Click Here to read the article online (make sure you click on "Photo Gallery" as well)!
Our story made the front page of today's Sunday edition of The News & Observer newspaper here in Raleigh/Durham!
Yonat Shimron (writer) and Corey Lowenstein (photographer) did an incredibly outsanding job of capturing our story in words and photos (respectively), and we thank them for the hours they spent with us (and, obviously, many more hours spent in research, composition and editing) over the past few weeks.
We are humbled to have this opportunity to share our story, and we pray that God will use this and other opportunities to show Himself and bring our passion for awareness of and support for Cystic Fibrosis, Organ Donation and Premature Birth to the minds and hearts of even more compassionate people.
Thank you!
Yay! Great article!
Praying for all of you on this Easter!
The article was written beautifully. A tearjerker though!!! Nate, I'm glad they used some of your pictures!!
Oh, they did a wonderful job with this, didn't they! :)
Now...back to bed with a prayer that all is stable, there, and you are all getting some good sleep early this Easter morning...
Happy Easter Lawrenson Family!!!
May God continue to bless you and hold you in the palm of His mighty hand.
Beautiful picture. It almost looks like you are blessing her. Very touching.
Ok, got to read the article too, very beautifully written. I am sitting here watching and waiting for the next miracle in your lives.
Apryl in NC
Great job in finding another way to share your family's faith, reverence, and steadfastness in God's word. I can not tell you how much I think you three are a living witness to the miracles of our Heavenly Father.
I think also that the miracles in others lives, because of your story is mind boggling. I know that there are thousands of people, just like me, that have come to think about what is really important in life.
Prayers for you three at Easter Time, for health and continued improvement.
Very well thought out article. It covered you well. Thanks for sharing.
Christy in kY
what a beautiful article centered perfectly on the right elements, especially your faith. such a perfect day for it to be in print too. i always am in awe of gwenyth's pictures, but i must say, the picture in the paper (#4 i think it was) of you and tricia in a setting pose... stunning! so handsome you are and the love that is ever present in it.. wow... praying extra hard on this special day.... much love and peace!
Happy Easter Nate, Tricia, & Gwyneth. What a beautiful article. Praying for new lungs for Tricia!!!
Just wanted to wish you all a very Happy Easter. I have said another prayer this morning for a miracle and I will say more.
God Bless.
Praying for an unbelievable Easter miracle to come your way.
My prayers last night was that Tricia would be given a 2nd chance at life. I really can't wait to meet the two of you in person. The article was written by two incredibly talented writers. Beautiful pictures. A picture says a thousand words, but the pictures of your family speak more than that.
Have a blessed Easter Sunday.
Amazing, Simply Amazning. Your strength, your faith, your love! God has truly blessed your family. Here's praying that today is Tricia's day.
They did such a great job capturing your story.
I will pray that others who read this will come to know God!
Wow! what an article. They did a fantastic job.
Praying for you today.
Happy Easter! This is a beautiful article, you have an incredible story, all 3 of you. I pray that many will be touched by this article and that many will think about organ donation, CF and premature birth because of it. And how AWESOME that they used some of your pictures, Nate! You are a talented photographer.
Great article and opportunity for public awareness and sharing of your faith, both!
Happy Easter! Thanks for sharing the article. The writers did a good job of weaving in death and the resurrection of life. My family is praying for Tricia and the transplant. I sign in under my daughters' blog because I have xanga and I don't think I can leave a message under that identity. I'm the mom to the "princesses in disguise", speaking of whom, I need to go wake up the family for church. Blessings, Kathy
Happy Blessed Easter to your whole family! I knew you make the N&O on Easter Sunday...XOXO
What a great article and witness to your faith. You're truly being blessed. I would like to thank you as well, for helping educate the public about cystic fibrosis our son has this disease, and as you know most people do not know about it. Thank you and praying for you this Easter.
Love, from the Geyer's
Amazing! Happy, healthy Easter to all three of you!
Praise the Lord! What a witness of God's love!
i am praying!!!
Simply Amazing!
To God be the Glory, great things He has done! So loved He the world that He gave us His Son!
I'm so sorry that you guys have had to, and will continue to, go through this trial but by your choosing to trust Him and His sovereinty and give HIM all the glory... WOW. God has won this round. I'm off to e-mail that reporter. She did an incredible job of telling the story; from the little I know of you two (aka this blog that I have on my google reader so I am notified as soon as you post a new post!) it seems to jive with who y'all really are. Talk about Happy Easter to All!
Anyway, you three are in my prayers today. We love you!
Adrienne (and for Dan and Princess Rachael)
I was thrilled to open up the paper this morning and read the story. I felt like saying "hey - I KNOW these people" although of course I dont. Only through the blog. I can save my copy for anyone that would like a paper version. Just let me know if you would like me to mail it to someone for you Nathan.
I am -- once again -- brought to tears. I am so proud of all three of you. You have truly been blessed.
I am waiting for news today of the Uncle that helped raise me and my sister. He is in the hospital and we were told he won't make it through the day.
I am heartbroken at the thought of losing him, but I am comforted by the fact that he will soon be out of pain and with his God.
Thank YOU, Nate, for helping me cope with such a difficult situation. You don't know me, but you help me every day.
Happy Easter to you and your beautiful family and thank you. So very much.
What an incredible testiment to God's faithfulness and Sovereignty in your lives. This reporter hit the nail on the head. She spoke to TRUTH and that is what resonates with me the most. It is evident that God uses whomever, whenever to bring honor and glory to HIS name, believers in HIM or not.
I loved, absolutely LOVED, the picture of you and Tricia sitting together. The love and peace that radiates from your faces is priceless.
Continuing to pray for Tricia today - Come on lungs!
Happy Easter!
What a beautiful article about a beautiful family. All I can say is "wow" and I certainly can keep praying and praying for all of you and thanking and thanking you for coming into my life.
That article is so well written. Thank you for sharing that with us. HaPpY Easter to you all!
I can't help but think of how fitting it is that this article be published today. Happy Easter Nathan, Tricia & Gwyneth!
Wonderful article. Have a beautiful Easter Day!
Nate and Trish, I left my comment on family blog.but did note that you all are bigger in photos and print then Obama today. To God be the glory, great thing He has done!!
Happy Easter. What a wonderful article and being published on this glorius day is truly a blessing. Praying for all of you every day.
That was a great article. Even though I've read of how you learned you were going to be a daddy, I still got chills at the "three positive tests confirmed it".
Sweeeeet!!! Happy Easter Nate, Trish, Gwyneth and clan!
Awesome story!!
Amazing article about amazing people serving an amazing God. That's a lot of amazing!
Praying for your Easter miracle!!!
What a beautifully written article; we hope you have a wonderful Easter at Duke!!
He is Risen!!! Happy Easter to you and your family Nate. I loved the article.
What a beautiful article. A special prayer was said today for Tricia. Happy Easter!
He is Risen!
Praying for new lungs today and everyday.
Great article. Thank you for living the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Happy Easter, Nate, Tricia & Gwyneth! :) Y'all are in my prayers!
Very fine article. Nathan, how does it feel to have your photos, with byline, in such a big newspaper? Happy and glorious Easter to all. Prayers continuing.
That article was so well-written. It was a wonderfully touching summary of your story, and I love the Christian perspective from which it was written. And to publish it on the front page on Easter Sunday could not have been more appropriate.
Happy Easter to you and your family.
And on a completely unrelated side note, sorry my WV Mountaineers defeated the Blue Devils yesterday. Well, I'm not really sorry. :-)
He is risen, He is risen indeed!
What a wonderful day!! Our pastor said something I find so true. When it is darkest, He is always there for us. After the dark, there is a glorious sunrise. Such a miracle!!
Happy Easter to all,
Hi Nate and Tricia,
I am so glad that Yonat was able
to do this article. She called me
3 weeks ago looking for a topic on
newly baptized or new start for Easter. I told her about your story
as a reflection of Christ's death
giving us new life and courage and
prayers that you would soon receive
physical help for life from another
of God's creation.
The image was so much like a
newly baptized being blessed,
being reminded of their love
by God. You three are held
in love by Christ's tender hands
and those are the hands that will
uphold you and strengthen you.
We have only
met once, when I played harp for
Trish, but I've followed your
story since your sister's harp friend asked me to play for you
in Dec. You are in my daily prayers
and the future donor is in my prayers too.
Gratitude for Yonat's sensitivity
as a devout Jew to our Christian
heritage and to Corey, and you,
Nate, for the
incredible images. May your time
of healing be close at hand.
What a great article. A wonderful testimony of God's faithfulness and your faith.
Dear Trish, Nate and Gwyneth, Wishing all of you a special and blessed "happy Easter"...your writeup in the paper is superb.....Your little rose is filling out so cute and getting to be a big girl now...My arms are wrapped around all of you today in love.Hugs, Baba
They did a fantastic job with the article. HAPPY EASTER TO ALL at the hospital. Trica, Megan has some neat shots from her visit with you on her blog. Sneak a look when you are up to it.
They did a fantastic job with the article. HAPPY EASTER TO ALL at the hospital. Trica, Megan has some neat shots from her visit with you on her blog. Sneak a look when you are up to it.
great article! my daughter called me this morning from apex to tell me about it. greg wise spoke of you at jockey's ridge this morning...(it was COLD!!!!) (but wonderful as always!)
Oh my goodness! I just walked by my kitchen counter and saw you washing Trisha's hair on the front page! I had no intention of reading the newspaper today, but let me tell you, as soon as I saw you both i sat right down and read the whole artical. It is amazing! You all are amazing, Gwyneth is amazing, but im shure you alredy knew that !
I loved that picture of Trisha looking out the window, shes so beautiful!
With Christian Love,
Kathryn Elizabeth
Cary, NC
Please send my thanks to the writer for giving God such great press. It was beautifully written, sensitive and up front about your faith. Nate, Tricia--thanks for being willing to share yourselves so transparently with us. I see Jesus in you...and it humbles me. Happy First Easter, Gwyneth Rose!
Please send my thanks to the writer for giving God such great press. It was beautifully written, sensitive and up front about your faith. Nate, Tricia--thanks for being willing to share yourselves so transparently with us. I see Jesus in you...and it humbles me. Happy First Easter, Gwyneth Rose!
Please send my thanks to the writer for giving God such great press. It was beautifully written, sensitive and up front about your faith. Nate, Tricia--thanks for being willing to share yourselves so transparently with us. I see Jesus in you...and it humbles me. Happy First Easter, Gwyneth Rose!
so sorry about the triple post! i'm a blogger newbie and a little slow... :)
You guys were the buzz around C3 this morning! A friend even brought the paper w/her to church to show everyone. We are praising God for how He's used your faithfulness to reach the Triangle & continue to pray for your Easter to quickly come.
Love you all!
I saw the article in the newspaper! It was very well written. I have a nephew with CF and like you, I hope it brings light to this horrible disease. Alot of people simply just do not understand it.
That picture of Tricia and the baby looking at each other is one of my favorites. I just love the way you love your girls!
Happy Easter and may God continue to bless your family.
Susan Sturgill
What a well written article! Thanks so much for sharing. Thanks too for being so transparent to others. Praying that many will see how important a relationship with Jesus is and how your family brings glory to Him. Thanks too for helping to raise more CF awareness! Enjoy your beautiful Easter day!
What a beautiful article and a wonderful parallel as we celebrate the death of Christ for our eternal life... Praying for a lung transplant soon & weight gain for your little girl... Happy Easter!
Beautifully written! They did a wonderful job capturing the heart of your story.
Praying for you today...
Yay! How wonderful.
Very good work on everyone's part.
Great article!Such a devoted husband to wash your wife's hair.
What an Amazing Article! What a cool way to get the message of Jesus Christ out!
Hope you have a great Easter!!
what a write-up! still praying....
Wonderful article!! Happy Easter to all of you.
Praising God for your story being shared with so many! jen in al
Wonderful article Nate, they did a really good job of sharing your story and your faith, I am sure it has touched many people.
I hope you and Tricia shared a Happy Easter today. You are both in my prayers. Bless your family.
Good for you guys and everyone else this will touch.
I'll Bet Gwenyth and Rose will become popular names in that area :-)
Didnt they get Gwenyth weight wrong ... I did not think she had doubled her birth weight!?
Happy Ressurection Day!!
Perfect timing!! I thought the article was wonderful and well-written. Kudos to Yonat! Also, the photos are spectacular, yours and Corey's. This definitely was a great opportunity to share the love, faith, and hope that exist on this day of Resurrection!
Still prayin',
Marissa :-)
Awesome opportunity and wonderful article! Any mention of your blog, or did I miss it? Still praying....
To God be the Glory!
If I didn't already cry from what a great testimony your lives are from reading your blog over the last few months that article would do it. Praise God!
I have become an organ donor since reading about ya'll, you're making a difference I'm sure elsewhere. I talk about ya'll to my family like I know you and they pray for you to get lungs.
AMAZING! What a testimony to your faith in God, Gods amazing grace and the easter story! Thank God for Christ centered reporters!!!! BRAVO!!!
Annie- Nashville
Hi Nathan-
I found this article at my local newspaper online and thought I would share it. It is very inspirational about a man with CF who is now a father against all odds.
Blessings to you all from RI!
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