Gwyneth had a rough night last night. Beginning early evening, she began desating (O2 levels dropping), and it progressed as the evening went on. She is now ventilated again on the jet vent (which does all of the breathing for her). Xrays show that she has some fluid in her lungs, which could be either a sign of infection or just a sign that she is worn out from breathing on her own.
They've sent blood and urine cultures to look for infections and are giving her some antibiotics in case there is an infection. She is stable now, but slightly sedated to keep her from moving around. Her blood pressure and heart rate are both very good.
Neither Tricia or I slept well, as we received a few phone calls from the NICU nurse practitioner keeping us updated throughout the night.
As always, we are trusting that God is in control. Please, pray with us that she will not have an infection, but that either way, the doctors and nurses and RT's will find the source of the problem so that they will know how to best treat it.
Thank you.
As always, lifting little Gwyneth up in prayer. May Jesus' loving arms keep her safe, and towards the road to recovery!
i'm praying for her now. and for you both as well.
praying for your sweet girl.
Thank You for the updates. I will continue to pray for your family!!!
Praying right now for Gwyneth to bounce back and for you and Tricia to get a little rest today!
Continued prayers for your precious little girl.
Hopefully she'll bounce back quickly!
I have faith that He'll protect her, and help you both get through this. Life is so fragile sometimes...
Praying without ceasing......
I'm praying for your family, especially Gwyneth today, and will continue to do so.
Lifting her up in prayer right now.
Praying for your family as we speak (or write). You have thousands of prayer warriors at your disposal. I feel like Gwyneth and Tricia have there own army of warriors standing in the gap. It is a beautiful thing to witness. I will also pray for peace for you as you try to keep everything together for everybody.
Praying for each of you and for Gwyneth's caregivers...
continueing to pray here in Raleigh
She is covered in our prayers!
You all are!
absolutely praying for Miss G...
Praying hard! It was great to see your mom today.
You got it!
Hoping it's not an infection and that poor Gwyneth only got tired of breathing on her own and needed a little help for now. She is a true fighter , to have even made it this far against all odds with those tiny lungs! I pray for her continued strength and fight. Gwyneth has tons of people praying for her! I just know she will climb this hurdle too! GOOoooo Gwyneth!
Are you and Tricia still allowed to visit her and hold her?
I'm praying. I'll put a link to today's post on my blog and ask others to pray, too.
Lifting you all up before the throne of grace.
Praying for the family.
By the way... I think Gwyneth looks a lot like you, Nate, in this picture. :)
Praying and sending many hugs..
Just prayed for all of you.
In Him..
Sending prayers NOW for Gwyneth's rest and healing. And for Tricia and you, and for the wisdom of her doctors and nurses. Especially praying for no infection...
Oh Nathan, we are praying for your family.
Praying for sweet baby Gwyneth...and her mommy and daddy, too!!
Repeating all above sentiments, prayers will be sent up for sweet Gwenyth today!
Praying throughout the day.
Praying for you all. When we were in the NICU we felt like we were on a roller coaster. So many ups and downs. This is a prayer I said for Grace everyday. Since finding your blog I have been saying it for Gwyneth. You all are in our thoughts and prayers.
Lord look upon Gwyneth with eyes of mercy, may your healing hand rest upon her, may your life giving powers flow into every cell of her body and into the depths of her soul, cleansing, purifying, restoring her to wholeness and strength. Amen
When I saw the heading I started praying before I even read the post. Dear Lord please place your healing hand on little Gwyneth.
Sarah in Missouri
I'm praying for baby Gwyneth always as well as for Tricia & you also Nate.You're a precious family.
Bonnie Meyer
Washington, Missouri
i think she looks so much like you! i love that her cheeks are starting to get chubby! she's simply precious! Praying for her lungs and no infections!
I am praying so hard for your beautiful little angel!
Be still an know that I am God;
Psalm 46:10
Just letting you know that I am praying for you and your family...I also posted a request on my blog for prayer.
I'm a silent visitor of you site, I signed up to be able to post just to tell you that I am praying for Gwyneth!
praying for mom and dad to get some rest too, Tricia nneds her strenght!
I'm praying for Sweet Gwyneth! May God hold you all so close.
Praying for all of you, especially little Gwyneth, from Cardiff, UK. XX
We are always praying for you all. Extra prayers today for Gwyneth to get strong again! She is so beautiful!
Praying for you three this very moment & will continue to throughout the day.
I'm praying in Wisconsin.
She really looks like her daddy in that picture! Wow! :)
Tricia & Nathan,
Though I pray for you
"The Mighty Three"(& families)daily, Gwyneth Rose will receive the lions share of my Prayers, until her medical team are able to state her lungs are clear,
and there isnt not an infection,
IF there is an infection,
I pray Gwyneth's medical team can quickly find & identify the source and know exactly what to do to clear it up quickly, that this will bring you Tricia & Nathan peace of mind and in return you are able to rest well.
Showering you & yours
Lovingly With Prayers
Patricia N.
Joining you in prayer right now.
Praying now.
Our prayers continue for Gwyneth, for those who love her, and for the medical professionals who care for her. God's Peace be with you.
Just finished praying for her! Will be praying daily & waiting for updates!
praying for sweet little baby gwyneth, and praying for peace for her parents.
Lifting prayers up to HIM!!
-Shannon in Austin
I'm praying for you all...
We will definitely be praying!!
I'll say a prayer!
I'm assuming you cannot hold her while she's on the jet vent (that's the oscillating vent? Bennett was on that for 6 weeks after birth.) We'll be praying they will quickly find answers and be able to treat her so she can mend and be back in her parents' arms.
For sure we will pray!
I'm praying for your precious little Gwyneth Rose this morning! She must be a very strong little girl & our Father in Heaven is watching over her even as we speak!
Don't you just love those little round cheecks.
Praying for you guys.
Continued thoughts and prayers for your sweet little girl.
praying right now and will continue
Praying for Gwyneth. I have been praying for her and for Tricia, but more prayers going up.
What an amazing picture of tiny Gwynne.
As always, she is in my prayers - as are you and Tricia.
In the words of Job:
"But He knows the way I take; When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.
There's always going to be some bumps in the road, aren't there? Otherwise some of us would never learn to trust God!!
Praying for all of you, as well as Gwyneth's doctors and nurses, so they can provide the best possible treatment for her!
He is in control...praying for Miss Gwyneth!
Praying for the "Fraggle" Praying for healing of her lungs and praying againest any infections. Praying for rest for you both also and the kind of peace only our Awsome Father can provide, please know he has his mighty hands on your whole family.
We will be praying!
I had some micropreemie neighbors in the NICU that this happened to, too.
Thanks for the update.. we'll be praying that you both will be able to get some decent rest and for Gwyneth to get better soon!
Joining my prayers.
Praying for sweet baby Gwyneth, I hope she is infection free.
We are praying for your sweet girl. It's tough when they have a setback. We called it the NICU shuffle...two steps forward, one step back. We are trusting that God will protect her and that she'll bounce back very quickly.
Dear Nathan and Tricia,
We are praying without ceasing for your precious Gwyneth Rose. Thank you for always taking the time to update all of your many prayer warriors. God bless!
Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell
Keeping you and Gwyneth in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless all of you with the strength and will you need during this scary time.
refreshing in ohio
We will be sure to say extra prayers for her today! It was really nice to be able to see her whole face without tubes all over, thanks for sharing all the pictures!
God Bless,
Michelle in MO
Praying for your sweetie!!!! jen in al
Father God, I lift Gywneth up to you again right now. Please strengthen her little lungs against whatever is happening in there. Help all of her caregivers to be alert to subtle clues that will help them make the right decisions for proper treatment, so this episode will be quickly and effectively resolved. I pray for your peace for Nate and Tricia and all of the extended family, near and far, as they wait and wonder. We love you, Lord, and trust that you are working out your plan in all of this! In Jesus' name, Amen.
Sweet Baby Gwyneth, Know that I am praying for you right now sweet girl. Thanks for the updates Nate. Keep strong and remember we're all here for you!
Praying for her...
Through your website, we are in love too. There is a garden of friends, 22 ladies who are agreeing with you, Trisha and a multitude of others who love your family, for this beautiful gift from God. Thank you for sharing with so many.
Kathy - a Garden Friend
Praying for sweet Gwyneth and that you would get some rest.
Thanks for posting so we know exactly what to pray for!
Praying right now! Thank you for sharing details of what you are facing right now so that we know how to best pray for you!
Praying for Gwyneth especially - and for Mummy and Daddy too!
Hugs for you all (I dreamt about you all last night - funny, must look at the blog a lot!)
We are pulling for you little girl!
I pray for you all every day. I will be extra dilligent in praying for Gwenneth - sending up little 'arrow' prayers for her each time God brings her to mind.
I know you'll keep us updated.
Praying for your peace as well!
Extra prayers have been said, more will follow throughout the day. I can truly feel God's presence just reading these comments, and that just makes me even more confident that he is wholly surrounding your family, medical personnel and all those involved.
extra big hugs and love from Florida!!
Oh, no! Praying for Gwyneth.
You're in our prayers...
Praying for your sweet blessing.
With Love and Hope,
Jen-William's Mom
Thanks for the update...Praying for sweet Gwyneth in Dallas...Also praying for peace for you and Tricia...Hopefully the doctors will find the source and this will get resolved quickly and Gwyneth will be breathing on her own again soon. My thoughts and prayers are with all 3 of you...
so thankful that God knows more intimately all the details and your hearts in this matter. Praying as He leads.
Praying for you all right now.
I found your blog a couple of weeks ago by accident.
I have read it faithfully every day & have said prayers every time I read.
I will continue praying for all 3 of you + the medical staff. God is in control.
Praying for you, Tricia and little smiling Gwyneth.
Praying for Gwyneth. Saying a prayer for you and Tricia as well.
Many prayers... i remember those kinda nights like they were yesterday.
Please remember that the Lord has His loving hands in all of this.
Praying for sweet baby Gwyneth, and for some rest for Mom and Dad.
praying for both Gwyneth and Tricia.
Your family will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers!
Sending good thoughts to all of you!
Gwyneth is never far from my mind today, even as I fold laundry, wipe fannies and all of the other exciting things that I do, my mind is turned to prayer for her...
I do have a question how can such a sweet tee-tiny baby already have such yummy chubby cheeks??? That picture makes my heart turn into a puddle on the floor.
Praying for all three of you and especially your baby.
Love, Laurie in Ca.
praying for you sweet girl!
Praying for everyone!
I am praying for you all ..... my boys are too, there is something about prayers that come from 3 and 5 year olds, they tell me that they don't know what words to say yet when they pray I am blown away by their faith.....I'm excited for you two, Nate and Tricia, to experience little Gwyneth's prayers too, it is another amazing way that we can see God here on earth.
Gwyneth, you are the MOST beautiful, cutest baby girl I have ever seen!
I'm praying for little Rose and you all. Thanks for the update
Continuing to pray for Gwyn here in GA! Aspiemom
I will continue to pray for Gwyneth. Hopefully she is just tired of being the world's super preemie baby and just needs a little rest and oxygen.
I am also praying for you and Tricia. I hope that you both can get a good nights sleep and have some good news tonight.
Praying for your sweet beauty.
I cannot wait until that you are posting pictures of that little girl making sand castles on the beach. Until then, I will be right here, praying y'all through. I'm asking God for peace enough to nap this afternoon and healing enough to let Miss Gwyneth show off her beautiful face and breathtaking smile again in no time.
i have praised her progress and will pray for her lungs and eyes and everything else connected to her little fraggle head.
praying for you and tricia too. it's hard being a mommy and a daddy to a sick child!
Praying specifically for Gwyneth's condition today.
My prayers from Missouri for you and your precious family... I found your blog link on a friend's. Since then I can't stop thinking about the 3 of you. How amazing it is the way your story has touched SO many lives. God is so big and His plans so unfathomable.
I pray you will sense the strength of the HS upon you this afternoon.
Praying for little Gwyneth!
continued prayers, I love that picture, she is so beautiful.
I love you baby Gwyneth! I am praying for your strength and for mommy and daddys peace.
Love you guys! xoxoxoxox
Prayer are being said for Gwyneth, Tricia and you.
Malette ND
just wanted you to know that i've been keeping up with you and PRAYING for you even though i haven't been posting a lot! I've got 2 new girls of my own...so I'm crazy busy! but i LOVE you all!!!
Praying for Sweet Gwyneth. Trusting God with you and your family that He who began a good work in you will carry it out until His completion. Praying for peace and rest for you and Trish as you are concerned for your little one.
Praying now.
Thanks so much for the update.
Praying now.
Thanks so much for the update.
Gwyneth, as well as the rest of your family, will be in my prayers!
praying even more than usual for your little one (and her mommy and daddy as well!)
Thanks for the update. As always I am uplifting sweet Gwyneth Rose in prayer. God has his loving arms wrapped around her, and he's keeping her safe. He knows what is in store for her because it's his plan! She will be in my prayers more often than usual (which is a LOT) until we get word that everything has come back clear. I'm also praying for strength and comfort for you and Tricia.
From my experience, when Jaxon started to go downhill I actually hoped it was just an easy to treat infection. I felt this way because something is causing the problem. If it is a simple little infection then they treat it with antibiotics and things go back to normal relatively fast. An infection is usually easy to find and so the solution to it is easier and faster. I always said just let it show its ugly face so we can just treat it and move on. I hope for Gwyneth that it is just a simple, little infection and that she will be back to her normal happy little self soon.
I love that picture of her!
Praying for Gweneth's health and for your state of mind. These tense days can really take a toll.
Praying for your sweet little fraggle! It's beautiful watching this miracle - looking forward to years of pictures of your sweet family together!
Praying in Nashville.
I am praying for sweet Gwyneth right now.
I have recently discovered your blog and pray for you often. I will pray even more today for sweet Gwyneth. You all 3 are an inspiration and a true witness to the goodness of God.
Will be praying for the little sweetheart.
Praying for Ms. Gwyneth!!!
Seriously? How do you have time to do anything else? (so many comments) God is gonna do something big here bc He is making sure alot of people are watching! I'm excited to see it! I've been following your blog a little over a month now. Just wanted to let you know that I've posted your link on my blog. Praying for ya'll! (Oklahoma) Especially Gwyneth right now.
We will pray for Gwyneth and you and Tricia too! My girls both had infections while they were in the NICU so I am sure Gwyneth will be just fine if that is causing her troubles! Make sure they are giving her a broad spectrum antibiotic until the tests come back. We insisted on that with Lindsay once and it turned out to be a great thing! Hope you don't mind the advice :-) After spending 85 days with my girls in the hospital, I feel the need to pass on our gained wisdom :-)
Lord, please be with Gwyneth and her Mommy and Daddy! Amen
Oh my...Gwyneth is so cute!!!
That picture makes me think of an old wise woman (beautiful wrinkles!) that's in love with the Lord. I seriously see God in her joyful face. She's breathtaking!
I'll be praying.
prayers coming from knotts island.
We have a 2lb 28 weeker that is now 8 and 78lbs. I have been lurking and reading but felt a need to comment today. The roller coaster ride of the nicu is rough but oh so worth it in so many ways. I pray for this dip to be a little one. We pray for you all everyday and have been since you had the baby.
The Mcgraths
Praying from Florida!
Keeping her in my prayers as I sit here at work. Get better soon little one.
Keeping her in my prayers as I sit here at work. Get better soon little one.
Praying for all 3 of you right now.
Prayers are being lifted up right now for Gwyneth, Tricia and you.
Lord God, please heal Gwyneth and protect her in this tough time. May you cradle her in your arms, and do what is best for her. I pray for precious Tricia. I pray that she will be able to get a new set of lungs so she can live on to glorify you Lord. I pray for Nate, I pray that you will give him the strength to get through this tough journey, and to know that all this happens for a reason. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN
Praying for precious Gwyneth. God knew about this bump in the road and will hold her in HIS arms and protect her. I pray that God gives Tricia and Nate peace beyond all understanding. People all over the world are praying for your family, and GOD WILL BE GLORIFIED! Much love and prayers coming from Rome, Georgia!
Awww no, this must be such worrying news for you both. At least Gwyneth has had chance over the last few weeks to build up weight and strength so I'm sure that with Duke's amazing medical treatment and the overpowering love of you all, plus prayers from around the world, she will get through this ok. Thinking of you all xxxxx
Praying Gwyneth recovers quickly without any serious setbacks! She's been doing so well and all these days have allowed her to grow and become stronger. Let this also help her through this towards good health again soon!
Praying now and always..
We are praying for you Gwyneth.....love to you all.
I LOVE that pic, I have stopped by "here" no less than 20 times today to see her gorgeous smile. I cannot wait for an update.
Could she get any cuter? Oh my goodness...how could you not smile when you see her? I will continue to pray for all of you. Thanks for filling us in with specific prayer needs. HUGS from Michigan!
I am late reading this as I usually check blogs in the am hours. I just stopped and said a prayer for your precious little one.
I will be praying for this specifically. I just got home and checked in. I will get my guys to be in prayer too.
Christy in KY
Praying for Gwyneth...
Praying for Gwyneth.
I'm praying!
Sending lots of prayers.
Praying for Gwyneth and for her parents too. Stay strong for each other!
I'm sure they told you off the start that life in the NICU is a rollercoaster; however, it never made the setbacks any easier. Praying for Gwyneth, her family and her medical team.
Okay, so that little face pretty much owns me in this moment. :)
Lots of prayers your way....and just wanted to say, as the mother of a 27 weeker who spent almost four months on the vent (many failed attempts), that you get there. Some days, as I am sure you know, the setbacks are harder than other days, but that is when you rely on your faith and know that you do get there.
Hi Nate,
My name is Bethany, and I've been following your blog/journey for a while now. I pray for you all regularly, and this morning I was listening to Matthew West's song "You are Everything" as I was praying for Tricia and Gwyneth. The words of this song spoke to me that God will provide the strength that you (all) need for each day...and every breath is for Him.
You are everything that I live for,
Everything that I can't believe is happening
You're standing right in front of me,
With arms wide open, all I know
Is every day is filled with hope
'Cause You are everything that I breathe for,
And I can't help but breathe You in, and breathe again,
Feeling all this life within, every single beat of my heart.
It often seems like you guys are doing well and feeling strong about your situation, but I know there are also moments of weakness where you can't sleep and you don't know where the next step will come from. God is good, and He is everything that you need. I believe He will provide for Tricia, and I believe He will take GOOD care of baby Gwyneth as well.
I guess I just felt like I should pass that along to you. :)
There is a Stair Climb for CF in my area on April 29th, and I plan to be involved in some aspect because of you all. I'm also planning on encouraging my friends to get involved as well. I'll be posting a link to your blog on my own blog at www.babythunder.net/blog. I just wanted you to know.
Praying for this sweet girl to feel better SOON, and for mommy and daddy to get some sleep!
I've never really been one to pray for people I don't know...but I pray for you guys and it gives me so much joy to do so...
My wife Gayle had read this during the day and updated me. We took a walk after supper and had our prayer time. We prayed for all of you and especially little Gwyneth!
We're praying! This is the stinkin' cutest picture (besides the fraggle picture) that I've seen of Gwyneth... what a precious child!
This is my first visit to your blog. I will be lifting little Gwyneth up in prayer. She is precious!
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