Ready for another contest? This one is just for fun!
The hit counter just passed 1.75 million hits. Let's see who can guess the exact day and hour and minute (EST) that we will reach 2 million.
Here are the rules:
1) You must choose a day (ex. April 21)...we'll assume you mean the year 2008.
2) You must choose a time (ex. 2:24am)...we'll assume you mean Eastern Standard Time.
3) You only get one guess, so make it the right guess.
4) Price Is Right rules apply...the FIRST person to guess the closest or exact day and time WITHOUT going over wins!
5) This contest will close on Monday, March 17 at 12:00pm (noon) EST.
The prize this time is slightly more substantial than the prize for The Last Contest.
Meka & I will be cheering you on!

first one!!!
March 20th, 2008
5:10 pm
still praying!
I think it will happen at...
March 19th at 10:12am
I am guessing March 23rd at 11:40am
March 22
3:15 a.m.
March 21st at 2:15pm
I am guessing March 25th at 8:05pm
March 24th
March 23, 4:13pm
Easter... why not?
March 20th at 9:16am
(still praying!)
I am going with my gut here.
March 23
march 20th... i am going to go with 1:06 since thats how much the rose weighed at birth.
March 25th, noon.
sorry... 1:06am
03/27 at 3:27 A.M.
March 18th at 4:30 am
March 30th, 10:30am
March 21st, 2008
10:04 a.m.
March 19, 8:42 pm.
My guess: March 24th, noon
March 25th
March 31 at 7:20pm
March 23, 2008
8:24 AM NC time. :)
April 2, 2008 10:05 am
March 30 at 12:05 a.m.
Your blog is awesome!
I'm thinking March 19th at 12:00 PM
March 23rd Easter Sunday
At 09:09 your time (that will be aftnernoon in Holland ;o))
All the people will be logging on before church to wish you a good Easter, to see Gwyneth in her Easter outfit and to see if you have reached 2000000 yet!!
Good luck!
I am guessing March 30 at 2:22 pm.
Nate, you are such a riot!
March 23 at 11:43 am
It's gotta be March 20th at 11:11pm!
March 17, at 12:00 am
March 28 at 12:45 PM
march 27th @ 11:11am
Hey Nate!!! I finally signed up for an account after weeks of following ya'll!!! I read your family's posts and I think you are all wonderful and I especially love yours!!!! Ok as for the guess I am going to pick May 8 at 4:15 p.m.
In God's Amazing grace,
April 4, 4:44 pm
The 2 millon mark will hit March 19, 3:00 pm
I just put way too much thought into this! Even got out the caculator!
March 24th 7:34 am (your time)
April 10, 2008 at 11:22am EST
March 19th 4:15 am
March 23 at 11:03 am
March 24, 2008
April 9, 2008 @ 12:32PM
March 25th 8:45 AM
What a math problem that was...LOL!!
March 23, 1:06 (PST)
March 21st @ 7:55 a.m.
I think the end time should be noon eastern daylight time, since that's what most of the country is on at the moment.
::: waiting to get 'smacked' :::
My vote is May 21, 3:52 p.m. EDT ;)
I am confused, it seems like everyone guessed a time after the contest was over. Did you make a type-o or did everyone else misread? Or, maybe I am the idiot. Let me go back and read it. LOL!
I choose April 13th at 9:16am b/c it's my youngest son's birthday :-)
April 12th at 7:17am
march 22, 8:14pm
March 23rd...Easter Sunday at 6:00 am
I'll vote April 21 (that's my b-day) 9:15 am
Even though it will probably be sooner, I'm going to go with my brithday & time:
May 3rd @ 4:59 PM
March 19 at 3:49 the time and date of my first baby girl.
Okay I am going to guess March 19 at 12:02 pm.
This is going to be fun!
March 24 at 10:13 PM
March 27 - 7:17 a.m.
April 1, 12:58 PM
April 11 at 9:05 pm :)
March 26, 2008
10:14 a.m. :)
March 19 @ 11:55pm
=) Can't wait to find out when it happens! hehe
April 1, 9AM
april 4th, 9:37 AM
March 25th, 6:23 EST
March 24th, 10:13 a.m. EST
March 25, 1:15 pm
April 5th, 6:42am
May 3, 6:48 a.m.
I have no idea why. Ear scritches to that sweet pup!
March 20, 2008 @ 6:51pm
March 23rd 12:31 pm
Many blessings
March 28 2am
March 19th, 8:57am
humm...April 5th 10PM
March 21 ~ 1:07 pm
Kim, NC
March 27th at 3:56 am
p.s. I like families with a Nathan and a Rachel in them. Because my family does too :) I liked your 7 things.
I'm going to say April 14, 12:23
April 1, 2008 12:15am
March 21
10:41 PM
March 29th at 12:20 p.m.
I'm going to say March 23rd, 2:32 pm. 19 years after my daughter was born
April 17th, 7:55 am, My Natalie's exact birthday. :) I am sure you will get there way before then though...
March 25
4:10 pm
March 25
4:10 pm
I think, March 29 at 4:51 am....
March 27 at 9:54 a.m.
God bless you guys!
I'm guessing March 29, 6:54 EST.
Again, another fun contest.
I am guessing March 24 at 10:33 am EST.
Prayers for you all!
3/21 @ 3:00
Nathan, I'm not guessing, I already know. April 2, at 9:40 p.m., which is the exact moment that you were born!
April 5, 8:32AM
March 19th 8:46pm
Prayers, hugs and love!!
march 30, 2008
0654 am
March 25
3:34 p.m.
April 14, 2:41pm.
I believe it will happen on March 18th at 9:24pm...
It will probably happen sooner, but I'll go with my dad's birthday on April 12 at 2:03pm. God bless you!
March 22nd @ 8:07 am
God Bless!!
March 24 at 8:28 a.m.
praying in TN.
March 24, 3:27pm
April 12th, at 8:19pm
April 2 3:33pm
Praying that Trish gets new lungs before this and that you blow the counter out of the water much sooner than this!! If she does, my vote goes for 3million hits by April 2nd. :o)
May 4th at 4:55am
I think March 19th at 10.00am
I am voting for May 24th at 6:03 pm EST.
March 29th at 7:59 pm
30 March at 12.50pm
April 2nd at 10:32 am.
March 19th
12:17 p.m.
March 21
10:04 pm
Well you have some pretty popular girls, so I am going to have to say sooner than later. Still hoping and praying.
March 30, 8:19 am
April 19, 10:05 AM
March 24 - 11:07am
April 10th @ 1:52pm.
March 25, 2008 10:29am EST
-Lisa Collinsworth
March 26, 2008, at 7:08 am.
I am guessing April 1 at 7:00pm. Prayers for your girls, and you!!
March 23rd at 2:09pm!
March 24th at 12:15pm
March 26 6:36p,
April 4th
1:37 pm
March 31st, 8:46am.
April 4th 2:02 PM
March 24, 2008
9:19 pm
March 21... 8:55pm
My guess is April 2nd, at 11:23 a.m.
Incidentally that is my son's birthdate and time.
God's blessings to you and your family!
I'm guessing March 23rd at 4:34pm
March 26th 7pm
April 1, 2008
March 24th at 1:55 pm
I will probably be WAY off, but this is fun (and my first time posting). I will choose my "half birthday" which is April 22, and 10:22 AM (10:22 is my "favorite time", except maybe 11:11). Again, probably WAY too far away from now considering people come here like 100 times a day, but I just HAD to take a guess!
As a pediatric nurse, I appreciate the "thank you to nurses" is a privilege to be able to make a difference in the lives of others, but great when people realize how challenging it can be and show appreciation for our hard work.
March 28 at 6:27 pm!
April 1st at 11:11 am your time :] this is fun!
June 10 at 6:57pm, Mountain Time
Still praying in CO for you and your lovely ladies.
March 29 at 11:29 EST
March 27th, 6:11 PM (The moment my beautiful son, Luke, was born - and he's an almost two year old hottie. Is Miss Gwyneth looking for suitors yet?)
March 18th 8:02 p.m.
March 25, 3:02 a.m.
March 22nd at 9:45pm
april 7 at 7:00
March 20th, at 10:17pm
I say April 1st at 3PM!
March 24 at 9:40am
mar 30 9:37 am
April 1, 2008
Ok - my first post and I am excited! First off - love your writing ... and your family ROCKS!
Here's my guess ...
I would say ... Tuesday March 18, 2008 @ 6:45 am
March 21 @ 12:31pm
March 22, 8:30 am
My Birthday...March 24 at 8:26 am
March 20th @ 2:30pm
March 24, 2008
10:31 AM
March 21st, at 7:05pm.
March 26th at 7:42 am
March 21, 2008 at 3:42pmEST
March 25, 3:05 p.m.
March 25th, 11:11pm
April 1 @ 12:01
March 20th 10:55am. I think of you and your family often. Thank you for sharing everyday! God Bless.
March 23, 6pm. Ahhh, make it 6:02 pm.
March 31 at 5:30 p.m.
April 1, 2008 3:30 p.m.
My guess?!?
March 27th @ 2:14 pm
March 28 at 5:05pm.
March 28 at 5:05pm.
March 18th at 9:15pm
March 19
2:11 p.m.
March 23, 2008 at 7:00 PM
March 20th, 11:09pm (my babies 7 month bday!)
March 23rd 11:11 am
Wow! It looks like you already passed it! Congratulations on your site. It is an awesome glorification of God and I'm so glad to have found it.
March 21st at 4:30 am
March 29th at 9:10 am
March 25th 8:15 pm EST
April 11 @ 4:11 p.m. central time
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