The preliminary labs and cultured have all come back negative for an infection in
Gwyneth's body. Her Xrays are looking a little better, and the nurses and I can tell that she is back to her normal self (she had been acting very lethargic Tuesday night). They're weened her down to room air and just a little pressure on the jet vent.
So, as of right now, it looks as if there is no infection and that she just got tired from breathing on her own.

Thank you!
Praise God! We continue praying for your precious girl.
YAY!!! Her eyes look so bright in this picture - so alert and aware! She's beautiful.
she looks really cute in this picture!!! she's getting 'SOOOO big!' :) thanks for sharing
Nate and Tricia - she is BEAUTIFUL!! Simply BEAUTIFUL! She is blessed beyond belief to have you both as parents. May God continue to hold her in the palm of His hand!
So glad to hear that! We pray she continues to get stronger and stronger!
Oh my...just look at that little peanut watching her Daddy take her picture! This sounds like really good news...back down to room air on the vent already, and nothing growing in the cultures at this point in time! Even trained marathon runners need to have some R & R after the event...and she is just a novice at this breathing-on-your-own thing! Go Gwyneth! And Go God!
Such good news!!!
Prayers do work! More are headed your way!
And I love the picture!
She's so pretty, she is like a little Tinkerbell she's so pretty adn small! I love the little nest she sleeps in, they sure take the best care of babies up there at Duke!
Praise the Lord!...again!!
She looks so cute with her legs over her little bumper pad.
Thanks for the updates
Bert in Moyock
Gwyneth is a beautiful little girl! We are so glad that she is feeling bettter!
You are in our prayers,
thank you so much for the update! what a praise! she looks great! continuing to pray for both your girls and their man! jen in al
Praise God!!!! She is getting more beautimous every single day (yes, I know that beautimous is not a word, but beautiful just doesn't cover it!)
YAY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tricia & Nathan
I am SO happy to hear all Gwyneth's
labs & cultures have come back negative, That very important piece if information makes my day a happy one, I am going to go to our church to Thank God Once Again for the Prayers he has answered and Light a Candle for each of you, Gwyneth Tricia & Nathan.
Prayers as always
Patricia N.
So Very Thankful!!!
Great News!!! God is good!!! Still praying for all of you from Dallas. I can't get over how much bigger Gwyneth is!!!
That is wonderful news. It's amazing how a few ounces change these tiny babies so much...she's not quite two pounds yet...but looks so big compared with where she started! Prais God! Prayers continue...
PTL!!!! That is sooo good to hear!!
Still prayin' in Texas!
Oh I forgot I wanted to add,
Gwyneth Rose is perfectly beautiful
looking SO cute in last pic posted
Showering You All Loving With Prayers,
Patricia N.
Awesome news, still in my prayers!
Steph/Stl Mo
That is fantastic news! Thank you, Jesus for keeping little Gwyneth Rose in the palm of your hand!!!
::: wiping brow :::
I'm glad things are looking up. I know she's tough, and that God is big. But I was still sweating this a bit...
Yay, God. Yay, Gwyneth. Yay, modern medicine.
Can you provide me with your email address? I'd like to send you an email.
~ Sarah in PA
Praise GOD!!!
Praise God. May she continue to grow and get stronger everyday.
AMEN! I am so thankful...
i'm so glad to read your positive update. i'll keep praying for you guys, as usual. (and gwyneth looks so adorable in that picture!)
I am so happy for the both of you. I know that is a huge relief. Rest well today knowing your beautiful girl is in the best hands!! Gods
Praise the Lord.
Hope Gwyneth just needs a little rest - our son did the very same thing. He was reintubated after several weeks on CPAP - he was just worn out. 2 days was all the rest he needed to bounce back and he fed and grew from there on out. I pray Miss Gwyneth will do the same - bloom and flourish under all the love and great care she is getting!
She is getting more beautiful every day! We continue to pray for you all.
I am glad her tests came out negative. Remember, breathing on her own is a lot of work. She needs help once in a while. So think of it as not a bad thing. It is a good thing. :) She is doing remarkably well. I can't believe how alert she is. That is truly amazing. She is beautiful. :)
Look at her growing! She looks amazing in this photo - it would look better w/o the oxygen - but she is doing awesome! What a cutie pie!
That's great news Nate, I'm so glad she doesn't have any infection.
My daughter, whom we welcomed into the world at twenty-six weeks, also tuckered out after making progress in her breathing. She went back and forth between the cannula and c-pap. The neonatologists said her respiratory setback was related to her weight (like Gwyneth, she was having difficulty gaining weight). She didn't have a strong enough chest wall. I hope Gwyneth will gain weight soon, giving her the physical strength necessary to breathe completely on her own.
Praise the Lord! God hears our prayers once again!!! God is good!
Great pics!
Praise God! She really does look so bright-eyed! I did not realize how preciously petite she is until my son brought the same pug stuffed animal down to show me. Then I saw you all holding her and could see even more what a miracle she is! So glad she is feeling better!
ahh, she is so beautiful and getting bigger! Its asking a lot of a such a little one to breath on her own I guess - go glad there is no infection - hopefully all this means more holding and cuddling.
That's good news!
Amazing! She's so precious! I've been thinking about her every day since i found your blog! I'll continue to keep everyone in my prayers!
God is amazing!
Praise the Lord for the good report. She is looking wonderful. Praying that she reaches 2 lbs soon.
Great news - that's what we've been hoping for. What a cute pic, by the way - she's getting so big now!
Oh, YAY! I've got her on my worry-list with my own three, and yesterday was very taxing on my poor nerves!!! Poor thing, of course she's tired, but what a little fighter! And am I the only one who noticed that she may have the fur of a Lawrenson but those are Tricia's eyes!
Micropreemies have got to be about the most amazing people on earth! For the majority of people something as "simple" as breathing is taken for granted. For someone like Gwyneth breathing on her own is something she has fought for. And, it looks like she is conquering that battle just fine. Most micropreemies have to go back on the vent at least once. Gwyneth got off that vent the first time so fast! It just shows she is a fighter. Love the pictures and glad to hear she can have that so very important skin to skin comfort again!
Oh my gosh, she is SO ABSOLUTELY CUTE! I guess I'm used to seeing all the wires and gizmos now b/c I check your blog every day. So I don't see them anymore - I'm sure you know what I mean. I just see her. And she has an adorable expression in this photo. I love it!! Precious little baby girl. We prayed and will continue.
Heidi Reed
I am amazed at the "alertness" (is that a word?) of this baby. I have seen many a NICU baby---and her appearance alone is astounding! I am just THRILLED that God is working in her as we speak. Clear cultures, yeah!!! Improved CXR, yeah!! THANK YOU JESUS!!
Nurse Candice & Co in Nebraska
Praise God.
Even with the vent back on she is as beautiful as ever. Those eyes are so bright!!! One of my favorite pics so far! :)
I love this picture of Gwyneth..she's so beautiful and just reinforces the wonders of the Lord!
THis is the first time I am commenting but I have been reading and praying for several months! I just wanted to let you know that its 1 step forward 2 steps back in the NICU. (I am sure you have heard that- but its so helpful to remember!) The journey is such a rollercoaster! Gwyneth is doing amazing! My daughter is a surviving twin and they were born at 25wks4d- she is going to be 6 in May! We all survived the NICU and you guys will too! It can just feel like as soon as Gwyneth is making progress something else comes up and sets her back! Many prayers to you all!
March for Babies (march of dimes) is coming up! This is our 6th year walking for the team we created for our angel "Heaven's Hope" I am hoping to raise $5000 again like we did 2 years ago- its an amazing feeling! I gotta get working on donations actually! haha You guys should set up a team!!!
Hooray for Gwyneth! I'm so happy that she didn't have an infection. God is so good. Looks like she has really grown well past the pug now. Good for her. What a little cutie. Hope ya'll are having a good day.
God is good. Still praying. Blessings from Florida.
She's so adorably cute on that picture! So glad for the good reports!
I am glad to hear that she is doing better. In these pictures, she suddenly looks soooo big!
That photo is GORGEOUS! She looks like she's saying "Come on now Dad, that's enough photos, come and fuss me instead!" xxx
Praise God..that is the best news I'm sure you guys could get!
I am so glad she is doing better. Praying non-stop for you all!!!!
I am so glad she is doing better. Praying non-stop for you all!!!!
And another prayer is answered!! Praise God!
that is such wonderful news, so happy to hear she is doing well.
What good news!! So glad she's already bouncing back. God really has a special plan for her!
Nate & Tricia, I know I'm a little late with it, but I put a list on my blog for you...check it out when you get a chance.
She's such a cute little peanut and I can tell compared to past pictures that she is really getting healthier and bigger with each week. She's just beautiful and how blessed you and your wife must feel to have her. So glad I stumbled upon your blog and can add your family to my prayer list each day.
Great news! and a great photo - it's so nice to see her unswaddled, stretching her arms and legs. Continuing in prayers for her strength and healing...
Look at her here. I think it's her best pic yet!
Oh Praise You Father for your hand upon this precious child.
Nate that is wonderful news, I'm so happy for you! She is a tiny lil cutie pie. My kids love to look at her pictures. We talk a lot about the tiny baby :)
God bless!
Great news! I love how alert she looks in the picture!
That is such a precious picture! :)
Are those tears in her eyes? Oh my. That makes me sad. But I'm so glad to hear that the precious baby girl doesn't have an infection and is back on the mend. She is such a little doll. I'm praying for you all.
I can tell from those bright eyes that she must be feeling better. Thanks for the update and pics.
I love this picture of little Gwyneth! She is just precious. Prise God that she doesn't appear to have an infection, and that her little body is growing. I am praying for you entire family!
I love the last picture of her! So sweet! I am so glad she is doing better! Sweet baby!
Praise God!!! WOO HOO!
She looks SO much bigger!!! wow, I don't know anything about this realm of things (preemie), but she looks amazing!!! Praying she'll continue to abound and amaze...
Thanks for the update! We've been out of town at a conference & first chance we got to check online, we went straight for your blog. Praise the Lord!
that is my favorite picture. She has changed so much. She is absolutely beautiful (like her mama). You all did really good with her.
HOORAY! Praise God that she is infection-free! She looks so much more grown-up in this picture, and SO beautiful!
That is such good news! Thanks for updating. We were praying off and on all day yesterday for Gwyneth. We prayed again last night and trusting for a donor soon.
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