goofy together.
you look great, too!
HUGS to you! :)

Mrs. Dan said...

I totally don't know what the contest was about but Tricia, you are so funny. You look like a cuter version of your hubby when you goof off like that!

Malena said...

This post is so cute! I love seeing Tricia smile!
Not sure if I've commented before, but I check your site daily.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see her make videos and see pics of her and Gwen in your own house with no wires or tubes.
Tricia, you're an amazing woman of God, and you're cute, too! Except since I'm a girl, Nathan is cuter.

Chantal said...

Tricia, you are awesome! I love the animated expressions on your face. Perfect! You know, we all think that Nate is quite funny. I have a sneaking suspicion that you are even funnier. Oh, to be a fly on the wall with the two of in the room. lol

You're looking well, and it's nice to see your smile.

lislynn said...

man, I was close-- in the ballpark anyway. Tricia, you are awesome!

Shari said...


You look great!! Love the pics!!

Shari NC

Twinkletoes said...

This is great! Very creative!

Laurie in Ca. said...

It is so good to see you here in all your humor Tricia and that great smile. Praying for your new lungs to be there soon. You sure have one amazing little girl, she is just the cutest miracle I have ever witnessed.
May God continue blessing the three of you.

Love, Laurie in Ca.

Kiesha said...

You are truly beautiful Tricia, through and through!

Christy said...

Way to go Jen. I was right in front of you with 7:42am. You did well. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
Christy in KY

Kim said...

Tricia is adorable!

Christy said...

ha,ha,ha. Love it!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

TOO cute! :) Very very nice.

Anonymous said...

First off, Congrats Jen! :D And secondly, Tricia, you were hilarious, loved the second last picture when you meantioned that Jen could be smarter than your husband. haha, too funny. You look awesome.

Pauline said...

I read your blog everyday, (is that unhealthy?) Anyways i noticed in this post as you say trisha is feeling better she looks like she is ready to get out of the hospital almost like as mom would say she has cabin fever ... :)
I hope you all get the "call" soon

AlaneM said...

Tricia, you are so funny and so absa-freakin-lootly cute!!
What a fun bunch o pics, glad to see your smile.
Prayin for you every day,