Friday, March 28, 2008


Remember Kelly who ran the New Orleans Marathon in Tricia's honor last month? Well, she secretly (secret to us) asked the officials if Tricia could receive an Honorary Finishers Medal. It came in the mail with some other cool stuff the other made Tricia's day!

Thanks, Kelly!!!



I Speak Refugee, Let's Chat! said...

Whoo! Just wait until Tricia gets to run the marathon of keeping up with a toddler :) I'm sure that'll be her best race yet!

Becky said...

Very cool...and very thoughtful.

Rick Lawrenson said...

That's beyond cool.
Thanks Kelly!

Lil' Chris' Mom said...

That's awesome! Such a great idea!Hey, I was wondering if Tricia or her mom or you or someone could help me out. I'm a CF mom and am having a very bad day. I let it all out on my blog, but I will have to erase it in a couple of days before my in-laws leave and go back home. I could really use some good advice right now. I'm not sure how to handle it. I'm still learning how to me a good CF mom and not hurt anyone's feeling. Please help!

Kerry said...

That is so awesome! And I know it means the world to Tricia. So thoughtful of Kelly to do so.
Just letting you know your in our thoughts and prayers.

Kim said...

Hooray, Tricia-oh, and sweet picture!

Candy said...

That is so incredibly thoughtful. It makes my day to read such things and hear of such selflessness by other people, so I can only imagine how it make Tricia feel. God bless you, Kelly!

00 said...

How cool!!

Patience Leino said...

That is awesome!

Coach Prentice said...

Kelly....that totally rocks. What a cool, thoughtful thing to do for Tricia.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome and so sweet of Kelly... that must have made Tricia's day. :D

ttulizzy said...

That is totally cool.

Tracy P. said...

Most fitting for the marathon you described in such detail in the previous post. Praying for Tricia who is so eager to see that finish line!

marcia said...

Wow!...again :)
How very cool is that?!!!

Pauline said...

AWESOME how thoughtful!

Sara said...

that's awesome! have a great weekend :)

Sharon S. said...

Way to go, Kelly! I love how you found a way to encourage a saint to persevere in difficult circumstances, to be her "feet" as it were in a marathon.

Kudos to the officials, too, for honoring the request!

Press on!

Heidi Reed said...

Now that is really fantastic. What a wonderful friend she is to you guys. Way thoughtful!!

Amy E. said...

Very cool!!!! What a great idea!!
Have a blessed weekend!

Anonymous said...

Awe. Thanks Kelly for being so sweet and thoughtful!

Heather Nicole said...

How cool is that?!

What a neat image of Trisha and that medal. It just screams of Hope. And that is what we have in Christ. Such a Good News picture!


Michelle said...

I just wanted to let you know that you all have prayers coming fom Grand Rapids, MI. I am the founder and President of a local organzation called Friends & Families of Cystic Fibrosis. We raise money that stays here in our community for CF families. I have been following your story and am amazed by your courage and faith. You are all an inspiration and a testiment to Gods many blessings.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all,


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

That is just too cool! :)

Jen Wilson said...

Wow, that is so sweet of her!

Meredith said...

WOW.... seems to be the word for blogging today! But that really is WOW.... Way to go Kelly! That is really thoughtful and quite special. Need more people in this world like Kelly who do the little extras for others. Way cool!

Julie said...

Wow, that was really thoughtful of her!

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet.

Jane said...

Yeah Kelly!!! You rock girl!