Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Remind Me Next Time...

Just because Arby's sells three Beef 'n Cheddar sandwiches for $5 does NOT mean that I have to eat them all in one sitting...



My2Girls said...

Nate -

U R cracking me up!


Carol said...

Ugggh!!!! And you probably had a few things from the bake sale, too, huh???? Pepto Bismal time!

Deb said...

Can you please tell my husband that too?

sprinkle4 said...

Time for the Tums!

I have been reading your blog for some time now and I just wanted to say thank you so much for loving the Lord and your family the way that you do. You have been an inspiration to those you may never meet until we all get to Heaven. Words cannot begin to convey how much I appreciate you sharing your life with us all.

Blessings on you and your girls!:)

Paige Hinrichs said...

I recognize that face! You look just like my husband after he's eaten 3 of those. Ugh! Poor thing.

Princess Talana said...

That 3 for $5 deal is my BFF as a CFer needing to gain weight!

GinnyBerry said...

Last year they had them here 5 for $5.00 here all of the time. I bet the price went up. My son loves them and can eat all five.

I bet you enjoyed every bite.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I LOVE those!! But, yes, ugggggghhhh! :o)

Rachael and Travis said...

That doesn't even SOUND good! Bleh!

Shandelle said...

Oh blech. I can BARELY eat half of one. I'm sure your arteries are thanking you too ;)

Hope the stomach ache goes away soon!

The Mom Jen said...

I feel your pain...just because Little Caesar's has $5 Hot and Ready's doesn't mean I should eat a whole large pizza alone...but I do....and I pay!


Katie@ThisCrazyLife said...

Yea, I don't think that deal was made for a single person. My parents own three Arby's, so thanks for the free advertising though! Next time share that third one w/ a friend!

Candi said...

Yum----I love beef n' cheddar!!

Donna said...

Your gonna blow out your gall bladder doing that, lol. Those are good, though.

Anonymous said...

Man that price keeps going up for them... I remember 5 for 5... Ahh well....
You are so funny and it makes my day some days when dealing with things in our own home...

beth said...

Did you have spicy curly fries, and a large pop??? Yummy!!
Pre treat with anti acid controller, plus a milk shake:)
Food my fav subject!!!
beth (from hh)

Chelley said...

hey you know that what you eat wont put wait on bubs!!!

Gizela said...

Hallo Nate,
You know....I do that with marshmallows that I 'barbeque'. I can't stop! I get so sweet that my throat burns from it....heeheh....
O ja...want to teach you something else in Afrikaans. Tonight when you tuch Tricia into bed; say to her "Ek is baie lief vir jou". That means I love you very much!
Hope that you have a wonderful day.

John & Michelle said...

The cheese cake bites are greeeat! Give them a try next time!

Anonymous said...

they used to have them for 5 for 5 dollars. Man inflation. You *could* have had 5 of them. :)

Scott said...

That is too funny! But on a serious note for all readers who battle the bulge. On a scale of 10 your hunger level/full level should always be in the 4-7 range. Never hungrier than 4 and never fuller than 7. Best eating tip I ever heard!

daralala said...


; )

Shannon said...

I feel your pain. My husband did the same thing three years ago. It had great results though, we stopped eating fast food. It's not as hard as it sounds, lol.

Meredith said...

OHHHH!!!! Those are yummy!! Maybe not three at once though. Like the great tips from Scott.

Sara said...

well after reading that post now I fancy a beef & cheddar, only problem is the closest Arby's is probably over 3000miles away :(

Hope you're feeling better by now!!

Destini said...

Unfortunately those beef n cheddars do not taste as good cold as they do pipin' hot! I can see where it's tempting to eat all 3!

Em said...

If they weren't so darn good though!!!!!

sarah. said...

Mmmm my favorite... I like to get the cheesesticks with them too haha

laurie said...

Looking forward to the day when 3 beef-n-cheddars can be shared with your girls!

Brooks Family said...

Ha. Dork. ;)

Full of Grace said...

You are one funny guy :)

Sarah said...

Yum!! Now I want some. :)

Amy said...

At the risk of sounding like your mother..."you only have yourself to blame!" :-)

Just a smalltown girl said...

Oh but they are so yummy and worth a little gut rot!


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

RUT roe...

Stephanie, Phil, Kayla, Logan & Alex said...

That's the same thing my husband says!

begins with v said...

ohhh not fun!

Unknown said...

Have you been sneaking them to Gwyneth? Is that why she hit the two pound mark? ;>)

Kylee said...

I am so jealous, we don't have an Arby's in Vermont! :(

Beth said...

Hey, Nate, if you get a chance, check out www.settingcaptivesfree.com
I have been working on The Lord's Table Bible studies and they are an awesome help in not eating three Arby's sandwiches...although they do look yummy!
Thanks for your "bump" post. I remember reading it the first time around and it brought tears to my eyes again reading it this time! We serve an awesome God! In times of distress, I too have experienced His wonderful peace. I cannot imagine living life without the Lord.
Still praying and following your story.

ttulizzy said...

Yumm...Arby's Beef and Cheddar.

Sigh...now I want one! (But just ONE, not three!)

Charissa said...

haha, that is hillarious! I really started laughing out loud at that one!

The Adoption Of William said...

How did you manage......argh :)


Jen-William's Mom


Apple said...

I swear, you and my husband could totally be friends.

OH! And you've GOT to tell me where you got that guitar coat you were wearing in one of your pictures!

chanceofcrazy said...

plop plop fizz fizz

Adrienne & Alyssa said...

LOL! I darn near peed my pants!

Adrienne & Alyssa said...

OK, I lied.

I DID pee my pants. :/

Matt Pfingsten said...

Dude - that is hilarious. I love B&C's and can get two down with some discomfort...but three is crazy. On that note...WHY don't they make that sweet sauce that they put on them available in packets? Its delicious.

Anonymous said...

Send one of those sandwiches up to the 5th floor and I'll eat it gladly. I just found out they have sushi in the Cafeteria! Yum!


Anonymous said...

Ugh, just thinking about eating 3 of those at once, makes my stomach turn. :(

twin power mommy ♥ said...

Just thinkin about it makes my tummy hurt! LOL :D

Acid, indigestion, Upset stomach, dia-rhea....pepto-bismal!!(sung to the tune of their commercials)

Anonymous said...

Ewww... that's about 1350 calories and 60 grams of fat... not including drink and fries... too bad Gwyn and Tricia can't get a hold of those...

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Should we FEDEX you some TUMS? Heather

Heidi said...

I love the B & C with tons of the extra "red ranch sauce". Yum!

It is a wonder how close your baby may be to actually going home. My friends were just able to take theirs home at a wee bit over 3 pounds. Could not believe they would actually discharge a baby that tiny but they did. Had a long NICU stay like your baby as well.
Praying for you all!

Rachel said...

HAHA! My girls and I just got back from Arby's. My three year old and 17 month old can eat a whole Arby's cheddar sandwich. Praying for the day when yo can share your Beef-n-Cheddar's with your girls now that will be a good reason to get the 3 for $5 deal!!! Isn't it funny to think of tiny Gwyneth eating a Beef-n-Cheddar, the thing practically weighs as much as she does.
Rachel in PA
PS I check your page all the time just waiting, hoping and praying for the day when I open your page and see that Trish's new lungs are on there way. Keep the Faith God has a plan for your family and this is just the beginning of it.

raw said...

But they're sooo gooooood! Beef and cheddar is my ALL TIME FAVORITE Arby's sandwich.

AlaneM said...

Ewww!! That chesse stuff is so not anything like cheese IMO. But of course, my DH loves them :)

~j~ said...

not only did this picture crack me up but the label you tagged it with was even more hilarious...
emotions for sure, that is one bad to the bone burger! thx but no thx :))

Shannon said...

Gwenyth will be eating them soon!