FYI, the wireless internet at the hospital has been down since about midnight last night, which is limiting my blogging and email checking abilities. I sneaked away for a few minutes and found some free wireless a few blocks away sitting in my car, but am just sitting here long enough for my emails to load.
Anyway, you may not hear as much from me until the internet is back up, and I have no idea when that will be. If anything major happens, somebody else will update the blog for me.
Lol! That wasn't there a second ago!
I have the power! (to update, that is...)
And at our house, we've paid the internet bill, so we're up.
No internet! aaaaahhhhhh! That's like being stranded on a deserted island.
such a pretty picture! ;p
Lose the hat and get a hair cut. No wonder Gwyneth smiles when she sees you. She's being polite.
enjoy the respite! And Kudos to dad for his comments! I get just as many laughs from him as I do you - must run in the family!
I kinda like the picture....
But being without the internet is not fun....
What a bummer. Hopefully it will be up and running again soon!!!!
Thanks for letting us know, Nate. We're all still praying for you!
your dad is funny!
well that sux doesn't it. hope it's up soon, i love your updates.
Thank you so much for sharing your story- your love for the Lord- and your love for your girls. You are an amazing family!
I hope you don't mind- but I put
a link to your blog on our family blog tonight (sunday's post). I was honoring some blogs that I think are "note"worthy- I hope you don't mind. God bless your sweet
family, Tanya
Nate, I've been reading your blog for weeks. After crying for the upteenth time watching your latest video of sweet Gwyneth, I thought I should at least post and let you know I have been praying for your wonderful family. The mom's at my local playgroup (here in Greensboro, NC) meet weekly and we talk about you all like we actually know you and you are good friends. A typical conversation: "Hey, have you heard the latest on baby Gwyneth?" 'Yeah, she's off the vent!' "Did you see the picture of Tricia holding her? I cried." 'So did I! I'm so happy for them!' So, although the chances of us meeting are very slim, please know that we love you like family. Actually, we are family...brothers & sisters in Christ. Much Love, Shana Voss (I had to delete this post and re-post it because I spelled Miss Gwyneth's name wrong...how embarrassing)!
Nate and Tricia,
My mom made her special baby blankie and burp cloth for Gwyneth with her name on them and a beautiful rose embroidered on them for you and I would love to send them to you. If you could please e-mail me an address so I can get them out I'd appreciate it!
About the blankies, she makes them for all of the kids in our family and they are the favorite "snuggles" among the kiddos! The blankets have the full name and birth date as well as something special that relates to the baby. They are silk on one side and flannel on the other. The burp cloths are the same and those have Gwyneth's initials and the rose. All of the kids have used the burp cloth ones as mini "take along" snuggles if you will since it's no fun dragging a large blanket around all over the place, they also make great lap blankets for little ones in the carseat!
I'd love to send you a picture of my son with his well loved (and now patched LOL!) blanket for you to check it out. My mom says I can't send you pics of the one for Gwyneth because she wants you to see it in person! She also makes these for adults and the elderly in a nursing home and would love to make one for Tricia if she'd like one with whatever Tricia wants embroidered on it. They are nice and warm but the softness of the silk and the flannel make them nice to snuggle up with any time, let alone when you aren't feeling your best.
I hope this post finds you all well. I'm so happy for Tricia being able to hold her baby girl. I know how special that mommy and baby bonding time is. I hope Tricia knows that even with it being so long before she got to hold her precious baby that Gwyneth still remembers her mommas smell and sounds. That bond is something that no time could break, as is evident with the beautiful smiles she gave her momma when she was in her arms!
All of our prayers and thoughts are still with you and we hope to hear more fabulous news about Tricia very soon. I'm very glad that your dad wrote that entry about how to pray for a donor, it's helped tremendously. We pray for the donor every day too.
Thank you doesn't seem like enough for me to say to all of you. You have shown us so many wonderful ways God works in our lives, you have made my family pray together which is something we have never done before. I have so many things I'd love to tell you about and so many miracles that have happened in our family since we opened our eyes to Him through you all.
Thanks again and I hope to hear from you so I can send these beautiful blankets my mom made with love for Gwyn.
Jeni, Hannah, Megan and Jack (all preemies)
Nathan you are so FUNNY :)))))
Hurry back Internet!!
Now we need to add "internet" to our prayer requests. Can't go without updates for long. :)
lookin' a little grumpy without internet… lol. i know the feeling. ours was out for a while saturday.
Uh, oh...no updates! :( Love the funny picture though..
Hi Nate and Tricia,
My name is Melissa I have been following your story for a while now. I have never posted here, but I did want to take a moment to let you know that you are in my prayers. I also wanted to send you this wild video that I came across. Enjoy! and God Bless you and your precious Gwenyth!
OMG!!! I would go INSANE!!! That happens all the time at UNC. Hopefully they will get it back up soon. Enjoy the break. Gwyneth is looking absolutely beautiful! I am so glad that Tricia is getting to spend more time with her. Nicholas is going to try to go back to school tomorrow for the first time in 8 weeks. Keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer that everything goes well!
I have one question - who's driving the car since you're in the passenger seat (seat belt position gives you away) or are you in London where the driver is on the right side of the car ;)?
Glad to see you wearing your seat belt!
I just wanted you to know that I am in awe of your little family. I have known Tricia since we lived in Jersey. This is Danielle's sister, Tricia (Osborn) Knapp. I am watching how you all take life as it is and give God all the praise. I had an interesting year with health stuff but watching you makes me never want to complain again. Keep going!!! Praise God for how Gwyneth is doing better and we will continue to pray for Tricia to get those lungs soon.
Tricia :)
You could do a lemonade commercial for Sonic with that face!!
Hoping you get connected soon...
Hoping you are back up and running soon. I just spotted the pictures with Gwyneth smiling at you and Tricia and it melted my heart. She is so beautiful and such a miracle. Prayers continue for the three of you and it is such a blessing to see Tricia with her. Soon she will be holding her and kissing her. I am praying for this day to be soon.
Love you guys, Laurie in Ca.
As selfish as it is, I've got to say I really hope you have internet by Tuesday. Your updates on Gwyneth are one of the highlights of my week. :-) Seriously, though, praying that she and Tricia continue to do well and that Tricia's new lungs come soon.
I just find your blog via a friend of a friend. I just want to encourage you to continue to hang in there and cling to the Lord. You sound like you are doing awesome but know that there are down days besides the fact that you don't realize how stressful it is until after the fact. Keep looking to the Lord. He is your strength.
I have just found your blog through a friend. Its the highlight of my day now to check on updates of your precious wee rose and of course, your gorgeous Tricia. Yous are an amazing couple and have such an incredible strength and loving bond. I've lost count over how many times I have cried over your updates/photos and slideshows.
Keeping yous all in my thoughts,
Nate-you don't know me but I get google updates for "lung transplant" and your blog came up. I had a double lung transplant almost 4 years ago. I am doing great. I also have CF and am now 32. I am incredibly moved by the journey you and Tricia are on. And even perhaps a little jealous. I have always wanted to have children and came to terms with the fact I would just need to adopt a long time ago. To read your posts about Gwyneth brought tears of joy to my eyes. I have signed up to receive your feed.
Please keep praying (as I'm sure you will). During my transplant I had many people in my waiting room and prayer groups across the country praying for me and I know it brought me through the surgery and the recovery! I was very sick when I had my transplant. Please let me know what the situation is with tricia. How is she doing? How close is she to getting the call? You can reach me at abiggs1@optonline.net
All my best,
Hi Nate,
I know I am yet another comment amongst what I am guessing a million! However I wanted to send you all my best for what is such a hard time for all 3 of you. I see just from the comments you have touched many hearts and even though there are probably just as many critics, you are an inspiration by shoving the negatives to the back and continuing on full steam ahead. We all have our fair share of problems but many of us don't realise the simple things in life and take pleasure in these. You deserve a medal for how brave and positive you are being through your tough time. Both of your girls are adorable. I am not christian however I do believe in god and I take special time to pray for you and people like you. All my best with thoughts and prayers to you, Tricia and Gwyneth. - Kimi (from Australia)
Nate, hope you get connected again soon. Sunday was a great day @NHC. It started out with Granpa showing the new pictures and giving updates on Gwyneth. I observed a rather loud round of clapping after each update, and I heard a lot of "thank you Jesus, and amens, and YES! from the folks on the floor as Rick choked a little with joy.
What an inspiration for a service to be able to see God's work.
Continued prayers for health and improvements.
Enjoy the withdrawal! I'm slowly learning in running to take what the course gives me, if running up hill, slow down, if I get a downhill, go faster. Enjoy the break. Know there is a huge following who continue to pray and care.
Yes, Nate, enjoy the break. Although "we'll" all miss you! LOL! I'm sure it feels like your missing your right arm!
I second the motion from your dad to get your hair cut. It looks like Tricia got hers cut (and it looks really cute BTW).
God Bless you all!
Michelle in MO
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